package de.ovgu.cide.samples.utils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class CommentParser { public static final String OPENTAG_BEGIN = "["; public static final String OPENTAG_END = "[/"; public static final String CLOSETAG = "]"; public static final String DESCRIPTION_TAG = "description"; public static final String REQUIREMENT_CATEGORYS_TAG = "requirementcategory"; public static final String REQUIREMENT_CATEGORY_NAME_TAG = "categoryname"; public static final String REQUIREMENT_TAG = "requirement"; public static final String PLUGIN_ID_TAG = "pluginid"; public static final String PLUGIN_MISSING_MSG_TAG = "errormsg"; private String comment; private String desc; private List<RequirementCategory> req = new ArrayList<RequirementCategory>(); public CommentParser(String comment){ this.comment = comment.replaceAll("\n", "").replaceAll("\t", ""); } private String getTextInTag(String tag, String text, int fromIdx) { String openTag; int startId = text.indexOf(openTag = (OPENTAG_BEGIN + tag +CLOSETAG), fromIdx); int endId = text.indexOf(OPENTAG_END + tag +CLOSETAG, startId + openTag.length()); if (startId < 0 || endId < 0 ) return ""; return text.substring(startId+openTag.length(), endId); } private List<String> getElements(String tag, String text, int fromIdx) { String openTag; List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>(); int startId = 0; int endId = 0; startId = text.indexOf(openTag = (OPENTAG_BEGIN + tag +CLOSETAG), fromIdx); endId = text.indexOf(OPENTAG_END + tag +CLOSETAG, startId + openTag.length()); while (startId >= 0 && endId >= 0 && startId < endId) { results.add(text.substring(startId+openTag.length(), endId)); fromIdx = endId + 1; startId = text.indexOf(openTag = (OPENTAG_BEGIN + tag +CLOSETAG), fromIdx); endId = text.indexOf(OPENTAG_END + tag +CLOSETAG, startId + openTag.length()); } return results; } private String getTextInTag(String tag, String text) { return getTextInTag(tag,text,0); } public String getDescription() { if (desc != null) return desc; return desc = getTextInTag(DESCRIPTION_TAG, comment); } public List<RequirementCategory> getRequirements() { if (req.size() > 0) return req; //get the requirements List<String> reqCats = getElements(REQUIREMENT_CATEGORYS_TAG, comment, 0); Iterator<String> i = reqCats.iterator(); String reqGroup; String catName; String curReq; Map<String, String> requirements; while (i.hasNext()) { reqGroup = (String); catName = getTextInTag(REQUIREMENT_CATEGORY_NAME_TAG, reqGroup); requirements = new HashMap<String, String> (); List<String> reqs = getElements(REQUIREMENT_TAG, reqGroup, 0); Iterator<String> j = reqs.iterator(); while(j.hasNext()) { curReq = (String); requirements.put(getTextInTag(PLUGIN_ID_TAG, curReq),getTextInTag(PLUGIN_MISSING_MSG_TAG, curReq)); } //create a requirementcategory and add it to the results req.add(new RequirementCategory(catName,requirements)); } return req; } }