package cide.gast;
import java.util.List;
public interface IASTNode {
* @return parent node of the ast
public IASTNode getParent();
* returns the property inside the parent node that holds this node
public Property getLocationInParent();
void setParentProperty(Property parentProperty);
* returns whether this node is optional and can be removed without
* invalidating the entire AST
public boolean isOptional();
* removes this node from the AST. works only for optional nodes
public void remove();
* unique and stable ID of the AST node. often used to persistently
* associate annotations with AST nodes
public String getId();
public void setId(String id);
* offset of the node inside the source code file. useful to map user
* selections to nodes
public int getStartPosition();
* length of the node inside the source code file
public int getLength();
* returns all properties of this node. can be used to navigate to all child
* nodes. developers would typically rather use a visitor pattern
public List<Property> getProperties();
* retrieves a property that group and hold child elements
public Property getProperty(String name);
/** helper function to return all children (of all properties) */
public List<IASTNode> getChildren();
* visitor pattern
public void accept(IASTVisitor visitor);
* @return root of the ast
public ISourceFile getRoot();
* creates a copy of this node and all childnodes
public IASTNode deepCopy();
* returns a debugging name for this node, do not use for end-user output
public String getDisplayName();
* returns true if the element is a wrapper and getWrappee returns the
* wrapped element. wrappers are used only in some languages and can be
* annotated independently of their children
* see TOOLS'09 paper
* @return
public boolean isWrapper();
* returns the wrapped object. must be not null if isWrapper==true and null
* otherwise
* @return wrapped object or null if isWrapper==false
public IASTNode getWrappee();
public void notifyPropertyChanged(Property property);
* ATTENTION: Never call from outside this package! Never call from a
* Property!
* @param parentNode
* @param parentProperty
void setParent(IASTNode parentNode, Property parentProperty);
* preview of what the source code does look like when printed. when
* providing an own configuration mechanism, this must not necessarily match
* the output of the variant generation process
public String render();
* Ersetzt diesen Knoten durch den gegebenen Knoten.
* ACHTUNG: Die �nderungen von Offsets, die durch ein Austauschen eines
* Knotens passieren k�nnen, werden NICHT durchgef�hrt, so dass der AST
* unbrauchbar werden k�nnte. Zur Zeit wird diese Methode nur auf einer
* DeepCopy des AST ausgef�hrt, die dann gerendered wird.
* @param newNode
public void replaceSubtreeWith(IASTNode newNode);
* gets line number of the node (first line)
public int getStartLine();
* gets line number of the node (last line)
public int getEndLine();