// $Id: Project.java 16657 2009-01-19 16:04:24Z mvw $ // Copyright (c) 2007-2008 The Regents of the University of California. All // Rights Reserved. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this // software and its documentation without fee, and without a written // agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice // and this paragraph appear in all copies. This software program and // documentation are copyrighted by The Regents of the University of // California. The software program and documentation are supplied "AS // IS", without any accompanying services from The Regents. The Regents // does not warrant that the operation of the program will be // uninterrupted or error-free. The end-user understands that the program // was developed for research purposes and is advised not to rely // exclusively on the program for any reason. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, // SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, // ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF // THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF // SUCH DAMAGE. THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY // WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE // PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF // CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATIONS TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, // UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. package org.argouml.kernel; import java.beans.VetoableChangeSupport; import java.io.File; import java.net.URI; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.argouml.uml.diagram.ArgoDiagram; import org.tigris.gef.presentation.Fig; /** * The Project interface encapsulates all information about a designer's * project. It contains the list of diagrams and UML models, various project * properties such as the author's name, and defaults for various settings. * <p> * TODO: This interface was mechanically refactored from the implementation * class {@link ProjectImpl}. It needs to be reviewed and cleaned up, * eliminating methods which should be part of the public API and splitting the * interface into smaller function specific (e.g. TrashCan) interfaces. * * @author Tom Morris <tfmorris@gmail.com> * @since 0.25.4 when it replaced the concrete class of the same name */ public interface Project { /** * Get the project name. This is just the name part of the full filename. * @return the name of the project */ public String getName(); /** * Get the URI for this project. * * @return The URI. */ public URI getURI(); /** * Set the URI for this project. <p> * * Don't use this directly! Use instead: * {@link org.argouml.persistence.PersistenceManager * #setProjectURI(URI, Project)} * <p> * TODO: Why isn't this deprecated or private if it is not to be used? * * @param theUri The URI to set. */ public void setUri(final URI theUri); /** * Set the project file. * * This only works if it is possible to convert the File to an uri. * * @param file File to set the project to. */ public void setFile(final File file); /** * Used by "argo.tee". * * @return the search path */ // TODO: Unused? public List<String> getSearchPathList(); /** * @param searchPathElement the element to be added to the searchpath */ // TODO: Unused? public void addSearchPath(String searchPathElement); /** * Sets the searchpath. * @param theSearchpath The searchpath to set */ // TODO: Unused? public void setSearchPath(final List<String> theSearchpath); /** * Get all members of the project. * Used by "argo.tee". * * @return all members. */ public List<ProjectMember> getMembers(); /** * Add a member: ArgoDiagram, a UML Model, or a ProjectMemberTodoList. * * @param m the member to be added */ public void addMember(final Object m); /** * @param model a namespace */ public void addModel(final Object model); /** * Get the author name. * Used by "argo.tee". * * @return The author name. */ public String getAuthorname(); /** * Set the author name. * * @param s The new author name. */ public void setAuthorname(final String s); /** * Get the author e-mail address. * Used by "argo.tee". * * @return the author e-mail address */ public String getAuthoremail(); /** * Set the author e-mail address. * * @param s the new author e-mail address */ public void setAuthoremail(final String s); /** * Get the version. * This is the ArgoUML version that last saved this project. * This field is not editable by the user. * Used by "argo.tee". * * @return the version. */ public String getVersion(); /** * Set the new version. * This is the ArgoUML version that last saved this project. * This field is not editable by the user. * @param s The new version. */ public void setVersion(final String s); /** * Get the description. * This is the description of the project, as entered by the user. * Used by "argo.tee". * * @return the description. */ public String getDescription(); /** * Set a new description. * This is the description of the project. * It is freely editable by the user. * * @param s The new description. */ public void setDescription(final String s); /** * Get the history file name. * Not used. * Used by "argo.tee". * * @return The history file. */ public String getHistoryFile(); /** * Set the history file name. * * @param s The new history file. */ public void setHistoryFile(final String s); /** * Returns all models defined by the user. I.e. this does not return any * profile packages but all other top level Packages (usually Models). * * @return A List of all user defined models. */ public List getUserDefinedModelList(); /** * Returns all top level Packages (e.g. Models), including the profile * packages. * <p> * <em>WARNING:</em> The models returned by this method are <em>not</em> * ordered. Any code which makes the assumption that the user model is * first (or any other ordering assumption) is broken! * <p><em>NOTE:</em> Since user defined models and profiles are * handled quite differently, you normally want to use * {@link #getUserDefinedModelList()} instead of this method. * * @return A Collection containing all models. */ public Collection getModels(); /** * Return the model.<p> * * If there isn't exactly one model, <code>null</code> is returned. * * @return the model. * @deprecated for 0.25.4 by tfmorris. Use * {@link #getUserDefinedModelList()} or {@link #getModels()}. */ @Deprecated public Object getModel(); /** * Return the default type for an attribute. * * @return a Classifier to use as the default type * TODO: This belongs in ProjectSettings. - tfm */ public Object getDefaultAttributeType(); /** * Return the default type for a parameter. * * @return a Classifier to use as the default type * TODO: This belongs in ProjectSettings. - tfm */ public Object getDefaultParameterType(); /** * Return the default type for the return parameter of a method. * * @return a Classifier to use as the default type * TODO: This belongs in ProjectSettings. - tfm */ public Object getDefaultReturnType(); /** * Searches for a type/classifier with name s. If the type is not found, a * new type is created and added to the current namespace. * <p> * TODO: Move to Model subsystem - tfm 20070307 * * @param s * the name of the type/classifier to be found * @return Classifier */ public Object findType(String s); /** * Searches for a type/classifier with name s. If defineNew is * true, a new type is defined if the type/classifier is not * found. The newly created type is added to the currentNamespace * and given the name s. * <p> * TODO: Move to Model subsystem - tfm 20070307 * * @param s the name of the type/classifier to be found * @param defineNew if true, define a new one * @return Classifier the found classifier */ public Object findType(String s, boolean defineNew); /** * Finds all figs on the diagrams for some project member, * including the figs containing the member (so for some * operation, the containing figclass is returned). * * @param member The member we are looking for. * This can be a model element object but also another object. * @return Collection The collection with the figs. */ public Collection<Fig> findFigsForMember(Object member); /** * Returns a list with all figs for some UML object on all diagrams. * * @param obj the given UML object * @return List the list of figs */ public Collection findAllPresentationsFor(Object obj); /** * Finds a classifier with a certain name.<p> * * Will only return first classifier with the matching name. * * TODO: Move to Model subsystem - tfm 20070307 * * @param s is short name. * @param ns Namespace where we do the search. * @return the found classifier (or <code>null</code> if not found). */ public Object findTypeInModel(String s, Object ns); /** * @param m the namespace * @deprecated for 0.27.2 by tfmorris. Since we can now have multiple top * level packages in the project, there is no concept of a * single current namespace. To add a new top-level package, use * {@link #getRoots()}.add(Object). */ @Deprecated public void setCurrentNamespace(final Object m); /** * @return the namespace * @deprecated for 0.27.2 by tfmorris. Since we can now have multiple top * level packages in the project, there is no concept of a * single current namespace. Callers should use * {@link #getRoots()} and be prepared to handle multiple roots. */ @Deprecated public Object getCurrentNamespace(); /** * @return the diagrams */ public List<ArgoDiagram> getDiagramList(); /** * Get the number of diagrams in this project. * Used by argo2.tee!! * @return the number of diagrams in this project. */ public int getDiagramCount(); /** * Finds a diagram with a specific name or UID. * * @return the diagram object (if found). Otherwise null. * @param name is the name to search for. */ public ArgoDiagram getDiagram(String name); /** * @param d the diagram to be added */ public void addDiagram(final ArgoDiagram d); /** * @param me the given modelelement * @return the total number of presentation * for the given modelelement in the project */ public int getPresentationCountFor(Object me); /** * @return an initial target, in casu a diagram or a model */ public Object getInitialTarget(); /** * @return the VetoableChangeSupport object * @see VetoableChangeSupport * @deprecated for 0.27.3 by tfmorris. This appears to be unused anywhere in * ArgoUML. Speak up now if you need it. */ @Deprecated public VetoableChangeSupport getVetoSupport(); /** * This is executed before a save. */ public void preSave(); /** * This is executed after a save. */ public void postSave(); /** * This is executed after a load. */ public void postLoad(); /** * Moves some object to trash, i.e. deletes it completely with all * dependent structures. <p> * * Deleting an object involves: <pre> * - Removing Target history * - Deleting all Fig representations for the object * - Deleting the UML element * - Deleting all dependent UML modelelements * - Deleting CommentEdges (which are not UML elements) * - Move to trash for enclosed objects, i.e. graphically drawn on top of * - Move to trash subdiagrams for the object * - Saveguard that there is always at least 1 diagram left * - If the current diagram has been deleted, select a new one to show * - Trigger the explorer when a diagram is deleted * - Set the needsSave (dirty) flag of the projectmanager * </pre> * * @param obj The object to be deleted * @see org.argouml.kernel.ProjectImpl#trashInternal(Object) * <p> * TODO: This should just be named delete() or something which better * tells what it does (since there really isn't a trash can). */ public void moveToTrash(Object obj); /** * @param obj the object * @return true if the object is trashed * @deprecated for 0.27.3 by tfmorris. Not actually implemented. The * (future) Undo facility is a better way to handle this. */ @Deprecated public boolean isInTrash(Object obj); /** * Find a type by name in the default model. * <p> * <em>NOTE:</em>The behavior of this method changed after version 0.24. * Earlier versions copied the type from the profile or default model into * the user model. The type is now returned directly and HREFs are used * to link to it when the model is written out. * * @param name the name. * @return the type. */ public Object findTypeInDefaultModel(String name); /** * Returns the root package. * * @return the Package which is the root * @deprecated for 0.25.4 by tfmorris - use {@link #getRoots()} to * packages/model elements which are at the top level. * <p> * TODO: We probably need a getDefaultNamespace() method or * something similar to replace some uses of this. */ @Deprecated public Object getRoot(); /** * Sets the root package. * @param root The root to set, a UML Package * @deprecated for 0.25.4 by tfmorris - use {@link #setRoots}. */ @Deprecated public void setRoot(final Object root); /** * Return a collection of top level Model Elements. Normally for ArgoUML * created models, this will be a single Package or Model, but other tools * may allow more liberal structures. * * @return Collection of top level ModelElements */ public Collection getRoots(); /** * Set the top level ModelElements for this project. * * @param elements Collection of top level ModelElements */ public void setRoots(final Collection elements); /** * Returns true if the given name is a valid name for a diagram. Valid means * that it does not occur as a name for a diagram yet. * @param name The name to test * @return boolean True if there are no problems with this name, false if * it's not valid. */ public boolean isValidDiagramName(String name); /** * Returns the uri. * @return URI */ public URI getUri(); /** * Returns the uUIDRefs. * @return HashMap */ public Map<String, Object> getUUIDRefs(); /** * Sets the uUIDRefs. * @param uUIDRefs The uUIDRefs to set */ public void setUUIDRefs(final Map<String, Object> uUIDRefs); /** * Sets the VetoableChangeSupport object. This will be returned by * {@link #getVetoSupport()} but is otherwise unused. * <p> * TODO: Why is this here since it's never used? - tfm * * @param theVetoSupport The vetoSupport to set * @see VetoableChangeSupport * @deprecated for 0.27.3 by tfmorris. This appears to be unused anywhere in * ArgoUML. Speak up now if you need it. */ @Deprecated public void setVetoSupport(VetoableChangeSupport theVetoSupport); /** * Get the current viewed diagram. * <p> * Used by "argo.tee" to save the name of this diagram, so that the same * diagram can be initially shown when reloading this project. This probably * needs to be converted to an ordered list of open diagram windows to * support MDI. * * @return the current viewed diagram * @deprecated for 0.27.2 by tfmorris for all uses other than argo.tee. The * active diagram is a concept associated with the current * editing window, not a project. It can be retrieved from * {@link org.argouml.uml.diagram.DiagramUtils#getActiveDiagram()}, * which will get the diagram for the window * that last contained the mouse (from GEF). * Alternatively, to get the diagram from a Fig, use * ((LayerPerspective) getLayer()).getDiagram(). */ @Deprecated public ArgoDiagram getActiveDiagram(); /** * @param theDiagram the ArgoDiagram * @deprecated for 0.27.2 by tfmorris. The active diagram is a concept * associated with the current editing window, not a project. */ @Deprecated public void setActiveDiagram(final ArgoDiagram theDiagram); /** * @param diagramName the name of the diagram to show * by default after loading */ public void setSavedDiagramName(String diagramName); /** * Remove the project. */ public void remove(); /** * Used by "argo.tee". * * @return Returns the persistenceVersion. */ public int getPersistenceVersion(); /** * @param pv The persistenceVersion to set. */ public void setPersistenceVersion(int pv); /** * Repair all parts of the project before a save takes place. * @return a report of any fixes */ public String repair(); /** * Used by "argo.tee". * * @return the settings of this project */ public ProjectSettings getProjectSettings(); /** * @return Returns the profile configuration. */ public ProfileConfiguration getProfileConfiguration(); /** * Set the profile configuration. * * @param pc the profile configuration */ public void setProfileConfiguration(final ProfileConfiguration pc); /** * Return the UndoManager for this project. Undo is managed on a * per-project basis. * * @return the UndoManager for this project */ public UndoManager getUndoManager(); /** * @return true if Project has been modified since last save */ public boolean isDirty(); /** * Set the dirty flag for the project. This has no direct effect other than * setting the flag. * * @param isDirty true if the project should be marked as dirty */ public void setDirty(boolean isDirty); }