//#if defined(COGNITIVE) //@#$LPS-COGNITIVE:GranularityType:Package // $Id: ToDoItem.java 38 2010-04-03 19:14:10Z marcusvnac $ // Copyright (c) 1996-2008 The Regents of the University of California. All // Rights Reserved. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this // software and its documentation without fee, and without a written // agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice // and this paragraph appear in all copies. This software program and // documentation are copyrighted by The Regents of the University of // California. The software program and documentation are supplied "AS // IS", without any accompanying services from The Regents. The Regents // does not warrant that the operation of the program will be // uninterrupted or error-free. The end-user understands that the program // was developed for research purposes and is advised not to rely // exclusively on the program for any reason. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, // SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, // ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF // THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF // SUCH DAMAGE. THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY // WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE // PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF // CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATIONS TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, // UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. package org.argouml.cognitive; import java.io.Serializable; import javax.swing.Icon; import org.argouml.cognitive.critics.Wizard; import org.argouml.cognitive.critics.WizardItem; import org.argouml.util.CollectionUtil; /** * This class defines the feedback items that can be placed on the * Designer's ToDoList. The main point of a ToDoItem is to inform * the Designer of some problem or open design issue. Additional * information in the ToDoItem helps put the designer in a mental * context suitable for resolving the issue: ToDoItem's are well tied * into the design and design process so that the Designer can see * which design material's are the subject of this ToDoItem, and which * Critic raised it. The more info URL helps * provide background knowledge of the domain. In the future * ToDoItems will include ties back to the design rationale log. * Also the run-time system needs to know who posted each ToDoItem so * that it can automatically remove it if it is no longer valid. */ public class ToDoItem implements Serializable, WizardItem { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constants /** * The interruptive priority todoitem of 4 levels. */ public static final int INTERRUPTIVE_PRIORITY = 9; /** * The high priority todoitem of 4 levels. */ public static final int HIGH_PRIORITY = 1; /** * The medium priority todoitem of 4 levels. */ public static final int MED_PRIORITY = 2; /** * The lowest priority todoitem of 4 levels. */ public static final int LOW_PRIORITY = 3; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // instance variables /** * Who posted this item (e.g., a Critic, or the designer)? */ private Poster thePoster; /** * One line description of issue. */ private String theHeadline; /** * How important is this issue? Enough to interrupt the designer? */ private int thePriority; /** * One paragraph description of the issue. */ private String theDescription; /** * URL for background (textbook?) knowledge about the domain. */ private String theMoreInfoURL; /** * The part of the design this issue affects. * <p> * Each member is either a model element, a {@link Fig}, or a * {@link Diagram}. * <p> * TODO: Offenders need to be more strongly typed. Because there is not a * common supertype for these three types, we can't type this list. We * should introduce a common supertype/interface. - tfm 20070630 * <p> * The list of offenders is set once (e.g. by the constructor) * and cannot change. * <p> */ private ListSet theOffenders; private final Wizard theWizard; /** * The constructor. * * @param poster the poster * @param h the headline * @param p the priority * @param d the description * @param m the more info url * @param offs the offenders */ public ToDoItem(Poster poster, String h, int p, String d, String m, ListSet offs) { checkOffs(offs); thePoster = poster; theHeadline = h; theOffenders = offs; thePriority = p; theDescription = d; theMoreInfoURL = m; theWizard = null; } /** * The constructor. * * @param poster the poster * @param h the headline * @param p the priority * @param d the description * @param m the more info url */ public ToDoItem(Poster poster, String h, int p, String d, String m) { thePoster = poster; theHeadline = h; theOffenders = new ListSet(); thePriority = p; theDescription = d; theMoreInfoURL = m; theWizard = null; } /** * The constructor. * * @param c the poster (critic) * @param dm A single offender. * @param dsgr the designer */ public ToDoItem(Critic c, Object dm, Designer dsgr) { checkArgument(dm); thePoster = c; theHeadline = c.getHeadline(dm, dsgr); theOffenders = new ListSet(dm); thePriority = c.getPriority(theOffenders, dsgr); theDescription = c.getDescription(theOffenders, dsgr); theMoreInfoURL = c.getMoreInfoURL(theOffenders, dsgr); theWizard = c.makeWizard(this); } /** * The constructor. * * @param c the poster (critic) * @param offs the offenders * @param dsgr the designer */ public ToDoItem(Critic c, ListSet offs, Designer dsgr) { checkOffs(offs); thePoster = c; theHeadline = c.getHeadline(offs, dsgr); theOffenders = offs; thePriority = c.getPriority(theOffenders, dsgr); theDescription = c.getDescription(theOffenders, dsgr); theMoreInfoURL = c.getMoreInfoURL(theOffenders, dsgr); theWizard = c.makeWizard(this); } /** * The constructor. * * @param c the poster (critic) */ public ToDoItem(Critic c) { thePoster = c; theHeadline = c.getHeadline(); theOffenders = new ListSet(); thePriority = c.getPriority(null, null); theDescription = c.getDescription(null, null); theMoreInfoURL = c.getMoreInfoURL(null, null); theWizard = c.makeWizard(this); } /** * Override in subclass to validate the offender is an expected type. * @param dm the offender aka design material */ protected void checkArgument(Object dm) { } /** * Check the offenders.<p> * * This is called from the constructors where the offenders are given. * * TODO: Why do we only care about checking the first 2 offenders above? * @param offs The offenders. */ private void checkOffs(ListSet offs) { if (offs == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "A ListSet of offenders must be supplied."); } Object offender = CollectionUtil.getFirstItemOrNull(offs); if (offender != null) { checkArgument(offender); } if (offs.size() >= 2) { offender = offs.get(1); checkArgument(offender); } } // Cached expansions private String cachedExpandedHeadline; private String cachedExpandedDescription; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // accessors /** * @return the headline */ public String getHeadline() { if (cachedExpandedHeadline == null) { cachedExpandedHeadline = thePoster.expand(theHeadline, theOffenders); } return cachedExpandedHeadline; } /** * @deprecated in 0.27.2 byb Bob Tarling. A ToDoItem should be immutable * to guarantee it can be passed safely between threads. Only use the * constructor to set this value. * @param h the headline */ @Deprecated public void setHeadline(String h) { theHeadline = h; cachedExpandedHeadline = null; } /** * @return the description */ public String getDescription() { if (cachedExpandedDescription == null) { cachedExpandedDescription = thePoster.expand(theDescription, theOffenders); } return cachedExpandedDescription; } /** * @deprecated in 0.27.2 byb Bob Tarling. A ToDoItem should be immutable * to guarantee it can be passed safely between threads. Only use the * constructor to set this value. * @param d the description */ @Deprecated public void setDescription(String d) { theDescription = d; cachedExpandedDescription = null; } /** * @return the more-info-url */ public String getMoreInfoURL() { return theMoreInfoURL; } /** * @deprecated in 0.27.2 byb Bob Tarling. A ToDoItem should be immutable * to guarantee it can be passed safely between threads. Only use the * constructor to set this value. * @param m the more-info-url */ @Deprecated public void setMoreInfoURL(String m) { theMoreInfoURL = m; } /** * @return the priority */ public int getPriority() { return thePriority; } /** * @deprecated in 0.27.2 by Bob Tarling. A ToDoItem should be immutable * to guarantee it can be passed safely between threads. Only use the * constructor to set this value. * @param p the priority */ @Deprecated public void setPriority(int p) { thePriority = p; } /** * @return the wizard progress. An integer between 0 and 100, * shows percent done. */ public int getProgress() { if (theWizard != null) { return theWizard.getProgress(); } return 0; } /** * Reply a Set of design material's that are the subject of this ToDoItem. * * @return the offenders * TODO: Offenders need to be more strongly typed. - tfm 20070630 */ public ListSet getOffenders() { // TODO: should not be using assert here but I don't want to change to // IllegalStateException at lead up to a release as I don't know how // much testing is done with assert on. assert theOffenders != null; return theOffenders; } /** * Set the design material that is subject of this ToDoItem. * * @param offenders the offenders * TODO: Offenders need to be more strongly typed. - tfm 20070630 * TODO: Provide a constructor argument for this so that the class can * become immutable * @deprecated in 0.27.2 by Bob Tarling. A ToDoItem should be immutable * to guarantee it can be passed safely between threads. Only use the * constructor to set this value. */ @Deprecated public void setOffenders(ListSet offenders) { theOffenders = offenders; } /** * Reply the Critic or Designer that posted this ToDoItem. * * @return the poster */ public Poster getPoster() { return thePoster; } /** * Return a clarifier object that can graphical highlight this * error in a design diagram. Return a clarifier for this todoitem, * if not found by the poster, or null. * * @return an Icon or null if none found. */ public Icon getClarifier() { return thePoster.getClarifier(); } /** * @return the wizard */ public Wizard getWizard() { return theWizard; } /** * @param type the knowledgetype * @return true if the poster contains the given knowledgetype */ public boolean containsKnowledgeType(String type) { return getPoster().containsKnowledgeType(type); } /** * @param d the decision * @return true if the decision is supported by the poster */ public boolean supports(Decision d) { return getPoster().supports(d); } /** * @param g the given goal * @return true if the poster supports the given goal */ public boolean supports(Goal g) { return getPoster().supports(g); } /* * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode() */ @Override public int hashCode() { int code = 0; code += getHeadline().hashCode(); if (getPoster() != null) { code += getPoster().hashCode(); } return code; } /* * Is this item a copy? * * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object) */ @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof ToDoItem)) { return false; } ToDoItem i = (ToDoItem) o; if (!getHeadline().equals(i.getHeadline())) { return false; } if (!(getPoster() == (i.getPoster()))) { return false; } // For some reason ListSet.equals() allocates a lot of memory, well // some memory at least. Lets try to avoid that when not needed by // invoking this test only when the two previous tests are not decisive. if (!getOffenders().equals(i.getOffenders())) { return false; } return true; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // user interface /** * When a ToDoItem is selected in the UiToDoList window, highlight * the "offending" design material's. */ public void select() { for (Object dm : getOffenders()) { if (dm instanceof Highlightable) { ((Highlightable) dm).setHighlight(true); } } } /** * When a ToDoItem is deselected in the UiToDoList window, * unhighlight the "offending" design material's. */ public void deselect() { for (Object dm : getOffenders()) { if (dm instanceof Highlightable) { ((Highlightable) dm).setHighlight(false); } } } /** * The user has double-clicked or otherwise indicated that they * want to do something active with this item. By default, just * re-select it, subclasses may choose to do more (e.g., navigate to * the offending item if it is not visible). */ public void action() { deselect(); select(); } /** * Notify the user interface that this ToDoItem has * changed. Currently, this is used to update the progress bar. */ public void changed() { ToDoList list = Designer.theDesigner().getToDoList(); list.fireToDoItemChanged(this); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // issue resolutions /** * Some problems can be automatically fixed, ask the Critic to do * it if it can. <p> */ public void fixIt() { thePoster.fixIt(this, null); } /** * Some problems can be automatically fixed, ask the Critic to do * it if it can. * * @return true if the critic can automatically fix the problem */ public boolean canFixIt() { return thePoster.canFixIt(this); } /** * TODO: this is not done yet. Eventually this will also * feed the rational log. */ // public void resolve(Object reason) { // ToDoList list = Designer.theDesigner().getToDoList(); // list.resolve(this, reason); // } /** * Reply true iff this ToDoItem should be kept on the Designer's * ToDoList. This should return false if the poster has been * deactivated, or if it can be determined that the problem that * raised this issue is no longer present. * * @param d the given designer * @return true if the todoitem is still valid */ public boolean stillValid(Designer d) { if (thePoster == null) { return true; } if (theWizard != null && theWizard.isStarted() && !theWizard.isFinished()) { return true; } return thePoster.stillValid(this, d); } /* * Reply a string for debugging. * * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { return this.getClass().getName() + "(" + getHeadline() + ") on " + getOffenders().toString(); } /** * The UID. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 3058660098451455153L; } //#endif