// $Id: NotationSettings.java 16438 2008-12-23 20:26:26Z tfmorris $ // Copyright (c) 2008 Tom Morris and other contributors. All // Rights Reserved. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this // software and its documentation without fee, and without a written // agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice // and this paragraph appear in all copies. This software program and // documentation are copyrighted by The Contributors. // The software program and documentation are supplied "AS // IS", without any accompanying services from The Contributors. The // Contributors do not warrant that the operation of the program will be // uninterrupted or error-free. The end-user understands that the program // was developed for research purposes and is advised not to rely // exclusively on the program for any reason. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, // SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, // ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF // THE CONTRIBUTORS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF // SUCH DAMAGE. THE CONTRIBUTORS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY // WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE // PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE CONTRIBUTORS // HAVE NO OBLIGATIONS TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, // UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. package org.argouml.notation; import org.tigris.gef.undo.Memento; /** * Notation settings value object. Stores settings which control how text is * rendered on diagrams. * <p> * TODO: This needs to go on a diet. It's used everywhere, so is performance * sensitive. The current set of settings is the union of all those found in the * legacy code, but it's not clear that all of them are actually used. * * @author Tom Morris <tfmorris@gmail.com> */ public class NotationSettings { private static final NotationSettings DEFAULT_SETTINGS = initializeDefaultSettings(); private NotationSettings parent; private String notationLanguage; // No valid field for above notationLanguage. It's valid if not null. private boolean showAssociationNames; private boolean showAssociationNamesSet = false; private boolean showVisibilities; private boolean showVisibilitiesSet = false; private boolean showPaths; private boolean showPathsSet = false; private boolean fullyHandleStereotypes; private boolean fullyHandleStereotypesSet = false; private boolean useGuillemets; private boolean useGuillemetsSet = false; private boolean showMultiplicities; private boolean showMultiplicitiesSet = false; private boolean showSingularMultiplicities; private boolean showSingularMultiplicitiesSet = false; // TODO: Do we need to control separately for attributes and operations? private boolean showTypes; private boolean showTypesSet = false; private boolean showProperties; private boolean showPropertiesSet = false; private boolean showInitialValues; private boolean showInitialValuesSet = false; /** * Create a notation settings value object with all default values. * <p> * TODO: This class only has partial Undo support (basically just those * members that had it as part of a previous implementation). */ public NotationSettings() { super(); parent = getDefaultSettings(); } /** * Create a notation settings object which uses the given settings as its * default values. Note that there can be multiple levels of settings in * the hierarchy. */ public NotationSettings(NotationSettings parentSettings) { this(); parent = parentSettings; } // TODO: These defaults need to be checked against historical ones private static NotationSettings initializeDefaultSettings() { NotationSettings settings = new NotationSettings(); settings.parent = null; settings.setNotationLanguage(Notation.DEFAULT_NOTATION); settings.setFullyHandleStereotypes(false); settings.setShowAssociationNames(true); settings.setShowInitialValues(false); settings.setShowMultiplicities(false); settings.setShowPaths(false); settings.setShowProperties(false); settings.setShowSingularMultiplicities(true); settings.setShowTypes(true); settings.setShowVisibilities(false); settings.setUseGuillemets(false); return settings; } /** * @return the default settings */ public static NotationSettings getDefaultSettings() { return DEFAULT_SETTINGS; } /** * @return Return the notation language. */ public String getNotationLanguage() { if (notationLanguage == null) { if (parent != null) { return parent.getNotationLanguage(); } else { return Notation.DEFAULT_NOTATION; } } return notationLanguage; } /** * @param newLanguage the notation language. * @return true if the notation is set - false if it does not exist */ public boolean setNotationLanguage(final String newLanguage) { if (notationLanguage != null && notationLanguage.equals(newLanguage)) { return true; } // TODO: Do we care? if (Notation.findNotation(newLanguage) == null) { /* This Notation is not available! */ return false; } final String oldLanguage = notationLanguage; Memento memento = new Memento() { public void redo() { notationLanguage = newLanguage; // TODO: We can't have a global "current" language // NotationProviderFactory2.setCurrentLanguage(newLanguage); } public void undo() { notationLanguage = oldLanguage; // TODO: We can't have a global "current" language // NotationProviderFactory2.setCurrentLanguage(oldLanguage); } }; doUndoable(memento); return true; } /** * @return Returns the fullyHandleStereotypes setting. If true, it will * cause notation providers to include the names of the stereotypes * for an element in the editable string presented to the user. */ public boolean isFullyHandleStereotypes() { if (fullyHandleStereotypesSet) { return fullyHandleStereotypes; } else { if (parent != null) { return parent.fullyHandleStereotypes; } else { return getDefaultSettings().isFullyHandleStereotypes(); } } } /** * @param newValue The fullyHandleStereotypes to set. If true, it will cause * notation providers to include the names of the stereotypes for * an element in the editable string presented to the user. */ public void setFullyHandleStereotypes(boolean newValue) { fullyHandleStereotypes = newValue; fullyHandleStereotypesSet = true; } /** * @return Returns the showSingularMultiplicities. */ public boolean isShowSingularMultiplicities() { if (showSingularMultiplicitiesSet) { return showSingularMultiplicities; } else if (parent != null) { return parent.isShowSingularMultiplicities(); } return getDefaultSettings().isShowSingularMultiplicities(); } /** * @param showem <code>true</code> if "1" Multiplicities are to be shown. */ public void setShowSingularMultiplicities(final boolean showem) { if (showSingularMultiplicities == showem && showSingularMultiplicitiesSet) { return; } final boolean oldValid = showSingularMultiplicitiesSet; Memento memento = new Memento() { public void redo() { showSingularMultiplicities = showem; showSingularMultiplicitiesSet = true; } public void undo() { showSingularMultiplicities = !showem; showSingularMultiplicitiesSet = oldValid; } }; doUndoable(memento); } /** * @return Returns the useGuillemets. */ public boolean isUseGuillemets() { if (useGuillemetsSet) { return useGuillemets; } else if (parent != null) { return parent.isUseGuillemets(); } return getDefaultSettings().isUseGuillemets(); } /** * @param showem <code>true</code> if guillemets are to be shown. */ public void setUseGuillemets(final boolean showem) { if (useGuillemets == showem && useGuillemetsSet) { return; } final boolean oldValid = useGuillemetsSet; Memento memento = new Memento() { public void redo() { useGuillemets = showem; useGuillemetsSet = true; } public void undo() { useGuillemets = !showem; useGuillemetsSet = oldValid; } }; doUndoable(memento); } /** * @return Returns the showTypes. */ public boolean isShowTypes() { if (showTypesSet) { return showTypes; } else if (parent != null) { return parent.isShowTypes(); } return getDefaultSettings().isShowTypes(); } /** * @param showem <code>true</code> if types are to be shown. */ public void setShowTypes(final boolean showem) { if (showTypes == showem && showTypesSet) { return; } final boolean oldValid = showTypesSet; Memento memento = new Memento() { public void redo() { showTypes = showem; showTypesSet = true; } public void undo() { showTypes = !showem; showTypesSet = oldValid; } }; doUndoable(memento); } /** * @return Returns the showProperties. */ public boolean isShowProperties() { if (showPropertiesSet) { return showProperties; } else if (parent != null) { return parent.isShowProperties(); } return getDefaultSettings().isShowProperties(); } /** * @param showem <code>true</code> if properties are to be shown. */ public void setShowProperties(final boolean showem) { if (showProperties == showem && showPropertiesSet) { return; } final boolean oldValid = showPropertiesSet; Memento memento = new Memento() { public void redo() { showProperties = showem; showPropertiesSet = true; } public void undo() { showProperties = !showem; showPropertiesSet = oldValid; } }; doUndoable(memento); } /** * @return Returns the showInitialValues. */ public boolean isShowInitialValues() { if (showInitialValuesSet) { return showInitialValues; } else if (parent != null) { return parent.isShowInitialValues(); } return getDefaultSettings().isShowInitialValues(); } /** * @param showem <code>true</code> if initial values are to be shown. */ public void setShowInitialValues(final boolean showem) { if (showInitialValues == showem && showInitialValuesSet) { return; } final boolean oldValid = showInitialValuesSet; Memento memento = new Memento() { public void redo() { showInitialValues = showem; showInitialValuesSet = true; } public void undo() { showInitialValues = !showem; showInitialValuesSet = oldValid; } }; doUndoable(memento); } /** * @return Returns the showMultiplicities. */ public boolean isShowMultiplicities() { if (showMultiplicitiesSet) { return showMultiplicities; } else if (parent != null) { return parent.isShowMultiplicities(); } return getDefaultSettings().isShowMultiplicities(); } /** * @param showem <code>true</code> if the multiplicity is to be shown. */ public void setShowMultiplicities(final boolean showem) { if (showMultiplicities == showem && showMultiplicitiesSet) { return; } final boolean oldValid = showMultiplicitiesSet; Memento memento = new Memento() { public void redo() { showMultiplicities = showem; showMultiplicitiesSet = true; } public void undo() { showMultiplicities = !showem; showMultiplicitiesSet = oldValid; } }; doUndoable(memento); } /** * @return Returns the showAssociationNames. */ public boolean isShowAssociationNames() { if (showAssociationNamesSet) { return showAssociationNames; } else if (parent != null) { return parent.isShowAssociationNames(); } return getDefaultSettings().isShowAssociationNames(); } /** * @param showem <code>true</code> if association names are to be shown. */ public void setShowAssociationNames(final boolean showem) { if (showAssociationNames == showem && showAssociationNamesSet) { return; } final boolean oldValid = showAssociationNamesSet; Memento memento = new Memento() { public void redo() { showAssociationNames = showem; showAssociationNamesSet = true; } public void undo() { showAssociationNames = !showem; showAssociationNamesSet = oldValid; } }; doUndoable(memento); } /** * @return Returns the showVisibilities. */ public boolean isShowVisibilities() { if (showVisibilitiesSet) { return showVisibilities; } else if (parent != null) { return parent.isShowVisibilities(); } return getDefaultSettings().isShowVisibilities(); } /** * @param showem <code>true</code> if visibilities are to be shown. */ public void setShowVisibilities(final boolean showem) { if (showVisibilities == showem && showVisibilitiesSet) { return; } final boolean oldValid = showVisibilitiesSet; Memento memento = new Memento() { public void redo() { showVisibilities = showem; showVisibilitiesSet = true; } public void undo() { showVisibilities = !showem; showVisibilitiesSet = oldValid; } }; doUndoable(memento); } /** * @return Returns the showPaths. */ public boolean isShowPaths() { if (showPathsSet) { return showPaths; } else if (parent != null) { return parent.isShowPaths(); } return getDefaultSettings().isShowPaths(); } /** * @param showPaths The showPaths to set. */ public void setShowPaths(boolean showPaths) { this.showPaths = showPaths; showPathsSet = true; } private void doUndoable(Memento memento) { // TODO: Undo should be managed externally or we should be given // an Undo manager to use (the project's) rather than using a global one // if (DiagramUndoManager.getInstance().isGenerateMementos()) { // DiagramUndoManager.getInstance().addMemento(memento); // } memento.redo(); // TODO: Mark diagram/project as dirty? } }