// $Id: DiagramSettings.java 41 2010-04-03 20:04:12Z marcusvnac $ // Copyright (c) 2008, 2009 The Regents of the University of California. All // Rights Reserved. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this // software and its documentation without fee, and without a written // agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice // and this paragraph appear in all copies. This software program and // documentation are copyrighted by The Regents of the University of // California. The software program and documentation are supplied "AS // IS", without any accompanying services from The Regents. The Regents // does not warrant that the operation of the program will be // uninterrupted or error-free. The end-user understands that the program // was developed for research purposes and is advised not to rely // exclusively on the program for any reason. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, // SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, // ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF // THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF // SUCH DAMAGE. THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY // WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE // PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF // CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATIONS TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, // UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. package org.argouml.uml.diagram; import java.awt.Font; import org.argouml.notation.NotationSettings; import org.tigris.gef.undo.Memento; /** * Diagram appearance settings. This includes basic things like colors and * fonts, as well as the {@link NotationSettings} which contain all the settings * that control text formatting. * <p> * The settings are designed to work in a hierarchical fashion with any settings * that are defaulted at the current level inheriting from the next level in * the hierarchy. A typical hierarchy would be Fig->StyleSheet->Project where * a style sheet is a named set of attributes that can be applied as a set to * a fig (perhaps in conjunction with a stereotype). The hierarchy which is * currently used in ArgoUML is Fig->Diagram->Project, although there's no * support for changing anything but the Project (and a few of the attributes * managed directly by GEF). * * @author Tom Morris <tfmorris@gmail.com> */ public class DiagramSettings { /* * The special value <code>null</code> is used internally to indicate that * the default value should be inherited from the next level of settings. */ /** * Enumeration representing different stereotype presentation styles */ public enum StereotypeStyle { // *IMPORTANT* - These MUST remain in order! /** * Textual rendering for stereotype */ TEXTUAL(DiagramAppearance.STEREOTYPE_VIEW_TEXTUAL), /** * Stereotype rendered with large icon */ BIG_ICON(DiagramAppearance.STEREOTYPE_VIEW_BIG_ICON), /** * Stereotype rendered with small icon */ SMALL_ICON(DiagramAppearance.STEREOTYPE_VIEW_SMALL_ICON); StereotypeStyle(int value) { assert value == this.ordinal(); } /** * Convert old style int representation to an enum. The enum returned * is the one at the given ordinal (ie this is the inverse of the * mapping done by ordinal()). * * @param value one of the defined int values in DiagramAppearance * @return the corresponding StereotypeView enum */ public static StereotypeStyle getEnum(int value) { int counter = 0; for (StereotypeStyle sv : StereotypeStyle.values()) { if (counter == value) { return sv; } counter++; } return null; } } // private static final StereotypeView[] stereotypeViewMap; // // static { // stereotypeViewMap = new StereotypeView[3]; // StereotypeView. // stereotypeViewMap[DiagramAppearance.STEREOTYPE_VIEW_TEXTUAL] = // StereotypeView.TEXTUAL; // stereotypeViewMap[DiagramAppearance.STEREOTYPE_VIEW_BIG_ICON] = // StereotypeView.BIG_ICON; // stereotypeViewMap[DiagramAppearance.STEREOTYPE_VIEW_SMALL_ICON] = // StereotypeView.SMALL_ICON; // } /** * Next level in the settings hierarchy to inherit from if the value * isn't set (ie is <default>) at the current level. */ private DiagramSettings parent; private NotationSettings notationSettings; /* Diagram appearance settings with project scope: */ private String fontName; private Integer fontSize; // TODO: Can we remove this and have the application manage things directly // based on the font? private Boolean showBoldNames; /* Some cached fonts based on the above settings */ private Font fontPlain; private Font fontItalic; private Font fontBold; private Font fontBoldItalic; private Boolean showBidirectionalArrows; private Integer defaultShadowWidth; private StereotypeStyle defaultStereotypeView; /** * Construct an empty project settings with no parent and all values * defaulted. <p> */ public DiagramSettings() { this(null); } /** * Construct a DiagramSettings object which inherits from the given * parent settings (e.g. project default diagram settings). * * @param parentSettings settings to inherit from if default values aren't * overridden. */ public DiagramSettings(DiagramSettings parentSettings) { super(); parent = parentSettings; if (parentSettings == null) { notationSettings = new NotationSettings(); } else { notationSettings = new NotationSettings(parent.getNotationSettings()); } recomputeFonts(); } /** * @return Returns the notationSettings. */ public NotationSettings getNotationSettings() { return notationSettings; } /** * @param notationSettings The notationSettings to set. */ public void setNotationSettings(NotationSettings notationSettings) { this.notationSettings = notationSettings; } /** * @return Returns <code>true</code> if we show bold names. */ public boolean isShowBoldNames() { if (showBoldNames == null) { if (parent != null) { return parent.isShowBoldNames(); } else { return false; } } return showBoldNames; } /** * @param showem <code>true</code> if names are to be shown in bold font. */ public void setShowBoldNames(final boolean showem) { if (showBoldNames != null && showBoldNames == showem) { return; } Memento memento = new Memento() { public void redo() { showBoldNames = showem; } public void undo() { showBoldNames = !showem; } }; doUndoable(memento); } /** * @return Returns <code>true</code> if we show the arrows when * both association ends of an association are navigable. */ public boolean isShowBidirectionalArrows() { if (showBidirectionalArrows == null) { if (parent != null) { return parent.isShowBidirectionalArrows(); } else { return false; } } return showBidirectionalArrows; } /** * @param showem <code>true</code> if both arrows are to be shown when * both association ends of an association are navigable. */ public void setShowBidirectionalArrows(final boolean showem) { if (showBidirectionalArrows != null && showBidirectionalArrows == showem) { return; } Memento memento = new Memento() { public void redo() { showBidirectionalArrows = showem; } public void undo() { showBidirectionalArrows = !showem; } }; doUndoable(memento); } /** * @return Returns the shadow width. */ public int getDefaultShadowWidth() { if (defaultShadowWidth == null) { if (parent != null) { return parent.getDefaultShadowWidth(); } else { return 0; } } return defaultShadowWidth; } /** * @param newWidth The Shadow Width. */ public void setDefaultShadowWidth(final int newWidth) { if (defaultShadowWidth != null && defaultShadowWidth == newWidth) { return; } final Integer oldValue = defaultShadowWidth; Memento memento = new Memento() { public void redo() { defaultShadowWidth = newWidth; } public void undo() { defaultShadowWidth = oldValue; } }; doUndoable(memento); } /** * @return Returns the default stereotype view * TODO: Enumeration here? */ public StereotypeStyle getDefaultStereotypeView() { if (defaultStereotypeView == null) { if (parent != null) { return parent.getDefaultStereotypeView(); } else { return StereotypeStyle.TEXTUAL; } } return defaultStereotypeView; } /** * @return Returns the default stereotype view as an int compatible with * old users of DiagramAppearance-defined ints. * @deprecated for 0.27.2 by tfmorris. For backward compatibility only. */ public int getDefaultStereotypeViewInt() { return getDefaultStereotypeView().ordinal(); } /** * @param newView the default stereotype view * @deprecated for 0.27.2 by tfmorris. Not for use in new code. Only for * help in transitioning to enum based methods. Use * {@link #setDefaultStereotypeView(StereotypeStyle)}. */ public void setDefaultStereotypeView(final int newView) { StereotypeStyle sv = StereotypeStyle.getEnum(newView); if (sv == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad argument " + newView); } setDefaultStereotypeView(sv); } /** * @param newView the default stereotype view */ public void setDefaultStereotypeView(final StereotypeStyle newView) { if (defaultStereotypeView != null && defaultStereotypeView == newView) { return; } final StereotypeStyle oldValue = defaultStereotypeView; Memento memento = new Memento() { public void redo() { defaultStereotypeView = newView; } public void undo() { defaultStereotypeView = oldValue; } }; doUndoable(memento); } /** * Diagram font name. <p> * * @return diagram font name. */ public String getFontName() { if (fontName == null) { if (parent != null) { return parent.getFontName(); } else { return "Dialog"; } } return fontName; } /** * Diagram font name. * @param newFontName diagram font name. */ public void setFontName(String newFontName) { if (fontName != null && fontName.equals(newFontName)) { return; } fontName = newFontName; recomputeFonts(); } /** * Diagram font size. <p> * * @return diagram font size. */ public int getFontSize() { if (fontSize == null) { if (parent != null) { return parent.getFontSize(); } else { return 10; } } return fontSize; } /** * Diagram font size. * @param newFontSize diagram font size. */ public void setFontSize(int newFontSize) { if (fontSize != null && fontSize == newFontSize) { return; } fontSize = newFontSize; recomputeFonts(); } private void recomputeFonts() { // If we've got a local (uninherited) font name or size or if we've got // no parent to inherit from recompute our cached fonts if ((fontName != null && !"".equals(fontName) && fontSize != null) || parent == null) { String name = getFontName(); int size = getFontSize(); fontPlain = new Font(name, Font.PLAIN, size); fontItalic = new Font(name, Font.ITALIC, size); fontBold = new Font(name, Font.BOLD, size); fontBoldItalic = new Font(name, Font.BOLD | Font.ITALIC, size); } else { fontPlain = null; fontItalic = null; fontBold = null; fontBoldItalic = null; } } /** * Returns the Plain diagram font which corresponds * to selected parameters. * * @return plain diagram font */ public Font getFontPlain() { if (fontPlain == null) { return parent.getFontPlain(); } return fontPlain; } /** * Returns the Italic diagram font which corresponds * to selected parameters. * * @return italic diagram font */ public Font getFontItalic() { if (fontItalic == null) { return parent.getFontItalic(); } return fontItalic; } /** * Returns the Bold diagram font which corresponds * to selected parameters. * * @return bold diagram font */ public Font getFontBold() { if (fontBold == null) { return parent.getFontBold(); } return fontBold; } /** * Returns the Bold-Italic diagram font which corresponds * to selected parameters. * * @return bold-italic diagram font */ public Font getFontBoldItalic() { if (fontBoldItalic == null) { return parent.getFontBoldItalic(); } return fontBoldItalic; } /** * Utility function to convert a font style integer into a Font. * * @param fontStyle the style; see the predefined constants in Font * @return the Font that corresponds to the style */ public Font getFont(int fontStyle) { if ((fontStyle & Font.ITALIC) != 0) { if ((fontStyle & Font.BOLD) != 0) { return getFontBoldItalic(); } else { return getFontItalic(); } } else { if ((fontStyle & Font.BOLD) != 0) { return getFontBold(); } else { return getFontPlain(); } } } private void doUndoable(Memento memento) { // TODO: Undo should be managed externally or we should be given // an Undo manager to use (the project's) rather than using a global one // if (DiagramUndoManager.getInstance().isGenerateMementos()) { // DiagramUndoManager.getInstance().addMemento(memento); // } memento.redo(); // TODO: Mark diagram/project as dirty? } }