// $Id: TestSourcePathController.java 43 2010-04-03 20:28:12Z marcusvnac $ // Copyright (c) 2004-2007 The Regents of the University of California. All // Rights Reserved. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this // software and its documentation without fee, and without a written // agreement is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice // and this paragraph appear in all copies. This software program and // documentation are copyrighted by The Regents of the University of // California. The software program and documentation are supplied "AS // IS", without any accompanying services from The Regents. The Regents // does not warrant that the operation of the program will be // uninterrupted or error-free. The end-user understands that the program // was developed for research purposes and is advised not to rely // exclusively on the program for any reason. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, // SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS, // ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF // THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF // SUCH DAMAGE. THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY // WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE // PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF // CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATIONS TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, // UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. package org.argouml.uml.ui; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.argouml.model.InitializeModel; import java.io.File; import org.argouml.kernel.ProjectManager; import org.argouml.model.Model; import org.argouml.profile.init.InitProfileSubsystem; import org.argouml.uml.reveng.ImportInterface; /** * Test SourcePathController implementation. * @author euluis * @since 0.17.3 * @see SourcePathController */ public class TestSourcePathController extends TestCase { /** the model to use during testing */ private Object model; /** A class model element... */ private Object modelElem; /** its source path */ private String modelElemSourcePath; /** and the corresponding file */ private File modelElemSourcePathFile; /** A class model element without a source path defined */ private Object modelElemWithoutSrcPath; /** Number of model elements in the setup model with source path set. */ private int numOfMEsWithSrcPath; /** The SourcePathController instance. */ private SourcePathController srcCtrl; /** * Creates a new instance of TestSourcePathController. * * @param arg0 name of the test case */ public TestSourcePathController(String arg0) { super(arg0); InitializeModel.initializeDefault(); } /* * @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp() */ protected void setUp() { modelElemSourcePath = "ArgoUML/issues2579/src"; // setup the Project due to its use in SourcePathTableModel ctor new InitProfileSubsystem().init(); ProjectManager.getManager().makeEmptyProject(); model = ProjectManager.getManager().getCurrentProject().getRoot(); Object taggedValue = Model.getExtensionMechanismsFactory() .buildTaggedValue(ImportInterface.SOURCE_PATH_TAG, modelElemSourcePath); Model.getExtensionMechanismsHelper().addTaggedValue(model, taggedValue); // create a class model element modelElem = Model.getCoreFactory().buildClass("AClass", model); taggedValue = Model.getExtensionMechanismsFactory().buildTaggedValue( ImportInterface.SOURCE_PATH_TAG, modelElemSourcePath); Model.getExtensionMechanismsHelper().addTaggedValue( modelElem, taggedValue); modelElemSourcePathFile = new File(modelElemSourcePath); modelElemWithoutSrcPath = Model.getCoreFactory().buildClass( "AClassWithoutSrcPath", model); srcCtrl = new SourcePathControllerImpl(); // REMEMBER to change this if you change the number of MEs with source // path settings numOfMEsWithSrcPath = 2; } /** * Test the SourcePathController creation. */ public void testCreation() { SourcePathController sourcePathCtrl = new SourcePathControllerImpl(); assertNotNull(sourcePathCtrl); } /** * Test retrieving the source path of a specific element. */ public void testSimpleGetSourcePath() { File srcPath = srcCtrl.getSourcePath(modelElem); assertEquals(modelElemSourcePathFile, srcPath); } /** * Test getting the source path for a model element without it. */ public void testGetSourcePath4MEWithoutSourcePath() { File srcPath = srcCtrl.getSourcePath(modelElemWithoutSrcPath); assertNull(srcPath); } /** * Test retrieving all source path settings in the model. */ public void testGetSourcePathSettings() { SourcePathTableModel srcPathSets = srcCtrl.getSourcePathSettings(); assertEquals(numOfMEsWithSrcPath, srcPathSets.getRowCount()); for (int i = 0; i < srcPathSets.getRowCount(); i++) { assertEquals(modelElemSourcePathFile.toString(), (String) srcPathSets.getValueAt(i, SourcePathTableModel.SOURCE_PATH_COLUMN)); } } /** * Test deletion of the source path settings for a model element. */ public void testDeleteSourcePathSettings() { srcCtrl.deleteSourcePath(modelElem); assertNull(srcCtrl.getSourcePath(modelElem)); } /** * Test setting the source path of a model element. */ public void testSetSourcePath() { assertEquals(modelElemSourcePathFile, srcCtrl.getSourcePath(modelElem)); File newSrcPath = new File("../new/source/path"); srcCtrl.setSourcePath(modelElem, newSrcPath); assertEquals(newSrcPath, srcCtrl.getSourcePath(modelElem)); } /** * Test setting the source path according to the contents of Table model. */ public void testSetSourcePathSettings() { SourcePathTableModel srcPathSets = srcCtrl.getSourcePathSettings(); assertEquals(numOfMEsWithSrcPath, srcPathSets.getRowCount()); File newSrcPath = new File("../new/source/path"); for (int i = 0; i < srcPathSets.getRowCount(); i++) { srcPathSets.setValueAt(newSrcPath.toString(), i, SourcePathTableModel.SOURCE_PATH_COLUMN); } srcCtrl.setSourcePath(srcPathSets); assertEquals(newSrcPath, srcCtrl.getSourcePath(modelElem)); assertEquals(newSrcPath, srcCtrl.getSourcePath(model)); } }