package cide.gast; import java.util.List; import cide.gast.IASTNode; import cide.gast.IASTVisitor; import cide.gast.ISourceFile; import cide.gast.Property; /** * adapter that adapts a IASTNode to an ISourceFile; just for typing reasons. * * @author ckaestne * */ public class SourceFileAdapter implements ISourceFile { public IASTNode ast; public SourceFileAdapter(IASTNode ast) { this.ast = ast; } public void accept(IASTVisitor visitor) { ast.accept(visitor); } public IASTNode deepCopy() { return ast.deepCopy(); } public String getId() { return ast.getId(); } public int getLength() { return ast.getLength(); } public IASTNode getParent() { return ast.getParent(); } public Property getProperty(String name) { return ast.getProperty(name); } public ISourceFile getRoot() { return ast.getRoot(); } public int getStartPosition() { return ast.getStartPosition(); } public String getDisplayName() { return ast.getDisplayName(); } public Property getLocationInParent() { return ast.getLocationInParent(); } public List<Property> getProperties() { return ast.getProperties(); } public boolean isOptional() { return ast.isOptional(); } public void notifyPropertyChanged(Property property) { ast.notifyPropertyChanged(property); } public String render() { return ast.render(); } public void setParent(IASTNode parentNode, Property parentProperty) { ast.setParent(parentNode, parentProperty); } public void setParentProperty(Property parentProperty) { ast.setParentProperty(parentProperty); } public void remove() { ast.remove(); } public List<IASTNode> getChildren() { return ast.getChildren(); } public void replaceSubtreeWith(IASTNode newNode) { ast.replaceSubtreeWith(newNode); } public void setId(String id) { ast.setId(id); } public IASTNode getWrappee() { return null; } public boolean isWrapper() { return false; } public int getStartLine() { return ast.getStartLine(); } public int getEndLine() { return ast.getEndLine(); } }