* Domains
* Copyright 2007 by Michael Peter Christen, mc@yacy.net, Frankfurt a. M., Germany
* First released 23.7.2007 at http://yacy.net
* $LastChangedDate$
* $LastChangedRevision$
* $LastChangedBy$
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program in the file lgpl21.txt
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package net.yacy.cora.protocol;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.net.Inet4Address;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.NetworkInterface;
import java.net.SocketException;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;
import net.yacy.cora.plugin.ClassProvider;
import net.yacy.cora.storage.ARC;
import net.yacy.cora.storage.ConcurrentARC;
import net.yacy.cora.storage.KeyList;
import net.yacy.cora.util.CommonPattern;
import net.yacy.cora.util.ConcurrentLog;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.MemoryControl;
import net.yacy.kelondro.util.NamePrefixThreadFactory;
import com.google.common.net.InetAddresses;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.SimpleTimeLimiter;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.TimeLimiter;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.UncheckedTimeoutException;
public class Domains {
private final static ConcurrentLog log = new ConcurrentLog(Domains.class.getName());
public static final String LOCALHOST = "localhost"; // replace with IPv6 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 ?
private static String LOCALHOST_NAME = LOCALHOST; // this will be replaced with the actual name of the local host
private static Class<?> InetAddressLocatorClass;
private static Method InetAddressLocatorGetLocaleInetAddressMethod;
private static final Set<String> ccSLD_TLD = new HashSet<String>();
private static final String PRESENT = "";
private static final String LOCALHOST_IPv4_PATTERN = "(127\\..*)";
private static final String LOCALHOST_IPv6_PATTERN = "((\\[?fe80\\:.*)|(\\[?0\\:0\\:0\\:0\\:0\\:0\\:0\\:1.*)|(\\[?\\:\\:1))(/.*|%.*|\\z)";
private static final String INTRANET_IPv4_PATTERN = "(10\\..*)|(172\\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])\\..*)|(169\\.254\\..*)|(192\\.168\\..*)";
private static final String INTRANET_IPv6_PATTERN = "(\\[?(fc|fd).*\\:.*)";
private static final Pattern LOCALHOST_PATTERNS = Pattern.compile("(localhost)|" + LOCALHOST_IPv4_PATTERN + "|" + LOCALHOST_IPv6_PATTERN, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
private static final Pattern INTRANET_PATTERNS = Pattern.compile(LOCALHOST_PATTERNS.pattern() + "|" + INTRANET_IPv4_PATTERN + "|" + INTRANET_IPv6_PATTERN, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
private static final int MAX_NAME_CACHE_HIT_SIZE = 10000;
private static final int MAX_NAME_CACHE_MISS_SIZE = 1000;
private static final int CONCURRENCY_LEVEL = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 2;
// a dns cache
private static final ARC<String, InetAddress> NAME_CACHE_HIT = new ConcurrentARC<>(MAX_NAME_CACHE_HIT_SIZE, CONCURRENCY_LEVEL);
private static final ARC<String, String> NAME_CACHE_MISS = new ConcurrentARC<>(MAX_NAME_CACHE_MISS_SIZE, CONCURRENCY_LEVEL);
private static final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Object> LOOKUP_SYNC = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(100, 0.75f, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 2);
private static List<Pattern> nameCacheNoCachingPatterns = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList<Pattern>());
public static long cacheHit_Hit = 0, cacheHit_Miss = 0, cacheHit_Insert = 0; // for statistics only; do not write
public static long cacheMiss_Hit = 0, cacheMiss_Miss = 0, cacheMiss_Insert = 0; // for statistics only; do not write
private static Set<InetAddress> myHostAddresses = new HashSet<InetAddress>();
private static Set<InetAddress> localHostAddresses = new HashSet<InetAddress>(); // subset of myHostAddresses
private static Set<InetAddress> publicIPv4HostAddresses = new HashSet<InetAddress>(); // subset of myHostAddresses
private static Set<InetAddress> publicIPv6HostAddresses = new HashSet<InetAddress>(); // subset of myHostAddresses
private static Set<String> localHostNames = new HashSet<String>(); // subset of myHostNames
static {
try {
InetAddress localHostAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
if (localHostAddress != null) myHostAddresses.add(localHostAddress);
} catch (final UnknownHostException e) {}
try {
final InetAddress[] moreAddresses = InetAddress.getAllByName(LOCALHOST_NAME);
if (moreAddresses != null) myHostAddresses.addAll(Arrays.asList(moreAddresses));
} catch (final UnknownHostException e) {}
// to get the local host name, a dns lookup is necessary.
// if such a lookup blocks, it can cause that the static initiatializer does not finish fast
// therefore we start the host name lookup as concurrent thread
// meanwhile the host name is "" which is not completely wrong
new Thread() {
public void run() {
Thread.currentThread().setName("Domains: init");
// try to get local addresses from interfaces
try {
final Enumeration<NetworkInterface> nis = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
while (nis.hasMoreElements()) {
final NetworkInterface ni = nis.nextElement();
final Enumeration<InetAddress> addrs = ni.getInetAddresses();
while (addrs.hasMoreElements()) {
final InetAddress addr = addrs.nextElement();
if (addr != null) myHostAddresses.add(addr);
} catch (final SocketException e) {
// now look up the host name
try {
LOCALHOST_NAME = getHostName(InetAddress.getLocalHost());
} catch (final UnknownHostException e) {}
// after the host name was resolved, we try to look up more local addresses
// using the host name:
try {
final InetAddress[] moreAddresses = InetAddress.getAllByName(LOCALHOST_NAME);
if (moreAddresses != null) myHostAddresses.addAll(Arrays.asList(moreAddresses));
} catch (final UnknownHostException e) {
// fill a cache of local host names
for (final InetAddress a: myHostAddresses) {
String hostaddressP = chopZoneID(a.getHostAddress());
Set<String> hns = new LinkedHashSet<>();
// generate alternative representations of IPv6 addresses which are needed to check access on the interface (i.e. localhost check)
if (hostaddressP.indexOf("::") < 0) {
hns.add(hostaddressP.replaceFirst(":0:0:0:0:0:0:", "::"));
hns.add(hostaddressP.replaceFirst(":0:0:0:0:0:", "::"));
hns.add(hostaddressP.replaceFirst(":0:0:0:0:", "::"));
hns.add(hostaddressP.replaceFirst(":0:0:0:", "::"));
hns.add(hostaddressP.replaceFirst(":0:0:", "::"));
hns.add(hostaddressP.replaceFirst(":0:", "::"));
final String hostname = getHostName(a);
for (String hostaddress: hns) {
if (hostaddress.contains("::0:") || hostaddress.contains(":0::")) continue; // not common (but possible); we skip that
// we write the local tests into variables to be able to debug these values
boolean isAnyLocalAddress = a.isAnyLocalAddress();
boolean isLinkLocalAddress = a.isLinkLocalAddress(); // true i.e. for localhost/fe80:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%1, myhost.local/fe80:0:0:0:223:dfff:fedf:30ce%7
boolean isLoopbackAddress = a.isLoopbackAddress(); // true i.e. for localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1, localhost/
boolean isSiteLocalAddress = a.isSiteLocalAddress(); // true i.e. for myhost.local/
if (isAnyLocalAddress || isLinkLocalAddress || isLoopbackAddress || isSiteLocalAddress) {
ConcurrentLog.info("Domain Init", "local host address: " + hostaddress + " (local)");
if (hostname != null) {localHostNames.add(chopZoneID(hostname)); localHostNames.add(chopZoneID(hostaddress));}
} else {
ConcurrentLog.info("Domain Init", "local host address: " + hostaddress + " (public)");
if (a instanceof Inet4Address) {
} else {
* ! ! ! A T T E N T I O N A T T E N T I O N A T T E N T I O N ! ! !
* Do not move a TLD to another group (if you do not exactly know what you
* are doing)! Because it will change the hash of the url!
private static final String[] TLD_NorthAmericaOceania = {
// primary english-speaking countries
// english-speaking countries from central america are also included
// includes also dutch and french colonies in the caribbean sea
// and US/English/Australian military bases in asia
"EDU=US Educational",
"GOV=US Government",
"MIL=US Military",
"ORG=Non-Profit Organization",
"AN=Netherlands Antilles",
"AS=American Samoa",
"AG=Antigua and Barbuda",
"CC=Cocos (Keeling) Islands",
"CK=Cook Islands",
"CX=Christmas Island", // located in the Indian Ocean, but belongs to Australia
"GS=South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands", // south of south america, but administrated by british, has only a scientific base
"GU=Guam", // strategic US basis close to Japan
"HM=Heard and McDonald Islands", // uninhabited, sub-Antarctic island, owned by Australia
"IO=British Indian Ocean Territory", // UK-US naval support facility in the Indian Ocean
"KI=Kiribati", // 33 coral atolls in the pacific, formerly owned by UK
"KN=Saint Kitts and Nevis", // islands in the carribean see
"KY=Cayman Islands",
"LC=Saint Lucia",
"MF=Saint Martin (French part)",
"MH=Marshall Islands", // formerly US atomic bomb test site, now a key installation in the US missile defense network
"MP=Northern Mariana Islands", // US strategic location in the western Pacific Ocean
"NC=New Caledonia",
"NF=Norfolk Island",
"NR=Nauru", // independent UN island
"NU=Niue", // one of world's largest coral islands
"NZ=New Zealand (Aotearoa)",
"PG=Papua New Guinea",
"PN=Pitcairn", // overseas territory of the UK
"PR=Puerto Rico", // territory of the US with commonwealth status
"PW=Palau", // was once governed by Micronesia
"SB=Solomon Islands",
"TC=Turks and Caicos Islands", // overseas territory of the UK
"TK=Tokelau", // group of three atolls in the South Pacific Ocean, british protectorat
"TT=Trinidad and Tobago",
"TV=Tuvalu", // nine coral atolls in the South Pacific Ocean; in 2000, Tuvalu leased its TLD ".tv" for $50 million over a 12-year period
"UM=US Minor Outlying Islands", // nine insular United States possessions in the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea
"US=United States",
"VC=Saint Vincent and the Grenadines",
"VG=Virgin Islands (British)",
"VI=Virgin Islands (U.S.)",
"WF=Wallis and Futuna Islands",
private static final String[] TLD_MiddleSouthAmerica = {
// primary spanish and portugese-speaking
"CR=Costa Rica",
"DO=Dominican Republic",
"FK=Falkland Islands (Malvinas)",
"GF=French Guiana",
"SV=El Salvador",
private static final String[] TLD_EuropeRussia = {
// includes also countries that are mainly french- dutch- speaking
// and culturally close to europe
"AX=Aaland Islands",
"BA=Bosnia and Herzegovina",
"BV=Bouvet Island", // this island is uninhabited and covered by ice, south of africa but governed by Norway
"CS=Czechoslovakia (former)",
"CZ=Czech Republic",
"FO=Faroe Islands", // Viking Settlers
"FX=France, Metropolitan",
"GB=Great Britain (UK)",
"HR=Croatia (Hrvatska)",
"IM=Isle of Man",
"MS=Montserrat", // British island in the Caribbean Sea, almost not populated because of strong vulcanic activity
"MQ=Martinique", // island in the eastern Caribbean Sea, overseas department of France
"NATO=Nato field",
"PF=French Polynesia", // French annexed Polynesian island in the South Pacific, French atomic bomb test site
"PM=St. Pierre and Miquelon", // french-administrated colony close to canada, belongs to France
"SJ=Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands", // part of Norway
"SM=San Marino",
"SK=Slovak Republic",
"SU=USSR (former)",
"TF=French Southern Territories", // islands in the arctic see, no inhabitants
"UK=United Kingdom",
"VA=Vatican City State (Holy See)",
private static final String[] TLD_MiddleEastWestAsia = {
// states that are influenced by islamic culture and arabic language
// includes also eurasia states and those that had been part of the former USSR and close to southwest asia
"AE=United Arab Emirates",
"PS=Palestinian Territory",
"SA=Saudi Arabia",
private static final String[] TLD_SouthEastAsia = {
"ASIA=The Pan-Asia and Asia Pacific community",
"BN=Brunei Darussalam",
"HK=Hong Kong",
"KP=Korea (North)",
"KR=Korea (South)",
"LK=Sri Lanka",
"MM=Myanmar", // formerly known as Burma
"MO=Macau", // Portuguese settlement, part of China, but has some autonomy
"MV=Maldives", // group of atolls in the Indian Ocean
"TP=East Timor",
"VN=Viet Nam"
private static final String[] TLD_Africa = {
"AC=Ascension Island",
"BF=Burkina Faso",
"CD=Democratic Republic of the Congo",
"CF=Central African Republic",
"CI=Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)",
"CV=Cape Verde",
"EH=Western Sahara",
"GQ=Equatorial Guinea",
"SH=St. Helena",
"SL=Sierra Leone",
"ST=Sao Tome and Principe",
"ZA=South Africa",
private static final String[] TLD_Generic = {
"COM=US Commercial",
"AERO=The air-transport industry",
"ARPA=operationally-critical infrastructural identifier spaces",
"COOP=cooperative associations",
"JOBS=human resource managers",
"MOBI=mobile products and services",
"PRO=Credentialed professionals",
"TEL=Published contact data",
"TRAVEL=The travel industry",
// domains from the OpenNIC project, http://www.opennicproject.org, see also http://wiki.opennic.glue/OpenNICNamespaces
"GLUE=OpenNIC Internal Architectural use",
"BBS=OpenNIC Bulletin Board System servers",
"FUR=OpenNIC Furries, Furry Fandom and other Anthropormorphic interest",
"GEEK=OpenNIC Geek-oriented sites",
"INDY=OpenNIC independent media and arts",
"NULL=OpenNIC the DNS version of Usenet's alt. hierarchy",
"OSS=OpenNIC reserved exclusively for Open Source Software projects",
"PARODY=OpenNIC non-commercial parody work",
private static final String[] ccSLD_TLD_list = new String[] { "com.ac", "net.ac", "gov.ac", "org.ac", "mil.ac", "co.ae",
"net.ae", "gov.ae", "ac.ae", "sch.ae", "org.ae", "mil.ae", "pro.ae", "name.ae", "com.af", "edu.af", "gov.af", "net.af", "org.af",
"com.al", "edu.al", "gov.al", "mil.al", "net.al", "org.al", "ed.ao", "gv.ao", "og.ao", "co.ao", "pb.ao", "it.ao", "com.ar", "edu.ar",
"gob.ar", "gov.ar", "int.ar", "mil.ar", "net.ar", "org.ar", "tur.ar", "gv.at", "ac.at", "co.at", "or.at", "com.au", "net.au", "org.au",
"edu.au", "gov.au", "csiro.au", "asn.au", "id.au", "org.ba", "net.ba", "edu.ba", "gov.ba", "mil.ba", "unsa.ba", "untz.ba", "unmo.ba",
"unbi.ba", "unze.ba", "co.ba", "com.ba", "rs.ba", "co.bb", "com.bb", "net.bb", "org.bb", "gov.bb", "edu.bb", "info.bb", "store.bb",
"tv.bb", "biz.bb", "com.bh", "info.bh", "cc.bh", "edu.bh", "biz.bh", "net.bh", "org.bh", "gov.bh", "com.bn", "edu.bn", "gov.bn",
"net.bn", "org.bn", "com.bo", "net.bo", "org.bo", "tv.bo", "mil.bo", "int.bo", "gob.bo", "gov.bo", "edu.bo", "adm.br", "adv.br",
"agr.br", "am.br", "arq.br", "art.br", "ato.br", "b.br", "bio.br", "blog.br", "bmd.br", "cim.br", "cng.br", "cnt.br", "com.br",
"coop.br", "ecn.br", "edu.br", "eng.br", "esp.br", "etc.br", "eti.br", "far.br", "flog.br", "fm.br", "fnd.br", "fot.br", "fst.br",
"g12.br", "ggf.br", "gov.br", "imb.br", "ind.br", "inf.br", "jor.br", "jus.br", "lel.br", "mat.br", "med.br", "mil.br", "mus.br",
"net.br", "nom.br", "not.br", "ntr.br", "odo.br", "org.br", "ppg.br", "pro.br", "psc.br", "psi.br", "qsl.br", "rec.br", "slg.br",
"srv.br", "tmp.br", "trd.br", "tur.br", "tv.br", "vet.br", "vlog.br", "wiki.br", "zlg.br", "com.bs", "net.bs", "org.bs", "edu.bs",
"gov.bs", "com.bz", "edu.bz", "gov.bz", "net.bz", "org.bz", "om.bz", "du.bz", "ov.bz", "et.bz", "rg.bz", "ab.ca", "bc.ca", "mb.ca",
"nb.ca", "nf.ca", "nl.ca", "ns.ca", "nt.ca", "nu.ca", "on.ca", "pe.ca", "qc.ca", "sk.ca", "yk.ca", "co.ck", "org.ck", "edu.ck", "gov.ck",
"net.ck", "gen.ck", "biz.ck", "info.ck", "ac.cn", "com.cn", "edu.cn", "gov.cn", "mil.cn", "net.cn", "org.cn", "ah.cn", "bj.cn", "cq.cn",
"fj.cn", "gd.cn", "gs.cn", "gz.cn", "gx.cn", "ha.cn", "hb.cn", "he.cn", "hi.cn", "hl.cn", "hn.cn", "jl.cn", "js.cn", "jx.cn", "ln.cn",
"nm.cn", "nx.cn", "qh.cn", "sc.cn", "sd.cn", "sh.cn", "sn.cn", "sx.cn", "tj.cn", "tw.cn", "xj.cn", "xz.cn", "yn.cn", "zj.cn", "com.co",
"org.co", "edu.co", "gov.co", "net.co", "mil.co", "nom.co", "ac.cr", "co.cr", "ed.cr", "fi.cr", "go.cr", "or.cr", "sa.cr", "cr", "ac.cy",
"net.cy", "gov.cy", "org.cy", "pro.cy", "name.cy", "ekloges.cy", "tm.cy", "ltd.cy", "biz.cy", "press.cy", "parliament.cy", "com.cy",
"edu.do", "gob.do", "gov.do", "com.do", "sld.do", "org.do", "net.do", "web.do", "mil.do", "art.do", "com.dz", "org.dz", "net.dz",
"gov.dz", "edu.dz", "asso.dz", "pol.dz", "art.dz", "com.ec", "info.ec", "net.ec", "fin.ec", "med.ec", "pro.ec", "org.ec", "edu.ec",
"gov.ec", "mil.ec", "com.eg", "edu.eg", "eun.eg", "gov.eg", "mil.eg", "name.eg", "net.eg", "org.eg", "sci.eg", "com.er", "edu.er",
"gov.er", "mil.er", "net.er", "org.er", "ind.er", "rochest.er", "w.er", "com.es", "nom.es", "org.es", "gob.es", "edu.es", "com.et",
"gov.et", "org.et", "edu.et", "net.et", "biz.et", "name.et", "info.et", "ac.fj", "biz.fj", "com.fj", "info.fj", "mil.fj", "name.fj",
"net.fj", "org.fj", "pro.fj", "co.fk", "org.fk", "gov.fk", "ac.fk", "nom.fk", "net.fk", "fr", "tm.fr", "asso.fr", "nom.fr", "prd.fr",
"presse.fr", "com.fr", "gouv.fr", "co.gg", "net.gg", "org.gg", "com.gh", "edu.gh", "gov.gh", "org.gh", "mil.gh", "com.gn", "ac.gn",
"gov.gn", "org.gn", "net.gn", "com.gr", "edu.gr", "net.gr", "org.gr", "gov.gr", "mil.gr", "com.gt", "edu.gt", "net.gt", "gob.gt",
"org.gt", "mil.gt", "ind.gt", "com.gu", "net.gu", "gov.gu", "org.gu", "edu.gu", "com.hk", "edu.hk", "gov.hk", "idv.hk", "net.hk",
"org.hk", "ac.id", "co.id", "net.id", "or.id", "web.id", "sch.id", "mil.id", "go.id", "war.net.id", "ac.il", "co.il", "org.il", "net.il",
"k12.il", "gov.il", "muni.il", "idf.il", "in", "co.in", "firm.in", "net.in", "org.in", "gen.in", "ind.in", "ac.in", "edu.in", "res.in",
"ernet.in", "gov.in", "mil.in", "nic.in", "iq", "gov.iq", "edu.iq", "com.iq", "mil.iq", "org.iq", "net.iq", "ir", "ac.ir", "co.ir",
"gov.ir", "id.ir", "net.ir", "org.ir", "sch.ir", "dnssec.ir", "gov.it", "edu.it", "co.je", "net.je", "org.je", "com.jo", "net.jo",
"gov.jo", "edu.jo", "org.jo", "mil.jo", "name.jo", "sch.jo", "ac.jp", "ad.jp", "co.jp", "ed.jp", "go.jp", "gr.jp", "lg.jp", "ne.jp",
"or.jp", "co.ke", "or.ke", "ne.ke", "go.ke", "ac.ke", "sc.ke", "me.ke", "mobi.ke", "info.ke", "per.kh", "com.kh", "edu.kh", "gov.kh",
"mil.kh", "net.kh", "org.kh", "com.ki", "biz.ki", "de.ki", "net.ki", "info.ki", "org.ki", "gov.ki", "edu.ki", "mob.ki", "tel.ki", "km",
"com.km", "coop.km", "asso.km", "nom.km", "presse.km", "tm.km", "medecin.km", "notaires.km", "pharmaciens.km", "veterinaire.km",
"edu.km", "gouv.km", "mil.km", "net.kn", "org.kn", "edu.kn", "gov.kn", "kr", "co.kr", "ne.kr", "or.kr", "re.kr", "pe.kr", "go.kr",
"mil.kr", "ac.kr", "hs.kr", "ms.kr", "es.kr", "sc.kr", "kg.kr", "seoul.kr", "busan.kr", "daegu.kr", "incheon.kr", "gwangju.kr",
"daejeon.kr", "ulsan.kr", "gyeonggi.kr", "gangwon.kr", "chungbuk.kr", "chungnam.kr", "jeonbuk.kr", "jeonnam.kr", "gyeongbuk.kr",
"gyeongnam.kr", "jeju.kr", "edu.kw", "com.kw", "net.kw", "org.kw", "gov.kw", "com.ky", "org.ky", "net.ky", "edu.ky", "gov.ky", "com.kz",
"edu.kz", "gov.kz", "mil.kz", "net.kz", "org.kz", "com.lb", "edu.lb", "gov.lb", "net.lb", "org.lb", "gov.lk", "sch.lk", "net.lk",
"int.lk", "com.lk", "org.lk", "edu.lk", "ngo.lk", "soc.lk", "web.lk", "ltd.lk", "assn.lk", "grp.lk", "hotel.lk", "com.lr", "edu.lr",
"gov.lr", "org.lr", "net.lr", "com.lv", "edu.lv", "gov.lv", "org.lv", "mil.lv", "id.lv", "net.lv", "asn.lv", "conf.lv", "com.ly",
"net.ly", "gov.ly", "plc.ly", "edu.ly", "sch.ly", "med.ly", "org.ly", "id.ly", "ma", "net.ma", "ac.ma", "org.ma", "gov.ma", "press.ma",
"co.ma", "tm.mc", "asso.mc", "co.me", "net.me", "org.me", "edu.me", "ac.me", "gov.me", "its.me", "priv.me", "org.mg", "nom.mg", "gov.mg",
"prd.mg", "tm.mg", "edu.mg", "mil.mg", "com.mg", "com.mk", "org.mk", "net.mk", "edu.mk", "gov.mk", "inf.mk", "name.mk", "pro.mk",
"com.ml", "net.ml", "org.ml", "edu.ml", "gov.ml", "presse.ml", "gov.mn", "edu.mn", "org.mn", "com.mo", "edu.mo", "gov.mo", "net.mo",
"org.mo", "com.mt", "org.mt", "net.mt", "edu.mt", "gov.mt", "aero.mv", "biz.mv", "com.mv", "coop.mv", "edu.mv", "gov.mv", "info.mv",
"int.mv", "mil.mv", "museum.mv", "name.mv", "net.mv", "org.mv", "pro.mv", "ac.mw", "co.mw", "com.mw", "coop.mw", "edu.mw", "gov.mw",
"int.mw", "museum.mw", "net.mw", "org.mw", "com.mx", "net.mx", "org.mx", "edu.mx", "gob.mx", "com.my", "net.my", "org.my", "gov.my",
"edu.my", "sch.my", "mil.my", "name.my", "com.nf", "net.nf", "arts.nf", "store.nf", "web.nf", "firm.nf", "info.nf", "other.nf", "per.nf",
"rec.nf", "com.ng", "org.ng", "gov.ng", "edu.ng", "net.ng", "sch.ng", "name.ng", "mobi.ng", "biz.ng", "mil.ng", "gob.ni", "co.ni",
"com.ni", "ac.ni", "edu.ni", "org.ni", "nom.ni", "net.ni", "mil.ni", "com.np", "edu.np", "gov.np", "org.np", "mil.np", "net.np",
"edu.nr", "gov.nr", "biz.nr", "info.nr", "net.nr", "org.nr", "com.nr", "com.om", "co.om", "edu.om", "ac.om", "sch.om", "gov.om",
"net.om", "org.om", "mil.om", "museum.om", "biz.om", "pro.om", "med.om", "edu.pe", "gob.pe", "nom.pe", "mil.pe", "sld.pe", "org.pe",
"com.pe", "net.pe", "com.ph", "net.ph", "org.ph", "mil.ph", "ngo.ph", "i.ph", "gov.ph", "edu.ph", "com.pk", "net.pk", "edu.pk", "org.pk",
"fam.pk", "biz.pk", "web.pk", "gov.pk", "gob.pk", "gok.pk", "gon.pk", "gop.pk", "gos.pk", "pwr.pl", "com.pl", "biz.pl", "net.pl",
"art.pl", "edu.pl", "org.pl", "ngo.pl", "gov.pl", "info.pl", "mil.pl", "waw.pl", "warszawa.pl", "wroc.pl", "wroclaw.pl", "krakow.pl",
"katowice.pl", "poznan.pl", "lodz.pl", "gda.pl", "gdansk.pl", "slupsk.pl", "radom.pl", "szczecin.pl", "lublin.pl", "bialystok.pl",
"olsztyn.pl", "torun.pl", "gorzow.pl", "zgora.pl", "biz.pr", "com.pr", "edu.pr", "gov.pr", "info.pr", "isla.pr", "name.pr", "net.pr",
"org.pr", "pro.pr", "est.pr", "prof.pr", "ac.pr", "com.ps", "net.ps", "org.ps", "edu.ps", "gov.ps", "plo.ps", "sec.ps", "co.pw", "ne.pw",
"or.pw", "ed.pw", "go.pw", "belau.pw", "arts.ro", "com.ro", "firm.ro", "info.ro", "nom.ro", "nt.ro", "org.ro", "rec.ro", "store.ro",
"tm.ro", "www.ro", "co.rs", "org.rs", "edu.rs", "ac.rs", "gov.rs", "in.rs", "com.sb", "net.sb", "edu.sb", "org.sb", "gov.sb", "com.sc",
"net.sc", "edu.sc", "gov.sc", "org.sc", "co.sh", "com.sh", "org.sh", "gov.sh", "edu.sh", "net.sh", "nom.sh", "com.sl", "net.sl",
"org.sl", "edu.sl", "gov.sl", "gov.st", "saotome.st", "principe.st", "consulado.st", "embaixada.st", "org.st", "edu.st", "net.st",
"com.st", "store.st", "mil.st", "co.st", "edu.sv", "gob.sv", "com.sv", "org.sv", "red.sv", "co.sz", "ac.sz", "org.sz", "com.tr",
"gen.tr", "org.tr", "biz.tr", "info.tr", "av.tr", "dr.tr", "pol.tr", "bel.tr", "tsk.tr", "bbs.tr", "k12.tr", "edu.tr", "name.tr",
"net.tr", "gov.tr", "web.tr", "tel.tr", "tv.tr", "co.tt", "com.tt", "org.tt", "net.tt", "biz.tt", "info.tt", "pro.tt", "int.tt",
"coop.tt", "jobs.tt", "mobi.tt", "travel.tt", "museum.tt", "aero.tt", "cat.tt", "tel.tt", "name.tt", "mil.tt", "edu.tt", "gov.tt",
"edu.tw", "gov.tw", "mil.tw", "com.tw", "net.tw", "org.tw", "idv.tw", "game.tw", "ebiz.tw", "club.tw", "com.mu", "gov.mu", "net.mu",
"org.mu", "ac.mu", "co.mu", "or.mu", "ac.mz", "co.mz", "edu.mz", "org.mz", "gov.mz", "com.na", "co.na", "ac.nz", "co.nz", "cri.nz",
"geek.nz", "gen.nz", "govt.nz", "health.nz", "iwi.nz", "maori.nz", "mil.nz", "net.nz", "org.nz", "parliament.nz", "school.nz", "abo.pa",
"ac.pa", "com.pa", "edu.pa", "gob.pa", "ing.pa", "med.pa", "net.pa", "nom.pa", "org.pa", "sld.pa", "com.pt", "edu.pt", "gov.pt",
"int.pt", "net.pt", "nome.pt", "org.pt", "publ.pt", "com.py", "edu.py", "gov.py", "mil.py", "net.py", "org.py", "com.qa", "edu.qa",
"gov.qa", "mil.qa", "net.qa", "org.qa", "asso.re", "com.re", "nom.re", "ac.ru", "adygeya.ru", "altai.ru", "amur.ru", "arkhangelsk.ru",
"astrakhan.ru", "bashkiria.ru", "belgorod.ru", "bir.ru", "bryansk.ru", "buryatia.ru", "cbg.ru", "chel.ru", "chelyabinsk.ru", "chita.ru",
"chukotka.ru", "chuvashia.ru", "com.ru", "dagestan.ru", "e-burg.ru", "edu.ru", "gov.ru", "grozny.ru", "int.ru", "irkutsk.ru",
"ivanovo.ru", "izhevsk.ru", "jar.ru", "joshkar-ola.ru", "kalmykia.ru", "kaluga.ru", "kamchatka.ru", "karelia.ru", "kazan.ru", "kchr.ru",
"kemerovo.ru", "khabarovsk.ru", "khakassia.ru", "khv.ru", "kirov.ru", "koenig.ru", "komi.ru", "kostroma.ru", "kranoyarsk.ru", "kuban.ru",
"kurgan.ru", "kursk.ru", "lipetsk.ru", "magadan.ru", "mari.ru", "mari-el.ru", "marine.ru", "mil.ru", "mordovia.ru", "mosreg.ru",
"msk.ru", "murmansk.ru", "nalchik.ru", "net.ru", "nnov.ru", "nov.ru", "novosibirsk.ru", "nsk.ru", "omsk.ru", "orenburg.ru", "org.ru",
"oryol.ru", "penza.ru", "perm.ru", "pp.ru", "pskov.ru", "ptz.ru", "rnd.ru", "ryazan.ru", "sakhalin.ru", "samara.ru", "saratov.ru",
"simbirsk.ru", "smolensk.ru", "spb.ru", "stavropol.ru", "stv.ru", "surgut.ru", "tambov.ru", "tatarstan.ru", "tom.ru", "tomsk.ru",
"tsaritsyn.ru", "tsk.ru", "tula.ru", "tuva.ru", "tver.ru", "tyumen.ru", "udm.ru", "udmurtia.ru", "ulan-ude.ru", "vladikavkaz.ru",
"vladimir.ru", "vladivostok.ru", "volgograd.ru", "vologda.ru", "voronezh.ru", "vrn.ru", "vyatka.ru", "yakutia.ru", "yamal.ru",
"yekaterinburg.ru", "yuzhno-sakhalinsk.ru", "ac.rw", "co.rw", "com.rw", "edu.rw", "gouv.rw", "gov.rw", "int.rw", "mil.rw", "net.rw",
"com.sa", "edu.sa", "gov.sa", "med.sa", "net.sa", "org.sa", "pub.sa", "sch.sa", "com.sd", "edu.sd", "gov.sd", "info.sd", "med.sd",
"net.sd", "org.sd", "tv.sd", "a.se", "ac.se", "b.se", "bd.se", "c.se", "d.se", "e.se", "f.se", "g.se", "h.se", "i.se", "k.se", "l.se",
"m.se", "n.se", "o.se", "org.se", "p.se", "parti.se", "pp.se", "press.se", "r.se", "s.se", "t.se", "tm.se", "u.se", "w.se", "x.se",
"y.se", "z.se", "com.sg", "edu.sg", "gov.sg", "idn.sg", "net.sg", "org.sg", "per.sg", "art.sn", "com.sn", "edu.sn", "gouv.sn", "org.sn",
"perso.sn", "univ.sn", "com.sy", "edu.sy", "gov.sy", "mil.sy", "net.sy", "news.sy", "org.sy", "ac.th", "co.th", "go.th", "in.th",
"mi.th", "net.th", "or.th", "ac.tj", "biz.tj", "co.tj", "com.tj", "edu.tj", "go.tj", "gov.tj", "info.tj", "int.tj", "mil.tj", "name.tj",
"net.tj", "nic.tj", "org.tj", "test.tj", "web.tj", "agrinet.tn", "com.tn", "defense.tn", "edunet.tn", "ens.tn", "fin.tn", "gov.tn",
"ind.tn", "info.tn", "intl.tn", "mincom.tn", "nat.tn", "net.tn", "org.tn", "perso.tn", "rnrt.tn", "rns.tn", "rnu.tn", "tourism.tn",
"ac.tz", "co.tz", "go.tz", "ne.tz", "or.tz", "biz.ua", "cherkassy.ua", "chernigov.ua", "chernovtsy.ua", "ck.ua", "cn.ua", "co.ua",
"com.ua", "crimea.ua", "cv.ua", "dn.ua", "dnepropetrovsk.ua", "donetsk.ua", "dp.ua", "edu.ua", "gov.ua", "if.ua", "in.ua",
"ivano-frankivsk.ua", "kh.ua", "kharkov.ua", "kherson.ua", "khmelnitskiy.ua", "kiev.ua", "kirovograd.ua", "km.ua", "kr.ua", "ks.ua",
"kv.ua", "lg.ua", "lugansk.ua", "lutsk.ua", "lviv.ua", "me.ua", "mk.ua", "net.ua", "nikolaev.ua", "od.ua", "odessa.ua", "org.ua",
"pl.ua", "poltava.ua", "pp.ua", "rovno.ua", "rv.ua", "sebastopol.ua", "sumy.ua", "te.ua", "ternopil.ua", "uzhgorod.ua", "vinnica.ua",
"vn.ua", "zaporizhzhe.ua", "zhitomir.ua", "zp.ua", "zt.ua", "ac.ug", "co.ug", "go.ug", "ne.ug", "or.ug", "org.ug", "sc.ug", "ac.uk",
"bl.uk", "british-library.uk", "co.uk", "cym.uk", "gov.uk", "govt.uk", "icnet.uk", "jet.uk", "lea.uk", "ltd.uk", "me.uk", "mil.uk",
"mod.uk", "national-library-scotland.uk", "nel.uk", "net.uk", "nhs.uk", "nic.uk", "nls.uk", "org.uk", "orgn.uk", "parliament.uk",
"plc.uk", "police.uk", "sch.uk", "scot.uk", "soc.uk", "dni.us", "fed.us", "isa.us", "kids.us", "nsn.us", "com.uy", "edu.uy", "gub.uy",
"mil.uy", "net.uy", "org.uy", "co.ve", "com.ve", "edu.ve", "gob.ve", "info.ve", "mil.ve", "net.ve", "org.ve", "web.ve", "co.vi",
"com.vi", "k12.vi", "net.vi", "org.vi", "ac.vn", "biz.vn", "com.vn", "edu.vn", "gov.vn", "health.vn", "info.vn", "int.vn", "name.vn",
"net.vn", "org.vn", "pro.vn", "co.ye", "com.ye", "gov.ye", "ltd.ye", "me.ye", "net.ye", "org.ye", "plc.ye", "ac.yu", "co.yu", "edu.yu",
"gov.yu", "org.yu", "ac.za", "agric.za", "alt.za", "bourse.za", "city.za", "co.za", "cybernet.za", "db.za", "ecape.school.za", "edu.za",
"fs.school.za", "gov.za", "gp.school.za", "grondar.za", "iaccess.za", "imt.za", "inca.za", "kzn.school.za", "landesign.za", "law.za",
"lp.school.za", "mil.za", "mpm.school.za", "ncape.school.za", "net.za", "ngo.za", "nis.za", "nom.za", "nw.school.za", "olivetti.za",
"org.za", "pix.za", "school.za", "tm.za", "wcape.school.za", "web.za", "ac.zm", "co.zm", "com.zm", "edu.zm", "gov.zm", "net.zm",
"org.zm", "sch.zm", "e164.arpa", "au.com", "br.com", "cn.com", "de.com", "eu.com", "gb.com", "hu.com", "no.com", "qc.com", "ru.com",
"sa.com", "se.com", "uk.com", "us.com", "uy.com", "za.com", "de.net", "gb.net", "uk.net", "dk.org", "eu.org", "edu.ac", "com.ae",
"com.ai", "edu.ai", "gov.ai", "org.ai", "uba.ar", "esc.edu.ar", "priv.at", "conf.au", "info.au", "otc.au", "oz.au", "telememo.au",
"com.az", "net.az", "org.az", "ac.be", "belgie.be", "dns.be", "fgov.be", "com.bm", "edu.bm", "gov.bm", "net.bm", "org.bm", "sp.br",
"hk.cn", "mo.cn", "arts.co", "firm.co", "info.co", "int.co", "rec.co", "store.co", "web.co", "com.cu", "net.cu", "org.cu", "co.dk",
"ass.dz", "k12.ec", "gov.fj", "id.fj", "school.fj", "com.fk", "aeroport.fr", "assedic.fr", "avocat.fr", "avoues.fr", "barreau.fr",
"cci.fr", "chambagri.fr", "chirurgiens-dentistes.fr", "experts-comptables.fr", "geometre-expert.fr", "greta.fr", "huissier-justice.fr",
"medecin.fr", "notaires.fr", "pharmacien.fr", "port.fr", "veterinaire.fr", "com.ge", "edu.ge", "gov.ge", "mil.ge", "net.ge", "org.ge",
"pvt.ge", "ac.gg", "alderney.gg", "gov.gg", "guernsey.gg", "ind.gg", "ltd.gg", "sark.gg", "sch.gg", "mil.gu", "2000.hu", "agrar.hu",
"bolt.hu", "casino.hu", "city.hu", "co.hu", "erotica.hu", "erotika.hu", "film.hu", "forum.hu", "games.hu", "hotel.hu", "info.hu",
"ingatlan.hu", "jogasz.hu", "konyvelo.hu", "lakas.hu", "media.hu", "news.hu", "org.hu", "priv.hu", "reklam.hu", "sex.hu", "shop.hu",
"sport.hu", "suli.hu", "szex.hu", "tm.hu", "tozsde.hu", "utazas.hu", "video.hu", "ac.im", "co.im", "gov.im", "net.im", "nic.im",
"org.im", "ac.je", "gov.je", "ind.je", "jersey.je", "ltd.je", "sch.je", "aichi.jp", "akita.jp", "aomori.jp", "chiba.jp", "ehime.jp",
"fukui.jp", "fukuoka.jp", "fukushima.jp", "gifu.jp", "gov.jp", "gunma.jp", "hiroshima.jp", "hokkaido.jp", "hyogo.jp", "ibaraki.jp",
"ishikawa.jp", "iwate.jp", "kagawa.jp", "kagoshima.jp", "kanagawa.jp", "kanazawa.jp", "kawasaki.jp", "kitakyushu.jp", "kobe.jp",
"kochi.jp", "kumamoto.jp", "kyoto.jp", "matsuyama.jp", "mie.jp", "miyagi.jp", "miyazaki.jp", "nagano.jp", "nagasaki.jp", "nagoya.jp",
"nara.jp", "net.jp", "niigata.jp", "oita.jp", "okayama.jp", "okinawa.jp", "org.jp", "osaka.jp", "saga.jp", "saitama.jp", "sapporo.jp",
"sendai.jp", "shiga.jp", "shimane.jp", "shizuoka.jp", "takamatsu.jp", "tochigi.jp", "tokushima.jp", "tokyo.jp", "tottori.jp",
"toyama.jp", "utsunomiya.jp", "wakayama.jp", "yamagata.jp", "yamaguchi.jp", "yamanashi.jp", "yokohama.jp", "kyonggi.kr", "com.la",
"net.la", "org.la", "mil.lb", "com.lc", "edu.lc", "gov.lc", "net.lc", "org.lc", "com.mm", "edu.mm", "gov.mm", "net.mm", "org.mm",
"tm.mt", "uu.mt", "alt.na", "cul.na", "edu.na", "net.na", "org.na", "telecom.na", "unam.na", "com.nc", "net.nc", "org.nc", "ac.ng",
"tel.no", "fax.nr", "mob.nr", "mobil.nr", "mobile.nr", "tel.nr", "tlf.nr", "mod.om", "ac.pg", "com.pg", "net.pg", "agro.pl", "aid.pl",
"atm.pl", "auto.pl", "gmina.pl", "gsm.pl", "mail.pl", "media.pl", "miasta.pl", "nieruchomosci.pl", "nom.pl", "pc.pl", "powiat.pl",
"priv.pl", "realestate.pl", "rel.pl", "sex.pl", "shop.pl", "sklep.pl", "sos.pl", "szkola.pl", "targi.pl", "tm.pl", "tourism.pl",
"travel.pl", "turystyka.pl", "sch.sd", "mil.sh", "mil.tr", "at.tt", "au.tt", "be.tt", "ca.tt", "de.tt", "dk.tt", "es.tt", "eu.tt",
"fr.tt", "it.tt", "nic.tt", "se.tt", "uk.tt", "us.tt", "co.tv", "gove.tw", "edu.uk", "arts.ve", "bib.ve", "firm.ve", "gov.ve", "int.ve",
"nom.ve", "rec.ve", "store.ve", "tec.ve", "ch.vu", "com.vu", "de.vu", "edu.vu", "fr.vu", "net.vu", "org.vu", "com.ws", "edu.ws",
"gov.ws", "net.ws", "org.ws", "edu.ye", "mil.ye", "ac.zw", "co.zw", "gov.zw", "org.zw" };
static {
// using http://javainetlocator.sourceforge.net/ if library is present
// we use this class using reflection to be able to remove it because that class is old and without maintenance
InetAddressLocatorClass = ClassProvider.load("net.sf.javainetlocator.InetAddressLocator", new File("lib/InetAddressLocator.jar"));
final Class<?>[] args = (Class<?>[]) Array.newInstance(Class.class, 1);
args[0] = InetAddress.class;
InetAddressLocatorGetLocaleInetAddressMethod = ClassProvider.getStaticMethod(InetAddressLocatorClass, "getLocale", args);
private static Map<String, Integer> TLDID = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer>(32);
//private static HashMap<String, String> TLDName = new HashMap<String, String>();
private static void insertTLDProps(final String[] TLDList, final int id) {
int p;
String tld;
//String name;
final Integer ID = Integer.valueOf(id);
for (final String TLDelement : TLDList) {
p = TLDelement.indexOf('=');
if (p > 0) {
tld = TLDelement.substring(0, p).toLowerCase();
//name = TLDList[i].substring(p + 1);
TLDID.put(tld, ID);
//TLDName.put(tld, name);
// TLD separation, partly separated into language groups
// https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/index.html
// http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_continent
public static final int TLD_EuropeRussia_ID = 0; // European languages but no english
public static final int TLD_MiddleSouthAmerica_ID = 1; // mainly spanish-speaking countries
public static final int TLD_SouthEastAsia_ID = 2; // asia
public static final int TLD_MiddleEastWestAsia_ID = 3; // middle east
public static final int TLD_NorthAmericaOceania_ID = 4; // english-speaking countries
public static final int TLD_Africa_ID = 5; // africa
public static final int TLD_Generic_ID = 6; // anything else, also raw ip numbers
public static final int TLD_Local_ID = 7; // a local address
static {
// assign TLD-ids and names
insertTLDProps(TLD_EuropeRussia, TLD_EuropeRussia_ID);
insertTLDProps(TLD_MiddleSouthAmerica, TLD_MiddleSouthAmerica_ID);
insertTLDProps(TLD_SouthEastAsia, TLD_SouthEastAsia_ID);
insertTLDProps(TLD_MiddleEastWestAsia, TLD_MiddleEastWestAsia_ID);
insertTLDProps(TLD_NorthAmericaOceania, TLD_NorthAmericaOceania_ID);
insertTLDProps(TLD_Africa, TLD_Africa_ID);
insertTLDProps(TLD_Generic, TLD_Generic_ID);
// the id=7 is used to flag local addresses
private static KeyList globalHosts = null;
private static boolean noLocalCheck = false;
public static void init(final File globalHostsnameCache) {
if (globalHostsnameCache == null) {
globalHosts = null;
} else try {
globalHosts = new KeyList(globalHostsnameCache);
log.info("loaded globalHosts cache of hostnames, size = " + globalHosts.size());
} catch (final IOException e) {
globalHosts = null;
* the isLocal check can be switched off to gain a better crawling speed.
* however, if the check is switched off, then ALL urls are considered as local
* this will create url-hashes for global domains which do not fit in environments
* where the isLocal switch is not de-activated. Please handle this method with great care
* Bad usage will make peers inoperable.
* @param v
public static void setNoLocalCheck(final boolean v) {
noLocalCheck = v;
public static synchronized void close() {
if (globalHosts != null) try {globalHosts.close();} catch (final IOException e) {log.warn(e);}
if(getByNameService != null) {
* Does an DNS-Check to resolve a hostname to an IP.
* @param host Hostname of the host in demand.
* @return String with the ip. null, if the host could not be resolved.
public static InetAddress dnsResolveFromCache(String host) throws UnknownHostException {
if ((host == null) || host.isEmpty()) return null;
host = host.toLowerCase().trim();
// trying to resolve host by doing a name cache lookup
InetAddress ip = NAME_CACHE_HIT.get(host);
if (ip != null) {
return ip;
if (NAME_CACHE_MISS.containsKey(host)) {
return null;
throw new UnknownHostException("host not in cache");
public static void setNoCachingPatterns(final String patternList) throws PatternSyntaxException {
nameCacheNoCachingPatterns = makePatterns(patternList);
public static List<Pattern> makePatterns(final String patternList) throws PatternSyntaxException {
final String[] entries = (patternList != null) ? CommonPattern.COMMA.split(patternList) : new String[0];
final List<Pattern> patterns = new ArrayList<Pattern>(entries.length);
for (final String entry : entries) {
return patterns;
public static boolean matchesList(final String obj, final List<Pattern> patterns) {
for (final Pattern nextPattern: patterns) {
if (nextPattern.matcher(obj).matches()) return true;
return false;
public static String getHostName(final InetAddress i) {
final Collection<String> hosts = NAME_CACHE_HIT.getKeys(i);
if (!hosts.isEmpty()) return hosts.iterator().next();
final String host = i.getHostName();
NAME_CACHE_HIT.insertIfAbsent(host, i);
return host;
* in case that the host name was resolved using a time-out request
* it can be nice to push that information to the name cache
* @param i the inet address
* @param host the known host name
public static void setHostName(final InetAddress i, final String host) {
NAME_CACHE_HIT.insertIfAbsent(host, i);
final private static ExecutorService getByNameService = Executors
.newCachedThreadPool(new NamePrefixThreadFactory("InetAddress.getByName"));
final private static TimeLimiter timeLimiter = new SimpleTimeLimiter(getByNameService);
* strip off any parts of an url, address string (containing host/ip:port) or raw IPs/Hosts,
* considering that the host may also be an (IPv4) IP or a IPv6 IP in brackets.
* @param target
* @return a host name or IP string
public static String stripToHostName(String target) {
// normalize
if (target == null || target.isEmpty()) return null;
target = target.toLowerCase().trim(); // we can lowercase this because host names are case-insensitive
// extract the address (host:port) part (applies if this is an url)
int p = target.indexOf("://");
if (p > 0) target = target.substring(p + 3);
p = target.indexOf('/');
if (p > 0) target = target.substring(0, p);
// IPv4 / host heuristics
p = target.lastIndexOf(':');
if ( p < 0 ) {
p = target.lastIndexOf('%');
if (p > 0) target = target.substring(0, p);
return target;
// the ':' at pos p may be either a port divider or a part of an IPv6 address
if ( p > target.lastIndexOf(']')) { // if after ] it's a port divider (not IPv6 part)
target = target.substring(0, p );
// may be IPv4 or IPv6, we chop off brackets if exist
if (target.charAt(0) == '[') target = target.substring(1);
if (target.charAt(target.length() - 1) == ']') target = target.substring(0, target.length() - 1);
p = target.lastIndexOf('%');
if (p > 0) target = target.substring(0, p);
return target;
* Reads the port out of a url string (the url must start with a protocol
* like http:// to return correct default port). If no port is given, default
* ports are returned. On missing protocol, port=80 is assumed.
* @param target url (must start with protocol)
* @return port number
public static int stripToPort(String target) {
int port = 80; // default port
// normalize
if (target == null || target.isEmpty()) return port;
target = target.toLowerCase().trim(); // we can lowercase this because host names are case-insensitive
// extract the address (host:port) part (applies if this is an url)
int p = target.indexOf("://");
if (p > 0) {
String protocol = target.substring(0, p);
target = target.substring(p + 3);
if ("https".equals(protocol)) port = 443;
if ("ftp".equals(protocol)) port = 21;
if ("smb".equals(protocol)) port = 445;
p = target.indexOf('/');
if (p > 0) target = target.substring(0, p);
// IPv4 / host heuristics
p = target.lastIndexOf(':');
if ( p < 0 ) return port;
// the ':' must be a port divider or part of ipv6
if (target.lastIndexOf(']') < p) {
port = Integer.parseInt(target.substring(p + 1));
return port;
* resolve a host address using a local DNS cache and a DNS lookup if necessary
* @param clienthost
* @return the hosts InetAddress or null if the address cannot be resolved
public static InetAddress dnsResolve(final String host0) {
// consider to call stripToHostName() before calling this
if (host0 == null || host0.isEmpty()) return null;
final String host = host0.toLowerCase().trim();
if (MemoryControl.shortStatus()) {
if (host0.endsWith(".yacyh")) {
// that should not happen here
return null;
// try to resolve host by doing a name cache lookup
InetAddress ip = NAME_CACHE_HIT.get(host);
if (ip != null) {
//System.out.println("DNSLOOKUP-CACHE-HIT(CONC) " + host);
return ip;
if (NAME_CACHE_MISS.containsKey(host)) {
//System.out.println("DNSLOOKUP-CACHE-MISS(CONC) " + host);
return null;
// call dnsResolveNetBased(host) using concurrency to interrupt execution in case of a time-out
final Object sync_obj_new = new Object();
Object sync_obj = LOOKUP_SYNC.putIfAbsent(host, sync_obj_new);
if (sync_obj == null) sync_obj = sync_obj_new;
synchronized (sync_obj) {
// now look again if the host is in the cache where it may be meanwhile because of the synchronization
ip = NAME_CACHE_HIT.get(host);
if (ip != null) {
//System.out.println("DNSLOOKUP-CACHE-HIT(SYNC) " + host);
return ip;
if (NAME_CACHE_MISS.containsKey(host)) {
//System.out.println("DNSLOOKUP-CACHE-MISS(SYNC) " + host);
return null;
// do the dns lookup on the dns server
//if (!matchesList(host, nameCacheNoCachingPatterns)) System.out.println("DNSLOOKUP " + host);
try {
//final long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
String oldName = Thread.currentThread().getName();
Thread.currentThread().setName("Domains: DNS resolve of '" + host + "'"); // thread dump show which host is resolved
if (InetAddresses.isInetAddress(host)) {
try {
ip = InetAddresses.forString(host);
log.info("using guava for host resolution:" + host);
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
ip = null;
if (ip == null) try {
ip = timeLimiter.callWithTimeout(new Callable<InetAddress>() {
public InetAddress call() throws Exception {
return InetAddress.getByName(host);
}, 3000L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, false);
//ip = TimeoutRequest.getByName(host, 1000); // this makes the DNS request to backbone
} catch (final UncheckedTimeoutException e) {
// in case of a timeout - maybe cause of massive requests - do not fill NAME_CACHE_MISS
return null;
//.out.println("DNSLOOKUP-*LOOKUP* " + host + ", time = " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t) + "ms");
} catch (final Throwable e) {
// add new entries
NAME_CACHE_MISS.insertIfAbsent(host, PRESENT);
return null;
if (ip == null) {
// add new entries
NAME_CACHE_MISS.insertIfAbsent(host, PRESENT);
return null;
if (!ip.isLoopbackAddress() && !matchesList(host, nameCacheNoCachingPatterns)) {
// add new ip cache entries
NAME_CACHE_HIT.insertIfAbsent(host, ip);
// add also the isLocal host name caches
final boolean localp = ip.isAnyLocalAddress() || ip.isLinkLocalAddress() || ip.isSiteLocalAddress();
if (!localp) {
if (globalHosts != null) try {
} catch (final IOException e) {}
return ip;
public static void clear() {
try {
} catch (final IOException e) {}
* Returns the number of entries in the nameCacheHit map
* @return int The number of entries in the nameCacheHit map
public static int nameCacheHitSize() {
return NAME_CACHE_HIT.size();
public static int nameCacheMissSize() {
return NAME_CACHE_MISS.size();
public static int nameCacheNoCachingPatternsSize() {
return nameCacheNoCachingPatterns.size();
* myPublicLocalIP() returns the IP of this host which is reachable in the public network under this address
* This is deprecated since it should be possible that the host is reachable with more than one IP
* That is particularly the case if the host supports IPv4 and IPv6.
* Please use myPublicIPv4() or (preferred) myPublicIPv6() instead.
* @return
public static InetAddress myPublicLocalIP() {
// for backward compatibility, we try to select a IPv4 address here.
// future methods should use myPublicIPs() and prefer IPv6
if (publicIPv4HostAddresses.size() > 0) return publicIPv4HostAddresses.iterator().next();
if (publicIPv6HostAddresses.size() > 0) return publicIPv6HostAddresses.iterator().next();
return null;
public static Set<String> myPublicIPs() {
// use a LinkedHashSet to get an order of IPs where the IPv4 are preferred to get a better compatibility with older implementations
Set<String> h = new LinkedHashSet<>(publicIPv4HostAddresses.size() + publicIPv6HostAddresses.size());
for (InetAddress i: publicIPv4HostAddresses) h.add(i.getHostAddress());
for (InetAddress i: publicIPv6HostAddresses) h.add(i.getHostAddress());
return h;
* Get all IPv4 addresses which are assigned to the local host but are public IP addresses.
* These should be the possible addresses which can be used to access this peer.
* @return the public IPv4 Addresses of this peer
public static Set<InetAddress> myPublicIPv4() {
return publicIPv4HostAddresses;
* Get all IPv6 addresses which are assigned to the local host but are public IP addresses.
* These should be the possible addresses which can be used to access this peer.
* @return the public IPv6 addresses of this peer
public static Set<InetAddress> myPublicIPv6() {
return publicIPv6HostAddresses;
* generate a list of intranet InetAddresses
* @return list of all intranet addresses
public static Set<InetAddress> myIntranetIPs() {
if (localHostAddresses.size() < 1) try {Thread.sleep(1000);} catch (final InterruptedException e) {}
return localHostAddresses;
* this method is deprecated in some way because it is not applicable on IPv6
* TODO: remove / replace
* @param hostName
* @return
public static boolean isThisHostIP(final String hostName) {
if ((hostName == null) || (hostName.isEmpty())) return false;
if (hostName.indexOf(':') > 0) return false; // IPv6 addresses do not count because they are always host IPs
return isThisHostIP(Domains.dnsResolve(hostName));
* this method is deprecated in some way because it is not applicable on IPv6
* TODO: remove / replace
* @param hostName
* @return
public static boolean isThisHostIP(final Set<String> hostNames) {
if ((hostNames == null) || (hostNames.isEmpty())) return false;
for (String hostName: hostNames) {
if (hostName.indexOf(':') > 0) return false; // IPv6 addresses do not count because they are always host IPs
if (isThisHostIP(Domains.dnsResolve(hostName))) return true;
return false;
public static boolean isThisHostIP(final InetAddress clientAddress) {
if (clientAddress == null) return false;
if (clientAddress.isAnyLocalAddress() || clientAddress.isLoopbackAddress()) return true;
return myHostAddresses.contains(clientAddress); // includes localHostAddresses
public static int getDomainID(final String host, final InetAddress hostaddress) {
if (host == null || host.isEmpty()) return TLD_Local_ID;
final int p = host.lastIndexOf('.');
final String tld = (p > 0) ? host.substring(p + 1) : "";
final Integer i = TLDID.get(tld);
if (i != null) return i.intValue();
return (isLocal(host, hostaddress)) ? TLD_Local_ID : TLD_Generic_ID;
public static String chopZoneID(String ip) {
int i = ip.indexOf('%');
return i < 0 ? ip : ip.substring(0, i);
* check the host ip string against localhost names
* @param host
* @return true if the host from the string is the localhost
public static boolean isLocalhost(String host) {
if (host == null) return true; // filesystems do not have host names
host = chopZoneID(host);
return LOCALHOST_PATTERNS.matcher(host).matches() || localHostNames.contains(host);
* check if a given host is the name for a local host address
* this method will return true if noLocalCheck is switched on. This means that
* not only local and global addresses are then not distinguished but also that
* global address hashes do not fit any more to previously stored address hashes since
* local/global is marked in the hash.
* @param host
* @return
public static boolean isIntranet(final String host) {
return (noLocalCheck || // DO NOT REMOVE THIS! it is correct to return true if the check is off
host == null || // filesystems do not have host names
INTRANET_PATTERNS.matcher(host).matches()) ||
* check if the given host is a local address.
* the hostaddress is optional and shall be given if the address is already known
* @param host
* @param hostaddress may be null if not known yet
* @return true if the given host is local
public static boolean isLocal(final String host, final InetAddress hostaddress) {
return isLocal(host, hostaddress, true);
private static boolean isLocal(final String host, InetAddress hostaddress, final boolean recursive) {
if (noLocalCheck || // DO NOT REMOVE THIS! it is correct to return true if the check is off
host == null ||
host.isEmpty()) return true;
// check local ip addresses
if (isIntranet(host)) return true;
if (hostaddress != null && (isIntranet(hostaddress.getHostAddress()) || isLocal(hostaddress))) return true;
// check if there are other local IP addresses that are not in
// the standard IP range
if (localHostNames.contains(host)) return true;
if (globalHosts != null && globalHosts.contains(host)) {
//System.out.println("ISLOCAL-GLOBALHOSTS-HIT " + host);
return false;
// check simply if the tld in the host is a known tld
final int p = host.lastIndexOf('.');
final String tld = (p > 0) ? host.substring(p + 1) : "";
final Integer i = TLDID.get(tld);
if (i != null) return false;
// check dns lookup: may be a local address even if the domain name looks global
if (!recursive) return false;
if (hostaddress == null) hostaddress = dnsResolve(host);
return isLocal(hostaddress);
private static boolean isLocal(final InetAddress a) {
final boolean
localp = noLocalCheck || // DO NOT REMOVE THIS! it is correct to return true if the check is off
a == null ||
a.isAnyLocalAddress() ||
a.isLinkLocalAddress() ||
a.isLoopbackAddress() ||
return localp;
* find the locale for a given host. This feature is only available in full quality,
* if the file InetAddressLocator.jar is placed in the /lib directory (as a plug-in)
* from http://javainetlocator.sourceforge.net/
* In case that that you know the InetAddress of the host, DO NOT call this method but the
* other method with the InetAddress first to get better results.
* @param host
* @return the locale for the host
public static Locale getLocale(final String host) {
if (host == null) return null;
final Locale locale = getLocale(dnsResolve(host));
if (locale != null && locale.getCountry() != null && locale.getCountry().length() > 0) return locale;
return null;
final int p = host.lastIndexOf('.');
if (p < 0) return null;
String tld = host.substring(p + 1).toUpperCase();
if (tld.length() < 2) return null;
if (tld.length() > 2) tld = "US";
return new Locale("en", tld);
* find the locale for a given Address
* This uses the InetAddressLocator.jar library
* TODO: integrate http://www.maxmind.com/app/geolitecountry
* @param address
* @return
public static Locale getLocale(final InetAddress address) {
if (InetAddressLocatorGetLocaleInetAddressMethod == null) return null;
if (address == null) return null;
if (isLocal(address.getHostAddress(), address, false)) return null;
try {
return (Locale) InetAddressLocatorGetLocaleInetAddressMethod.invoke(null, new Object[]{address});
} catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
return null;
} catch (final IllegalAccessException e) {
return null;
} catch (final InvocationTargetException e) {
return null;
* compute the Domain Class Name, which is either the top-level-domain or
* a combination of the second-level-domain plus top-level-domain if the second-level-domain
* is a ccSLD ("country code second-level domain"). Such names can be taken from a list of ccSLDs.
* @param host
* @return the TLD or ccSLD+TLD if that is on a list
public static String getDNC(String host) {
if (host == null || host.length() == 0) return "";
int p0 = host.lastIndexOf('.');
if (p0 < 0) return host.toLowerCase();
int p1 = host.lastIndexOf('.', p0 - 1);
if (p1 < 0) return host.substring(p0 + 1).toLowerCase();
String ccSLDTLD = host.substring(p1 + 1).toLowerCase();
return ccSLD_TLD.contains(ccSLDTLD) ? ccSLDTLD : host.substring(p0 + 1).toLowerCase();
* Compute the Second Level Domain of a host name excluding a possible use of a ccSLD.
* If the SLD is a ccSLD, then the Third Level Domain is returned
* @param host
* @return the SLD or the Third Level Domain, if the SLD is a ccSLD
public static String getSmartSLD(String host) {
if (host == null || host.length() == 0) return "";
int p0 = host.lastIndexOf('.');
if (p0 < 0) return host.toLowerCase(); // no subdomain present
int p1 = host.lastIndexOf('.', p0 - 1);
if (p1 < 0) return host.substring(0, p0).toLowerCase(); // no third-level domain present, just use the second level
String ccSLDTLD = host.substring(p1 + 1).toLowerCase();
if (!ccSLD_TLD.contains(ccSLDTLD)) return host.substring(p1 + 1, p0).toLowerCase(); // because the ccSLDTLD is not contained in the list of knwon ccSDL, we use the SLD from p1 to p0
// the third level domain is the correct one
int p2 = host.lastIndexOf('.', p1 - 1);
if (p2 < 0) return host.substring(0, p1).toLowerCase();
return host.substring(p2 + 1, p1);
public static void main(final String[] args) {
try {
Enumeration<NetworkInterface> nis = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
while (nis.hasMoreElements()) {
NetworkInterface ni = nis.nextElement();
Enumeration<InetAddress> addrs = ni.getInetAddresses();
while (addrs.hasMoreElements()) {
InetAddress addr = addrs.nextElement();
} catch(SocketException e) {
InetAddress a;
a = dnsResolve("yacy.net"); System.out.println(a);
a = dnsResolve("kaskelix.de"); System.out.println(a);
a = dnsResolve("yacy.net"); System.out.println(a);
try { Thread.sleep(1000);} catch (final InterruptedException e) {} // get time for class init
System.out.println("myPublicLocalIP: " + myPublicLocalIP());
for (final InetAddress b : myIntranetIPs()) {
System.out.println("Intranet IP: " + b);