package pt.tumba.parser.swf; import com.anotherbigidea.flash.SWFConstants; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; /** * A Flash Movie * *@author unknown *@created 15 de Setembro de 2002 */ public class Movie implements TimeLine { protected int width; protected int height; protected int frameRate; protected Color backColor; protected int version; protected boolean isProtected; protected Map<String, List> importLibraries; protected List<ExportedSymbol> exportedSymbols; protected SortedMap<Integer, Frame> frames = new TreeMap(); protected int frameCount = 0; //--Table of characters defined so far in the movie - while writing out protected Map definedSymbols = new HashMap(); protected int depth = 1; //the next available depth protected int maxId = 1; //the next available symbol id /** * Create a movie with the default values - (550x400), 12 frames/sec, white * backcolor, Flash version 5. */ public Movie() { width = 550; height = 400; frameRate = 12; version = 5; } /** * Create a movie with the given properties * *@param width Description of the Parameter *@param height Description of the Parameter *@param frameRate Description of the Parameter *@param version Description of the Parameter *@param backColor Description of the Parameter */ public Movie(int width, int height, int frameRate, int version, Color backColor) { this.width = width; this.height = height; this.frameRate = frameRate; this.version = version; this.backColor = backColor; } /** * Gets the width attribute of the Movie object * *@return The width value */ public int getWidth() { return width; } /** * Gets the height attribute of the Movie object * *@return The height value */ public int getHeight() { return height; } /** * Gets the frameRate attribute of the Movie object * *@return The frameRate value */ public int getFrameRate() { return frameRate; } /** * Gets the version attribute of the Movie object * *@return The version value */ public int getVersion() { return version; } /** * Gets the backColor attribute of the Movie object * *@return The backColor value */ public Color getBackColor() { return backColor; } /** * Sets the width attribute of the Movie object * *@param width The new width value */ public void setWidth(int width) { this.width = width; } /** * Sets the height attribute of the Movie object * *@param height The new height value */ public void setHeight(int height) { this.height = height; } /** * Sets the frameRate attribute of the Movie object * *@param rate The new frameRate value */ public void setFrameRate(int rate) { this.frameRate = rate; } /** * Sets the version attribute of the Movie object * *@param version The new version value */ public void setVersion(int version) { this.version = version; } /** * Sets the backColor attribute of the Movie object * *@param color The new backColor value */ public void setBackColor(Color color) { this.backColor = color; } /** * Return the protection flag. If true then the movie cannot be imported * into the Flash Author. The existence of tools such as JavaSWF makes this * kind of protection almost worthless. * *@return The protected value */ public boolean isProtected() { return isProtected; } /** * Description of the Method * *@param isProtected Description of the Parameter */ public void protect(boolean isProtected) { this.isProtected = isProtected; } /** * Get the current number of frames in the timeline. * *@return The frameCount value */ public int getFrameCount() { return frameCount; } /** * Get the Frame object for the given frame number - or create one if none * exists. If the frame number is larger than the current frame count then * the frame count is increased. * *@param frameNumber must be 1 or larger *@return The frame value */ public Frame getFrame(int frameNumber) { if (frameNumber < 1) { return null; } Integer num = new Integer(frameNumber); Frame frame = (Frame) frames.get(num); if (frame == null) { frame = new Frame(frameNumber, this); frames.put(num, frame); if (frameNumber > frameCount) { frameCount = frameNumber; } } return frame; } /** * Append a frame to the end of the timeline * *@return Description of the Return Value */ public Frame appendFrame() { frameCount++; Frame frame = new Frame(frameCount, this); frames.put(new Integer(frameCount), frame); return frame; } /** * Get the next available depth in the timeline * *@return The availableDepth value */ public int getAvailableDepth() { return depth; } /** * Set the next available depth in the timeline * *@param depth must be >= 1 */ public void setAvailableDepth(int depth) { if (depth < 1) { return; } this.depth = depth; } /** * Import symbols from another movie (Flash 5 only) * *@param libraryName Description of the Parameter *@param symbolNames Description of the Parameter *@return Symbols representing the imports */ public ImportedSymbol[] importSymbols(String libraryName, String[] symbolNames) { if (importLibraries == null) { importLibraries = new HashMap(); } ArrayList imports = (ArrayList) importLibraries.get(libraryName); if (imports == null) { imports = new ArrayList(); importLibraries.put(libraryName, imports); } ImportedSymbol[] symbols = new ImportedSymbol[symbolNames.length]; for (int i = 0; i < symbolNames.length; i++) { ImportedSymbol imp = new ImportedSymbol(0, symbolNames[i], libraryName); symbols[i] = imp; imports.add(imp); } return symbols; } /** * Clear all the defined library imports */ public void clearImports() { if (importLibraries != null) { importLibraries.clear(); } } /** * Access the imported symbols. * *@return an empty array if there are no imports */ public ImportedSymbol[] getImportedSymbols() { if (importLibraries == null) { return new ImportedSymbol[0]; } List imports = new ArrayList(); for (List list : importLibraries.values()) { for (Iterator i2 = list.iterator(); i2.hasNext(); ) { imports.add(; } } ImportedSymbol[] imps = new ImportedSymbol[imports.size()]; return (ImportedSymbol[])imports.toArray(imps); } /** * Export a number of symbols with the given names so that other movies can * import and use them. Flash version 5 only. * *@param exportNames Description of the Parameter *@param symbols Description of the Parameter */ public void exportSymbols(String[] exportNames, Symbol[] symbols) { if (exportedSymbols == null) { exportedSymbols = new ArrayList(); } for (int i = 0; i < exportNames.length && i < symbols.length; i++) { exportedSymbols.add(new ExportedSymbol(symbols[i], exportNames[i])); } } /** * Get the symbols exported from the movie * *@return an empty array if there are no exports */ public ExportedSymbol[] getExportedSymbols() { if (exportedSymbols == null) { return new ExportedSymbol[0]; } ExportedSymbol[] exports = new ExportedSymbol[exportedSymbols.size()]; exportedSymbols.toArray(exports); return exports; } /** * Clear all the symbol exports */ public void clearExports() { if (exportedSymbols != null) { exportedSymbols.clear(); } } /** * Write the movie in SWF format. * *@param tagwriter Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void write(SWFTagTypes tagwriter) throws IOException { //--Reset state definedSymbols.clear(); maxId = 1; tagwriter.header(version, -1, //force length calculation width * SWFConstants.TWIPS, height * SWFConstants.TWIPS, frameRate, -1); //force frame calculation //default backColor is white if (backColor == null) { backColor = new Color(255, 255, 255); } tagwriter.tagSetBackgroundColor(backColor); if (isProtected) { tagwriter.tagProtect(null); } //--Process Imports if (importLibraries != null && !importLibraries.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator keys = importLibraries.keySet().iterator(); keys.hasNext(); ) { String libName = (String); List imports = (List) importLibraries.get(libName); String[] names = new String[imports.size()]; int[] ids = new int[imports.size()]; int i = 0; for (Iterator it = imports.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { ImportedSymbol imp = (ImportedSymbol); names[i] = imp.getName(); ids[i] = imp.define(this, tagwriter, tagwriter); i++; } tagwriter.tagImport(libName, names, ids); } } //--Process Exports if (exportedSymbols != null && !exportedSymbols.isEmpty()) { String[] names = new String[exportedSymbols.size()]; int[] ids = new int[exportedSymbols.size()]; int i = 0; for (Iterator it = exportedSymbols.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { ExportedSymbol exp = (ExportedSymbol); names[i] = exp.getExportName(); ids[i] = exp.getSymbol().define(this, tagwriter, tagwriter); i++; } tagwriter.tagExport(names, ids); } int lastFrame = 0; for (Iterator iter = frames.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Frame frame = (Frame); int number = frame.getFrameNumber(); //write any intermediate empty frames while (number > lastFrame + 1) { tagwriter.tagShowFrame(); lastFrame++; } frame.write(this, tagwriter, tagwriter); lastFrame = number; } //end of time line tagwriter.tagEnd(); } /** * Write the movie in SWF format to the given file. * *@param filename Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void write(String filename) throws IOException { SWFWriter swfwriter = new SWFWriter(filename); TagWriter tagwriter = new TagWriter(swfwriter); write(tagwriter); } /** * Write the movie in SWF format to the given output stream. * *@param out Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void write(OutputStream out) throws IOException { SWFWriter swfwriter = new SWFWriter(out); TagWriter tagwriter = new TagWriter(swfwriter); write(tagwriter); } }