package pt.tumba.parser.swf; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * A Movie or Movie Clip frame * *@author unknown *@created 15 de Setembro de 2002 */ public class Frame { protected int frameNumber; protected String label; protected List<Placement> placements = new ArrayList(); protected boolean stop; protected TimeLine timeline; protected Actions actions; /** * Constructor for the Frame object * *@param number Description of the Parameter *@param timeline Description of the Parameter */ protected Frame(int number, TimeLine timeline) { frameNumber = number; this.timeline = timeline; } /** * Get the frame actions * *@return The actions value */ public Actions getActions() { return actions; } /** * Set the frame actions (or null them out) * *@param actions The new actions value */ public void setActions(Actions actions) { this.actions = actions; } /** * Reset the frame actions (if any) and return the new empty Actions object * *@param flashVersion Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value */ public Actions actions(int flashVersion) { actions = new Actions(0, flashVersion); return actions; } /** * Get the frame number * *@return The frameNumber value */ public int getFrameNumber() { return frameNumber; } /** * Get the placements in this frame * *@return The placements value */ public Placement[] getPlacements() { Placement[] p = new Placement[placements.size()]; placements.toArray(p); return p; } /** * Get the frame label * *@return null if the frame has no label */ public String getLabel() { return label; } /** * Set the frame label - set to null to clear any label * *@param label The new label value */ public void setLabel(String label) { this.label = label; } /** * Set the stop flag - if true then the movie will stop at this frame. This * can be set on the last frame to prevent the movie looping. */ public void stop() { this.stop = true; } /** * Place a symbol at the given coordinates at the next available depth. * *@param symbol Description of the Parameter *@param x Description of the Parameter *@param y Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value */ public Instance placeSymbol(Symbol symbol, int x, int y) { return placeSymbol(symbol, new Transform(x, y), null, -1, -1); } /** * Place a symbol at the next available depth with the given matrix * transform and color transform. * *@param matrix may be null to place the symbol at (0,0) *@param cxform may be null if no color transform is required *@param symbol Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value */ public Instance placeSymbol( Symbol symbol, Transform matrix, AlphaTransform cxform) { return placeSymbol(symbol, matrix, cxform, -1, -1); } /** * Place a symbol at the next available depth with the given properties. * *@param matrix may be null to place the symbol at (0,0) *@param cxform may be null if no color transform is required *@param ratio only for a MorphShape - the morph ratio from 0 to * 65535, should be -1 for a non-MorphShape *@param clipDepth the top depth that will be clipped by the symbol, * should be -1 if this is not a clipping symbol *@param symbol Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value */ public Instance placeSymbol( Symbol symbol, Transform matrix2, AlphaTransform cxform, int ratio, int clipDepth) { Transform matrix = matrix2; int depth = timeline.getAvailableDepth(); Instance inst = new Instance(symbol, depth); timeline.setAvailableDepth(depth + 1); if (matrix == null) { matrix = new Transform(); } Placement placement = new Placement( inst, matrix, cxform, null, ratio, clipDepth, frameNumber, false, false, null); placements.add(placement); return inst; } /** * Replace the symbol at the given depth with the new symbol * *@param matrix may be null to place the symbol at (0,0) *@param cxform may be null if no color transform is required *@param ratio only for a MorphShape - the morph ratio from 0 to * 65535, should be -1 for a non-MorphShape *@param clipDepth the top depth that will be clipped by the symbol, * should be -1 if this is not a clipping symbol *@param symbol Description of the Parameter *@param depth Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value */ public Instance replaceSymbol( Symbol symbol, int depth, Transform matrix2, AlphaTransform cxform, int ratio, int clipDepth) { Transform matrix = matrix2; Instance inst = new Instance(symbol, depth); if (matrix == null) { matrix = new Transform(); } Placement placement = new Placement( inst, matrix, cxform, null, ratio, clipDepth, frameNumber, false, true, null); placements.add(placement); return inst; } /** * Place a Movie Clip at the next available depth with the given * properties. * *@param matrix may be null to place the symbol at (0,0) *@param cxform may be null if no color transform is required *@param name the instance name of a MovieClip - should be null if * this is not a MovieClip *@param symbol Description of the Parameter *@param clipActions Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value */ public Instance placeMovieClip( Symbol symbol, Transform matrix2, AlphaTransform cxform, String name, Actions[] clipActions) { Transform matrix = matrix2; int depth = timeline.getAvailableDepth(); Instance inst = new Instance(symbol, depth); timeline.setAvailableDepth(depth + 1); if (matrix == null) { matrix = new Transform(); } Placement placement = new Placement( inst, matrix, cxform, name, -1, -1, frameNumber, false, false, clipActions); placements.add(placement); return inst; } /** * Replace the Symbol at the given depth with the new MovieClip * *@param matrix may be null to place the symbol at (0,0) *@param cxform may be null if no color transform is required *@param name the instance name of a MovieClip - should be null if * this is not a MovieClip *@param symbol Description of the Parameter *@param depth Description of the Parameter *@param clipActions Description of the Parameter *@return Description of the Return Value */ public Instance replaceMovieClip( Symbol symbol, int depth, Transform matrix2, AlphaTransform cxform, String name, Actions[] clipActions) { Transform matrix = matrix2; Instance inst = new Instance(symbol, depth); if (matrix == null) { matrix = new Transform(); } Placement placement = new Placement( inst, matrix, cxform, name, -1, -1, frameNumber, false, true, clipActions); placements.add(placement); return inst; } /** * Remove the symbol instance from the stage * *@param instance Description of the Parameter */ public void remove(Instance instance) { placements.add(new Placement(instance, frameNumber)); } /** * Alter the symbol instance by moving it to the new coordinates. Only one * alteration may be made to an Instance in any given frame. * *@param instance Description of the Parameter *@param x Description of the Parameter *@param y Description of the Parameter */ public void alter(Instance instance, int x, int y) { alter(instance, new Transform(x, y), null, -1); } /** * Alter the symbol instance by applying the given transform and/or color * transform. Only one alteration may be made to an Instance in any given * frame. * *@param matrix may be null if no positional change is to be made. *@param cxform may be null if no color change is required. *@param instance Description of the Parameter */ public void alter( Instance instance, Transform matrix, AlphaTransform cxform) { alter(instance, matrix, cxform, -1); } /** * Alter the symbol instance by applying the given properties. Only one * alteration may be made to an Instance in any given frame. * *@param matrix may be null if no positional change is to be made. *@param cxform may be null if no color change is required. *@param ratio only for a MorphShape - the morph ratio from 0 to 65535, * should be -1 for a non-MorphShape *@param instance Description of the Parameter */ public void alter( Instance instance, Transform matrix, AlphaTransform cxform, int ratio) { Placement placement = new Placement( instance, matrix, cxform, null, ratio, -1, frameNumber, true, false, null); placements.add(placement); } /** * Description of the Method * *@param movie Description of the Parameter *@param timelineWriter Description of the Parameter *@param definitionWriter Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ protected void flushDefinitions( Movie movie, SWFTagTypes timelineWriter, SWFTagTypes definitionWriter) throws IOException { for (Placement placement : placements) { placement.flushDefinitions(movie, timelineWriter, definitionWriter); } } /** * Write the frame * *@param movie Description of the Parameter *@param movieTagWriter Description of the Parameter *@param timelineTagWriter Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ protected void write( Movie movie, SWFTagTypes movieTagWriter, SWFTagTypes timelineTagWriter) throws IOException { if (actions != null) { SWFActions acts = timelineTagWriter.tagDoAction(); acts.start(0); acts.blob(actions.bytes); acts.done(); } if (stop) { SWFActions actions = timelineTagWriter.tagDoAction(); actions.start(0); actions.stop(); actions.end(); actions.done(); } for (Placement placement : placements) { placement.write(movie, movieTagWriter, timelineTagWriter); } if (label != null) { timelineTagWriter.tagFrameLabel(label); } timelineTagWriter.tagShowFrame(); } }