package pt.tumba.parser.swf;
* A Movie or Sprite (Movie Clip) time line (collection of frames)
*@author unknown
*@created 15 de Setembro de 2002
public interface TimeLine {
* Get the current number of frames in the timeline.
*@return The frameCount value
public int getFrameCount();
* Get the Frame object for the given frame number - or create one if none
* exists. If the frame number is larger than the current frame count then
* the frame count is increased.
*@param frameNumber must be 1 or larger
*@return The frame value
public Frame getFrame(int frameNumber);
* Append a frame to the end of the timeline
*@return Description of the Return Value
public Frame appendFrame();
* Get the next available depth in the timeline
*@return The availableDepth value
public int getAvailableDepth();
* Set the next available depth in the timeline
*@param depth must be >= 1
public void setAvailableDepth(int depth);