package pt.tumba.parser.swf; import; /** * A Sound Information structure - defines playback style and envelope * *@author unknown *@created 15 de Setembro de 2002 */ public class SoundInfo { /** * A Point in a sound envelope * *@author unknown *@created 15 de Setembro de 2002 */ public static class EnvelopePoint { /** * Description of the Field */ public int mark44; /** * Description of the Field */ public int level0; /** * Description of the Field */ public int level1; /** * Constructor for the EnvelopePoint object * *@param mark44 Description of the Parameter *@param level0 Description of the Parameter *@param level1 Description of the Parameter */ public EnvelopePoint(int mark44, int level0, int level1) { this.mark44 = mark44; this.level0 = level0; this.level1 = level1; } } /** * Description of the Field */ protected boolean noMultiplePlay; //only one instance can play at a time /** * Description of the Field */ protected boolean stopPlaying; /** * Description of the Field */ protected EnvelopePoint[] envelope; /** * Description of the Field */ protected int inPoint; /** * Description of the Field */ protected int outPoint; /** * Description of the Field */ protected int loopCount; /** *@param noMultiplePlay true = only play if not already playing *@param stopSound true = stop playing the sound *@param envelope may be null or empty for no envelope *@param inPoint -1 for no in-point *@param outPoint -1 for no out-point *@param loopCount >1 for a loop count */ public SoundInfo(boolean noMultiplePlay, boolean stopSound, EnvelopePoint[] envelope, int inPoint, int outPoint, int loopCount) { this.noMultiplePlay = noMultiplePlay; this.stopPlaying = stopSound; this.envelope = envelope; this.inPoint = inPoint; this.outPoint = outPoint; this.loopCount = loopCount; } /** * Gets the noMultiplePlay attribute of the SoundInfo object * *@return The noMultiplePlay value */ public boolean isNoMultiplePlay() { return this.noMultiplePlay; } /** * Gets the stopPlaying attribute of the SoundInfo object * *@return The stopPlaying value */ public boolean isStopPlaying() { return this.stopPlaying; } /** * Gets the envelope attribute of the SoundInfo object * *@return The envelope value */ public EnvelopePoint[] getEnvelope() { return this.envelope; } /** * Gets the inPoint attribute of the SoundInfo object * *@return The inPoint value */ public int getInPoint() { return this.inPoint; } /** * Gets the outPoint attribute of the SoundInfo object * *@return The outPoint value */ public int getOutPoint() { return this.outPoint; } /** * Gets the loopCount attribute of the SoundInfo object * *@return The loopCount value */ public int getLoopCount() { return this.loopCount; } /** * Constructor for the SoundInfo object * *@param in Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public SoundInfo(InStream in) throws IOException { int flags = in.readUI8(); noMultiplePlay = ((flags & 16) != 0); stopPlaying = ((flags & 32) != 0); boolean hasEnvelope = ((flags & 8) != 0); boolean hasLoops = ((flags & 4) != 0); boolean hasOutPoint = ((flags & 2) != 0); boolean hasInPoint = ((flags & 1) != 0); if (hasInPoint) { inPoint = (int) in.readUI32(); } else { inPoint = -1; } if (hasOutPoint) { outPoint = (int) in.readUI32(); } else { outPoint = -1; } if (hasLoops) { loopCount = in.readUI16(); } else { loopCount = 1; } int envsize = 0; if (hasEnvelope) { envsize = in.readUI8(); } envelope = new EnvelopePoint[envsize]; for (int i = 0; i < envsize; i++) { envelope[i] = new EnvelopePoint((int) in.readUI32(), in.readUI16(), in.readUI16()); } } /** * Description of the Method * *@param out Description of the Parameter *@exception IOException Description of the Exception */ public void write(OutStream out) throws IOException { int flags = 0; if (noMultiplePlay) { flags += 1; } if (stopPlaying) { flags += 2; } out.writeUBits(4, flags); boolean hasEnvelope = (envelope != null && envelope.length > 0); boolean hasLoops = (loopCount > 1); boolean hasOutPoint = (outPoint >= 0); boolean hasInPoint = (inPoint >= 0); flags = 0; if (hasEnvelope) { flags += 8; } if (hasLoops) { flags += 4; } if (hasOutPoint) { flags += 2; } if (hasInPoint) { flags += 1; } out.writeUBits(4, flags); if (hasInPoint) { out.writeUI32(inPoint); } if (hasOutPoint) { out.writeUI32(outPoint); } if (hasLoops) { out.writeUI16(loopCount); } if (hasEnvelope) { out.writeUI8(envelope.length); for (int i = 0; i < envelope.length; i++) { out.writeUI32(envelope[i].mark44); out.writeUI16(envelope[i].level0); out.writeUI16(envelope[i].level1); } } } /** * Description of the Method * *@return Description of the Return Value */ public String toString() { return "SoundInfo: no-multiplay=" + noMultiplePlay + " stop=" + stopPlaying + " envelope=" + ((envelope == null) ? "none" : ("" + envelope.length + " points")) + " in-point=" + inPoint + " out-point=" + outPoint + " loop-count=" + loopCount; } }