* Breakout Cave Survey Visualizer
* Copyright (C) 2014 James Edwards
* jedwards8 at fastmail dot fm
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
* Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
* version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
* this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
* Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package org.andork.math3d;
import static org.andork.math3d.Vecmath.cross;
import static org.andork.math3d.Vecmath.dot3;
import static org.andork.math3d.Vecmath.scaleAdd3;
import static org.andork.math3d.Vecmath.setf;
import static org.andork.math3d.Vecmath.subDot3;
import static org.andork.math3d.Vecmath.threePointNormal;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class PlanarHullTriangleIntersection3f {
private final float[][] triangleVertexDists;
private final float[] hullVertexDists;
private final float[] triangleNormal = new float[3];
private final float[] xLineOrigin = new float[3];
private final float[] xLineDirection = new float[3];
private final float[] temp = new float[3];
private final float[][] p = new float[3][];
private final boolean[] pInside = new boolean[3];
private final float[] st = new float[3];
private final float[] sh = new float[3];
private final float[] pt = new float[3];
private final float[] ph = new float[3];
public PlanarHullTriangleIntersection3f(int numSides, int numVertices) {
triangleVertexDists = new float[numSides][3];
hullVertexDists = new float[numVertices];
private void calcXLineOrigin(PlanarHull3f hull, float trianglePlaneDist, int side, int d0) {
int d1 = (d0 + 1) % 3;
int d2 = (d0 + 2) % 3;
float a = hull.normals[side][d1];
float b = hull.normals[side][d2];
float c = triangleNormal[d1];
float d = triangleNormal[d2];
float rdet = 1 / (a * d - b * c);
xLineOrigin[d0] = 0;
xLineOrigin[d1] = rdet * (d * hull.planeDists[side] - b * trianglePlaneDist);
xLineOrigin[d2] = rdet * (-c * hull.planeDists[side] + a * trianglePlaneDist);
public boolean findNearestIntersectionPoint(
float[] p0,
float[] p1,
float[] p2,
PlanarHull3f hull,
float[] rayOrigin,
float[] rayDirection,
float[] normal,
float[] outNearestPoint,
float[] outDistanceAndLateralSq) {
p[0] = p0;
p[1] = p1;
p[2] = p2;
Arrays.fill(outDistanceAndLateralSq, Float.NaN);
Arrays.fill(pInside, true);
// find the signed distances from the triangle vertices to the hull
// planes,
// and determine if any of the triangle vertices are inside the hull
// along the way
for (int side = 0; side < triangleVertexDists.length; side++) {
float[] dists = triangleVertexDists[side];
for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) {
dists[d] = dot3(p[d], hull.normals[side]) + hull.planeDists[side];
pInside[d] &= dists[d] > 0;
// if all triangle vertices lie on the outside of a hull plane, no
// intersection
if (dists[0] <= 0 && dists[1] <= 0 && dists[2] <= 0) {
return false;
// if any of the triangle vertices are inside the hull, return the one
// that is nearest to the center ray
for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) {
if (pInside[d]) {
pickNearerPoint(p[d], rayOrigin, rayDirection, normal, outNearestPoint, outDistanceAndLateralSq);
if (!Float.isNaN(outDistanceAndLateralSq[0])) {
return true;
// calculate the triangle plane equation
threePointNormal(p0, p1, p2, triangleNormal);
float trianglePlaneDist = -dot3(triangleNormal, p0);
boolean allPositive = false;
boolean allNegative = false;
// find the signed distances from the hull vertices to the triangle
// plane
for (int vertex = 0; vertex < hullVertexDists.length; vertex++) {
hullVertexDists[vertex] = dot3(hull.vertices[vertex], triangleNormal) + trianglePlaneDist;
allPositive &= hullVertexDists[vertex] >= 0;
allNegative &= hullVertexDists[vertex] <= 0;
// if all hull vertices are on one side of the triangle plane, no
// intersection
if (allPositive || allNegative) {
return false;
// there must be an intersection somewhere, now we have to find
// intersection points between
// the triangle and the hull triangles
for (int hullTriangle = 0; hullTriangle < hull.triangleIndices.length; hullTriangle++) {
int[] hullIndices = hull.triangleIndices[hullTriangle];
int side = hull.triangleSides[hullTriangle];
float[] dists = triangleVertexDists[side];
for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) {
st[d] = Math.signum(dists[d]);
sh[d] = Math.signum(hullVertexDists[hullIndices[d]]);
// if all the triangle vertices are on one side of the hull plane,
// no intersection here
if (st[0] == st[1] && st[0] == st[2]) {
// if all the hull triangle vertices are on one side of the triangle
// plane, no intersection here
if (sh[0] == sh[1] && sh[0] == sh[2]) {
cross(hull.normals[side], triangleNormal, xLineDirection);
// compute the origin of the intersection line
// (find an dimension in which the direction is nonzero, set the
// origin to zero in that dimension, and solve)
for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) {
if (xLineDirection[d] != 0) {
calcXLineOrigin(hull, trianglePlaneDist, side, d);
// project the triangle and hull triangle points onto the
// intersection line
for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) {
pt[d] = subDot3(p[d], xLineDirection, xLineDirection);
ph[d] = subDot3(hull.vertices[hullIndices[d]], xLineDirection, xLineDirection);
// find the intervals where the triangle and hull triangle intersect
// the intersection line
float tmin = Float.MAX_VALUE;
float tmax = -Float.MAX_VALUE;
float hmin = Float.MAX_VALUE;
float hmax = -Float.MAX_VALUE;
for (int d0 = 0; d0 < 3; d0++) {
int d1 = (d0 + 1) % 3;
// does this edge of the triangle cross the hull plane?
if (st[d0] != st[d1]) {
float t = pt[d0] + (pt[d1] - pt[d0]) * dists[d0] / (dists[d0] - dists[d1]);
tmin = Math.min(tmin, t);
tmax = Math.max(tmax, t);
// does this edge of the hull triangle cross the triangle plane?
if (sh[d0] != sh[d1]) {
float h = ph[d0] + (ph[d1] - ph[d0]) * hullVertexDists[hullIndices[d0]] /
(hullVertexDists[hullIndices[d0]] - hullVertexDists[hullIndices[d1]]);
hmin = Math.min(hmin, h);
hmax = Math.max(hmax, h);
// do the triangles intersect?
if (hmin > tmax || tmin > hmax) {
// compute the intersection points and determine if they're nearer
// than anything we've seen so far
scaleAdd3(Math.max(tmin, hmin), xLineDirection, xLineOrigin, temp);
pickNearerPoint(temp, rayOrigin, rayDirection, normal, outNearestPoint, outDistanceAndLateralSq);
scaleAdd3(Math.min(tmax, hmax), xLineDirection, xLineOrigin, temp);
pickNearerPoint(temp, rayOrigin, rayDirection, normal, outNearestPoint, outDistanceAndLateralSq);
return !Float.isNaN(outDistanceAndLateralSq[0]);
private void pickNearerPoint(float[] newPoint, float[] rayOrigin, float[] rayDirection, float[] normal,
float[] inOutNearestPoint, float[] inOutDistanceSqAndLateralSq) {
float newDistance = subDot3(newPoint, rayOrigin, normal);
float newDistanceSq = newDistance * newDistance;
float ratio = newDistance / dot3(rayDirection, normal);
float dx = rayOrigin[0] + rayDirection[0] * ratio - newPoint[0];
float dy = rayOrigin[1] + rayDirection[1] * ratio - newPoint[1];
float dz = rayOrigin[2] + rayDirection[2] * ratio - newPoint[2];
float newLateralSq = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
if (Float.isNaN(inOutDistanceSqAndLateralSq[0])
|| newLateralSq * inOutDistanceSqAndLateralSq[0] < inOutDistanceSqAndLateralSq[1] * newDistanceSq) {
setf(inOutNearestPoint, newPoint);
inOutDistanceSqAndLateralSq[0] = newDistanceSq;
inOutDistanceSqAndLateralSq[1] = newLateralSq;