package org.andork.math3d.curve;
import javax.vecmath.AxisAngle4f;
import javax.vecmath.Point3f;
import javax.vecmath.Vector3f;
import org.andork.j3d.math.TransformComputer3f;
import org.andork.math.curve.ICurveWithNormals3f;
public class SplineCurve3f implements ICurveWithNormals3f
private Vector3f m_startTangent = new Vector3f( );
private Vector3f m_endTangent = new Vector3f( );
private Vector3f m_startNormalX = new Vector3f( );
private Vector3f m_startNormalY = new Vector3f( );
private float m_lowerBound;
private float m_upperBound;
private float m_step;
private int m_count;
private float[ ] m_depths;
private Point3f[ ] m_points;
private Vector3f[ ] m_tangents;
private Vector3f[ ] m_normalsX;
private Vector3f[ ] m_normalsY;
public SplineCurve3f( float[ ] depths , Point3f[ ] points , float angle , int smoothing , float startDepth , float endDepth , float step )
init( depths , points , angle , smoothing , startDepth , endDepth , step );
private void init( float[ ] depths , Point3f[ ] points , float angle , int smoothing , float startDepth , float endDepth , float step )
m_depths = depths;
m_points = points;
m_count = depths.length;
m_tangents = org.andork.vecmath.VecmathUtils.allocVector3fArray( m_count );
m_normalsX = org.andork.vecmath.VecmathUtils.allocVector3fArray( m_count );
// compute start tangent
if( m_count < 2 )
m_startTangent.set( 0 , 0 , 1 );
m_endTangent.set( 0 , 0 , 1 );
m_step = 0;
m_lowerBound = m_depths[ 0 ];
m_upperBound = m_lowerBound;
m_startTangent.sub( points[ 1 ] , points[ 0 ] );
m_endTangent.sub( points[ m_count - 1 ] , points[ m_count - 2 ] );
m_step = m_depths[ 1 ] - m_depths[ 0 ];
m_lowerBound = m_depths[ 0 ];
m_upperBound = m_depths[ m_count - 1 ];
m_tangents[ 0 ].normalize( m_startTangent );
// compute start normal
// canonical zero-angle start normal: vector in XY plane 90 deg counterclockwise from start tangent
// when looking in +z direction. If start tangent is +z, start normal is +x
if( m_startTangent.x == 0 && m_startTangent.y == 0 )
m_startNormalX.set( 1 , 0 , 0 );
m_startNormalX.set( m_startTangent );
m_startNormalX.z = 0;
m_startNormalX.normalize( );
// rotate 90 degrees CCW
float y = m_startNormalX.y;
m_startNormalX.y = -m_startNormalX.x;
m_startNormalX.x = y;
// rotate start normal to start angle
Transform3D xform = new Transform3D( );
AxisAngle4f aa = new AxisAngle4f( m_startTangent , angle );
xform.set( aa );
xform.transform( m_startNormalX );
m_normalsX[ 0 ].set( m_startNormalX );
// compute 90deg start normal
m_startNormalY.cross( m_startTangent , m_startNormalX );
// compute normals
TransformComputer3f tc = new TransformComputer3f( );
for( int i = 1 ; i < m_count ; i++ )
m_tangents[ i ].sub( points[ i ] , points[ i - 1 ] );
m_tangents[ i ].normalize( );
tc.orient( m_tangents[ i - 1 ] , m_tangents[ i ] , xform );
xform.transform( m_normalsX[ i - 1 ] , m_normalsX[ i ] );
// smooth normals
Vector3f[ ] normals1s = org.andork.vecmath.VecmathUtils.allocVector3fArray( m_count );
if( smoothing > 0 )
Vector3f v = new Vector3f( );
for( int i = -smoothing ; i < m_count + smoothing ; i++ )
int ahead = i + smoothing;
int behind = i - smoothing - 1;
if( ahead < m_count )
v.add( m_normalsX[ ahead ] );
if( behind >= 0 )
v.sub( m_normalsX[ behind ] );
if( i >= 0 && i < m_count )
normals1s[ i ].normalize( v );
m_normalsX = normals1s;
if( m_lowerBound != startDepth || m_upperBound != endDepth || m_step != step )
// compute 90deg normals and convert to double arrays
double[ ] m = new double[ m_count ];
double[ ] px = new double[ m_count ];
double[ ] py = new double[ m_count ];
double[ ] pz = new double[ m_count ];
double[ ] tx = new double[ m_count ];
double[ ] ty = new double[ m_count ];
double[ ] tz = new double[ m_count ];
double[ ] n1x = new double[ m_count ];
double[ ] n1y = new double[ m_count ];
double[ ] n1z = new double[ m_count ];
for( int i = 0 ; i < m_count ; i++ )
m[ i ] = depths[ i ];
px[ i ] = points[ i ].x;
py[ i ] = points[ i ].y;
pz[ i ] = points[ i ].z;
tx[ i ] = m_tangents[ i ].x;
ty[ i ] = m_tangents[ i ].y;
tz[ i ] = m_tangents[ i ].z;
n1x[ i ] = m_normalsX[ i ].x;
n1y[ i ] = m_normalsX[ i ].y;
n1z[ i ] = m_normalsX[ i ].z;
// create splines
Spline3d m_pointSpline = new Spline3d( m , px , py , pz );
Spline3d m_tangentSpline = new Spline3d( m , tx , ty , tz );
Spline3d m_normal1Spline = new Spline3d( m , n1x , n1y , n1z );
// compute final points from splines
m_lowerBound = startDepth;
m_upperBound = endDepth;
m_step = step;
m_count = ( int ) Math.ceil( ( m_upperBound - m_lowerBound ) / m_step ) + 1;
m_depths = new float[ m_count ];
m_points = org.andork.vecmath.VecmathUtils.allocPoint3fArray( m_count );
m_tangents = org.andork.vecmath.VecmathUtils.allocVector3fArray( m_count );
m_normalsX = org.andork.vecmath.VecmathUtils.allocVector3fArray( m_count );
float depth = m_lowerBound;
for( int i = 0 ; i < m_count ; i++ , depth += m_step )
m_depths[ i ] = depth;
if( depth < m_lowerBound )
m_points[ i ].scaleAdd( ( depth - m_lowerBound ) / m_step , m_startTangent , m_points[ 0 ] );
else if( depth > m_upperBound )
m_points[ i ].scaleAdd( ( depth - m_upperBound ) / m_step , m_endTangent , m_points[ m_count - 1 ] );
m_pointSpline.evaluate( depth , m_points[ i ] );
float cdepth = Math.min( Math.max( m_lowerBound , depth ) , m_upperBound );
m_tangentSpline.evaluate( cdepth , m_tangents[ i ] );
m_normal1Spline.evaluate( cdepth , m_normalsX[ i ] );
m_normalsY = org.andork.vecmath.VecmathUtils.allocVector3fArray( m_count );
for( int i = 0 ; i < m_count ; i++ )
m_normalsY[ i ].cross( m_tangents[ i ] , m_normalsX[ i ] );
public float getLowerBound( )
return m_lowerBound;
public float getUpperBound( )
return m_upperBound;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.petronworld.rigfocus.gui.tvd.scenegraph.utils.Sweep3f#getPoint(float, javax.vecmath.Point3f)
public Point3f getPoint( float depth , Point3f result )
float fi = ( depth - m_lowerBound ) / m_step;
int i = ( int ) fi;
float f = fi - i;
if( fi < 0 )
result.scaleAdd( fi , m_startTangent , m_points[ 0 ] );
else if( i >= m_count - 1 )
result.scaleAdd( fi - m_count , m_endTangent , m_points[ m_count - 1 ] );
if( m_depths[ i ] == depth )
result.set( m_points[ i ] );
result.interpolate( m_points[ i ] , m_points[ i + 1 ] , f );
return result;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.petronworld.rigfocus.gui.tvd.scenegraph.utils.Sweep3f#getTangent(float, javax.vecmath.Vector3f)
public Vector3f getTangent( float depth , Vector3f result )
if( depth <= m_lowerBound )
result.set( m_tangents[ 0 ] );
else if( depth >= m_upperBound )
result.set( m_tangents[ m_count - 1 ] );
float fi = ( depth - m_lowerBound ) / m_step;
int i = ( int ) fi;
float f = fi - i;
if( m_depths[ i ] == depth )
result.set( m_tangents[ i ] );
result.interpolate( m_tangents[ i ] , m_tangents[ i + 1 ] , f );
return result;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.petronworld.rigfocus.gui.tvd.scenegraph.utils.Sweep3f#getNormal(float, javax.vecmath.Vector3f)
public Vector3f getBinormal( float depth , Vector3f result )
if( depth <= m_lowerBound )
result.set( m_normalsX[ 0 ] );
else if( depth >= m_upperBound )
result.set( m_normalsX[ m_count - 1 ] );
float fi = ( depth - m_lowerBound ) / m_step;
int i = ( int ) fi;
float f = fi - i;
if( m_depths[ i ] == depth )
result.set( m_normalsX[ i ] );
result.interpolate( m_normalsX[ i ] , m_normalsX[ i + 1 ] , f );
return result;
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.petronworld.rigfocus.gui.tvd.scenegraph.utils.Sweep3f#get90DegNormal(float, javax.vecmath.Vector3f)
public Vector3f getNormal( float depth , Vector3f result )
if( depth <= m_lowerBound )
result.set( m_normalsY[ 0 ] );
else if( depth >= m_upperBound )
result.set( m_normalsY[ m_count - 1 ] );
float fi = ( depth - m_lowerBound ) / m_step;
int i = ( int ) fi;
float f = fi - i;
if( m_depths[ i ] == depth )
result.set( m_normalsY[ i ] );
result.interpolate( m_normalsY[ i ] , m_normalsY[ i + 1 ] , f );
return result;