package org.andork.j3d; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.vecmath.Color3f; import javax.vecmath.Color4f; import javax.vecmath.Point2f; import javax.vecmath.Point3d; import javax.vecmath.Point3f; import javax.vecmath.TexCoord2f; import javax.vecmath.Vector3d; import javax.vecmath.Vector3f; import org.andork.generic.Predicate; import org.andork.generic.Visitor; import org.andork.util.ArrayUtils; public class J3DUtils { public static float max( float a , float b , float c ) { return a > b ? ( a > c ? a : c ) : ( b > c ? b : c ); } public static float min( float a , float b , float c ) { return a < b ? ( a < c ? a : c ) : ( b < c ? b : c ); } public static double min( double ... args ) { double result = args[ 0 ]; for( int i = 1 ; i < args.length ; i++ ) { result = Math.min( result , args[ i ] ); } return result; } public static double max( double ... args ) { double result = args[ 0 ]; for( int i = 1 ; i < args.length ; i++ ) { result = Math.max( result , args[ i ] ); } return result; } public static void printSceneGraph( Group g , int tablevel ) { for( int i = 0 ; i < tablevel ; i++ ) { System.out.print( '\t' ); } System.out.println( g ); final Enumeration children = g.getAllChildren( ); while( children.hasMoreElements( ) ) { final SceneGraphObject o = ( SceneGraphObject ) children.nextElement( ); if( o instanceof Group ) { printSceneGraph( ( Group ) o , tablevel + 1 ); } if( o instanceof Node ) { printSceneGraph( ( Node ) o , tablevel + 1 ); } } } public static void printSceneGraph( Node n , int tablevel ) { for( int i = 0 ; i < tablevel ; i++ ) { System.out.print( '\t' ); } System.out.println( n ); } public static int getFirstPtAfter( ArrayList<Point2f> data , float depth ) { if( data.size( ) == 0 ) { return -2; } if( depth > data.get( data.size( ) - 1 ).x ) { return -1; } int lb = 0 , ub = data.size( ); while( ub > lb + 1 ) { final int mid = ( lb + ub ) >> 1; if( data.get( mid ).getX( ) < depth ) { lb = mid; } else { ub = mid; } } if( data.get( lb ).getX( ) >= depth ) { return lb; } else { return ub; } } public static int getFirstPtBefore( ArrayList<Point2f> data , float depth ) { if( data.size( ) == 0 ) { return -2; } if( depth < data.get( 0 ).x ) { return -1; } int lb = 0 , ub = data.size( ) - 1; while( ub > lb + 1 ) { final int mid = ( lb + ub ) >> 1; if( data.get( mid ).getX( ) < depth ) { lb = mid; } else { ub = mid; } } if( data.get( ub ).getX( ) <= depth ) { return ub; } else { return lb; } } public static class DataPointComparator implements Comparator<Point2f> { private static final DataPointComparator instance = new DataPointComparator( ); public int compare( Point2f o1 , Point2f o2 ) { return ( o1.x > o2.x ? 1 : ( o1.x < o2.x ? -1 : 0 ) ); } public static DataPointComparator getIntance( ) { return instance; } } // TODO all of these transform methods could be greatly optimized /** * Creates a {@link Shape3D} backed by a {@link QuadArray}. * * @param coords * a <code>List</code> of 4*N entries, where N >= 1. * @param texcoords * the texture coordinates for each coordinate (can be <code>null</code>). * @param colors * the colors for each coordinate (can be <code>null</code>). * @param normals * the normals for each coordinate (can be <code>null</code>). * @param appearance * the appearance (can be <code>null</code>). */ public static Shape3D createQuadArray( List<Point3f> coords , List<TexCoord2f> texcoords , List<Color4f> colors , List<Vector3f> normals , Appearance appearance ) { final boolean useTexcoords = texcoords != null && !texcoords.isEmpty( ); final boolean useColors = colors != null && !colors.isEmpty( ); final boolean useNormals = normals != null && !normals.isEmpty( ); if( coords.size( ) < 4 || ( coords.size( ) % 4 ) != 0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "coords must have 4*N entries, where N >= 1" ); } if( useTexcoords && texcoords.size( ) != coords.size( ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "if texcoords is not null or empty it must be the same size as coords" + " (texcoords.size() = " + texcoords.size( ) + ", coords.size() = " + coords.size( ) ); } if( useColors && colors.size( ) != coords.size( ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "if colors is not null or empty it must be the same size as coords" + " (colors.size() = " + colors.size( ) + ", coords.size() = " + coords.size( ) ); } if( useNormals && normals.size( ) != coords.size( ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "if normals is not null or empty it must be the same size as coords" + " (normals.size() = " + normals.size( ) + ", coords.size() = " + coords.size( ) ); } int vertexFormat = GeometryArray.COORDINATES; if( useTexcoords ) { vertexFormat |= GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_2; } if( useColors ) { vertexFormat |= GeometryArray.COLOR_4; } if( useNormals ) { vertexFormat |= GeometryArray.NORMALS; } final QuadArray geom = new QuadArray( coords.size( ) , vertexFormat ); int i; for( i = 0 ; i < coords.size( ) ; i++ ) { geom.setCoordinate( i , coords.get( i ) ); if( useTexcoords ) { geom.setTextureCoordinate( 0 , i , texcoords.get( i ) ); } if( useColors ) { geom.setColor( i , colors.get( i ) ); } if( useNormals ) { geom.setNormal( i , normals.get( i ) ); } } final Shape3D shape = new Shape3D( geom ); if( appearance != null ) { shape.setAppearance( appearance ); } return shape; } /** * Creates a {@link Shape3D} backed by an {@link IndexedQuadArray}. * * @param coordRef * the reference coordinates * @param coordIdx * the coordinate indices (must have 4*N entries, where N >= 1) * @param texCoordRef * the reference texture coordinates (can be null) * @param texCoordIdx * the texture coordinate indices (can be null) * @param colorRef * the reference vertex colors (can be null) * @param colorIdx * the vertex color indices (can be null) * @param normalRef * the reference normals (can be null) * @param normalIdx * the normal indices (can be null) * @param appearance * the appearance (can be null) */ public static Shape3D createIndexedQuadArray( List<Point3f> coordRef , List<Integer> coordIdx , List<TexCoord2f> texCoordRef , List<Integer> texCoordIdx , List<Color4f> colorRef , List<Integer> colorIdx , List<Vector3f> normalRef , List<Integer> normalIdx , Appearance appearance ) { final boolean useTexcoords = texCoordIdx != null && !texCoordIdx.isEmpty( ); final boolean useColors = colorIdx != null && !colorIdx.isEmpty( ); final boolean useNormals = normalIdx != null && !normalIdx.isEmpty( ); if( useTexcoords && texCoordIdx.size( ) != coordIdx.size( ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "if texCoordIdx is not null or empty it must be the same size as coordIdx" + " (texCoordIdx.size() = " + texCoordIdx.size( ) + ", coordIdx.size() = " + coordIdx.size( ) ); } if( useColors && colorIdx.size( ) != coordIdx.size( ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "if colorIdx is not null or empty it must be the same size as coordIdx" + " (colorIdx.size() = " + colorIdx.size( ) + ", coordIdx.size() = " + coordIdx.size( ) ); } if( useNormals && normalIdx.size( ) != coordIdx.size( ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "if normalIdx is not null or empty it must be the same size as coordIdx" + " (normalIdx.size() = " + normalIdx.size( ) + ", coordIdx.size() = " + coordIdx.size( ) ); } int vertexFormat = GeometryArray.COORDINATES | GeometryArray.BY_REFERENCE; if( useTexcoords ) { vertexFormat |= GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_2; } if( useColors ) { vertexFormat |= GeometryArray.COLOR_4; } if( useNormals ) { vertexFormat |= GeometryArray.NORMALS; } int refCount = coordRef.size( ); if( useTexcoords ) { refCount = Math.max( refCount , texCoordRef.size( ) ); } if( useColors ) { refCount = Math.max( refCount , colorRef.size( ) ); } if( useNormals ) { refCount = Math.max( refCount , normalRef.size( ) ); } final IndexedQuadArray geom = new IndexedQuadArray( refCount , vertexFormat , coordIdx.size( ) ); float[ ] coordArray = org.andork.vecmath.VecmathUtils.toFloatArray3( coordRef , null ); // if there are more texcoords, colors, or normals than coordinates we // need to resize the coordinates // array so that there isn't an IndexOutOfBoundsException if( coordArray.length / 3 < refCount ) { final float[ ] newArray = new float[ refCount * 3 ]; System.arraycopy( coordArray , 0 , newArray , 0 , coordArray.length ); // duplicate the last coordinate so that the bounding box doesn't // get screwed up final float x = coordArray[ coordArray.length - 3 ]; final float y = coordArray[ coordArray.length - 2 ]; final float z = coordArray[ coordArray.length - 1 ]; for( int i = coordArray.length ; i < refCount * 3 ; i += 3 ) { newArray[ i ] = x; newArray[ i + 1 ] = y; newArray[ i + 2 ] = z; } coordArray = newArray; } geom.setCoordRefFloat( coordArray ); if( useTexcoords ) { final float[ ] texCoordArray = org.andork.vecmath.VecmathUtils.toFloatArray2( texCoordRef , null ); geom.setTexCoordRefFloat( 0 , texCoordArray ); } if( useColors ) { final float[ ] colorArray = org.andork.vecmath.VecmathUtils.toFloatArray4( colorRef , null ); geom.setColorRefFloat( colorArray ); } if( useNormals ) { final float[ ] normalArray = org.andork.vecmath.VecmathUtils.toFloatArray3( normalRef , null ); geom.setNormalRefFloat( normalArray ); } int i; for( i = 0 ; i < coordIdx.size( ) ; i++ ) { geom.setCoordinateIndex( i , coordIdx.get( i ) ); if( useTexcoords ) { geom.setTextureCoordinateIndex( 0 , i , texCoordIdx.get( i ) ); } if( useColors ) { geom.setColorIndex( i , colorIdx.get( i ) ); } if( useNormals ) { geom.setNormalIndex( i , normalIdx.get( i ) ); } } final Shape3D shape = new Shape3D( geom ); if( appearance != null ) { shape.setAppearance( appearance ); } return shape; } /** * Creates a {@link Shape3D} backed by an {@link IndexedQuadArray}. * * @param coordRef * the reference coordinates * @param coordIdx * the coordinate indices (must have 4*N entries, where N >= 1) * @param texCoordRef * the reference 2d texture coordinates (can be null) * @param texCoordIdx * the texture coordinate indices (can be null) * @param colorRef * the reference vertex colors (can be null) * @param colorIdx * the vertex color 4f indices (can be null) * @param normalRef * the reference normals (can be null) * @param normalIdx * the normal indices (can be null) * @param appearance * the appearance (can be null) */ public static Shape3D createIndexedQuadArray( float[ ] coordRef , int[ ] coordIdx , float[ ] texCoordRef , int[ ] texCoordIdx , float[ ] colorRef , int[ ] colorIdx , float[ ] normalRef , int[ ] normalIdx , Appearance appearance ) { final boolean useTexcoords = texCoordIdx != null && texCoordIdx.length != 0; final boolean useColors = colorIdx != null && colorIdx.length != 0; final boolean useNormals = normalIdx != null && normalIdx.length != 0; if( useTexcoords && texCoordIdx.length != coordIdx.length ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "if texCoordIdx is not null or empty it must be the same length as coordIdx" + " (texCoordIdx.length = " + texCoordIdx.length + ", coordIdx.length = " + coordIdx.length ); } if( useColors && colorIdx.length != coordIdx.length ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "if colorIdx is not null or empty it must be the same length as coordIdx" + " (colorIdx.length = " + colorIdx.length + ", coordIdx.length = " + coordIdx.length ); } if( useNormals && normalIdx.length != coordIdx.length ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "if normalIdx is not null or empty it must be the same length as coordIdx" + " (normalIdx.length = " + normalIdx.length + ", coordIdx.length = " + coordIdx.length ); } int vertexFormat = GeometryArray.COORDINATES | GeometryArray.BY_REFERENCE; if( useTexcoords ) { vertexFormat |= GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_2; } if( useColors ) { vertexFormat |= GeometryArray.COLOR_4; } if( useNormals ) { vertexFormat |= GeometryArray.NORMALS; } int refCount = coordRef.length / 3; if( useTexcoords ) { refCount = Math.max( refCount , texCoordRef.length / 2 ); } if( useColors ) { refCount = Math.max( refCount , colorRef.length / 4 ); } if( useNormals ) { refCount = Math.max( refCount , normalRef.length / 3 ); } final IndexedQuadArray geom = new IndexedQuadArray( refCount , vertexFormat , coordIdx.length ); // if there are more texcoords, colors, or normals than coordinates we // need to resize the coordinates // array so that there isn't an IndexOutOfBoundsException if( coordRef.length / 3 < refCount ) { final float[ ] newArray = new float[ refCount * 3 ]; System.arraycopy( coordRef , 0 , newArray , 0 , coordRef.length ); // duplicate the last coordinate so that the bounding box doesn't // get screwed up final float x = coordRef[ coordRef.length - 3 ]; final float y = coordRef[ coordRef.length - 2 ]; final float z = coordRef[ coordRef.length - 1 ]; for( int i = coordRef.length ; i < refCount * 3 ; i += 3 ) { newArray[ i ] = x; newArray[ i + 1 ] = y; newArray[ i + 2 ] = z; } coordRef = newArray; } geom.setCoordRefFloat( coordRef ); if( useTexcoords ) { geom.setTexCoordRefFloat( 0 , texCoordRef ); } if( useColors ) { geom.setColorRefFloat( colorRef ); } if( useNormals ) { geom.setNormalRefFloat( normalRef ); } geom.setCoordinateIndices( 0 , coordIdx ); if( useTexcoords ) { geom.setTextureCoordinateIndices( 0 , 0 , texCoordIdx ); } if( useColors ) { geom.setColorIndices( 0 , colorIdx ); } if( useNormals ) { geom.setNormalIndices( 0 , normalIdx ); } final Shape3D shape = new Shape3D( geom ); if( appearance != null ) { shape.setAppearance( appearance ); } return shape; } /** * Creates a {@link Shape3D} backed by an {@link IndexedLineArray}. * * @param coordRef * the reference coordinates * @param coordIdx * the coordinate indices * @param texCoordRef * the reference 2d texture coordinates (can be null) * @param texCoordIdx * the texture coordinate indices (can be null) * @param colorRef * the reference vertex colors (can be null) * @param colorIdx * the vertex color 4f indices (can be null) * @param normalRef * the reference normals (can be null) * @param normalIdx * the normal indices (can be null) * @param appearance * the appearance (can be null) */ public static Shape3D createIndexedLineArray( float[ ] coordRef , int[ ] coordIdx , float[ ] texCoordRef , int[ ] texCoordIdx , float[ ] colorRef , int[ ] colorIdx , float[ ] normalRef , int[ ] normalIdx , Appearance appearance ) { final boolean useTexcoords = texCoordIdx != null && texCoordIdx.length != 0; final boolean useColors = colorIdx != null && colorIdx.length != 0; final boolean useNormals = normalIdx != null && normalIdx.length != 0; if( useTexcoords && texCoordIdx.length != coordIdx.length ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "if texCoordIdx is not null or empty it must be the same length as coordIdx" + " (texCoordIdx.length = " + texCoordIdx.length + ", coordIdx.length = " + coordIdx.length ); } if( useColors && colorIdx.length != coordIdx.length ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "if colorIdx is not null or empty it must be the same length as coordIdx" + " (colorIdx.length = " + colorIdx.length + ", coordIdx.length = " + coordIdx.length ); } if( useNormals && normalIdx.length != coordIdx.length ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "if normalIdx is not null or empty it must be the same length as coordIdx" + " (normalIdx.length = " + normalIdx.length + ", coordIdx.length = " + coordIdx.length ); } int vertexFormat = GeometryArray.COORDINATES | GeometryArray.BY_REFERENCE; if( useTexcoords ) { vertexFormat |= GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_2; } if( useColors ) { vertexFormat |= GeometryArray.COLOR_4; } if( useNormals ) { vertexFormat |= GeometryArray.NORMALS; } int refCount = coordRef.length / 3; if( useTexcoords ) { refCount = Math.max( refCount , texCoordRef.length / 2 ); } if( useColors ) { refCount = Math.max( refCount , colorRef.length / 4 ); } if( useNormals ) { refCount = Math.max( refCount , normalRef.length / 3 ); } final IndexedLineArray geom = new IndexedLineArray( refCount , vertexFormat , coordIdx.length ); // if there are more texcoords, colors, or normals than coordinates we // need to resize the coordinates // array so that there isn't an IndexOutOfBoundsException if( coordRef.length / 3 < refCount ) { final float[ ] newArray = new float[ refCount * 3 ]; System.arraycopy( coordRef , 0 , newArray , 0 , coordRef.length ); // duplicate the last coordinate so that the bounding box doesn't // get screwed up final float x = coordRef[ coordRef.length - 3 ]; final float y = coordRef[ coordRef.length - 2 ]; final float z = coordRef[ coordRef.length - 1 ]; for( int i = coordRef.length ; i < refCount * 3 ; i += 3 ) { newArray[ i ] = x; newArray[ i + 1 ] = y; newArray[ i + 2 ] = z; } coordRef = newArray; } geom.setCoordRefFloat( coordRef ); if( useTexcoords ) { geom.setTexCoordRefFloat( 0 , texCoordRef ); } if( useColors ) { geom.setColorRefFloat( colorRef ); } if( useNormals ) { geom.setNormalRefFloat( normalRef ); } geom.setCoordinateIndices( 0 , coordIdx ); if( useTexcoords ) { geom.setTextureCoordinateIndices( 0 , 0 , texCoordIdx ); } if( useColors ) { geom.setColorIndices( 0 , colorIdx ); } if( useNormals ) { geom.setNormalIndices( 0 , normalIdx ); } final Shape3D shape = new Shape3D( geom ); if( appearance != null ) { shape.setAppearance( appearance ); } return shape; } public static GeometryArray changeVertexFormat( GeometryArray array , int newVertexFormat ) { int unionFormatMask = newVertexFormat; int diffFormatMask = array.getVertexFormat( ) & ~newVertexFormat; return changeVertexFormat( array , unionFormatMask , diffFormatMask ); } /** * Creates a copy of a GeometryArray with a different vertex format, and copies all the data it can into the new array. GeometryStripArrays, * IndexedGeometryStripArrays, and INTERLEAVED and USE_NIO_BUFFER GeometryArrays are not supported, nor are GeometryArrays using referenced TupleXX data. * * @param array * the array to copy from. * @param unionFormatMask * bits that will be added to the original vertex format * @param diffFormatMask * bits that will be removed from the original vertex format (trumps unionFormatMask) * @return a <code>GeometryArray</code> of the same type as <code>array</code>. If the vertex format is not changed, the original array is returned. */ public static GeometryArray changeVertexFormat( GeometryArray array , int unionFormatMask , int diffFormatMask ) { if( array instanceof GeometryStripArray || array instanceof IndexedGeometryStripArray ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "GeometryStripArrays are not currently supported" ); } IndexedGeometryArray indexedArray = null; final boolean indexed = array instanceof IndexedGeometryArray; if( indexed ) { indexedArray = ( IndexedGeometryArray ) array; } final int vertexCount = array.getVertexCount( ); final int vertexFormat = array.getVertexFormat( ); final int texCoordSetCount = array.getTexCoordSetCount( ); final int newVertexFormat = ( vertexFormat | unionFormatMask ) & ~diffFormatMask; if( ( vertexFormat & GeometryArray.INTERLEAVED ) != 0 || ( newVertexFormat & GeometryArray.INTERLEAVED ) != 0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Interleaved GeometryArrays are not currently supported" ); } if( ( vertexFormat & GeometryArray.USE_NIO_BUFFER ) != 0 || ( newVertexFormat & GeometryArray.USE_NIO_BUFFER ) != 0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "NIO Buffer GeometryArrays are not currently supported" ); } if( vertexFormat == newVertexFormat ) { return array; } int indexCount = -1; if( indexed ) { indexCount = indexedArray.getIndexCount( ); } GeometryArray newArray = null; IndexedGeometryArray newIdxArray = null; // Allocate the new array if( array instanceof LineArray ) { newArray = new LineArray( vertexCount , newVertexFormat ); } else if( array instanceof PointArray ) { newArray = new PointArray( vertexCount , newVertexFormat ); } else if( array instanceof QuadArray ) { newArray = new QuadArray( vertexCount , newVertexFormat ); } else if( array instanceof TriangleArray ) { newArray = new TriangleArray( vertexCount , newVertexFormat ); } else if( array instanceof IndexedLineArray ) { newArray = newIdxArray = new IndexedLineArray( vertexCount , newVertexFormat , indexCount ); } else if( array instanceof IndexedPointArray ) { newArray = newIdxArray = new IndexedPointArray( vertexCount , newVertexFormat , indexCount ); } else if( array instanceof IndexedQuadArray ) { newArray = newIdxArray = new IndexedQuadArray( vertexCount , newVertexFormat , indexCount ); } else if( array instanceof IndexedTriangleArray ) { newArray = newIdxArray = new IndexedTriangleArray( vertexCount , newVertexFormat , indexCount ); } // handy variables final boolean from_by_reference = ( vertexFormat & GeometryArray.BY_REFERENCE ) != 0; final boolean from_by_reference_indices = ( vertexFormat & GeometryArray.BY_REFERENCE_INDICES ) != 0; final boolean from_use_coord_index_only = ( vertexFormat & GeometryArray.USE_COORD_INDEX_ONLY ) != 0; final boolean from_coordinates = ( vertexFormat & GeometryArray.COORDINATES ) != 0; final boolean from_color_3 = ( vertexFormat & GeometryArray.COLOR_3 ) != 0; final boolean from_color_4 = ( vertexFormat & GeometryArray.COLOR_4 ) != 0; final boolean from_texture_coordinate_2 = ( vertexFormat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_2 ) != 0; final boolean from_texture_coordinate_3 = ( vertexFormat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_3 ) != 0; final boolean from_texture_coordinate_4 = ( vertexFormat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_4 ) != 0; final boolean from_normals = ( vertexFormat & GeometryArray.NORMALS ) != 0; final boolean to_by_reference = ( newVertexFormat & GeometryArray.BY_REFERENCE ) != 0; final boolean to_by_reference_indices = ( newVertexFormat & GeometryArray.BY_REFERENCE_INDICES ) != 0; final boolean to_use_coord_index_only = ( newVertexFormat & GeometryArray.USE_COORD_INDEX_ONLY ) != 0; final boolean to_coordinates = ( newVertexFormat & GeometryArray.COORDINATES ) != 0; final boolean to_color_3 = ( newVertexFormat & GeometryArray.COLOR_3 ) != 0; final boolean to_color_4 = ( newVertexFormat & GeometryArray.COLOR_4 ) != 0; final boolean to_texture_coordinate_2 = ( newVertexFormat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_2 ) != 0; final boolean to_texture_coordinate_3 = ( newVertexFormat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_3 ) != 0; final boolean to_texture_coordinate_4 = ( newVertexFormat & GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_4 ) != 0; final boolean to_normals = ( newVertexFormat & GeometryArray.NORMALS ) != 0; // copy coordinates if( from_coordinates && to_coordinates ) { float[ ] coordsFloat = null; double[ ] coordsDouble = null; if( from_by_reference ) { coordsFloat = array.getCoordRefFloat( ); coordsDouble = array.getCoordRefDouble( ); } else { coordsDouble = new double[ vertexCount * 3 ]; array.getCoordinates( 0 , coordsDouble ); } if( to_by_reference ) { if( coordsFloat != null ) { newArray.setCoordRefFloat( coordsFloat ); } else if( coordsDouble != null ) { newArray.setCoordRefDouble( coordsDouble ); } } else { if( coordsFloat != null ) { newArray.setCoordinates( 0 , coordsFloat ); } else if( coordsDouble != null ) { newArray.setCoordinates( 0 , coordsDouble ); } } if( indexed ) { int[ ] coordIdx = null; if( from_by_reference_indices ) { coordIdx = indexedArray.getCoordIndicesRef( ); } else { coordIdx = new int[ indexCount ]; indexedArray.getCoordinateIndices( 0 , coordIdx ); } if( to_by_reference_indices ) { newIdxArray.setCoordIndicesRef( coordIdx ); } else { newIdxArray.setCoordinateIndices( 0 , coordIdx ); } } } // copy colors if( ( from_color_3 || from_color_4 ) && ( to_color_3 || to_color_4 ) ) { final int fromSize = from_color_3 ? 3 : 4; final int toSize = to_color_3 ? 3 : 4; float[ ] colorsFloat = null; byte[ ] colorsByte = null; if( from_by_reference ) { colorsFloat = array.getColorRefFloat( ); colorsByte = array.getColorRefByte( ); } else { colorsFloat = new float[ vertexCount * fromSize ]; array.getColors( 0 , colorsFloat ); } if( fromSize != toSize ) { if( colorsFloat != null ) { colorsFloat = ArrayUtils.changeBlockSize( colorsFloat , fromSize , toSize ); } else if( colorsByte != null ) { colorsByte = ArrayUtils.changeBlockSize( colorsByte , fromSize , toSize ); } } if( to_by_reference ) { if( colorsFloat != null ) { newArray.setColorRefFloat( colorsFloat ); } else if( colorsByte != null ) { newArray.setColorRefByte( colorsByte ); } } else { if( colorsFloat != null ) { newArray.setColors( 0 , colorsFloat ); } else if( colorsByte != null ) { newArray.setColors( 0 , colorsByte ); } } if( indexed && !to_use_coord_index_only ) { int[ ] colorIdx = null; if( from_by_reference_indices && from_use_coord_index_only ) { colorIdx = indexedArray.getCoordIndicesRef( ); } else { colorIdx = new int[ indexCount ]; indexedArray.getColorIndices( 0 , colorIdx ); } newIdxArray.setColorIndices( 0 , colorIdx ); } } // copy texture coordinates if( ( from_texture_coordinate_2 || from_texture_coordinate_3 || from_texture_coordinate_4 ) && ( to_texture_coordinate_2 || to_texture_coordinate_3 || to_texture_coordinate_4 ) ) { final int fromSize = from_texture_coordinate_2 ? 2 : from_texture_coordinate_3 ? 3 : 4; final int toSize = to_texture_coordinate_2 ? 2 : to_texture_coordinate_3 ? 3 : 4; for( int i = 0 ; i < texCoordSetCount ; i++ ) { float[ ] texturesFloat = null; if( from_by_reference ) { texturesFloat = array.getTexCoordRefFloat( i ); } else { texturesFloat = new float[ vertexCount * fromSize ]; array.getTextureCoordinates( i , 0 , texturesFloat ); } if( fromSize != toSize ) { texturesFloat = ArrayUtils.changeBlockSize( texturesFloat , fromSize , toSize ); } if( to_by_reference ) { newArray.setTexCoordRefFloat( i , texturesFloat ); } else { newArray.setTextureCoordinates( i , 0 , texturesFloat ); } if( indexed && !to_use_coord_index_only ) { int[ ] textureIdx = null; if( from_by_reference_indices && from_use_coord_index_only ) { textureIdx = indexedArray.getCoordIndicesRef( ); } else { textureIdx = new int[ indexCount ]; indexedArray.getTextureCoordinateIndices( i , 0 , textureIdx ); } newIdxArray.setTextureCoordinateIndices( i , 0 , textureIdx ); } } } // copy normals if( from_normals && to_normals ) { float[ ] normalsFloat = null; if( from_by_reference ) { normalsFloat = array.getNormalRefFloat( ); } else { normalsFloat = new float[ vertexCount * 3 ]; array.getNormals( 0 , normalsFloat ); } if( to_by_reference ) { newArray.setNormalRefFloat( normalsFloat ); } else { newArray.setNormals( 0 , normalsFloat ); } if( indexed && !to_use_coord_index_only ) { int[ ] normalIdx = null; if( from_by_reference_indices && from_use_coord_index_only ) { normalIdx = indexedArray.getCoordIndicesRef( ); } else { normalIdx = new int[ indexCount ]; indexedArray.getNormalIndices( 0 , normalIdx ); } newIdxArray.setNormalIndices( 0 , normalIdx ); } } // finally, we're done! return newArray; } public static Color4f toColor4f( Color color , Color4f result ) { result.x = Math.max( Math.min( color.getRed( ) / 255f , 1f ) , 0f ); result.y = Math.max( Math.min( color.getGreen( ) / 255f , 1f ) , 0f ); result.z = Math.max( Math.min( color.getBlue( ) / 255f , 1f ) , 0f ); result.w = Math.max( Math.min( color.getAlpha( ) / 255f , 1f ) , 0f ); return result; } /** * Finds the first node in a depth-first traversal of the scene graph whose name (all or part) matches a regular expression. * * @param start * the starting node for the scene graph traversal. * @param nameRegexp * a regular expression * @return a matching {@link Node}, or <code>null</code> if none is found. */ public static Node findNodeByName( Node start , String nameRegexp ) { final Pattern p = Pattern.compile( nameRegexp ); for( final Node node : SceneGraphIterator.unboundedIterable( start ) ) { if( node.getName( ) == null ) { continue; } final Matcher m = p.matcher( node.getName( ) ); if( m.find( ) ) { return node; } } return null; } /** * Finds the first node in a depth-first traversal of the scene graph whose {@link Node#toString()} representation (all or part) matches a regular * expression. * * @param start * the starting node for the scene graph traversal. * @param regexp * a regular expression * @return a matching {@link Node}, or <code>null</code> if none is found. */ public static Node findNodeByString( Node start , String regexp ) { final Pattern p = Pattern.compile( regexp ); for( final Node node : SceneGraphIterator.unboundedIterable( start ) ) { final Matcher m = p.matcher( node.toString( ) ); if( m.find( ) ) { return node; } } return null; } /** * Finds the first node in a depth-first traversal of the scene graph of a given type. * * @param start * the starting node for the scene graph traversal. * @param clazz * the type to find * @return a matching {@link Node}, or <code>null</code> if none is found. */ public static Node findNodeByClass( Node start , Class<?> clazz ) { for( final Node node : SceneGraphIterator.unboundedIterable( start ) ) { if( node.getClass( ).equals( clazz ) ) { return node; } } return null; } /** * Finds the first node in a depth-first traversal of the scene graph with the given user data. * * @param start * the starting node for the scene graph traversal. * @param userData * the userData to find * @return a {@link Node} whose user data <code>== userData</code>, or <code>null</code> if none is found. */ public static Node findNodeByUserData( Node start , Object userData ) { for( final Node node : SceneGraphIterator.unboundedIterable( start ) ) { if( node.getUserData( ) == userData ) { return node; } } return null; } /** * Finds the first node in a depth-first traversal of the scene graph with the given user data. * * @param start * the starting node for the scene graph traversal. * @param userData * the userData to find * @return a {@link Node} whose user data <code>.equals(userData)</code>, or <code>null</code> if none is found. */ public static Node findNodeByEqualUserData( Node start , Object userData ) { for( final Node node : SceneGraphIterator.unboundedIterable( start ) ) { final Object nodeUserData = node.getUserData( ); if( nodeUserData == userData || ( nodeUserData != null && userData != null && nodeUserData.equals( userData ) ) ) { return node; } } return null; } /** * Finds the first node in a depth-first traversal of the scene graph matching an arbitrary predicate. * * @param start * the starting node for the scene graph traversal. * @param p * the predicate * @return a {@link Node} for which the predicate is <code>true</code>, or <code>null</code> if none is found. */ public static Node findNodeByPredicate( Node start , Predicate<Node, Boolean> p ) { for( final Node node : SceneGraphIterator.unboundedIterable( start ) ) { if( p.eval( node ) ) { return node; } } return null; } public static BranchGroup createDefaultBranchGroup( ) { final BranchGroup result = new BranchGroup( ); result.setCapability( BranchGroup.ALLOW_DETACH ); result.setCapability( Group.ALLOW_CHILDREN_READ ); result.setCapability( Group.ALLOW_CHILDREN_WRITE ); result.setCapability( Group.ALLOW_CHILDREN_EXTEND ); return result; } /** * Tries to remove a {@link Node} from the scene graph. If the necessary capabilities are not set, the node's top-level parent will be removed from its * {@link Locale}, allowing the node to be detached, and then the top-level parent will be added back to the locale. * * @param n * the node to detach * @return <code>true</code> if the node was successfully detached. */ public static boolean forceDetach( Node n ) { if( !n.isLive( ) ) { return true; } final Node parent = n.getParent( ); try { if( parent != null && parent instanceof Group ) { ( ( Group ) parent ).removeChild( n ); return true; } } catch( final Throwable t ) { } final Locale l = n.getLocale( ); if( l == null ) { return false; } Node topParent = n; while( topParent.getParent( ) != null ) { topParent = topParent.getParent( ); } if( topParent instanceof BranchGroup ) { try { l.removeBranchGraph( ( BranchGroup ) topParent ); if( topParent != n ) { ( ( Group ) parent ).removeChild( n ); } return true; } finally { if( topParent != n ) { l.addBranchGraph( ( BranchGroup ) topParent ); } } } return false; } /** * Tries to add a {@link Node} to the scene graph. If the necessary capabilities are not set, the node's top-level parent will be removed from its * {@link Locale}, allowing the node to be attached, and then the top-level parent will be added back to the locale. * * @param child * the node to attach * @param newParent * the parent to attach <code>child</code> to * @return <code>true</code> if the node was successfully attached. */ public static boolean forceAttach( Node child , Group newParent ) { try { newParent.addChild( child ); return true; } catch( final Throwable t ) { } final Locale l = newParent.getLocale( ); if( l == null ) { return false; } Node topParent = newParent; while( topParent.getParent( ) != null ) { topParent = topParent.getParent( ); } if( topParent instanceof BranchGroup ) { try { l.removeBranchGraph( ( BranchGroup ) topParent ); newParent.addChild( child ); return true; } finally { l.addBranchGraph( ( BranchGroup ) topParent ); } } return false; } /** * Forcefully detaches a node from the scene graph, modifies it, and then forcefully reattaches the node. * * @param node * the node to modify * @param visitor * the modifying procedure * @see #forceDetach(Node) * @see #forceAttach(Node, Group) */ public static void forceModify( Node node , Visitor<Node, Boolean> visitor ) { Node parent = node.getParent( ); if( parent != null && !( parent instanceof Group ) ) { parent = null; } try { if( parent != null && !J3DUtils.forceDetach( node ) ) { return; } visitor.visit( node ); } catch( final Throwable t ) { t.printStackTrace( ); } finally { if( parent != null ) { try { J3DUtils.forceAttach( node , ( Group ) parent ); } catch( final Throwable t ) { t.printStackTrace( ); } } } } /** * Forcefully modifies a list of nodes. * * @param node * the node to modify * @param visitor * the modifying procedure. If <code>visitor.visit()</code> returns <code>false</code> for a node, the rest of the list is skipped. * @see #forceModify(Node, Visitor) */ public static void forceModify( List<Node> nodes , Visitor<Node, Boolean> visitor ) { for( final Node node : nodes ) { Node parent = node.getParent( ); Locale locale = node.getLocale( ); boolean wasLive = node.isLive( ); if( parent != null && !( parent instanceof Group ) ) { parent = null; } try { if( !J3DUtils.forceDetach( node ) ) { continue; } if( !visitor.visit( node ) ) { break; } } catch( final Throwable t ) { t.printStackTrace( ); } finally { if( parent != null ) { try { J3DUtils.forceAttach( node , ( Group ) parent ); } catch( final Throwable t ) { t.printStackTrace( ); } } else if( node instanceof BranchGroup && wasLive ) { try { locale.addBranchGraph( ( BranchGroup ) node ); } catch( final Throwable t ) { t.printStackTrace( ); } } } } } static Appearance getAppearance( Shape3D s3D ) { Appearance app = s3D.getAppearance( ); if( app == null ) { s3D.setAppearance( app = new Appearance( ) ); } return app; } public static Appearance maskAppearance( ) { final Appearance app = new Appearance( ); final TransparencyAttributes ta = new TransparencyAttributes( ); ta.setTransparencyMode( TransparencyAttributes.BLENDED ); ta.setSrcBlendFunction( TransparencyAttributes.BLEND_ZERO ); ta.setDstBlendFunction( TransparencyAttributes.BLEND_ONE ); app.setTransparencyAttributes( ta ); final ColoringAttributes ca = new ColoringAttributes( ); ca.setColor( new Color3f( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ); app.setColoringAttributes( ca ); final RenderingAttributes ra = new RenderingAttributes( ); ra.setDepthBufferWriteEnable( true ); app.setRenderingAttributes( ra ); return app; } public static Appearance flatAppearance( Color4f color ) { final Appearance result = new Appearance( ); setColor( result , color , false ); return result; } public static Appearance shinyAppearance( Color4f color , float shininess ) { final Appearance result = new Appearance( ); final Material mat = new Material( ); mat.setLightingEnable( true ); mat.setShininess( shininess ); result.setMaterial( mat ); setColor( result , color , true ); return result; } public static void makeDoubleSided( Appearance app ) { PolygonAttributes pa = app.getPolygonAttributes( ); if( pa == null ) { pa = new PolygonAttributes( ); app.setPolygonAttributes( pa ); } pa.setCullFace( PolygonAttributes.CULL_NONE ); pa.setBackFaceNormalFlip( true ); } public static void setDepthTestFunction( Appearance app , int function ) { RenderingAttributes ra = app.getRenderingAttributes( ); if( ra == null ) { ra = new RenderingAttributes( ); app.setRenderingAttributes( ra ); } ra.setDepthTestFunction( function ); } public static Appearance debugAppearance( Color4f color ) { final Appearance result = new Appearance( ); setColor( result , color , false ); setDepthTestFunction( result , RenderingAttributes.ALWAYS ); return result; } public static BranchGroup visualizeBounds( Bounds b , Transform3D xform , Appearance app ) { final BranchGroup bg = new BranchGroup( ); bg.setCapability( BranchGroup.ALLOW_DETACH ); final TransformGroup tg = new TransformGroup( ); final Transform3D xlate = new Transform3D( ); if( b instanceof BoundingBox ) { final BoundingBox bbox = ( BoundingBox ) b; final Point3d lower = new Point3d( ) , upper = new Point3d( ); bbox.getLower( lower ); bbox.getUpper( upper ); xlate.set( new double[ ] { ( upper.x - lower.x ) * 0.5 , 0 , 0 , ( upper.x + lower.x ) * 0.5 , 0 , ( upper.y - lower.y ) * 0.5 , 0 , ( upper.y + lower.y ) * 0.5 , 0 , 0 , ( upper.z - lower.z ) * 0.5 , ( upper.z + lower.z ) * 0.5 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 } ); if( xform != null ) { xlate.mul( xform , xlate ); } tg.setTransform( xlate ); bg.addChild( tg ); final com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.Box vbox = new com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.Box( ); vbox.setAppearance( app ); tg.addChild( vbox ); } else if( b instanceof BoundingSphere ) { final BoundingSphere bsphere = ( BoundingSphere ) b; final Point3d center = new Point3d( ); bsphere.getCenter( center ); final double radius = bsphere.getRadius( ); xlate.setTranslation( new Vector3d( center ) ); if( xform != null ) { xlate.mul( xform , xlate ); } tg.setTransform( xlate ); bg.addChild( tg ); final com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.Sphere vsphere = new com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.Sphere( ( float ) radius ); vsphere.setAppearance( app ); tg.addChild( vsphere ); } return bg; } /** * Copies the coordinates from a GeometryArray into a Point3f array, even if they are stored in a different form in the GeometryArray. * * @param array * @return */ public static Point3f[ ] copyCoordinates3f( GeometryArray array ) { Point3f[ ] coordinates = null; final int format = array.getVertexFormat( ); if( ( format & GeometryArray.BY_REFERENCE ) > 0 ) { final Point3f[ ] ref3f = array.getCoordRef3f( ); final Point3d[ ] ref3d = array.getCoordRef3d( ); final double[ ] refDouble = array.getCoordRefDouble( ); final float[ ] refFloat = array.getCoordRefFloat( ); if( ref3f != null || ref3d != null || refDouble != null || refFloat != null ) { coordinates = new Point3f[ array.getVertexCount( ) ]; if( ref3f != null ) { for( int i = 0 ; i < ref3d.length ; i++ ) { coordinates[ i ] = new Point3f( ref3f[ i ] ); } } if( ref3d != null ) { for( int i = 0 ; i < ref3d.length ; i++ ) { coordinates[ i ] = new Point3f( ref3d[ i ] ); } } else if( refDouble != null ) { int k = 0; for( int i = 0 ; i < refDouble.length ; i += 3 ) { coordinates[ k++ ] = new Point3f( ( float ) refDouble[ i ] , ( float ) refDouble[ i + 1 ] , ( float ) refDouble[ i + 2 ] ); } } else if( refFloat != null ) { int k = 0; for( int i = 0 ; i < refFloat.length ; i += 3 ) { coordinates[ k++ ] = new Point3f( refFloat[ i ] , refFloat[ i + 1 ] , refFloat[ i + 2 ] ); } } } } else { coordinates = org.andork.vecmath.VecmathUtils.allocPoint3fArray( array.getVertexCount( ) ); array.getCoordinates( 0 , coordinates ); } return coordinates; } /** * Copies the normals from a GeometryArray into a Vector3f array, even if they're stored in a different form in the GeometryArray. * * @param array * @return */ public static Vector3f[ ] copyNormals3f( GeometryArray array ) { Vector3f[ ] normals = null; final int format = array.getVertexFormat( ); if( ( format & GeometryArray.BY_REFERENCE ) > 0 ) { final Vector3f[ ] ref3f = array.getNormalRef3f( ); final float[ ] refFloat = array.getNormalRefFloat( ); if( ref3f != null || refFloat != null ) { normals = new Vector3f[ array.getVertexCount( ) ]; if( ref3f != null ) { for( int i = 0 ; i < refFloat.length ; i += 3 ) { normals[ i ] = new Vector3f( ref3f[ i ] ); } } else if( refFloat != null ) { int k = 0; for( int i = 0 ; i < refFloat.length ; i += 3 ) { normals[ k++ ] = new Vector3f( refFloat[ i ] , refFloat[ i + 1 ] , refFloat[ i + 2 ] ); } } } } else { normals = org.andork.vecmath.VecmathUtils.allocVector3fArray( array.getVertexCount( ) ); array.getNormals( 0 , normals ); } return normals; } /** * Copies the coordinate indices out of an IndexedGeometryArray, whether they're stored by reference or not. * * @param array * @return */ public static int[ ] copyCoordinateIndices( IndexedGeometryArray array ) { int[ ] coordinateIndices = null; final int format = array.getVertexFormat( ); if( ( format & GeometryArray.BY_REFERENCE_INDICES ) > 0 ) { coordinateIndices = array.getCoordIndicesRef( ).clone( ); } else { coordinateIndices = new int[ array.getIndexCount( ) ]; array.getCoordinateIndices( 0 , coordinateIndices ); } return coordinateIndices; } /** * Copies the normal indices out of an IndexedGeometryArray, whether they're stored by reference or not. * * @param array * @return */ public static int[ ] copyNormalIndices( IndexedGeometryArray array ) { int[ ] normalIndices = null; final int format = array.getVertexFormat( ); if( ( format & GeometryArray.BY_REFERENCE_INDICES ) > 0 && ( format & GeometryArray.USE_COORD_INDEX_ONLY ) > 0 ) { normalIndices = array.getCoordIndicesRef( ).clone( ); } else { normalIndices = new int[ array.getIndexCount( ) ]; array.getNormalIndices( 0 , normalIndices ); } return normalIndices; } public static LineArray renderNormals( IndexedGeometryArray array , float scale ) { final Point3f[ ] coordinates = copyCoordinates3f( array ); final Vector3f[ ] normals = copyNormals3f( array ); final int[ ] coordinateIndices = copyCoordinateIndices( array ); final int[ ] normalIndices = copyNormalIndices( array ); if( coordinates == null || normals == null || coordinateIndices == null || normalIndices == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unable to get necessary information from the geometry" ); } final int vertexCount = coordinateIndices.length * 2; final Point3f temp = new Point3f( ); final LineArray result = new LineArray( vertexCount , GeometryArray.COORDINATES ); int k = 0; for( int i = 0 ; i < coordinateIndices.length ; i++ ) { final Point3f coordinate = coordinates[ coordinateIndices[ i ] ]; final Vector3f normal = normals[ normalIndices[ i ] ]; result.setCoordinate( k++ , coordinate ); temp.scaleAdd( scale , normal , coordinate ); result.setCoordinate( k++ , temp ); } return result; } public static LineArray renderNormals( GeometryArray array , float scale ) { final Point3f[ ] coordinates = copyCoordinates3f( array ); final Vector3f[ ] normals = copyNormals3f( array ); if( coordinates == null || normals == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unable to get necessary information from the geometry" ); } final int vertexCount = coordinates.length * 2; final Point3f temp = new Point3f( ); final LineArray result = new LineArray( vertexCount , GeometryArray.COORDINATES ); int k = 0; for( int i = 0 ; i < coordinates.length ; i++ ) { final Point3f coordinate = coordinates[ i ]; final Vector3f normal = normals[ i ]; result.setCoordinate( k++ , coordinate ); temp.scaleAdd( scale , normal , coordinate ); result.setCoordinate( k++ , temp ); } return result; } /** * Transforms the coordinates in a geometry array. DOES NOT TRANSFORM THE NORMALS * * @param geomArray * @param xform */ public static void transformCoordinates( GeometryArray geomArray , Transform3D xform ) { final Point3f temp = new Point3f( ); for( int i = 0 ; i < geomArray.getVertexCount( ) ; i++ ) { geomArray.getCoordinate( i , temp ); xform.transform( temp ); geomArray.setCoordinate( i , temp ); } } public static Shape3D visualizeNormals( Shape3D shape , float scale , boolean local , Appearance app ) { final GeometryArray geomArray = ( GeometryArray ) shape.getGeometry( ); LineArray rendered; if( geomArray instanceof IndexedGeometryArray ) { final IndexedGeometryArray indexedGeomArray = ( IndexedGeometryArray ) geomArray; rendered = renderNormals( indexedGeomArray , scale ); } else { rendered = renderNormals( geomArray , scale ); } if( !local ) { final Transform3D localToVworld = new Transform3D( ); shape.getLocalToVworld( localToVworld ); transformCoordinates( rendered , localToVworld ); } return new Shape3D( rendered , app ); } public static Shape3D visualizeNormals( Shape3D shape , float scale , Appearance app ) { return visualizeNormals( shape , scale , true , app ); } public static Shape3D visualizeFronts( Shape3D shape , float scale , boolean local , Appearance app ) { LineArray rendered = renderFronts( shape , scale ); if( rendered == null ) { return null; } if( local ) { final Transform3D localToVworld = new Transform3D( ); shape.getLocalToVworld( localToVworld ); transformCoordinates( rendered , localToVworld ); } return new Shape3D( rendered , app ); } public static LineArray renderFronts( Shape3D shape , float scale ) { Geometry geom = shape.getGeometry( ); if( geom instanceof IndexedGeometryArray ) { return renderFronts( ( IndexedGeometryArray ) geom , scale ); } else if( geom instanceof GeometryArray ) { return renderFronts( ( GeometryArray ) geom , scale ); } return null; } public static LineArray renderFronts( IndexedGeometryArray geom , float scale ) { List<Point3f> points = new ArrayList<Point3f>( ); Point3f[ ] coordinates = copyCoordinates3f( geom ); int[ ] indices = copyCoordinateIndices( geom ); Point3f t = new Point3f( ); Vector3f v1 = new Vector3f( ); Vector3f v2 = new Vector3f( ); Vector3f n = new Vector3f( ); int k; for( k = 0 ; k < indices.length ; k += 3 ) { Point3f a = coordinates[ indices[ k ] ]; Point3f b = coordinates[ indices[ k + 1 ] ]; Point3f c = coordinates[ indices[ k + 2 ] ]; v1.sub( b , a ); v2.sub( c , b ); n.cross( v2 , v1 ); n.normalize( ); t.add( a , b ); t.add( c ); t.scale( 1 / 3f ); points.add( new Point3f( t ) ); t.add( n ); points.add( new Point3f( t ) ); } LineArray result = new LineArray( points.size( ) , GeometryArray.COORDINATES ); k = 0; for( Point3f p : points ) { result.setCoordinate( k++ , p ); } return result; } public static LineArray renderFronts( GeometryArray geom , float scale ) { if( geom instanceof IndexedGeometryArray ) { return renderFronts( ( IndexedGeometryArray ) geom , scale ); } List<Point3f> points = new ArrayList<Point3f>( ); Point3f[ ] coordinates = copyCoordinates3f( geom ); Point3f t = new Point3f( ); Vector3f v1 = new Vector3f( ); Vector3f v2 = new Vector3f( ); Vector3f n = new Vector3f( ); int k; for( k = 0 ; k < coordinates.length ; k += 3 ) { Point3f a = coordinates[ k ]; Point3f b = coordinates[ k + 1 ]; Point3f c = coordinates[ k + 2 ]; v1.sub( b , a ); v2.sub( c , b ); n.cross( v2 , v1 ); n.normalize( ); t.add( a , b ); t.add( c ); t.scale( 1 / 3f ); points.add( new Point3f( t ) ); t.add( n ); points.add( new Point3f( t ) ); } LineArray result = new LineArray( points.size( ) , GeometryArray.COORDINATES ); k = 0; for( Point3f p : points ) { result.setCoordinate( k++ , p ); } return result; } public static void hardTransform( GeometryArray geom , Transform3D xform ) { Point3f coord = new Point3f( ); for( int i = 0 ; i < geom.getVertexCount( ) ; i++ ) { geom.getCoordinate( i , coord ); xform.transform( coord ); geom.setCoordinate( i , coord ); } } public static void showErrorDialog( Component parent , Throwable t ) { final StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer( ); message.append( t ); for( final StackTraceElement elem : t.getStackTrace( ) ) { message.append( "\n" ); message.append( elem ); } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( parent , message , "Exception" , JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE ); } public static void setVisible( Appearance app , boolean visible ) { RenderingAttributes ra = app.getRenderingAttributes( ); if( ra == null ) { ra = new RenderingAttributes( ); app.setRenderingAttributes( ra ); } ra.setVisible( visible ); } public static void setVisible( Shape3D s3D , boolean visible ) { setVisible( getAppearance( s3D ) , visible ); } public static void setVisibleRecursive( Node n , boolean visible ) { for( final Node node : SceneGraphIterator.boundedIterable( n ) ) { if( node instanceof Shape3D ) { setVisible( getAppearance( ( Shape3D ) node ) , visible ); } } } public static boolean isVisible( Appearance app ) { final RenderingAttributes ra = app.getRenderingAttributes( ); if( ra == null ) { return true; } return ra.getVisible( ); } public static boolean isVisible( Shape3D s3D ) { final Appearance app = s3D.getAppearance( ); if( app == null ) { return true; } return isVisible( app ); } public static void toggleVisibility( Shape3D s3D ) { setVisible( s3D , !isVisible( s3D ) ); } public static void toggleVisibilityRecursive( Node n ) { for( final Node node : SceneGraphIterator.boundedIterable( n ) ) { if( node instanceof Shape3D ) { toggleVisibility( ( Shape3D ) node ); } } } public static void setPolygonMode( Appearance app , int mode ) { PolygonAttributes pa = app.getPolygonAttributes( ); if( pa == null ) { pa = new PolygonAttributes( ); app.setPolygonAttributes( pa ); } pa.setPolygonMode( mode ); } public static void setPolygonMode( Shape3D s3D , int mode ) { setPolygonMode( getAppearance( s3D ) , mode ); } public static void setPolygonModeRecursive( Node n , int mode ) { for( final Node node : SceneGraphIterator.boundedIterable( n ) ) { if( node instanceof Shape3D ) { setPolygonMode( ( Shape3D ) node , mode ); } } } public static void setColor( Appearance app , Color3f color , boolean checkMaterial ) { ColoringAttributes ca = app.getColoringAttributes( ); if( ca == null ) { ca = new ColoringAttributes( ); ca.setShadeModel( ColoringAttributes.SHADE_FLAT ); app.setColoringAttributes( ca ); } ca.setColor( color.x , color.y , color.z ); app.setTransparencyAttributes( null ); if( checkMaterial ) { final Material mat = app.getMaterial( ); if( mat != null ) { mat.setAmbientColor( color.x , color.y , color.z ); mat.setDiffuseColor( color.x , color.y , color.z ); mat.setSpecularColor( color.x , color.y , color.z ); } } } public static void setColor( Appearance app , Color4f color , boolean checkMaterial ) { ColoringAttributes ca = app.getColoringAttributes( ); if( ca == null ) { ca = new ColoringAttributes( ); ca.setShadeModel( ColoringAttributes.SHADE_FLAT ); app.setColoringAttributes( ca ); } ca.setColor( color.x , color.y , color.z ); if( color.w != 1f ) { TransparencyAttributes ta = app.getTransparencyAttributes( ); if( ta == null ) { ta = new TransparencyAttributes( ); app.setTransparencyAttributes( ta ); } ta.setTransparencyMode( TransparencyAttributes.BLENDED ); ta.setTransparency( 1f - color.w ); } else { app.setTransparencyAttributes( null ); } if( checkMaterial ) { final Material mat = app.getMaterial( ); if( mat != null ) { mat.setAmbientColor( color.x , color.y , color.z ); mat.setDiffuseColor( color.x , color.y , color.z ); mat.setSpecularColor( color.x , color.y , color.z ); } } } public static void setColor( Shape3D s3D , Color4f color , boolean checkMaterial ) { setColor( getAppearance( s3D ) , color , checkMaterial ); } public static void setColorRecursive( Node n , Color4f color , boolean checkMaterial ) { for( final Node node : SceneGraphIterator.boundedIterable( n ) ) { if( node instanceof Shape3D ) { setColor( getAppearance( ( Shape3D ) node ) , color , checkMaterial ); } } } public static void modifyColoringAttributesRecursive( Node n , Color3f color , int shadeModel ) { for( final Node node : SceneGraphIterator.boundedIterable( n ) ) { if( node instanceof Shape3D ) { modifyColoringAttributes( ( Shape3D ) node , color , shadeModel ); } } } public static void modifyColoringAttributes( Shape3D n , Color3f color , int shadeModel ) { Appearance app = getAppearance( n ); ColoringAttributes ca = app.getColoringAttributes( ); if( ca == null ) { ca = new ColoringAttributes( ); app.setColoringAttributes( ca ); } ca.setColor( color ); ca.setShadeModel( shadeModel ); } }