package org.andork.tracker; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.Timer; public class Tracker { public static class FlushOptions { public boolean finishSynchronously; public boolean throwFirstError; public FlushOptions() { } public FlushOptions finishSynchronously(boolean val) { finishSynchronously = val; return this; } public FlushOptions throwFirstError(boolean val) { throwFirstError = val; return this; } } public static interface Runner { void checkThread(); void setTimeout(Runnable r, int delay); } public static Tracker EDT = new Tracker(new Runner() { @Override public void checkThread() { if (!SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread()) { throw new TrackerException("Must be called from EDT"); } } @Override public void setTimeout(Runnable r, int delay) { if (delay <= 0) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(r); } else { Timer timer = new Timer(delay, e ->; timer.setRepeats(false); timer.start(); } } }); static final ThreadLocal<Computation> currentComputation = new ThreadLocal<>(); public static Computation currentComputation() { return currentComputation.get(); } public static boolean isActive() { return currentComputation.get() != null; } static void setCurrentComputation(Computation comp) { currentComputation.set(comp); } final Runner runner; final List<Computation> pendingComputations = new ArrayList<>(); final List<Runnable> afterFlushCallbacks = new ArrayList<>(); boolean inCompute = false; boolean willFlush = false; boolean inFlush = false; boolean throwFirstError = false; Tracker(Runner runner) { this.runner = runner; } void addPendingComputation(Computation comp) { pendingComputations.add(comp); } public void afterFlush(Runnable r) { runner.checkThread(); afterFlushCallbacks.add(r); requireFlush(); } public Computation autorun(ComputeFunction r) throws Exception { runner.checkThread(); Computation comp = new Computation(this, r); comp.start(); if (isActive()) { onInvalidate(() -> comp.stop()); } return comp; } public Computation autorun(Runnable r) { try { return autorun(comp ->; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public void flush() { flush(null); } public void flush(FlushOptions options) { runFlush(new FlushOptions().finishSynchronously(true) .throwFirstError(options == null ? false : options.throwFirstError)); } boolean inCompute() { return inCompute; } public void nonreactive(Runnable r) { runner.checkThread(); Computation previous = currentComputation(); setCurrentComputation(null); try {; } finally { setCurrentComputation(previous); } } public void onInvalidate(Runnable r) { if (!isActive()) { throw new Error("Tracker.onInvalidate requires a currentComputation"); } currentComputation().onInvalidate(r); } void requireFlush() { runner.checkThread(); if (!willFlush) { runner.setTimeout(this::runFlush, 0); willFlush = true; } } void runFlush() { runFlush(null); } void runFlush(FlushOptions options) { runner.checkThread(); if (inFlush) { throw new TrackerException("Can't call Tracker.flush while flushing"); } if (inCompute) { throw new TrackerException("Can't flush inside Tracker.autorun"); } if (options == null) { options = new FlushOptions(); } inFlush = true; willFlush = true; throwFirstError = options.throwFirstError; int recomputedCount = 0; boolean finishedTry = false; try { while (!pendingComputations.isEmpty() || !afterFlushCallbacks.isEmpty()) { // recompute all pending computations while (!pendingComputations.isEmpty()) { Computation comp = pendingComputations.remove(0); comp.recompute(); if (comp.needsRecompute()) { pendingComputations.add(0, comp); } if (!options.finishSynchronously && ++recomputedCount > 1000) { finishedTry = true; return; } } if (!afterFlushCallbacks.isEmpty()) { // call one afterFlush callback, which may // invalidate more computations Runnable func = afterFlushCallbacks.remove(0); try {; } catch (Exception e) { throwOrLog("afterFlush", e); } } } finishedTry = true; } finally { if (!finishedTry) { // we're erroring due to throwFirstError being true. // 506 inFlush = false; // needed before calling `Tracker.flush()` // again // finish flushing runFlush(new FlushOptions().finishSynchronously(options.finishSynchronously).throwFirstError(false)); } willFlush = false; inFlush = false; if (!pendingComputations.isEmpty() || !afterFlushCallbacks.isEmpty()) { // We're yielding because we ran a bunch of computations and we // aren't required to finish synchronously, so we'd like to give // the event loop a chance. We should flush again soon. if (options.finishSynchronously) { throw new TrackerException("still have work to do?"); } runner.setTimeout(this::requireFlush, 10); } } } void setInCompute(boolean inCompute) { this.inCompute = inCompute; } void throwOrLog(String from, Exception e) { if (throwFirstError) { if (e instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) e; } throw new TrackerException(from, e); } e.printStackTrace(); } }