package; import; import; import; import javax.vecmath.Matrix3d; import javax.vecmath.Matrix3f; import javax.vecmath.Point3d; import javax.vecmath.Point3f; import javax.vecmath.Tuple3d; import javax.vecmath.Tuple3f; import javax.vecmath.Vector3d; import javax.vecmath.Vector3f; import org.andork.j3d.math.TransformComputer3d; /** * Encapsulates all the necessary information about a camera location and orientation, and methods for positioning the camera. <br> * <br> * The nominal orientation of the camera (i.e. with the identity transform) is looking forward in the +X direction, with +Y to the right and +Z downward. * <b>This is not the nominal orientation of ViewPlatform, which is -Z, X, -Y.</b> <br> * The camera orientation can be broken down into pan, tilt, and roll; it is a rotation about the X axis (roll) followed by a rotation about the Y axis (tilt) * followed by a rotation about the Z axis (pan). * * @author andy.edwards */ public class CameraPosition { public CameraPosition( ) { } public CameraPosition( Point3d location , Point3d lookAt ) { setLocation( location ); lookAt( lookAt ); } public static final double MAX_TILT = Math.PI / 2.001; private final Transform3D xform = new Transform3D( ); private final Transform3D invXform = new Transform3D( ); private boolean invXformUpToDate; private final Matrix3d rotation = new Matrix3d( ); private boolean rotationUpToDate; private final Vector3d tempVec = new Vector3d( ); private final Point3d tempPt = new Point3d( ); private final Vector3d location = new Vector3d( ); private boolean locationUpToDate; // private final PanTiltRollContext panTiltRollContext = new PanTiltRollContext( ); private final TransformComputer3d xformComputer = new TransformComputer3d( ); private final Vector3d rollTiltPan = new Vector3d( ); private boolean panTiltRollUpToDate; private final Vector3d forward = new Vector3d( ); private final Vector3d right = new Vector3d( ); private final Vector3d down = new Vector3d( ); private boolean vectorsUpToDate; public void copy( CameraPosition other ) { xform.set( other.xform ); invXformUpToDate = other.invXformUpToDate; if( invXformUpToDate ) { invXform.set( other.invXform ); } rotationUpToDate = other.rotationUpToDate; if( rotationUpToDate ) { rotation.set( other.rotation ); } locationUpToDate = other.locationUpToDate; if( locationUpToDate ) { location.set( other.location ); } panTiltRollUpToDate = other.panTiltRollUpToDate; if( panTiltRollUpToDate ) { rollTiltPan.z = other.rollTiltPan.z; rollTiltPan.y = other.rollTiltPan.y; rollTiltPan.x = other.rollTiltPan.x; } vectorsUpToDate = other.vectorsUpToDate; if( vectorsUpToDate ) { forward.set( other.forward ); right.set( other.right ); down.set( other.down ); } } /** * Places the camera transform into <code>result</code> and returns it. */ public Transform3D getTransform( Transform3D result ) { result.set( xform ); return result; } /** * Sets the camera transform to <code>xform</code>. * * @param xform * a congruent transform with a positive determinant. (In other words, xform must not scale or transform to a left-handed coordinate system.) * @throws BadTransformException * if xform is not congruent or has a negative determinant */ public void setTransform( Transform3D xform ) { if( xform.getBestType( ) == Transform3D.AFFINE ) { throw new BadTransformException( "xform must be congruent" ); } if( !xform.getDeterminantSign( ) ) { throw new BadTransformException( "xform must have a positive determinant" ); } this.xform.set( xform ); invXformUpToDate = false; rotationUpToDate = false; locationUpToDate = false; panTiltRollUpToDate = false; vectorsUpToDate = false; } public Point3d vworldToLocal( Point3d p ) { xform.transform( p ); return p; } public Point3f vworldToLocal( Point3f p ) { xform.transform( p ); return p; } public Vector3d vworldToLocal( Vector3d v ) { xform.transform( v ); return v; } public Vector3f vworldToLocal( Vector3f v ) { xform.transform( v ); return v; } private void updateInvXform( ) { if( !invXformUpToDate ) { invXform.invert( xform ); invXformUpToDate = true; } } public Transform3D getInverseTransform( Transform3D result ) { updateInvXform( ); result.set( invXform ); return result; } public Point3d localToVworld( Point3d p ) { updateInvXform( ); invXform.transform( p ); return p; } public Point3f localToVworld( Point3f p ) { updateInvXform( ); invXform.transform( p ); return p; } public Vector3d localToVworld( Vector3d v ) { updateInvXform( ); invXform.transform( v ); return v; } public Vector3f localToVworld( Vector3f v ) { updateInvXform( ); invXform.transform( v ); return v; } private void updateLocation( ) { if( !locationUpToDate ) { xform.get( location ); locationUpToDate = true; } } static void checkValid( Tuple3f t ) { if( Double.isNaN( t.x ) || Double.isNaN( t.y ) || Double.isNaN( t.z ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "tuple has NaN values" ); } if( Double.isInfinite( t.x ) || Double.isInfinite( t.y ) || Double.isInfinite( t.z ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "tuple has Infinite values" ); } } static void checkValid( Tuple3d t ) { if( Double.isNaN( t.x ) || Double.isNaN( t.y ) || Double.isNaN( t.z ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "tuple has NaN values" ); } if( Double.isInfinite( t.x ) || Double.isInfinite( t.y ) || Double.isInfinite( t.z ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "tuple has Infinite values" ); } } static void checkValid( BoundingSphere bounds ) { if( bounds.isEmpty( ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "restriction bounds must not be empty" ); } } /** * Sets the camera location to <code>newLocation</code> without affecting the rotation. */ public void setLocation( Tuple3d newLocation ) { checkValid( newLocation ); location.set( newLocation ); xform.setTranslation( location ); invXformUpToDate = false; locationUpToDate = true; } /** * Sets the camera location to <code>newLocation</code> without affecting the rotation. */ public void setLocation( Tuple3f newLocation ) { checkValid( newLocation ); tempVec.set( newLocation ); setLocation( tempVec ); } /** * Pans and tilts the camera to point at <code>lookAt</code>. * * @see #setPan(double) * @see #setTilt(double) */ public void lookAt( Tuple3d lookAt ) { checkValid( lookAt ); updateLocation( ); forward.sub( lookAt , location ); forward.normalize( ); final boolean setPan = forward.x != 0 || forward.y != 0; final double pan = setPan ? Math.atan2( forward.y , forward.x ) : 0; final double dxy = Math.sqrt( forward.x * forward.x + forward.y * forward.y ); final double tilt = Math.atan2( dxy , forward.z ) - Math.PI / 2; if( setPan ) { setPanTilt( pan , tilt ); } else { setTilt( tilt ); // preserve pan } } /** * Pans and tilts the camera to point at <code>lookAt</code>. * * @see #setPan(double) * @see #setTilt(double) */ public void lookAt( Tuple3f lookAt ) { checkValid( lookAt ); tempVec.set( lookAt ); lookAt( tempVec ); } /** * Places the location of the camera in <code>result</code> and returns it. */ public Point3d getLocation( Point3d result ) { updateLocation( ); result.set( location ); return result; } /** * Places the location of the camera in <code>result</code> and returns it. */ public Point3f getLocation( Point3f result ) { updateLocation( ); result.set( location ); return result; } /** * Places the location of the camera in <code>result</code> and returns it. */ public Vector3d getLocation( Vector3d result ) { updateLocation( ); result.set( location ); return result; } /** * Places the location of the camera in <code>result</code> and returns it. */ public Vector3f getLocation( Vector3f result ) { updateLocation( ); result.set( location ); return result; } public Point3d getLookAt( Point3d result ) { updateLocation( ); getForward( tempVec ); tempVec.add( location ); result.set( tempVec ); return result; } public Point3f getLookAt( Point3f result ) { updateLocation( ); getForward( tempVec ); tempVec.add( location ); result.set( tempVec ); return result; } /** * Translates the camera. * * @param translation * offset in virtual world coordinates */ public void translate( Vector3d translation ) { checkValid( translation ); updateLocation( ); location.add( translation ); xform.setTranslation( location ); invXformUpToDate = false; } /** * Translates the camera. * * @param translation * offset in virtual world coordinates */ public void translate( Vector3f translation ) { checkValid( translation ); tempVec.set( translation ); translate( tempVec ); } /** * Translates the camera. * * @param dx * x offset in virtual world coordinates * @param dy * y offset in virtual world coordinates * @param dz * z offset in virtual world coordinates */ public void translate( double dx , double dy , double dz ) { if( Double.isNaN( dx ) || Double.isNaN( dy ) || Double.isNaN( dz ) || Double.isInfinite( dx ) || Double.isInfinite( dy ) || Double.isInfinite( dz ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "offsets must not be NaN or Infinite" ); } tempVec.set( dx , dy , dz ); translate( tempVec ); } /** * Moves the camera relative to its orientation. * * @param dForward * distance to move forward * @param dRight * distance to move to the right * @param dDown * distance to move downward */ public void move( double dForward , double dRight , double dDown ) { if( Double.isNaN( dForward ) || Double.isNaN( dRight ) || Double.isNaN( dDown ) || Double.isInfinite( dForward ) || Double.isInfinite( dRight ) || Double.isInfinite( dDown ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "distances must not be NaN or Infinite" ); } updateLocation( ); updateVectors( ); location.scaleAdd( dForward , forward , location ); location.scaleAdd( dRight , right , location ); location.scaleAdd( dDown , down , location ); xform.setTranslation( location ); invXformUpToDate = false; } /** * Moves the camera relative to its orientation. * * @param motion * vector specifying distances to move (forward, right, down) */ public void move( Vector3d motion ) { checkValid( motion ); move( motion.x , motion.y , motion.z ); } /** * Moves the camera relative to its orientation. * * @param motion * vector specifying distances to move (forward, right, down) */ public void move( Vector3f motion ) { checkValid( motion ); move( motion.x , motion.y , motion.z ); } private void updatePanTiltRoll( ) { if( !panTiltRollUpToDate ) { // TvdUtils.getPanTiltRoll( xform , panTiltRollContext ); xformComputer.getRollTiltPan( xform , rollTiltPan ); panTiltRollUpToDate = true; } } /** * Sets the camera pan angle to <code>pan</code>. Pan is defined as rotation around the Z axis after tilt and roll have been applied. * * @see #pan(double) * @see #setTilt(double) * @see #setRoll(double) */ public void setPan( double pan ) { if( Double.isNaN( pan ) || Double.isInfinite( pan ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "pan must not be NaN or infinite" ); } updatePanTiltRoll( ); if( rollTiltPan.z != pan ) { rollTiltPan.z = pan; applyPanTiltRoll( ); } } /** * Increments the camera pan angle by <code>inc</code>. Pan is defined as rotation around the Z axis after tilt and roll have been applied. * * @see #setPan(double) * @see #tilt(double) * @see #roll(double) */ public void pan( double inc ) { if( inc != 0.0 ) { if( Double.isNaN( inc ) || Double.isInfinite( inc ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "inc must not be NaN or infinite" ); } updatePanTiltRoll( ); rollTiltPan.z += inc; applyPanTiltRoll( ); } } /** * Sets the camera tilt angle to <code>tilt</code>. Tilt is defined as rotation around the Y axis before pan has been applied and after roll has been * applied. <b>Note:</b> the tilt is clamped to the range (-{@link #MAX_TILT}, {@link #MAX_TILT}) to prevent gimbal lock at the up/down singularities. * * @see #tilt(double) * @see #setPan(double) * @see #setRoll(double) */ public void setTilt( double tilt ) { if( Double.isNaN( tilt ) || Double.isInfinite( tilt ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "tilt must not be NaN or infinite" ); } // restrict tilt to prevent extreme weirdness tilt = Math.max( -MAX_TILT , Math.min( MAX_TILT , tilt ) ); updatePanTiltRoll( ); if( rollTiltPan.y != tilt ) { rollTiltPan.y = tilt; applyPanTiltRoll( ); } } /** * Increments the camera tilt angle by <code>inc</code>. Tilt is defined as rotation around the Y axis before pan has been applied and after roll has been * applied. <b>Note:</b> the tilt is clamped to the range (-{@link #MAX_TILT}, {@link #MAX_TILT}) to prevent gimbal lock at the up/down singularities. * * @see #setTilt(double) * @see #pan(double) * @see #roll(double) */ public void tilt( double inc ) { if( inc != 0.0 ) { if( Double.isNaN( inc ) || Double.isInfinite( inc ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "inc must not be NaN or infinite" ); } updatePanTiltRoll( ); rollTiltPan.y += inc; // restrict tilt to prevent extreme weirdness rollTiltPan.y = Math.max( -MAX_TILT , Math.min( MAX_TILT , rollTiltPan.y ) ); applyPanTiltRoll( ); } } /** * Sets the camera roll angle to <code>roll</code>. Roll is defined as rotation around the X axis before pan and tilt are applied. * * @see #roll(double) * @see #setPan(double) * @see #setTilt(double) */ public void setRoll( double roll ) { if( Double.isNaN( roll ) || Double.isInfinite( roll ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "roll must not be NaN or infinite" ); } updatePanTiltRoll( ); if( rollTiltPan.x != roll ) { rollTiltPan.x = roll; applyPanTiltRoll( ); } } /** * Increments the camera roll angle by <code>inc</code>. Roll is defined as rotation around the X axis before pan and tilt are applied. * * @see #setRoll(double) * @see #pan(double) * @see #tilt(double) */ public void roll( double inc ) { if( inc != 0.0 ) { if( Double.isNaN( inc ) || Double.isInfinite( inc ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "inc must not be NaN or infinite" ); } updatePanTiltRoll( ); rollTiltPan.x += inc; applyPanTiltRoll( ); } } /** * Sets the pan and tilt simultaneously. * * @see #setPan(double) * @see #setTilt(double) */ public void setPanTilt( double pan , double tilt ) { if( Double.isNaN( pan ) || Double.isInfinite( pan ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "pan must not be NaN or infinite" ); } if( Double.isNaN( tilt ) || Double.isInfinite( tilt ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "tilt must not be NaN or infinite" ); } // restrict tilt to prevent extreme weirdness tilt = Math.max( -MAX_TILT , Math.min( MAX_TILT , tilt ) ); updatePanTiltRoll( ); if( rollTiltPan.z != pan || rollTiltPan.y != tilt ) { rollTiltPan.z = pan; rollTiltPan.y = tilt; applyPanTiltRoll( ); } } /** * Increments the pan and tilt simultaneously. * * @see #pan(double) * @see #tilt(double) */ public void panTilt( double panInc , double tiltInc ) { if( Double.isNaN( panInc ) || Double.isInfinite( panInc ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "panInc must not be NaN or infinite" ); } if( Double.isNaN( tiltInc ) || Double.isInfinite( tiltInc ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "tiltInc must not be NaN or infinite" ); } if( panInc != 0.0 || tiltInc != 0.0 ) { updatePanTiltRoll( ); rollTiltPan.z += panInc; rollTiltPan.y += tiltInc; // restrict tilt to prevent extreme weirdness rollTiltPan.y = Math.max( -MAX_TILT , Math.min( MAX_TILT , rollTiltPan.y ) ); applyPanTiltRoll( ); } } /** * Sets the pan, tilt, and roll simultaneously. * * @see #setPan(double) * @see #setTilt(double) * @see #setRoll(double) */ public void setPanTiltRoll( double pan , double tilt , double roll ) { if( Double.isNaN( pan ) || Double.isInfinite( pan ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "pan must not be NaN or infinite" ); } if( Double.isNaN( tilt ) || Double.isInfinite( tilt ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "tilt must not be NaN or infinite" ); } if( Double.isNaN( roll ) || Double.isInfinite( roll ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "roll must not be NaN or infinite" ); } // restrict tilt to prevent extreme weirdness tilt = Math.max( -MAX_TILT , Math.min( MAX_TILT , tilt ) ); updatePanTiltRoll( ); if( rollTiltPan.z != pan || rollTiltPan.y != tilt || rollTiltPan.x != roll ) { rollTiltPan.z = pan; rollTiltPan.y = tilt; rollTiltPan.x = roll; applyPanTiltRoll( ); } } private void applyPanTiltRoll( ) { updateLocation( ); // save translation // TvdUtils.setPanTiltRoll( xform , panTiltRollContext ); xformComputer.setRollTiltPan( rollTiltPan , xform ); xform.setTranslation( location ); // restore translation invXformUpToDate = false; rotationUpToDate = false; vectorsUpToDate = false; } /** * Gets the camera pan angle, which is defined as rotation around the Z axis after tilt and roll have been applied. * * @see #setPan(double) * @see #getTilt(double) * @see #getRoll(double) */ public double getPan( ) { updatePanTiltRoll( ); return rollTiltPan.z; } /** * Gets the camera tilt angle, which is defined as rotation around the Y axis before pan is applied and after roll has been applied. * * @see #setTilt(double) * @see #getPan(double) * @see #getRoll(double) */ public double getTilt( ) { updatePanTiltRoll( ); return rollTiltPan.y; } /** * Gets the camera roll angle, which is defined as rotation around the X axis before pan and tilt are applied. * * @see #setRoll(double) * @see #getPan(double) * @see #getTilt(double) */ public double getRoll( ) { updatePanTiltRoll( ); return rollTiltPan.x; } private void updateRotation( ) { if( !rotationUpToDate ) { xform.get( rotation ); rotationUpToDate = true; } } /** * Places the rotational component of the camera transform in <code>result</code> and returns it. */ public Matrix3d getRotation( Matrix3d result ) { updateRotation( ); result.set( rotation ); return result; } /** * Places the rotational component of the camera transform in <code>result</code> and returns it. */ public Matrix3f getRotation( Matrix3f result ) { updateRotation( ); result.set( rotation ); return result; } private void updateVectors( ) { if( !vectorsUpToDate ) { updateRotation( ); forward.set( 1 , 0 , 0 ); right.set( 0 , 1 , 0 ); down.set( 0 , 0 , 1 ); rotation.transform( forward ); rotation.transform( right ); rotation.transform( down ); vectorsUpToDate = true; } } /** * Sets <code>result</code> to point forward from the camera and returns it. */ public Vector3d getForward( Vector3d result ) { updateVectors( ); result.set( forward ); return result; } /** * Sets <code>result</code> to point backward from the camera and returns it. */ public Vector3d getBackward( Vector3d result ) { updateVectors( ); result.negate( forward ); return result; } /** * Sets <code>result</code> to point to the right of camera and returns it. */ public Vector3d getRight( Vector3d result ) { updateVectors( ); result.set( right ); return result; } /** * Sets <code>result</code> to point to the left of camera and returns it. */ public Vector3d getLeft( Vector3d result ) { updateVectors( ); result.negate( right ); return result; } /** * Sets <code>result</code> to point down from the camera and returns it. */ public Vector3d getDown( Vector3d result ) { updateVectors( ); result.set( down ); return result; } /** * Sets <code>result</code> to point up from the camera and returns it. */ public Vector3d getUp( Vector3d result ) { updateVectors( ); result.negate( down ); return result; } /** * Sets <code>result</code> to point forward from the camera and returns it. */ public Vector3f getForward( Vector3f result ) { getForward( tempVec ); result.set( tempVec ); return result; } /** * Sets <code>result</code> to point backward from the camera and returns it. */ public Vector3f getBackward( Vector3f result ) { getBackward( tempVec ); result.set( tempVec ); return result; } /** * Sets <code>result</code> to point to the right of camera and returns it. */ public Vector3f getRight( Vector3f result ) { getRight( tempVec ); result.set( tempVec ); return result; } /** * Sets <code>result</code> to point to the left of camera and returns it. */ public Vector3f getLeft( Vector3f result ) { getLeft( tempVec ); result.set( tempVec ); return result; } /** * Sets <code>result</code> to point down from the camera and returns it. */ public Vector3f getDown( Vector3f result ) { getDown( tempVec ); result.set( tempVec ); return result; } /** * Sets <code>result</code> to point up from the camera and returns it. */ public Vector3f getUp( Vector3f result ) { getUp( tempVec ); result.set( tempVec ); return result; } /** * If the position is not currently inside the given bounds, it is translated to the closest point within the bounds. */ public void restrict( BoundingSphere restriction ) { checkValid( restriction ); updateLocation( ); tempPt.set( location ); if( !restriction.intersect( tempPt ) ) { restriction.getCenter( tempPt ); tempVec.sub( tempPt , location ); double dist = tempVec.length( ); // dist can't be zero since the location didn't intersect the bounding sphere tempVec.scale( ( dist - restriction.getRadius( ) ) / dist ); tempVec.scale( 1.001 ); // tempVec is now the right size to translate the camera to the edge // of the BoundingSphere translate( tempVec ); } } @Override public String toString( ) { return String.format( "CameraPosition[Location: %s, Roll/Tilt/Pan: %s, Transform: %s]" , location.toString( ) , rollTiltPan.toString( ) , xform.toString( ) ); } public void transform( Transform3D xform2 ) { if( xform.getBestType( ) == Transform3D.AFFINE ) { throw new BadTransformException( "xform must be congruent" ); } if( !xform.getDeterminantSign( ) ) { throw new BadTransformException( "xform must have a positive determinant" ); } xform.mul( xform2 , xform ); invXformUpToDate = false; rotationUpToDate = false; locationUpToDate = false; panTiltRollUpToDate = false; vectorsUpToDate = false; } @Override public boolean equals( Object o ) { if( o == null ) { return false; } if( o == this ) { return true; } if( o instanceof CameraPosition ) { CameraPosition cp = ( CameraPosition ) o; return xform.equals( cp.xform ); } return false; } public boolean epsilonEquals( CameraPosition other , double epsilon ) { return xform.epsilonEquals( other.xform , epsilon ); } @Override public int hashCode( ) { return xform.hashCode( ); } }