package org.andork.math3d.curve; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import; import javax.vecmath.Point2f; import javax.vecmath.Point3f; import javax.vecmath.Vector3f; import org.andork.j3d.math.TransformComputer3f; import org.andork.math.curve.ICurveWithNormals3f; /** * A class for computing sweep transforms, e.g. transforming from (depth,offset) sweep geometry to 3d coordinates. */ public class Sweeper3f { private Point3f pf1 = new Point3f( ); private Vector3f vf1 = new Vector3f( ); private Vector3f vf2 = new Vector3f( ); private Vector3f vf3 = new Vector3f( ); private TransformComputer3f tc = new TransformComputer3f( ); private float lastAngle = 0; private float lastxf = 1; private float lastyf = 0; /** * Transforms a depth/offset point on the sweep into 3D coordinates, storing them in <code>result</code> * * @return whether the operation was successful or not. */ public void apply( ICurveWithNormals3f sweep , float depth , float lateralOffset , float angle , Point3f result ) { sweep.getPoint( depth , result ); sweep.getBinormal( depth , vf1 ); sweep.getNormal( depth , vf2 ); if( angle != lastAngle ) { lastAngle = angle; lastxf = ( float ) Math.cos( angle ); lastyf = ( float ) Math.sin( angle ); } result.scaleAdd( lateralOffset * lastxf , vf1 , result ); result.scaleAdd( lateralOffset * lastyf , vf2 , result ); } /** * Transforms a collection of depth/offset points on the sweep into 3D world coordinates, storing them in the result collection. The result must be the same * size as the data and contain no null elements. * * @return whether the operation was successful or not. */ public <D extends Collection<Point2f>, T extends Collection<Point3f>> void apply( ICurveWithNormals3f sweep , D data , float lateralOffset , float angle , T result ) { if( data.size( ) != result.size( ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "result must be the same size as data" ); } if( angle != lastAngle ) { lastAngle = angle; lastxf = ( float ) Math.cos( angle ); lastyf = ( float ) Math.sin( angle ); } final Iterator<Point2f> d = data.iterator( ); final Iterator<Point3f> t = result.iterator( ); float depth = 0; sweep.getPoint( depth , pf1 ); sweep.getBinormal( depth , vf1 ); sweep.getNormal( depth , vf2 ); while( d.hasNext( ) && t.hasNext( ) ) { final Point2f datum = ); final Point3f trans = ); if( depth != datum.x ) { depth = datum.x; sweep.getPoint( depth , pf1 ); sweep.getBinormal( depth , vf1 ); sweep.getNormal( depth , vf2 ); } // trans.scaleAdd( datum.y , vf1 , pf1 ); float offset = datum.y + lateralOffset; trans.scaleAdd( offset * lastxf , vf1 , pf1 ); trans.scaleAdd( offset * lastyf , vf2 , trans ); } } /** * Transforms a collection of depth/offset points on the sweep into 3D world coordinates, storing them in the result array. The number of coordinates must * be equal to the number of data points or an exception will be thrown. * * @param data * an array of size 2*N containing data points in depth-value pairs * @param angle * sweep angle * @param coords * an array of size 3*N to store the 3D coordinates into * @return whether the operation was successful or not. */ public void apply( ICurveWithNormals3f sweep , float[ ] data , float lateralOffset , float angle , float[ ] coords ) { if( data.length * 3 / 2 != coords.length ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "result length must be 3/2 times data length" ); } if( angle != lastAngle ) { lastAngle = angle; lastxf = ( float ) Math.cos( angle ); lastyf = ( float ) Math.sin( angle ); } float depth = 0; sweep.getPoint( depth , pf1 ); sweep.getBinormal( depth , vf1 ); sweep.getNormal( depth , vf2 ); int d = 0; int r = 0; for( d = 0 , r = 0 ; d < data.length && r < coords.length ; d += 2 , r += 3 ) { if( depth != data[ d ] ) { depth = data[ d ]; sweep.getPoint( depth , pf1 ); sweep.getBinormal( depth , vf1 ); sweep.getNormal( depth , vf2 ); } float offset = data[ d + 1 ] + lateralOffset; // vf3.scaleAdd( data[ d + 1 ] , vf1 , pf1 ); vf3.scaleAdd( offset * lastxf , vf1 , pf1 ); vf3.scaleAdd( offset * lastyf , vf2 , vf3 ); coords[ r ] = vf3.x; coords[ r + 1 ] = vf3.y; coords[ r + 2 ] = vf3.z; } } /** * Transforms a collection of depth/offset points on the sweep into 3D world coordinates and normals, storing them in the result arrays. The number of * coordinates and normals must be equal to the number of data points or an exception will be thrown. * * @param data * an array of size 2*N containing data points in depth-value pairs * @param angle * sweep angle * @param coords * an array of size 3*N to store the 3D coordinates into * @param normals * an array of size 3*N to store the 3D normals into * @return whether the operation was successful or not. */ public void apply( ICurveWithNormals3f sweep , float[ ] data , float lateralOffset , float angle , float[ ] coords , float[ ] normals ) { if( data.length * 3 / 2 != coords.length ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "result length must be 3/2 times data length" ); } if( coords.length != normals.length ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "coords must be the same length as normals" ); } if( angle != lastAngle ) { lastAngle = angle; lastxf = ( float ) Math.cos( angle ); lastyf = ( float ) Math.sin( angle ); } float xf90 = -lastyf; float yf90 = lastxf; float depth = 0; sweep.getPoint( depth , pf1 ); sweep.getBinormal( depth , vf1 ); sweep.getNormal( depth , vf2 ); int d = 0; int r = 0; for( d = 0 , r = 0 ; d < data.length && r < coords.length ; d += 2 , r += 3 ) { if( depth != data[ d ] ) { depth = data[ d ]; sweep.getPoint( depth , pf1 ); sweep.getBinormal( depth , vf1 ); sweep.getNormal( depth , vf2 ); } float offset = data[ d + 1 ] + lateralOffset; // vf3.scaleAdd( data[ d + 1 ] , vf1 , pf1 ); vf3.scaleAdd( offset * lastxf , vf1 , pf1 ); vf3.scaleAdd( offset * lastyf , vf2 , vf3 ); coords[ r ] = vf3.x; coords[ r + 1 ] = vf3.y; coords[ r + 2 ] = vf3.z; vf3.scale( xf90 , vf1 ); vf3.scaleAdd( yf90 , vf2 , vf3 ); normals[ r ] = vf3.x; normals[ r + 1 ] = vf3.y; normals[ r + 2 ] = vf3.z; } } /** * Transforms a collection of depth/offset points on the sweep into 3D world coordinates, storing them in the result collection. The result must be the same * size as the data and contain no null elements. * * @return whether the operation was successful or not. */ public void apply( ICurveWithNormals3f sweep , Point2f data[] , float lateralOffset , float angle , Point3f trans[] ) { if( data.length != trans.length ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "result must be the same size as data" ); } for( int i = 0 ; i < data.length ; i++ ) { apply( sweep , data[ i ].x , data[ i ].y + lateralOffset , angle , trans[ i ] ); } } public Transform3D createOrientTransform( ICurveWithNormals3f sweep , Point3f origin , Vector3f tangent , Vector3f normal , float depth , Transform3D result ) { sweep.getPoint( depth , pf1 ); sweep.getTangent( depth , vf1 ); sweep.getBinormal( depth , vf2 ); tc.orient( origin , tangent , normal , pf1 , vf1 , vf2 , result ); return result; } public Transform3D createOrientTransform( ICurveWithNormals3f sweep , Point3f origin , Vector3f tangent , Vector3f normal , float depth , float angle , Transform3D result ) { sweep.getPoint( depth , pf1 ); sweep.getTangent( depth , vf1 ); sweep.getBinormal( depth , vf2 ); sweep.getNormal( depth , vf3 ); // cache sin & cos calculations if( angle != lastAngle ) { lastAngle = angle; lastxf = ( float ) Math.cos( angle ); lastyf = ( float ) Math.sin( angle ); } vf2.scale( lastxf ); vf2.scaleAdd( lastyf , vf3 , vf2 ); tc.orient( origin , tangent , normal , pf1 , vf1 , vf2 , result ); return result; } }