* __ .__ .__ ._____.
* _/ |_ _______ __|__| ____ | | |__\_ |__ ______
* \ __\/ _ \ \/ / |/ ___\| | | || __ \ / ___/
* | | ( <_> > <| \ \___| |_| || \_\ \\___ \
* |__| \____/__/\_ \__|\___ >____/__||___ /____ >
* \/ \/ \/ \/
* Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Karsten Schmidt
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* http://creativecommons.org/licenses/LGPL/2.1/
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
package spimedb.util.geom;
import spimedb.util.math.MathUtils;
import spimedb.util.math.ScaleMap;
* Readonly, immutable interface wrapper for Vec3D instances. Used throughout
* the library for safety purposes.
public interface roVec3D extends XYZ {
* Adds vector {a,b,c} and returns result as new vector.
* @param a
* X coordinate
* @param b
* Y coordinate
* @param c
* Z coordinate
* @return result as new vector
Vec3D plus(float a, float b, float c);
Vec3D plus(roVec3D v);
* Add vector v and returns result as new vector.
* @param v
* vector to add
* @return result as new vector
Vec3D plus(Vec3D v);
* Computes the angle between this vector and vector V. This function
* assumes both vectors are normalized, if this can't be guaranteed, use the
* alternative implementation {@link #angleBetween(roVec3D, boolean)}
* @param v
* vector
* @return angle in radians, or NaN if vectors are parallel
float angleBetween(XYZ v);
* Computes the angle between this vector and vector V.
* @param v
* vector
* @param forceNormalize
* true, if normalized versions of the vectors are to be used
* (Note: only copies will be used, original vectors will not be
* altered by this method)
* @return angle in radians, or NaN if vectors are parallel
float angleBetween(XYZ v, boolean forceNormalize);
* Compares the length of the vector with another one.
* @param v
* vector to compare with
* @return -1 if other vector is longer, 0 if both are equal or else +1
int compareTo(roVec3D v);
* Copy.
* @return a new independent instance/copy of a given vector
Vec3D copy();
* Calculates cross-product with vector v. The resulting vector is
* perpendicular to both the current and supplied vector.
* @param v
* vector to cross
* @return cross-product as new vector
Vec3D cross(XYZ v);
* Calculates cross-product with vector v. The resulting vector is
* perpendicular to both the current and supplied vector and stored in the
* supplied result vector.
* @param v
* vector to cross
* @param result
* result vector
* @return result vector
Vec3D crossInto(XYZ v, Vec3D result);
* Computes the scalar product (dot product) with the given vector.
* @param v
* the v
* @return dot product
* @see <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dot_product">Wikipedia
* entry</a>
float dot(XYZ v);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
boolean equals(Object obj);
* Compares this vector with the one given. The vectors are deemed equal if
* the individual differences of all component values are within the given
* tolerance.
* @param v
* the v
* @param tolerance
* the tolerance
* @return true, if equal
boolean equalsWithTolerance(roVec3D v, float tolerance);
* Gets the abs.
* @return the abs
Vec3D getAbs();
* Converts the spherical vector back into cartesian coordinates.
* @return new vector
XYZ getCartesian();
Vec3D.Axis getClosestAxis();
float getComponent(Vec3D.Axis id);
float getComponent(int id);
// /**
// * Creates a copy of the vector which forcefully fits in the given AABB.
// *
// * @param box
// * the box
// *
// * @return fitted vector
// */
// public XYZ getConstrained(AABB box);
// /**
// * Creates a new vector whose components are the integer value of their
// * current values.
// *
// * @return result as new vector
// */
// public XYZ getFloored();
* Creates a new vector whose components are the fractional part of their
* current values.
* @return result as new vector
XYZ getFrac();
* Scales vector uniformly by factor -1 ( v = -v ).
* @return result as new vector
Vec3D getInverted();
* Creates a copy of the vector with its magnitude limited to the length
* given.
* @param lim
* new maximum magnitude
* @return result as new vector
XYZ getLimited(float lim);
* Produces a new vector with its coordinates passed through the given
* {@link ScaleMap}.
* @param map
* @return mapped vector
XYZ getMapped(ScaleMap map);
* Produces a new vector normalized to the given length.
* @param len
* new desired length
* @return new vector
Vec3D getNormalizedTo(float len);
* Returns a multiplicative inverse copy of the vector.
* @return new vector
XYZ getReciprocal();
XYZ getReflected(roVec3D normal);
* Gets the rotated around axis.
* @param axis
* the axis
* @param theta
* the theta
* @return new result vector
XYZ getRotatedAroundAxis(roVec3D axis, float theta);
* Creates a new vector rotated by the given angle around the X axis.
* @param theta
* the theta
* @return rotated vector
XYZ getRotatedX(float theta);
* Creates a new vector rotated by the given angle around the Y axis.
* @param theta
* the theta
* @return rotated vector
XYZ getRotatedY(float theta);
* Creates a new vector rotated by the given angle around the Z axis.
* @param theta
* the theta
* @return rotated vector
XYZ getRotatedZ(float theta);
* Creates a new vector with its coordinates rounded to the given precision
* (grid alignment).
* @param prec
* @return grid aligned vector
XYZ getRoundedTo(float prec);
* Creates a new vector in which all components are replaced with the signum
* of their original values. In other words if a components value was
* negative its new value will be -1, if zero => 0, if positive => +1
* @return result vector
Vec3D getSignum();
* Converts the vector into spherical coordinates. After the conversion the
* vector components are to be interpreted as:
* <ul>
* <li>x = radius</li>
* <li>y = azimuth</li>
* <li>z = theta</li>
* </ul>
* @return new vector
XYZ getSpherical();
* Computes the vector's direction in the XY plane (for example for 2D
* points). The positive X axis equals 0 degrees.
* @return rotation angle
float headingXY();
* Computes the vector's direction in the XZ plane. The positive X axis
* equals 0 degrees.
* @return rotation angle
float headingXZ();
* Computes the vector's direction in the YZ plane. The positive Z axis
* equals 0 degrees.
* @return rotation angle
float headingYZ();
* Checks if the point is inside the given AABB.
* @param box
* bounding box to check
* @return true, if point is inside
* Checks if the point is inside the given axis-aligned bounding box.
* @param boxOrigin
* bounding box origin/center
* @param boxExtent
* bounding box extends (half measure)
* @return true, if point is inside the box
boolean isInAABB(Vec3D boxOrigin, Vec3D boxExtent);
* Checks if the vector is parallel with either the X or Y axis (any
* direction).
* @param tolerance
* @return true, if parallel within the given tolerance
boolean isMajorAxis(float tolerance);
* Checks if vector has a magnitude equals or close to zero (tolerance used
* is {@link MathUtils#EPS}).
* @return true, if zero vector
boolean isZeroVector();
* Scales vector non-uniformly by vector v and returns result as new vector.
* @param s
* scale vector
* @return new vector
XYZ scale(roVec3D s);
* Subtracts vector {a,b,c} and returns result as new vector.
* @param a
* X coordinate
* @param b
* Y coordinate
* @param c
* Z coordinate
* @return result as new vector
XYZ sub(float a, float b, float c);
* Subtracts vector v and returns result as new vector.
* @param v
* vector to be subtracted
* @return result as new vector
Vec3D sub(roVec3D v);
* Creates a new 2D vector of the XY components.
* @return new vector
Vec2D to2DXY();
* Creates a new 2D vector of the XZ components.
* @return new vector
Vec2D to2DXZ();
* Creates a new 2D vector of the YZ components.
* @return new vector
Vec2D to2DYZ();
* Creates a Vec4D instance of this vector with the w component set to 1.0
* @return 4d vector
Vec4D to4D();
* Creates a Vec4D instance of this vector with it w component set to the
* given value.
* @param w
* @return weighted 4d vector
Vec4D to4D(float w);
float[] toArray3();
float[] toArray4(float w);