package spimedb.util.geom;
import spimedb.util.math.MathUtils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* A concrete implementation of the abstract {@link GridTesselator} using a grid
* in global coordinate space for generating additional points within a polygon.
* The resolution setting of this class defines the axis-aligned distance
* between grid points. E.g. a resolution of 10 means grid points are created a
* world space positions of multiples of 10 (i.e. 0,10,20 etc.). This resolution
* is used independently on polygon size, so depending on the chosen resolution
* and polygon size no additional inliers MIGHT be created at all. This behavior
* property is useful in cases where you want to adjust the number of resulting
* triangles dynamically, e.g. based on polygon size. Use the
* {@link LocalGridTesselator} for an alternative behavior.
* @see GridTesselator
* @see LocalGridTesselator
* @see PolygonTesselator
public class GlobalGridTesselator extends GridTesselator {
public GlobalGridTesselator(float res) {
protected List<Vec2D> createInsidePoints(Polygon2D poly, Rect bounds) {
List<Vec2D> points = new ArrayList<>();
for (float y = bounds.y; y < bounds.getBottom(); y += res) {
float yy = MathUtils.roundTo(y, res);
for (float x = bounds.x; x < bounds.getRight(); x += res) {
Vec2D p = new Vec2D(MathUtils.roundTo(x, res), yy);
if (poly.containsPoint(p)) {
return points;