import org.eclipse.collections.api.tuple.Pair;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.tuple.primitive.ObjectIntPair;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import spimedb.graph.MapGraph;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import static org.eclipse.collections.impl.tuple.primitive.PrimitiveTuples.pair;
* Provides a cross-connected-component traversal functionality for iterator subclasses.
* @param <V> vertex type
* @param <E> edge type
* @param <D> type of data associated to seen vertices
* @author Barak Naveh
* @since Jan 31, 2004
public abstract class CrossComponentTravel<V, E, D> extends AbstractTravel<V, E> {
private static final int CCS_BEFORE_COMPONENT = 1;
private static final int CCS_WITHIN_COMPONENT = 2;
private static final int CCS_AFTER_COMPONENT = 3;
* true = in, false = out
private final boolean inOrOut = true;
public CrossComponentTravel(MapGraph<V, E> g, Map<V, D> seen) {
this(g, null, seen);
* Standard vertex visit state enumeration.
protected enum VisitColor {
* Vertex has not been returned via iterator yet.
* Vertex has been returned via iterator, but we're not done with all of its out-edges yet.
* Vertex has been returned via iterator, and we're done with all of its out-edges.
* Connected component traversal started event.
public static final int CONNECTED_COMPONENT_ENTER = 31;
private final ObjectIntPair ccEnterEvent = pair(this, CONNECTED_COMPONENT_ENTER);
* Connected component traversal finished event.
public static final int CONNECTED_COMPONENT_EXIT = 32;
private final ObjectIntPair ccExitEvent = pair(this, CONNECTED_COMPONENT_EXIT);
private final Iterator<V> vertexIterator;
* Stores the vertices that have been seen during iteration and (optionally) some additional
* traversal info regarding each vertex.
public final Map<V, D> seen;
private V startVertex;
public final MapGraph<V, E> graph;
* The connected component state
private int state = CCS_BEFORE_COMPONENT;
* Creates a new iterator for the specified graph. Iteration will start at the specified start
* vertex. If the specified start vertex is <code>
* null</code>, Iteration will start at an arbitrary graph vertex.
* @param g the graph to be iterated.
* @param startVertex the vertex iteration to be started.
* @param seen
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>g==null</code> or does not contain
* <code>startVertex</code>
public CrossComponentTravel(MapGraph<V, E> g, @Nullable V startVertex, @NotNull Map<V, D> seen) {
this.seen = seen;
this.graph = g;
// specifics = createGraphSpecifics(g);
vertexIterator = g.vertexSet().iterator();
setCrossComponentTraversal(startVertex == null);
// reusableEdgeEvent = new FlyweightEdgeEvent<>(this, null);
// reusableVertexEvent = new FlyweightVertexEvent<>(this, null);
if (startVertex == null) {
// pick a start vertex if graph not empty
if (vertexIterator.hasNext()) {
this.startVertex =;
} else {
this.startVertex = null;
} else if (g.containsVertex(startVertex)) {
this.startVertex = startVertex;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("graph must contain the start vertex");
* @see java.util.Iterator#hasNext()
public boolean hasNext() {
if (startVertex != null) {
if (isConnectedComponentExhausted()) {
if (state == CCS_WITHIN_COMPONENT) {
if (isCrossComponentTraversal()) {
while (vertexIterator.hasNext()) {
V v =;
if (!isSeenVertex(v)) {
encounterVertex(v, null);
return true;
return false;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return true;
* @see java.util.Iterator#next()
public V next() {
if (startVertex != null) {
if (hasNext()) {
if (state == CCS_BEFORE_COMPONENT) {
V nextVertex = provideNextVertex();
//Pair<V, E> incoming = Tuples.pair(currentVertex, );
fireVertexEnter(null, nextVertex);
return nextVertex;
} else {
throw new NoSuchElementException();
* Returns <tt>true</tt> if there are no more uniterated vertices in the currently iterated
* connected component; <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if there are no more uniterated vertices in the currently iterated
* connected component; <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
protected abstract boolean isConnectedComponentExhausted();
* Update data structures the first time we see a vertex.
* @param vertex the vertex encountered
* @param edge the edge via which the vertex was encountered, or null if the vertex is a
* starting point
protected abstract void encounterVertex(V vertex, E edge);
* Returns the vertex to be returned in the following call to the iterator <code>next</code>
* method.
* @return the next vertex to be returned by this iterator.
protected abstract V provideNextVertex();
* Access the data stored for a seen vertex.
* @param vertex a vertex which has already been seen.
* @return data associated with the seen vertex or <code>null</code> if no data was associated
* with the vertex. A <code>null</code> return can also indicate that the vertex was
* explicitly associated with <code>
* null</code>.
protected D saw(V vertex) {
return seen.get(vertex);
* Determines whether a vertex has been seen yet by this traversal.
* @param vertex vertex in question
* @return <tt>true</tt> if vertex has already been seen
protected boolean isSeenVertex(V vertex) {
return seen.containsKey(vertex);
* Called whenever we re-encounter a vertex. The default implementation does nothing.
* @param vertex the vertex re-encountered
* @param edge the edge via which the vertex was re-encountered
protected abstract void encounterVertexAgain(V vertex, E edge);
* Stores iterator-dependent data for a vertex that has been seen.
* @param vertex a vertex which has been seen.
* @param data data to be associated with the seen vertex.
* @return previous value associated with specified vertex or <code>
* null</code> if no data was associated with the vertex. A <code>
* null</code> return can also indicate that the vertex was explicitly associated with
* <code>null</code>.
protected D putSeenData(V vertex, D data) {
return seen.put(vertex, data);
* Called when a vertex has been finished (meaning is dependent on traversal represented by
* subclass).
* @param vertex vertex which has been finished
protected void finishVertex(V vertex) {
private void addIncidentEdges(V s) {
boolean firesEdges = wantsEdges();
if (inOrOut) {
for (Pair<V, E> p : graph.incomingEdgesOf(s)) {
go(s, firesEdges, p.getOne(), p.getTwo());
} else {
for (Pair<E, V> p : graph.outgoingEdgesOf(s)) {
go(s, firesEdges, p.getTwo(), p.getOne());
private void go(V s, boolean firesEdges, V t, E edge) {
if (firesEdges)
fireEdgeTraversed(s, edge, t);
if (isSeenVertex(t)) {
encounterVertexAgain(t, edge);
} else {
encounterVertex(t, edge);
public Iterable<Pair<E, V>> edgesOut(V vertex) {
return graph.outgoingEdgesOf(vertex);
// private EdgeTraversalEvent<E> createEdgeTraversalEvent(E edge) {
// if (isReuseEvents()) {
// reusableEdgeEvent.setEdge(edge);
// return reusableEdgeEvent;
// } else {
// return new EdgeTraversalEvent<>(this, edge);
// }
// }
// private ObjectIntPair createVertexTraversalEvent(V vertex) {
// if (isReuseEvents()) {
// reusableVertexEvent.setVertex(vertex);
// return reusableVertexEvent;
// } else {
// return new VertexTraversalEvent<>(this, vertex);
// }
// }
private void encounterStartVertex() {
encounterVertex(startVertex, null);
startVertex = null;
// static interface SimpleContainer<T> {
// /**
// * Tests if this container is empty.
// *
// * @return <code>true</code> if empty, otherwise <code>false</code>.
// */
// public boolean isEmpty();
// /**
// * Adds the specified object to this container.
// *
// * @param o the object to be added.
// */
// public void add(T o);
// /**
// * Remove an object from this container and return it.
// *
// * @return the object removed from this container.
// */
// public T remove();
// }