package spimedb; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonSerialize; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode; import jcog.tree.rtree.point.DoubleND; import org.eclipse.collections.impl.factory.Iterables; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import spimedb.util.JSON; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.function.Supplier; /** * dimensions: time (t), lon (x), lat (y), alt (z), ... * <p> * * <p> * * */ @JsonSerialize(using = NObject.NObjectSerializer.class) public class MutableNObject extends ImmutableNObject { public MutableNObject() { this(SpimeDB.uuidString()); } public MutableNObject(String id) { this(id, null); } public MutableNObject(NObject copy) { super(copy.bounded() ? copy.min() : unbounded, copy.bounded() ? copy.max() : unbounded,,; copy.forEach(this::put); } public MutableNObject(String id, String name) { super(DoubleND.fill(4, Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY), DoubleND.fill(4, Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY), id, name); } public MutableNObject putLater(String key, float pri, Supplier lazy) { return putLater(key, pri, null, lazy); } public MutableNObject putLater(String key, float pri, Object intermediate, Supplier lazy) { return put(key, new LazyValue(key, intermediate, pri, lazy)); } public MutableNObject put(String key, Object value) { switch (key) { case TAG: String[] tt; if (value instanceof String[]) tt = ((String[]) value).clone(); else if (value instanceof String) tt = ((String)value).split(" "); //new String[] { (String) value }; else if (value instanceof ArrayNode) { tt = JSON.toStrings((ArrayNode)value); } else throw new RuntimeException("invalid tag property"); withTags(tt); return this; // case "<": // //HACK // setOutside(Sets.newHashSet((String[])value)); // return this; case ID: if ((value instanceof String) && (value.equals(id))) { //already being set to same ID return this; } throw new RuntimeException(this + " can not change ID"); case NAME: name(value.toString()); return this; } synchronized (data) { if (value == null) { data.remove(key); } else { data.put(key, value); } } return this; } public MutableNObject description(String d) { if (d.isEmpty()) { if (data != null) data.remove(DESC); } else { put(DESC, d); } return this; } public MutableNObject name(String name) { = name; return this; } public MutableNObject withTags(String... tags) { return withTags(Iterables.iList(tags)); } /** * sets the inside property */ public MutableNObject withTags(Iterable<? extends String> tags) { TreeSet<String> s = new TreeSet(); for (String t : tags) { if (t.equals(id())) throw new RuntimeException("object can not be inside itself"); s.add(t); } if (s.isEmpty()) { this.tag = null; } else { this.tag = s.toArray(new String[s.size()]); } return this; } public MutableNObject when(long when) { min.coord[0] = max.coord[0] = when; return this; } public MutableNObject when(long start, long end) { min.coord[0] = start; max.coord[0] = end; return this; } public void when(float when) { min.coord[0] = when; max.coord[0] = when; } public void setEternal() { min.coord[0] = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; max.coord[0] = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } public void where(float x, float y) { min.coord[1] = x; max.coord[1] = x; min.coord[2] = y; max.coord[2] = y; } public void where(float x, float y, float z) { where(x, y); if (z!=z) { //avoid NaN min.coord[3] = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; max.coord[3] = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } else { min.coord[3] = z; max.coord[3] = z; } } @Deprecated public long[] whenLong() { double a = min.coord[0]; double b = max.coord[0]; return new long[]{(long) a, (long) b}; } @Nullable public <X> X remove(String key) { if (data != null) return (X) data.remove(key); return null; } public Object /* previous */ putIfAbsent(String key, @NotNull Object value) { return data.putIfAbsent(key, value); } public MutableNObject without(String k) { remove(k); return this; } public MutableNObject putAll(JsonNode x) { x.fields().forEachRemaining(e -> { JsonNode v = e.getValue(); Object s; if (v.isBoolean()) s = v.booleanValue(); else if (v.isNumber()/* || v.canConvertToInt()*/) s = v.numberValue(); else if (v.isTextual()) s = v.textValue(); else s = v.toString(); put(e.getKey(), s); }); return this; } // /** produces a "1-line" summar JSON object as a string */ // @JsonIgnore public String summary(StringBuilder sb) { // sb.setLength(0); // // sb.append("{\"I\":\"").append(getId()).append('"'); // // String name = getName(); // if (name!=null) { // //TODO use nars Utf8 // sb.append(",\"N\":\"").append(name).append('"'); // } // //// if (isSpatial()) //// sb.append(",\"S\":").append(Arrays.toString(spacetime)); //TODO append //// if (isTemporal()) //// sb.append(",\"T\":").append(Arrays.toString(time)); //TODO append // // sb.append('}'); // // return sb.toString(); // } }