package spimedb.util.geom;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonSerialize;
import java.util.List;
import static java.lang.Math.abs;
* Created by me on 6/14/15.
public interface BB extends XYZ, Shape3D {
// public BB() {
// super();
// }
// public BB(XYZ v) {
// super(v);
// }
// public BB(Vec3D center, Vec3D radius) {
// super(center);
// this.extent = (radius);
// }
// public BB(Vec3D center, float radius) {
// super(center);
// this.extent = new Vec3D(radius,radius,radius);
// }
* Creates a new instance from two vectors specifying opposite corners of
* the box
* @param min
* first corner point
* @param max
* second corner point
* @return new AABB with centre at the half point between the 2 input
* vectors
static AABB fromMinMax(Vec3D min, Vec3D max) {
Vec3D a = Vec3D.min(min, max);
Vec3D b = Vec3D.max(min, max);
return new AABB(a.interpolateTo(b, 0.5f), b.sub(a).scaleSelf(0.5f));
* Factory method, computes & returns the bounding box for the given list of
* points.
* @param points
* @return bounding rect
static BB getBoundingBox(List<? extends XYZ> points) {
if (points == null || points.size() == 0) {
return null;
XYZ first = points.get(0);
Vec3D min = new Vec3D(first);
Vec3D max = new Vec3D(first);
int n = points.size();
if (n > 1) {
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
XYZ p = points.get(i);
return fromMinMax(min, max);
default boolean containsPoint(XYZ p) {
return p.isInAABB(this);
default Sphere getBoundingSphere() {
return new Sphere(this, getExtents().magnitude());
XYZ getExtents();
* Checks if the box intersects the passed in one.
* @param box
* box to check
* @return true, if boxes overlap
default boolean intersectsBox(final BB box) {
XYZ extent = getExtents();
XYZ bext = box.getExtents();
return (abs(box.x() - x()) <= (extent.x() + bext.x()))
&& (abs(box.y() - y()) <= (extent.y() + bext.y()))
&& (abs(box.z() - z()) <= (extent.z() + bext.z()));
default boolean intersectsSphere(Sphere s) {
return intersectsSphere(s, s.radius);
* @param c
* sphere centre
* @param r
* sphere radius
* @return true, if AABB intersects with sphere
default boolean intersectsSphere(Vec3D c, float r) {
float s, d = 0;
// find the square of the distance
// from the sphere to the box
if (c.x < minX()) {
s = c.x - minX();
d = s * s;
} else if (c.x > maxX()) {
s = c.x - maxX();
d += s * s;
if (c.y < minY()) {
s = c.y - minY();
d += s * s;
} else if (c.y > maxY()) {
s = c.y - maxY();
d += s * s;
if (c.z < minZ()) {
s = c.z - minZ();
d += s * s;
} else if (c.z > maxZ()) {
s = c.z - maxZ();
d += s * s;
return d <= r * r;
default boolean contains(final XYZ v) {
final float x = v.x();
if (x!=x)
return false;
if (x < minX() || x > maxX()) {
return false;
final float y = v.y();
if (y < minY() || y > maxY()) {
return false;
final float z = v.z();
return !(z < minZ() || z > maxZ());
float minX();// { return x - extent.x(); }
float maxX();// { return x + extent.x(); }
float minY();// { return y - extent.y(); }
float maxY();// { return y + extent.y(); }
float minZ();// { return z - extent.z(); }
float maxZ();// { return z + extent.z(); }