* This file was auto-generated by mofcomp -j version 1.0.0 on Wed Jan 12
* 09:21:06 CET 2011.
package org.opennaas.extensions.router.model;
import java.io.*;
import java.lang.Exception;
* This Class contains accessor and mutator methods for all properties defined in the CIM class ResourcePool as well as methods comparable to the
* invokeMethods defined for this class. This Class implements the ResourcePoolBean Interface. The CIM class ResourcePool is described as follows:
* A ResourcePool is a logical entity (with associated controls)provided by the host system for the purpose of allocation and assignment of resources.
* A given ResourcePool may be used to allocate resources of a specific type. Hierarchies of ResourcePools may be created to provide administrative
* control over allocations. In the cases where resources are subdivided, multiple resource pools may exist (e.g. nodal boundaries in NUMA-like
* systems). In systems that support over commitment, pools represent the reservable capacity, not an upper bound or limit on the maximum amount that
* can be allocated. Admission control during power on may detect and prevent systems from powering due to resource exhaustion. For example, over
* commitment on a ResourcePool with ResourceType=Memory would require that sufficient space be available in some backing-store, that may be managed
* through a storage ResourcePool.
public class ResourcePool extends LogicalElement implements Serializable {
* This constructor creates a ResourcePoolBeanImpl Class which implements the ResourcePoolBean Interface, and encapsulates the CIM class
* ResourcePool in a Java Bean. The CIM class ResourcePool is described as follows:
* A ResourcePool is a logical entity (with associated controls)provided by the host system for the purpose of allocation and assignment of
* resources. A given ResourcePool may be used to allocate resources of a specific type. Hierarchies of ResourcePools may be created to provide
* administrative control over allocations. In the cases where resources are subdivided, multiple resource pools may exist (e.g. nodal boundaries
* in NUMA-like systems). In systems that support over commitment, pools represent the reservable capacity, not an upper bound or limit on the
* maximum amount that can be allocated. Admission control during power on may detect and prevent systems from powering due to resource
* exhaustion. For example, over commitment on a ResourcePool with ResourceType=Memory would require that sufficient space be available in some
* backing-store, that may be managed through a storage ResourcePool.
public ResourcePool() {
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property instanceID.
private String instanceID;
* This method returns the ResourcePool.instanceID property value. This property is described as follows:
* Within the scope of the instantiating Namespace, InstanceID opaquely and uniquely identifies an instance of this class. To ensure uniqueness
* within the NameSpace, the value of InstanceID should be constructed using the following "preferred" algorithm: <OrgID>:<LocalID> Where <OrgID>
* and <LocalID> are separated by a colon (:), and where <OrgID> must include a copyrighted, trademarked, or otherwise unique name that is owned
* by the business entity that is creating or defining the InstanceID or that is a registered ID assigned to the business entity by a recognized
* global authority. (This requirement is similar to the <Schema Name>_<Class Name> structure of Schema class names.) In addition, to ensure
* uniqueness, <OrgID> must not contain a colon (:). When using this algorithm, the first colon to appear in InstanceID must appear between
* <OrgID> and <LocalID>. <LocalID> is chosen by the business entity and should not be reused to identify different underlying (real-world)
* elements. If the above "preferred" algorithm is not used, the defining entity must ensure that the resulting InstanceID is not reused across
* any InstanceIDs produced by this or other providers for the NameSpace of this instance. For DMTF-defined instances, the "preferred" algorithm
* must be used with the <OrgID> set to CIM.
* @return String current instanceID property value
* @exception Exception
public String getInstanceID() {
return this.instanceID;
} // getInstanceID
* This method sets the ResourcePool.instanceID property value. This property is described as follows:
* Within the scope of the instantiating Namespace, InstanceID opaquely and uniquely identifies an instance of this class. To ensure uniqueness
* within the NameSpace, the value of InstanceID should be constructed using the following "preferred" algorithm: <OrgID>:<LocalID> Where <OrgID>
* and <LocalID> are separated by a colon (:), and where <OrgID> must include a copyrighted, trademarked, or otherwise unique name that is owned
* by the business entity that is creating or defining the InstanceID or that is a registered ID assigned to the business entity by a recognized
* global authority. (This requirement is similar to the <Schema Name>_<Class Name> structure of Schema class names.) In addition, to ensure
* uniqueness, <OrgID> must not contain a colon (:). When using this algorithm, the first colon to appear in InstanceID must appear between
* <OrgID> and <LocalID>. <LocalID> is chosen by the business entity and should not be reused to identify different underlying (real-world)
* elements. If the above "preferred" algorithm is not used, the defining entity must ensure that the resulting InstanceID is not reused across
* any InstanceIDs produced by this or other providers for the NameSpace of this instance. For DMTF-defined instances, the "preferred" algorithm
* must be used with the <OrgID> set to CIM.
* @param String
* new instanceID property value
* @exception Exception
public void setInstanceID(String instanceID) {
this.instanceID = instanceID;
} // setInstanceID
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property poolID.
private String poolID;
* This method returns the ResourcePool.poolID property value. This property is described as follows:
* An opaque identifier for the pool. This property is used to provide correlation across save and restore of configuration data to underlying
* persistent storage.
* @return String current poolID property value
* @exception Exception
public String getPoolID() {
return this.poolID;
} // getPoolID
* This method sets the ResourcePool.poolID property value. This property is described as follows:
* An opaque identifier for the pool. This property is used to provide correlation across save and restore of configuration data to underlying
* persistent storage.
* @param String
* new poolID property value
* @exception Exception
public void setPoolID(String poolID) {
this.poolID = poolID;
} // setPoolID
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property primordial.
private boolean primordial;
* This method returns the ResourcePool.primordial property value. This property is described as follows:
* If true, "Primordial" indicates that this ResourcePool is a base from which resources are drawn and returned in the activity of resource
* management. Being primordial means that this ResourcePool shall not be created or deleted by consumers of this model. However, other actions,
* modeled or not, may affect the characteristics or size of primordial ResourcePools. If false, "Primordial" indicates that the ResourcePool, a
* concrete Resource Pool, is subject to resource allocation services functions. This distinction is important because higher-level ResourcePools
* may be assembled using the Component or ElementAllocatedFromPool associations. Although the higher-level abstractions can be created and
* deleted, the most basic, (i.e. primordial), hardware-based ResourcePools cannot. They are physically realized as part of the System, or are
* actually managed by some other System and imported as if they were physically realized.
* @return boolean current primordial property value
* @exception Exception
public boolean isPrimordial() {
return this.primordial;
} // getPrimordial
* This method sets the ResourcePool.primordial property value. This property is described as follows:
* If true, "Primordial" indicates that this ResourcePool is a base from which resources are drawn and returned in the activity of resource
* management. Being primordial means that this ResourcePool shall not be created or deleted by consumers of this model. However, other actions,
* modeled or not, may affect the characteristics or size of primordial ResourcePools. If false, "Primordial" indicates that the ResourcePool, a
* concrete Resource Pool, is subject to resource allocation services functions. This distinction is important because higher-level ResourcePools
* may be assembled using the Component or ElementAllocatedFromPool associations. Although the higher-level abstractions can be created and
* deleted, the most basic, (i.e. primordial), hardware-based ResourcePools cannot. They are physically realized as part of the System, or are
* actually managed by some other System and imported as if they were physically realized.
* @param boolean new primordial property value
* @exception Exception
public void setPrimordial(boolean primordial) {
this.primordial = primordial;
} // setPrimordial
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property capacity.
private long capacity;
* This method returns the ResourcePool.capacity property value. This property is described as follows:
* This property represents the maximum amount (in units of AllocationUnits) of reservations that the ResourcePool can support.
* @return long current capacity property value
* @exception Exception
public long getCapacity() {
return this.capacity;
} // getCapacity
* This method sets the ResourcePool.capacity property value. This property is described as follows:
* This property represents the maximum amount (in units of AllocationUnits) of reservations that the ResourcePool can support.
* @param long new capacity property value
* @exception Exception
public void setCapacity(long capacity) {
this.capacity = capacity;
} // setCapacity
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property reserved.
private long reserved;
* This method returns the ResourcePool.reserved property value. This property is described as follows:
* This property represents the current reservations (in units of AllocationUnits) spread across all active allocations from this pool. In a
* hierarchical configuration, this represents the sum of all descendant ResourcePool current reservations.
* @return long current reserved property value
* @exception Exception
public long getReserved() {
return this.reserved;
} // getReserved
* This method sets the ResourcePool.reserved property value. This property is described as follows:
* This property represents the current reservations (in units of AllocationUnits) spread across all active allocations from this pool. In a
* hierarchical configuration, this represents the sum of all descendant ResourcePool current reservations.
* @param long new reserved property value
* @exception Exception
public void setReserved(long reserved) {
this.reserved = reserved;
} // setReserved
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property ResourceType.
public enum ResourceType {
private ResourceType resourceType;
* This method returns the ResourcePool.resourceType property value. This property is described as follows:
* The type of resource this ResourcePool may allocate.
* @return int current resourceType property value
* @exception Exception
public ResourceType getResourceType() {
return this.resourceType;
} // getResourceType
* This method sets the ResourcePool.resourceType property value. This property is described as follows:
* The type of resource this ResourcePool may allocate.
* @param int new resourceType property value
* @exception Exception
public void setResourceType(ResourceType resourceType) {
this.resourceType = resourceType;
} // setResourceType
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property otherResourceType.
private String otherResourceType;
* This method returns the ResourcePool.otherResourceType property value. This property is described as follows:
* A string that describes the resource type when a well defined value is not available and ResourceType is set to 0 for Other.
* @return String current otherResourceType property value
* @exception Exception
public String getOtherResourceType() {
return this.otherResourceType;
} // getOtherResourceType
* This method sets the ResourcePool.otherResourceType property value. This property is described as follows:
* A string that describes the resource type when a well defined value is not available and ResourceType is set to 0 for Other.
* @param String
* new otherResourceType property value
* @exception Exception
public void setOtherResourceType(String otherResourceType) {
this.otherResourceType = otherResourceType;
} // setOtherResourceType
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property resourceSubType.
private String resourceSubType;
* This method returns the ResourcePool.resourceSubType property value. This property is described as follows:
* A string describing an implementation specific sub-type for this pool. For example, this may be used to distinguish different models of the
* same resource type.
* @return String current resourceSubType property value
* @exception Exception
public String getResourceSubType() {
return this.resourceSubType;
} // getResourceSubType
* This method sets the ResourcePool.resourceSubType property value. This property is described as follows:
* A string describing an implementation specific sub-type for this pool. For example, this may be used to distinguish different models of the
* same resource type.
* @param String
* new resourceSubType property value
* @exception Exception
public void setResourceSubType(String resourceSubType) {
this.resourceSubType = resourceSubType;
} // setResourceSubType
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property allocationUnits.
private String allocationUnits;
* This method returns the ResourcePool.allocationUnits property value. This property is described as follows:
* This property specifies the units of allocation used by the Reservation and Limit properties. For example, when ResourceType=Processor,
* AllocationUnits may be set to hertz*10^6 or percent. When ResourceType=Memory, AllocationUnits may be set to bytes*10^3. The value of this
* property shall be a legal value of the Programmatic Units qualifier as defined in Appendix C.1 of DSP0004 V2.4 or later.
* @return String current allocationUnits property value
* @exception Exception
public String getAllocationUnits() {
return this.allocationUnits;
} // getAllocationUnits
* This method sets the ResourcePool.allocationUnits property value. This property is described as follows:
* This property specifies the units of allocation used by the Reservation and Limit properties. For example, when ResourceType=Processor,
* AllocationUnits may be set to hertz*10^6 or percent. When ResourceType=Memory, AllocationUnits may be set to bytes*10^3. The value of this
* property shall be a legal value of the Programmatic Units qualifier as defined in Appendix C.1 of DSP0004 V2.4 or later.
* @param String
* new allocationUnits property value
* @exception Exception
public void setAllocationUnits(String allocationUnits) {
this.allocationUnits = allocationUnits;
} // setAllocationUnits
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property consumedResourceUnits.
private String consumedResourceUnits;
* This method returns the ResourcePool.consumedResourceUnits property value. This property is described as follows:
* This property specifies the units for the MaxConsumable and the Consumed properties.
* @return String current consumedResourceUnits property value
* @exception Exception
public String getConsumedResourceUnits() {
return this.consumedResourceUnits;
} // getConsumedResourceUnits
* This method sets the ResourcePool.consumedResourceUnits property value. This property is described as follows:
* This property specifies the units for the MaxConsumable and the Consumed properties.
* @param String
* new consumedResourceUnits property value
* @exception Exception
public void setConsumedResourceUnits(String consumedResourceUnits) {
this.consumedResourceUnits = consumedResourceUnits;
} // setConsumedResourceUnits
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property currentlyConsumedResource.
private long currentlyConsumedResource;
* This method returns the ResourcePool.currentlyConsumedResource property value. This property is described as follows:
* This property specifies the amount of resource that the resource pool currently presents to consumers. This property is different from the
* Reserved property in that it describes the consumers view of the resource while the Reserved property describes the producers view of the
* resource.
* @return long current currentlyConsumedResource property value
* @exception Exception
public long getCurrentlyConsumedResource() {
return this.currentlyConsumedResource;
} // getCurrentlyConsumedResource
* This method sets the ResourcePool.currentlyConsumedResource property value. This property is described as follows:
* This property specifies the amount of resource that the resource pool currently presents to consumers. This property is different from the
* Reserved property in that it describes the consumers view of the resource while the Reserved property describes the producers view of the
* resource.
* @param long new currentlyConsumedResource property value
* @exception Exception
public void setCurrentlyConsumedResource(long currentlyConsumedResource)
this.currentlyConsumedResource = currentlyConsumedResource;
} // setCurrentlyConsumedResource
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property maxConsumableResource.
private long maxConsumableResource;
* This method returns the ResourcePool.maxConsumableResource property value. This property is described as follows:
* This property specifies the maximum of amount of consumable resource that the resource pool can present to consumers. This property is
* different from the Capacity property in that it describes the consumers view of the resource while the Capacity property describes the
* producers view of the resource.
* @return long current maxConsumableResource property value
* @exception Exception
public long getMaxConsumableResource() {
return this.maxConsumableResource;
} // getMaxConsumableResource
* This method sets the ResourcePool.maxConsumableResource property value. This property is described as follows:
* This property specifies the maximum of amount of consumable resource that the resource pool can present to consumers. This property is
* different from the Capacity property in that it describes the consumers view of the resource while the Capacity property describes the
* producers view of the resource.
* @param long new maxConsumableResource property value
* @exception Exception
public void setMaxConsumableResource(long maxConsumableResource) {
this.maxConsumableResource = maxConsumableResource;
} // setMaxConsumableResource
} // Class ResourcePool