* This file was auto-generated by mofcomp -j version 1.0.0 on Wed Jan 12
* 09:21:06 CET 2011.
package org.opennaas.extensions.router.model;
import java.io.*;
* This Class contains accessor and mutator methods for all properties defined in the CIM class ProvidesEndpoint as well as methods comparable to the
* invokeMethods defined for this class. This Class implements the ProvidesEndpointBean Interface. The CIM class ProvidesEndpoint is described as
* follows:
* This association represents a ProtocolEndpoint that is provided by a Service to allow access to the Service.
public class ProvidesEndpoint extends ServiceAccessBySAP implements
Serializable {
* This constructor creates a ProvidesEndpointBeanImpl Class which implements the ProvidesEndpointBean Interface, and encapsulates the CIM class
* ProvidesEndpoint in a Java Bean. The CIM class ProvidesEndpoint is described as follows:
* This association represents a ProtocolEndpoint that is provided by a Service to allow access to the Service.
public ProvidesEndpoint() {
* This method create an Association of the type ProvidesEndpoint between one Service object and ProtocolEndpoint object
public static ProvidesEndpoint link(Service antecedent, ProtocolEndpoint
dependent) {
return (ProvidesEndpoint) Association.link(ProvidesEndpoint.class, antecedent, dependent);
}// link
} // Class ProvidesEndpoint