package org.opennaas.gui.nfvrouting.controllers; import java.util.Locale; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.opennaas.gui.nfvrouting.beans.insertCtrlInfo; import org.opennaas.gui.nfvrouting.beans.insertRoutes; import org.opennaas.gui.nfvrouting.bos.NFVRoutingBO; import org.opennaas.gui.nfvrouting.entities.ControllerInfo; import org.opennaas.gui.nfvrouting.entities.Route; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.ui.Model; import org.springframework.ui.ModelMap; import org.springframework.validation.BindingResult; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody; import org.opennaas.gui.nfvrouting.utils.Constants; /** * @author Josep Batallé ( */ @Controller public class NFVRoutingController { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(NFVRoutingController.class); @Autowired protected NFVRoutingBO nfvRoutingBO; @Autowired protected ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource messageSource; protected String resourceName = Constants.RESOURCE_VRF_NAME; /** * Redirect to table view * * @param templateType * @param model * @param locale * @return */ @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/secure/noc/nfvRouting/getRouteTable") public String getRouteTable(@RequestParam("type") String type, Model model, Locale locale) { LOGGER.debug("Get Route Table ------------------> "+type); int typ; if (type.equals("IPv4")){ typ = 4; }else if (type.equals("IPv6")){ typ = 6; }else{ model.addAttribute("errorMsg", "This type of table does not exist."); return "table"; } try { String response = nfvRoutingBO.getRouteTable(resourceName, typ);"received json: "+response); model.addAttribute("json", response); } catch (Exception e) { model.addAttribute("errorMsg", e.getMessage()); } return "table"; } /** * ** * Redirect to insert view * * @param model * @return */ @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/secure/noc/nfvRouting/insertRoute") public String insertRoute(Model model) { model.addAttribute(new insertRoutes()); return "insert"; } /** * Redirect to insert view and insert the values received by POST * * @param templateType * @param model * @param locale * @return */ @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/secure/noc/nfvRouting/insertRoute") public String insertRoutePost(insertRoutes route, BindingResult result, ModelMap model) { LOGGER.error("Insert route ------------------> "+route.getListRoutes()); try { for(Route r : route.getListRoutes()){ String response = nfvRoutingBO.insertRoute(resourceName, r); model.addAttribute("json", response); } model.addAttribute("infoMsg", "Route addded correctly."); } catch (Exception e) { model.addAttribute("errorMsg", e.getMessage()); } return "insert"; } /** * Redirect to insert controller info view * * @param templateType * @param model * @param locale * @return */ @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/secure/noc/nfvRouting/insertCtrlInfo") public String insertCtrlInfo(Model model) { model.addAttribute(new insertCtrlInfo()); return "insertCtrlInfo"; } /** * Redirect to insert Controller Info view * @param ctrlInfo * @param result * @param model * @return */ @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/secure/noc/nfvRouting/insertCtrlInfo") public String insertCtrlInfo(insertCtrlInfo ctrlInfo, BindingResult result, ModelMap model) { LOGGER.debug("Insert Controller information ------------------> "+ctrlInfo.getListCtrl()); try { for(ControllerInfo r : ctrlInfo.getListCtrl()){ if (r.getControllerIp().equals("")){ r.setControllerIp("controllersVM"); }else if (r.getControllerIp().equals("")){ r.setControllerIp("controllersVM2"); }else{ model.addAttribute("errorMsg", "This IP does not correspond to any controller in this demo"); } String response = nfvRoutingBO.insertCtrlInfo(resourceName, r); model.addAttribute("json", response); } model.addAttribute("infoMsg", "Route addded correctly."); } catch (Exception e) { model.addAttribute("errorMsg", e.getMessage()); } return "insertCtrlInfo"; } /** * Remove the Route without redirect * @param id * @param model * @return */ @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/secure/noc/nfvRouting/deleteRoute/{id}") public @ResponseBody String deleteRoute(@RequestParam("type") String type, @PathVariable("id") int id, ModelMap model) { LOGGER.debug("Remove Route ------------------> "+id); String response = ""; int version; if (type.equals("IPv4")){ version = 4; }else if (type.equals("IPv6")){ version = 6; }else{ model.addAttribute("errorMsg", "This type of table does not exist."); return "table"; } try { response = nfvRoutingBO.deleteRoute(resourceName, id, version); model.addAttribute("json", response); model.addAttribute("infoMsg", "Route addded correctly."); } catch (Exception e) { model.addAttribute("errorMsg", e.getMessage()); } return response; } /** * Used in the Demo in order to show the Log * @param model * @return the log of OpenNaaS */ @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/secure/noc/nfvRouting/getLog") public @ResponseBody String getLog(ModelMap model) { LOGGER.debug("Get log ------------------"); String response = nfvRoutingBO.getLog(resourceName); return response; } }