* This file was auto-generated by mofcomp -j version 1.0.0 on Wed Jan 12
* 09:21:06 CET 2011.
package org.opennaas.extensions.router.model;
import java.io.*;
import java.lang.Exception;
* This Class contains accessor and mutator methods for all properties defined in the CIM class NetworkPipeComposition as well as methods comparable
* to the invokeMethods defined for this class. This Class implements the NetworkPipeCompositionBean Interface. The CIM class NetworkPipeComposition
* is described as follows:
* NetworkPipeComposition describes the makeup a pipe, based on lower-level ones. If the pipe is not composed of lower-level entities (i.e., its
* AggregationBehavior property is set to 2), then no instances of this association should be defined where the pipe has the role of GroupComponent.
* In the context of M.3100, this semantic is modeled as a Trail that is made up of one or more Connections. Both Trails and Connections are
* subclasses of M.3100's Pipe. Because of the flexibility of the NetworkPipeComposition association, there is no need to subclass NetworkPipe, as was
* done in M.3100, but merely to instantiate this association to describe the bundling of the lower-level pipes (connections), or the sequencing of
* them. How the lower-level pipes are aggregated is described by the property, AggregationBehavior, of NetworkPipe. If the pipes are combined in a
* sequence, the ordering is conveyed via the property, AggregationSequence, on this association.
public class NetworkPipeComposition extends Component implements Serializable
* This constructor creates a NetworkPipeCompositionBeanImpl Class which implements the NetworkPipeCompositionBean Interface, and encapsulates the
* CIM class NetworkPipeComposition in a Java Bean. The CIM class NetworkPipeComposition is described as follows:
* NetworkPipeComposition describes the makeup a pipe, based on lower-level ones. If the pipe is not composed of lower-level entities (i.e., its
* AggregationBehavior property is set to 2), then no instances of this association should be defined where the pipe has the role of
* GroupComponent. In the context of M.3100, this semantic is modeled as a Trail that is made up of one or more Connections. Both Trails and
* Connections are subclasses of M.3100's Pipe. Because of the flexibility of the NetworkPipeComposition association, there is no need to subclass
* NetworkPipe, as was done in M.3100, but merely to instantiate this association to describe the bundling of the lower-level pipes (connections),
* or the sequencing of them. How the lower-level pipes are aggregated is described by the property, AggregationBehavior, of NetworkPipe. If the
* pipes are combined in a sequence, the ordering is conveyed via the property, AggregationSequence, on this association.
public NetworkPipeComposition() {
* This method create an Association of the type NetworkPipeComposition between one NetworkPipe object and NetworkPipe object
public static NetworkPipeComposition link(NetworkPipe
groupComponent, NetworkPipe partComponent) {
return (NetworkPipeComposition) Association.link(NetworkPipeComposition.class, groupComponent, partComponent);
}// link
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property aggregationSequence.
private int aggregationSequence;
* This method returns the NetworkPipeComposition.aggregationSequence property value. This property is described as follows:
* Indicates the ordering of the PartComponent pipes in the GroupComponent. If the AggregationBehavior property of the GroupComponent pipe is set
* to 0 or 3 ("Unknown" or "Combined In Parallel"), then this property MUST be set to 0. If the AggregationBehavior is set to 4
* ("Combined In Sequence"), then this property SHOULD indicate the ordering of the component pipes. Ordering starts with 1 and larger numbers
* indicate subsequent pipes. The numbering does not have to be in sequence. The word SHOULD is used in this Description, since the specific
* ordering of all the component pipes may not be known. In these cases, a value of 0 would be placed in AggregationSequence to indicate that
* ordering information is not available.
* @return int current aggregationSequence property value
* @exception Exception
public int getAggregationSequence() {
return this.aggregationSequence;
} // getAggregationSequence
* This method sets the NetworkPipeComposition.aggregationSequence property value. This property is described as follows:
* Indicates the ordering of the PartComponent pipes in the GroupComponent. If the AggregationBehavior property of the GroupComponent pipe is set
* to 0 or 3 ("Unknown" or "Combined In Parallel"), then this property MUST be set to 0. If the AggregationBehavior is set to 4
* ("Combined In Sequence"), then this property SHOULD indicate the ordering of the component pipes. Ordering starts with 1 and larger numbers
* indicate subsequent pipes. The numbering does not have to be in sequence. The word SHOULD is used in this Description, since the specific
* ordering of all the component pipes may not be known. In these cases, a value of 0 would be placed in AggregationSequence to indicate that
* ordering information is not available.
* @param int new aggregationSequence property value
* @exception Exception
public void setAggregationSequence(int aggregationSequence) {
this.aggregationSequence = aggregationSequence;
} // setAggregationSequence
} // Class NetworkPipeComposition