* This file was auto-generated by mofcomp -j version 1.0.0 on Wed Jan 12
* 09:21:06 CET 2011.
package org.opennaas.extensions.router.model;
import java.io.*;
import java.lang.Exception;
* This Class contains accessor and mutator methods for all properties defined in the CIM class NetworkService as well as methods comparable to the
* invokeMethods defined for this class. This Class implements the NetworkServiceBean Interface. The CIM class NetworkService is described as follows:
* This is an abstract base class, derived from the Service class. It is deprecated in Version 2.7 with the recommendation that the Service class be
* subclassed instead. Distinguishing between services that modify traffic versus supporting basic communication has not proved useful.
public class NetworkService extends Service implements Serializable {
* This constructor creates a NetworkServiceBeanImpl Class which implements the NetworkServiceBean Interface, and encapsulates the CIM class
* NetworkService in a Java Bean. The CIM class NetworkService is described as follows:
* This is an abstract base class, derived from the Service class. It is deprecated in Version 2.7 with the recommendation that the Service class
* be subclassed instead. Distinguishing between services that modify traffic versus supporting basic communication has not proved useful.
protected NetworkService() {
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property keywords.
private String[] keywords;
* This method returns the NetworkService.keywords property value. This property is described as follows:
* This is a free-form array of strings that provide descriptive words and phrases that can be used in queries. To-date, this property has not
* been implemented, since it is not standardized. Also, if this was a necessary query construct, then it would be required higher in the
* inheritance hierarchy. The latter has not proven necessary. Therefore, the property is deprecated.
* @return String[] current keywords property value
* @exception Exception
public String[] getKeywords() {
return this.keywords;
} // getKeywords
* This method sets the NetworkService.keywords property value. This property is described as follows:
* This is a free-form array of strings that provide descriptive words and phrases that can be used in queries. To-date, this property has not
* been implemented, since it is not standardized. Also, if this was a necessary query construct, then it would be required higher in the
* inheritance hierarchy. The latter has not proven necessary. Therefore, the property is deprecated.
* @param String
* [] new keywords property value
* @exception Exception
public void setKeywords(String[] keywords) {
this.keywords = keywords;
} // setKeywords
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property serviceURL.
private String serviceURL;
* This method returns the NetworkService.serviceURL property value. This property is described as follows:
* This is a URL that provides the protocol, network location, and other service-specific information required in order to access the service. It
* is deprecated with the recommendation that ServiceAccessURI be instantiated instead. This new class correctly positions the semantics of the
* service access, and clarifies the format of the information.
* @return String current serviceURL property value
* @exception Exception
public String getServiceURL() {
return this.serviceURL;
} // getServiceURL
* This method sets the NetworkService.serviceURL property value. This property is described as follows:
* This is a URL that provides the protocol, network location, and other service-specific information required in order to access the service. It
* is deprecated with the recommendation that ServiceAccessURI be instantiated instead. This new class correctly positions the semantics of the
* service access, and clarifies the format of the information.
* @param String
* new serviceURL property value
* @exception Exception
public void setServiceURL(String serviceURL) {
this.serviceURL = serviceURL;
} // setServiceURL
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property startupConditions.
private String[] startupConditions;
* This method returns the NetworkService.startupConditions property value. This property is described as follows:
* This is a free-form array of strings that specify any specific pre-conditions that must be met in order for this service to start correctly. It
* was expected that subclasses would refine the inherited StartService() method to suit their specific needs. To-date, this refinement has not
* been necessary. Also, the property is not very useful, since it is not standardized. If this was a necessary construct, then it would be
* required higher in the inheritance hierarchy (on Service). The latter has not proven true. Therefore, the property is deprecated.
* @return String[] current startupConditions property value
* @exception Exception
public String[] getStartupConditions() {
return this.startupConditions;
} // getStartupConditions
* This method sets the NetworkService.startupConditions property value. This property is described as follows:
* This is a free-form array of strings that specify any specific pre-conditions that must be met in order for this service to start correctly. It
* was expected that subclasses would refine the inherited StartService() method to suit their specific needs. To-date, this refinement has not
* been necessary. Also, the property is not very useful, since it is not standardized. If this was a necessary construct, then it would be
* required higher in the inheritance hierarchy (on Service). The latter has not proven true. Therefore, the property is deprecated.
* @param String
* [] new startupConditions property value
* @exception Exception
public void setStartupConditions(String[] startupConditions) {
this.startupConditions = startupConditions;
} // setStartupConditions
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property startupParameters.
private String[] startupParameters;
* This method returns the NetworkService.startupParameters property value. This property is described as follows:
* This is a free-form array of strings that specify any specific parameters that must be supplied to the StartService() method in order for this
* service to start correctly. It was expected that subclasses would refine the inherited StartService() methods to suit their specific needs.
* To-date, this refinement has not been necessary. If indeed the method were refined, then its parameters would more formally convey this
* information. Therefore, the property is deprecated.
* @return String[] current startupParameters property value
* @exception Exception
public String[] getStartupParameters() {
return this.startupParameters;
} // getStartupParameters
* This method sets the NetworkService.startupParameters property value. This property is described as follows:
* This is a free-form array of strings that specify any specific parameters that must be supplied to the StartService() method in order for this
* service to start correctly. It was expected that subclasses would refine the inherited StartService() methods to suit their specific needs.
* To-date, this refinement has not been necessary. If indeed the method were refined, then its parameters would more formally convey this
* information. Therefore, the property is deprecated.
* @param String
* [] new startupParameters property value
* @exception Exception
public void setStartupParameters(String[] startupParameters) {
this.startupParameters = startupParameters;
} // setStartupParameters
} // Class NetworkService