* This file was auto-generated by mofcomp -j version 1.0.0 on Wed Jan 12
* 09:21:06 CET 2011.
package org.opennaas.extensions.router.model;
import java.io.*;
import java.lang.Exception;
* This Class contains accessor and mutator methods for all properties defined in the CIM class NextHopRouting as well as methods comparable to the
* invokeMethods defined for this class. This Class implements the NextHopRoutingBean Interface. The CIM class NextHopRouting is described as follows:
* NextHopRouting relates a destination address to the address or interface through which the remote address may be reached. An instance of this class
* can represent either static or dynamic routing, and may represent a routing table entry (but it is not required that all NextHopRoutes be in a
* routing table). Static routes are distinguished by setting the IsStatic boolean property to TRUE. Subclasses of NextHopRouting provide specific
* protocol and Key information. NextHopRoutes are dependent on at least one ForwardingService to execute them. This is conveyed by the
* CIM_NextHopForwardedByService association. NextHopRouting is deprecated in lieu of the more general, concrete NextHopRoute class. NextHopRoute
* allows the definition of BOTH a next hop address and an interface for transmission of the traffic. Also, it does not mandate the instantiation of a
* ForwardingService class. The latter is not needed if the sole purpose of the instance is to specify a 'desired/configured' route. This is simply a
* specification of the next hop.
public class NextHopRouting extends LogicalElement implements Serializable {
* This constructor creates a NextHopRoutingBeanImpl Class which implements the NextHopRoutingBean Interface, and encapsulates the CIM class
* NextHopRouting in a Java Bean. The CIM class NextHopRouting is described as follows:
* NextHopRouting relates a destination address to the address or interface through which the remote address may be reached. An instance of this
* class can represent either static or dynamic routing, and may represent a routing table entry (but it is not required that all NextHopRoutes be
* in a routing table). Static routes are distinguished by setting the IsStatic boolean property to TRUE. Subclasses of NextHopRouting provide
* specific protocol and Key information. NextHopRoutes are dependent on at least one ForwardingService to execute them. This is conveyed by the
* CIM_NextHopForwardedByService association. NextHopRouting is deprecated in lieu of the more general, concrete NextHopRoute class. NextHopRoute
* allows the definition of BOTH a next hop address and an interface for transmission of the traffic. Also, it does not mandate the instantiation
* of a ForwardingService class. The latter is not needed if the sole purpose of the instance is to specify a 'desired/configured' route. This is
* simply a specification of the next hop.
protected NextHopRouting() {
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property destinationAddress.
private String destinationAddress;
* This method returns the NextHopRouting.destinationAddress property value. This property is described as follows:
* The address which serves as the destination to be reached.
* @return String current destinationAddress property value
* @exception Exception
public String getDestinationAddress() {
return this.destinationAddress;
} // getDestinationAddress
* This method sets the NextHopRouting.destinationAddress property value. This property is described as follows:
* The address which serves as the destination to be reached.
* @param String
* new destinationAddress property value
* @exception Exception
public void setDestinationAddress(String destinationAddress) {
this.destinationAddress = destinationAddress;
} // setDestinationAddress
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property destinationMask.
private String destinationMask;
* This method returns the NextHopRouting.destinationMask property value. This property is described as follows:
* The mask for the DestinationAddress.
* @return String current destinationMask property value
* @exception Exception
public String getDestinationMask() {
return this.destinationMask;
} // getDestinationMask
* This method sets the NextHopRouting.destinationMask property value. This property is described as follows:
* The mask for the DestinationAddress.
* @param String
* new destinationMask property value
* @exception Exception
public void setDestinationMask(String destinationMask) {
this.destinationMask = destinationMask;
} // setDestinationMask
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property nextHop.
private String nextHop;
* This method returns the NextHopRouting.nextHop property value. This property is described as follows:
* This contains either the address of the next-hop router, or the interface used to reach the destination.
* @return String current nextHop property value
* @exception Exception
public String getNextHop() {
return this.nextHop;
} // getNextHop
* This method sets the NextHopRouting.nextHop property value. This property is described as follows:
* This contains either the address of the next-hop router, or the interface used to reach the destination.
* @param String
* new nextHop property value
* @exception Exception
public void setNextHop(String nextHop) {
this.nextHop = nextHop;
} // setNextHop
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property isStatic.
private boolean isStatic;
* This method returns the NextHopRouting.isStatic property value. This property is described as follows:
* TRUE indicates that this is a static route, and FALSE indicates a dynamically-learned route.
* @return boolean current isStatic property value
* @exception Exception
public boolean isIsStatic() {
return this.isStatic;
} // getIsStatic
* This method sets the NextHopRouting.isStatic property value. This property is described as follows:
* TRUE indicates that this is a static route, and FALSE indicates a dynamically-learned route.
* @param boolean new isStatic property value
* @exception Exception
public void setIsStatic(boolean isStatic) {
this.isStatic = isStatic;
} // setIsStatic
} // Class NextHopRouting