* This file was auto-generated by mofcomp -j version 1.0.0 on Wed Jan 12
* 09:21:06 CET 2011.
package org.opennaas.extensions.router.model;
import java.io.*;
import java.lang.Exception;
* This Class contains accessor and mutator methods for all properties defined in the CIM class ElementSettingData as well as methods comparable to
* the invokeMethods defined for this class. This Class implements the ElementSettingDataBean Interface. The CIM class ElementSettingData is described
* as follows:
* ElementSettingData represents the association between ManagedElements and applicable setting data. This association also describes whether this is
* a default or current setting.
public class ElementSettingData extends Association implements Serializable
* This constructor creates a ElementSettingDataBeanImpl Class which implements the ElementSettingDataBean Interface, and encapsulates the CIM
* class ElementSettingData in a Java Bean. The CIM class ElementSettingData is described as follows:
* ElementSettingData represents the association between ManagedElements and applicable setting data. This association also describes whether this
* is a default or current setting.
public ElementSettingData() {
* This method create an Association of the type ElementSettingData between one ManagedElement object and SettingData object
public static ElementSettingData link(ManagedElement
managedElement, SettingData settingData) {
return (ElementSettingData) Association.link(ElementSettingData.class, managedElement, settingData);
}// link
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property IsDefault.
public enum IsDefault {
private IsDefault isDefault;
* This method returns the ElementSettingData.isDefault property value. This property is described as follows:
* An enumerated integer indicating that the referenced setting is a default setting for the element, or that this information is unknown.
* @return int current isDefault property value
* @exception Exception
public IsDefault getIsDefault() {
return this.isDefault;
} // getIsDefault
* This method sets the ElementSettingData.isDefault property value. This property is described as follows:
* An enumerated integer indicating that the referenced setting is a default setting for the element, or that this information is unknown.
* @param int new isDefault property value
* @exception Exception
public void setIsDefault(IsDefault isDefault) {
this.isDefault = isDefault;
} // setIsDefault
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property IsCurrent.
public enum IsCurrent {
private IsCurrent isCurrent;
* This method returns the ElementSettingData.isCurrent property value. This property is described as follows:
* An enumerated integer indicating that the referenced setting is currently being used in the operation of the element, or that this information
* is unknown.
* @return int current isCurrent property value
* @exception Exception
public IsCurrent getIsCurrent() {
return this.isCurrent;
} // getIsCurrent
* This method sets the ElementSettingData.isCurrent property value. This property is described as follows:
* An enumerated integer indicating that the referenced setting is currently being used in the operation of the element, or that this information
* is unknown.
* @param int new isCurrent property value
* @exception Exception
public void setIsCurrent(IsCurrent isCurrent) {
this.isCurrent = isCurrent;
} // setIsCurrent
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property IsNext.
public enum IsNext {
private IsNext isNext;
* This method returns the ElementSettingData.isNext property value. This property is described as follows:
* An enumerated integer indicating whether or not the referenced setting is the next setting to be applied. For example, the application could
* take place on a re-initialization, reset, reconfiguration request. This could be a permanent setting, or a setting used only one time, as
* indicated by the flag. If it is a permanent setting then the setting is applied every time the managed element reinitializes, until this flag
* is manually reset. However, if it is single use, then the flag is automatically cleared after the settings are applied. Also note that if this
* flag is specified (i.e. set to value other than "Unknown"), then this takes precedence over any SettingData that may have been specified as
* Default. For example: If the managed element is a computer system, and the value of this flag is "Is Next", then the setting will be effective
* next time the system resets. And, unless this flag is changed, it will persist for subsequent system resets. However, if this flag is set to
* "Is Next For Single Use", then this setting will only be used once and the flag would be reset after that to "Is Not Next". So, in the above
* example, if the system reboots in a quick succession, the setting will not be used at the second reboot.
* @return int current isNext property value
* @exception Exception
public IsNext getIsNext() {
return this.isNext;
} // getIsNext
* This method sets the ElementSettingData.isNext property value. This property is described as follows:
* An enumerated integer indicating whether or not the referenced setting is the next setting to be applied. For example, the application could
* take place on a re-initialization, reset, reconfiguration request. This could be a permanent setting, or a setting used only one time, as
* indicated by the flag. If it is a permanent setting then the setting is applied every time the managed element reinitializes, until this flag
* is manually reset. However, if it is single use, then the flag is automatically cleared after the settings are applied. Also note that if this
* flag is specified (i.e. set to value other than "Unknown"), then this takes precedence over any SettingData that may have been specified as
* Default. For example: If the managed element is a computer system, and the value of this flag is "Is Next", then the setting will be effective
* next time the system resets. And, unless this flag is changed, it will persist for subsequent system resets. However, if this flag is set to
* "Is Next For Single Use", then this setting will only be used once and the flag would be reset after that to "Is Not Next". So, in the above
* example, if the system reboots in a quick succession, the setting will not be used at the second reboot.
* @param int new isNext property value
* @exception Exception
public void setIsNext(IsNext isNext) {
this.isNext = isNext;
} // setIsNext
} // Class ElementSettingData