* This file was auto-generated by mofcomp -j version 1.0.0 on Wed Jan 12
* 09:21:06 CET 2011.
package org.opennaas.extensions.router.model;
import java.io.*;
import java.lang.Exception;
* This Class contains accessor and mutator methods for all properties defined in the CIM class RedundancySet as well as methods comparable to the
* invokeMethods defined for this class. This Class implements the RedundancySetBean Interface. The CIM class RedundancySet is described as follows:
* A class derived from SystemSpecificCollection that is a special collection of ManagedElements. This collection indicates that the aggregated
* elements together provide redundancy, or that redundancy is provided via sparing. All elements collected in a RedundancySet SHOULD be
* instantiations of the same object class.
public class RedundancySet extends SystemSpecificCollection implements
Serializable {
* This constructor creates a RedundancySetBeanImpl Class which implements the RedundancySetBean Interface, and encapsulates the CIM class
* RedundancySet in a Java Bean. The CIM class RedundancySet is described as follows:
* A class derived from SystemSpecificCollection that is a special collection of ManagedElements. This collection indicates that the aggregated
* elements together provide redundancy, or that redundancy is provided via sparing. All elements collected in a RedundancySet SHOULD be
* instantiations of the same object class.
public RedundancySet() {
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property RedundancyStatus.
public enum RedundancyStatus {
private RedundancyStatus redundancyStatus;
* This method returns the RedundancySet.redundancyStatus property value. This property is described as follows:
* RedundancyStatus provides information on the state of the RedundancyGroup. 'Fully Redundant' (value=2) means that all of the configured
* redundancy is still available; 'Degraded Redundancy' (3) means that some configured elements are degraded, missing or failed but that the
* number of elements in the set is still greater than the minimum required ('MinNumberNeeded'); 'Redundancy Lost' (4) means that sufficient
* configured elements are missing or failed that no redundancy is available and the next failure experienced will cause overall failure. 'Overall
* Failure' (5) means that there has been an overall failure of the RedundancySet.
* @return int current redundancyStatus property value
* @exception Exception
public RedundancyStatus getRedundancyStatus() {
return this.redundancyStatus;
} // getRedundancyStatus
* This method sets the RedundancySet.redundancyStatus property value. This property is described as follows:
* RedundancyStatus provides information on the state of the RedundancyGroup. 'Fully Redundant' (value=2) means that all of the configured
* redundancy is still available; 'Degraded Redundancy' (3) means that some configured elements are degraded, missing or failed but that the
* number of elements in the set is still greater than the minimum required ('MinNumberNeeded'); 'Redundancy Lost' (4) means that sufficient
* configured elements are missing or failed that no redundancy is available and the next failure experienced will cause overall failure. 'Overall
* Failure' (5) means that there has been an overall failure of the RedundancySet.
* @param int new redundancyStatus property value
* @exception Exception
public void setRedundancyStatus(RedundancyStatus redundancyStatus) {
this.redundancyStatus = redundancyStatus;
} // setRedundancyStatus
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property TypeOfSet.
public enum TypeOfSet {
private TypeOfSet typeOfSet;
* This method returns the RedundancySet.typeOfSet property value. This property is described as follows:
* TypeOfSet provides information on the type of redundancy. N+1 (=2) indicates all members are active, are unaware and function independent of
* one another. However, there exist at least one extra member to achieve functionality. 'Sparing' is implied (i.e. each member can be a spare for
* the other(s). An example of N+1 is a system that has 2 power supplies, but needs only 1 power supply to functioning properly. N+1 is a special
* case of N+M redundancy where M=1. A value of N+1 (=2) shall be used for N+M redundancy. - Load Balanced (=3) indicates all members are active.
* However, there functionality is not independent of each other. Their functioning is determined by some sort of load balancing algrothim
* (implemented in hardware and/or software). 'Sparing' is implied (i.e. each member can be a spare for the other(s). - Sparing (=4) indicates
* that all members are active and are aware of each others. However, their functionality is independent until failover. Each member can be a
* spare for the other(s). - Limited Sparing (=5) indicates that all members are active, and they may or may not be aware of each and they are not
* spares for each other. Instead, their redundancy is indicated by the IsSpare relationship.
* @return int current typeOfSet property value
* @exception Exception
public TypeOfSet getTypeOfSet() {
return this.typeOfSet;
} // getTypeOfSet
* This method sets the RedundancySet.typeOfSet property value. This property is described as follows:
* TypeOfSet provides information on the type of redundancy. N+1 (=2) indicates all members are active, are unaware and function independent of
* one another. However, there exist at least one extra member to achieve functionality. 'Sparing' is implied (i.e. each member can be a spare for
* the other(s). An example of N+1 is a system that has 2 power supplies, but needs only 1 power supply to functioning properly. N+1 is a special
* case of N+M redundancy where M=1. A value of N+1 (=2) shall be used for N+M redundancy. - Load Balanced (=3) indicates all members are active.
* However, there functionality is not independent of each other. Their functioning is determined by some sort of load balancing algrothim
* (implemented in hardware and/or software). 'Sparing' is implied (i.e. each member can be a spare for the other(s). - Sparing (=4) indicates
* that all members are active and are aware of each others. However, their functionality is independent until failover. Each member can be a
* spare for the other(s). - Limited Sparing (=5) indicates that all members are active, and they may or may not be aware of each and they are not
* spares for each other. Instead, their redundancy is indicated by the IsSpare relationship.
* @param int new typeOfSet property value
* @exception Exception
public void setTypeOfSet(TypeOfSet typeOfSet) {
this.typeOfSet = typeOfSet;
} // setTypeOfSet
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property minNumberNeeded.
private long minNumberNeeded;
* This method returns the RedundancySet.minNumberNeeded property value. This property is described as follows:
* MinNumberNeeded indicates the smallest number of elements that MUST be operational in order to function. For example, in an N+1 redundancy
* relationship, the MinNumberNeeded property is set equal to N. In a 'LimitedSparing' environment, this property is meaningless and SHOULD be set
* to zero.
* @return long current minNumberNeeded property value
* @exception Exception
public long getMinNumberNeeded() {
return this.minNumberNeeded;
} // getMinNumberNeeded
* This method sets the RedundancySet.minNumberNeeded property value. This property is described as follows:
* MinNumberNeeded indicates the smallest number of elements that MUST be operational in order to function. For example, in an N+1 redundancy
* relationship, the MinNumberNeeded property is set equal to N. In a 'LimitedSparing' environment, this property is meaningless and SHOULD be set
* to zero.
* @param long new minNumberNeeded property value
* @exception Exception
public void setMinNumberNeeded(long minNumberNeeded) {
this.minNumberNeeded = minNumberNeeded;
} // setMinNumberNeeded
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property maxNumberSupported.
private long maxNumberSupported;
* This method returns the RedundancySet.maxNumberSupported property value. This property is described as follows:
* MaxNumberSupported indicates the largest number of elements that can participate in the RedundancySet. A value of 0 indicates there is no limit
* on the number of elements.
* @return long current maxNumberSupported property value
* @exception Exception
public long getMaxNumberSupported() {
return this.maxNumberSupported;
} // getMaxNumberSupported
* This method sets the RedundancySet.maxNumberSupported property value. This property is described as follows:
* MaxNumberSupported indicates the largest number of elements that can participate in the RedundancySet. A value of 0 indicates there is no limit
* on the number of elements.
* @param long new maxNumberSupported property value
* @exception Exception
public void setMaxNumberSupported(long maxNumberSupported) {
this.maxNumberSupported = maxNumberSupported;
} // setMaxNumberSupported
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property vendorIdentifyingInfo.
private String vendorIdentifyingInfo;
* This method returns the RedundancySet.vendorIdentifyingInfo property value. This property is described as follows:
* VendorIdentifyingInfo captures the vendor identifying data for the RedundancySet. One example is the product name for a cluster.
* @return String current vendorIdentifyingInfo property value
* @exception Exception
public String getVendorIdentifyingInfo() {
return this.vendorIdentifyingInfo;
} // getVendorIdentifyingInfo
* This method sets the RedundancySet.vendorIdentifyingInfo property value. This property is described as follows:
* VendorIdentifyingInfo captures the vendor identifying data for the RedundancySet. One example is the product name for a cluster.
* @param String
* new vendorIdentifyingInfo property value
* @exception Exception
public void setVendorIdentifyingInfo(String vendorIdentifyingInfo) {
this.vendorIdentifyingInfo = vendorIdentifyingInfo;
} // setVendorIdentifyingInfo
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property otherTypeOfSet.
private String[] otherTypeOfSet;
* This method returns the RedundancySet.otherTypeOfSet property value. This property is described as follows:
* When the corresponding array entry in TypeOfSet[] is 'Other', this entry provides a string describing the type of set.
* @return String[] current otherTypeOfSet property value
* @exception Exception
public String[] getOtherTypeOfSet() {
return this.otherTypeOfSet;
} // getOtherTypeOfSet
* This method sets the RedundancySet.otherTypeOfSet property value. This property is described as follows:
* When the corresponding array entry in TypeOfSet[] is 'Other', this entry provides a string describing the type of set.
* @param String
* [] new otherTypeOfSet property value
* @exception Exception
public void setOtherTypeOfSet(String[] otherTypeOfSet) {
this.otherTypeOfSet = otherTypeOfSet;
} // setOtherTypeOfSet
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property LoadBalanceAlgorithm.
public enum LoadBalanceAlgorithm {
private LoadBalanceAlgorithm loadBalanceAlgorithm;
* This method returns the RedundancySet.loadBalanceAlgorithm property value. This property is described as follows:
* The current load balance algorithm. Least Blocks, Least IO, and Address Region are used in storage device path redundancy drivers to optimize
* load balancing by routing requests to a path with the least queued blocks or IO requests, or based on locality of reference. 'Product Specific'
* indicates that the algorithm is optimized for a particular type of product. Information about that product SHOULD be provided in an associated
* CIM_Product instance.
* @return int current loadBalanceAlgorithm property value
* @exception Exception
public LoadBalanceAlgorithm getLoadBalanceAlgorithm() {
return this.loadBalanceAlgorithm;
} // getLoadBalanceAlgorithm
* This method sets the RedundancySet.loadBalanceAlgorithm property value. This property is described as follows:
* The current load balance algorithm. Least Blocks, Least IO, and Address Region are used in storage device path redundancy drivers to optimize
* load balancing by routing requests to a path with the least queued blocks or IO requests, or based on locality of reference. 'Product Specific'
* indicates that the algorithm is optimized for a particular type of product. Information about that product SHOULD be provided in an associated
* CIM_Product instance.
* @param int new loadBalanceAlgorithm property value
* @exception Exception
public void setLoadBalanceAlgorithm(LoadBalanceAlgorithm
loadBalanceAlgorithm) {
this.loadBalanceAlgorithm = loadBalanceAlgorithm;
} // setLoadBalanceAlgorithm
* The following constants are defined for use with the ValueMap/Values qualified property otherLoadBalanceAlgorithm.
private String otherLoadBalanceAlgorithm;
* This method returns the RedundancySet.otherLoadBalanceAlgorithm property value. This property is described as follows:
* When LoadBalanceAlgorithm is Other, this property describes the algorithm.
* @return String current otherLoadBalanceAlgorithm property value
* @exception Exception
public String getOtherLoadBalanceAlgorithm() {
return this.otherLoadBalanceAlgorithm;
} // getOtherLoadBalanceAlgorithm
* This method sets the RedundancySet.otherLoadBalanceAlgorithm property value. This property is described as follows:
* When LoadBalanceAlgorithm is Other, this property describes the algorithm.
* @param String
* new otherLoadBalanceAlgorithm property value
* @exception Exception
public void setOtherLoadBalanceAlgorithm(String otherLoadBalanceAlgorithm)
this.otherLoadBalanceAlgorithm = otherLoadBalanceAlgorithm;
} // setOtherLoadBalanceAlgorithm
} // Class RedundancySet