package org.openlca.simapro.csv.writer; import; import org.openlca.simapro.csv.model.IDistribution; import org.openlca.simapro.csv.model.CalculatedParameterRow; import org.openlca.simapro.csv.model.InputParameterRow; import org.openlca.simapro.csv.model.SPLogNormalDistribution; import org.openlca.simapro.csv.model.enums.DistributionParameter; import org.openlca.simapro.csv.model.enums.DistributionType; final class WriterUtils { /** * Fixes the line ends in multi-line comments: line ends in comments are * indicated by by the ASCII 127 sign (delete character). Additionally, the * comment must end with this delete character. The comment is set in * quotation marks and quotation marks within the comment are replaced by * double quotation marks. * */ static String comment(String rawComment) { if (rawComment == null) return null; char char127 = 127; String comment = rawComment.replaceAll("\"", "\"\""); comment = comment.replaceAll("\\r?\\n", "" + char127); return "\"" + comment + char127 + "\""; } static String getInputParameterLine(InputParameterRow parameter, char csvSeperator, char decimalSeperator) throws IOException { String line = parameter.getName() + csvSeperator + Double.toString(parameter.getValue()).replace(".", String.valueOf(decimalSeperator)) + csvSeperator; line += getDistributionPart(parameter.getUncertainty(), csvSeperator, decimalSeperator); line += (parameter.isHidden() ? "Yes" : "No") + csvSeperator; if (parameter.getComment() != null) { line += comment(parameter.getComment()); } return line; } static String getCalculatedParameterLine(CalculatedParameterRow parameter, char csvSeperator, char decimalSeperator) throws IOException { String line = parameter.getName() + csvSeperator + parameter.getExpression().replace(".", String.valueOf(decimalSeperator)) + csvSeperator; if (parameter.getComment() != null) line += comment(parameter.getComment()); return line; } static String getDistributionPart(IDistribution distribution, char csvSeperator, char decimalSeperator) { String line = ""; if (distribution == null) { line = "Undefined" + csvSeperator + '0' + csvSeperator + '0' + csvSeperator + '0' + csvSeperator; } else { DistributionType type = distribution.getType(); if (type == null) { type = DistributionType.UNDEFINED; } line = type.getValue().replace('.', decimalSeperator) + csvSeperator; switch (distribution.getType()) { case LOG_NORMAL: SPLogNormalDistribution logNormalDistribution = (SPLogNormalDistribution) distribution; line += String .valueOf(distribution .getDistributionParameter(DistributionParameter.SQUARED_STANDARD_DEVIATION)) + csvSeperator + '0' + csvSeperator + '0' + csvSeperator; if (logNormalDistribution.getPedigreeMatrix() != null) line += logNormalDistribution.getPedigreeMatrix() .getPedigreeCommentString(); break; case NORMAL: line += String .valueOf(distribution .getDistributionParameter(DistributionParameter.DOUBLED_STANDARD_DEVIATION)) + csvSeperator + '0' + csvSeperator + '0' + csvSeperator; break; case TRIANGLE: line += '0' + csvSeperator + String.valueOf(distribution .getDistributionParameter(DistributionParameter.MINIMUM)) + csvSeperator + String.valueOf(distribution .getDistributionParameter(DistributionParameter.MAXIMUM)) + csvSeperator; break; case UNIFORM: line += '0' + csvSeperator + String.valueOf(distribution .getDistributionParameter(DistributionParameter.MINIMUM)) + csvSeperator + String.valueOf(distribution .getDistributionParameter(DistributionParameter.MAXIMUM)) + csvSeperator; break; case UNDEFINED: line += +csvSeperator + '0' + csvSeperator + '0' + csvSeperator + '0' + csvSeperator; break; } } return line; } }