package org.openlca.geo.parameter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import; import; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature; import org.openlca.geo.kml.FeatureType; import org.openlca.geo.kml.KmlFeature; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Calculates the parameter values for a given feature from intersecting shapes. */ class FeatureCalculator { private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private DataStore dataStore; private Map<String, Double> defaults; public FeatureCalculator(DataStore dataStore, Map<String, Double> defaults) { this.dataStore = dataStore; this.defaults = defaults; } public Map<String, Double> calculate(KmlFeature feature, List<String> parameters, Map<String, Double> shares) { FeatureType type = feature.type; if (type == null || type == FeatureType.EMPTY || type == FeatureType.MULTI_GEOMETRY) { log.warn("cannot calculate parameter values for type {}", type); return Collections.emptyMap(); } return calculate(parameters, shares); } private Map<String, Double> calculate(List<String> parameters, Map<String, Double> shares) { try (SimpleFeatureIterator iterator = getIterator()) { Map<SimpleFeature, Double> _shares = new HashMap<>(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { SimpleFeature shape =; if (shares.containsKey(shape.getID())) _shares.put(shape, shares.get(shape.getID())); } return fetchValues(_shares, parameters); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("failed to fetch parameters for feature", e); return null; } } private Map<String, Double> fetchValues(Map<SimpleFeature, Double> shares, List<String> params) { Map<String, Double> parameterResults = new HashMap<>(); for (String param : params) { ValSet vals = new ValSet(param); for (Entry<SimpleFeature, Double> entry : shares.entrySet()) { Double val = getValue(entry.getKey(), param); Double share = entry.getValue(); vals.add(val, share); } parameterResults.put(param, vals.getValue()); } return parameterResults; } private Double getValue(SimpleFeature shape, String param) { if (shape == null || param == null) return null; Object obj = shape.getAttribute(param); if (!(obj instanceof Number)) return null; Number number = (Number) obj; double val = number.doubleValue(); return Val.isNaN(val) ? null : val; } private SimpleFeatureIterator getIterator() throws Exception { String typeName = dataStore.getTypeNames()[0]; SimpleFeatureCollection collection = dataStore.getFeatureSource( typeName).getFeatures(); return collection.features(); } /** * Set of values and shares of a parameter. A value of null means 'not * available'. */ private class ValSet { String parameter; ArrayList<Double> values = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<Double> shares = new ArrayList<>(); int nanCount = 0; ValSet(String parameter) { this.parameter = parameter; } void add(Double value, Double share) { values.add(value); shares.add(share); if (value == null) { nanCount++; } } double getValue() { if (nanCount == values.size()) { Double v = defaults.get(parameter); return v == null ? 0 : v; } double shareSum = 0; double total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { Double val = values.get(i); if (val == null) continue; Double s = shares.get(i); double share = s == null ? 0 : s; total += val * share; shareSum += share; } if (nanCount == 0) return total; return shareSum == 0 ? 0 : total / shareSum; } } }