package; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.openlca.core.database.FlowDao; import org.openlca.core.model.Category; import org.openlca.core.model.Flow; import org.openlca.core.model.FlowProperty; import org.openlca.core.model.FlowPropertyFactor; import org.openlca.core.model.FlowType; import org.openlca.core.model.Location; import org.openlca.core.model.ModelType; import org.openlca.core.model.Version; import org.openlca.ilcd.commons.LangString; import org.openlca.ilcd.commons.Ref; import org.openlca.ilcd.flows.FlowPropertyRef; import org.openlca.ilcd.util.FlowBag; import org.openlca.ilcd.util.Flows; import org.openlca.util.Strings; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class FlowImport { private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private final ImportConfig config; private FlowBag ilcdFlow; private Flow flow; public FlowImport(ImportConfig config) { this.config = config; } public Flow run(org.openlca.ilcd.flows.Flow flow) throws ImportException { this.ilcdFlow = new FlowBag(flow, config.langs); Flow oFlow = findExisting(ilcdFlow.getId()); if (oFlow != null) return oFlow; return createNew(); } public Flow run(String flowId) throws ImportException { Flow flow = findExisting(flowId); if (flow != null) return flow; org.openlca.ilcd.flows.Flow iFlow = tryGetFlow(flowId); ilcdFlow = new FlowBag(iFlow, config.langs); return createNew(); } private Flow findExisting(String flowId) throws ImportException { try { FlowDao dao = new FlowDao(config.db); return dao.getForRefId(flowId); } catch (Exception e) { String message = String .format("Search for flow %s failed.", flowId); throw new ImportException(message, e); } } private Flow createNew() throws ImportException { flow = new Flow(); importAndSetCompartment(); if (flow.getCategory() == null) importAndSetCategory(); createAndMapContent(); saveInDatabase(flow); return flow; } private org.openlca.ilcd.flows.Flow tryGetFlow(String flowId) throws ImportException { try { org.openlca.ilcd.flows.Flow iFlow = org.openlca.ilcd.flows.Flow.class, flowId); if (iFlow == null) { throw new ImportException("No ILCD flow for ID " + flowId + " found"); } return iFlow; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ImportException(e.getMessage(), e); } } private void importAndSetCategory() throws ImportException { CategoryImport categoryImport = new CategoryImport(config, ModelType.FLOW); Category category =; flow.setCategory(category); } private void importAndSetCompartment() throws ImportException { if (ilcdFlow.getFlowType() == org.openlca.ilcd.commons.FlowType.ELEMENTARY_FLOW) { CompartmentImport compartmentImport = new CompartmentImport(config); Category category = .getSortedCompartments()); flow.setCategory(category); } } private void createAndMapContent() throws ImportException { validateInput(); setFlowType(); flow.setRefId(ilcdFlow.getId()); flow.setName(Strings.cut(ilcdFlow.getName(), 254)); flow.setDescription(ilcdFlow.getComment()); flow.setCasNumber(ilcdFlow.getCasNumber()); flow.synonyms = ilcdFlow.getSynonyms(); flow.setFormula(ilcdFlow.getSumFormula()); String v = ilcdFlow.getVersion(); flow.setVersion(Version.fromString(v).getValue()); Date time = ilcdFlow.getTimeStamp(); if (time != null) flow.setLastChange(time.getTime()); addFlowProperties(); if (flow.getReferenceFlowProperty() == null) throw new ImportException("Could not import flow " + flow.getRefId() + " because the " + "reference flow property of this flow " + "could not be imported."); mapLocation(); } private void mapLocation() { if (ilcdFlow == null || flow == null) return; String code = LangString.getFirst(ilcdFlow.getLocation(), config.langs); Location location = Locations.get(code, config); flow.setLocation(location); } private void addFlowProperties() { Integer refPropertyId = ilcdFlow.getReferenceFlowPropertyId(); List<FlowPropertyRef> refs = Flows.getFlowProperties(ilcdFlow.getValue()); for (FlowPropertyRef ref : refs) { FlowProperty property = importProperty(ref); if (property == null) continue; FlowPropertyFactor factor = new FlowPropertyFactor(); factor.setFlowProperty(property); factor.setConversionFactor(ref.meanValue); flow.getFlowPropertyFactors().add(factor); Integer propId = ref.dataSetInternalID; if (refPropertyId == null || propId == null) continue; if (refPropertyId.intValue() == propId.intValue()) flow.setReferenceFlowProperty(property); } } private FlowProperty importProperty(FlowPropertyRef ref) { if (ref == null) return null; try { FlowPropertyImport propImport = new FlowPropertyImport(config); return; } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("failed to get flow property " + ref.flowProperty, e); return null; } } private void setFlowType() { if (ilcdFlow.getFlowType() == null) { flow.setFlowType(FlowType.ELEMENTARY_FLOW); return; } switch (ilcdFlow.getFlowType()) { case ELEMENTARY_FLOW: flow.setFlowType(FlowType.ELEMENTARY_FLOW); break; case PRODUCT_FLOW: flow.setFlowType(FlowType.PRODUCT_FLOW); break; case WASTE_FLOW: flow.setFlowType(FlowType.WASTE_FLOW); break; default: flow.setFlowType(FlowType.ELEMENTARY_FLOW); break; } } private void validateInput() throws ImportException { Integer internalId = ilcdFlow.getReferenceFlowPropertyId(); Ref propRef = null; for (FlowPropertyRef prop : Flows.getFlowProperties(ilcdFlow.getValue())) { Integer propId = prop.dataSetInternalID; if (propId == null || internalId == null) continue; if (propId.intValue() == internalId.intValue()) { propRef = prop.flowProperty; break; } } if (internalId == null || propRef == null) { String message = "Invalid flow data set: no ref. flow property, flow " + ilcdFlow.getId(); throw new ImportException(message); } if (propRef.uri != null) { if (!propRef.uri.contains(propRef.uuid)) { String message = "Flow data set {} -> reference to flow" + " property {}: the UUID is not contained in the URI"; log.warn(message, ilcdFlow.getId(), propRef.uuid); } } } private void saveInDatabase(Flow obj) throws ImportException { try { config.db.createDao(Flow.class).insert(obj); } catch (Exception e) { String message = String.format("Save operation failed in flow %s.", flow.getRefId()); throw new ImportException(message, e); } } }