package; import; import org.openlca.core.database.FlowDao; import org.openlca.core.model.Flow; import org.openlca.core.model.FlowProperty; import org.openlca.core.model.FlowPropertyFactor; import org.openlca.core.model.Unit; import org.openlca.core.model.Version; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /** * Writes the flow and flow property factor sheet at the same time. */ class FlowSheets { private Config config; private Sheet flowSheet; private Sheet factorSheet; private int flowRow = 0; private int factorRow = 0; private FlowSheets(Config config) { this.config = config; flowSheet = config.workbook.createSheet("Flows"); factorSheet = config.workbook.createSheet("Flow property factors"); } public static void write(Config config) { new FlowSheets(config).write(); } private void write() { writeFlowHeader(); writeFactorHeader(); FlowDao dao = new FlowDao(config.database); List<Flow> flows = dao.getAll(); Collections.sort(flows, new EntitySorter()); for (Flow flow : flows) { flowRow++; write(flow); for (FlowPropertyFactor factor : flow.getFlowPropertyFactors()) { factorRow++; writeFactor(flow, factor); } } Excel.autoSize(flowSheet, 0, 10); Excel.autoSize(factorSheet, 0, 4); } private void writeFlowHeader() { config.header(flowSheet, flowRow, 0, "UUID"); config.header(flowSheet, flowRow, 1, "Name"); config.header(flowSheet, flowRow, 2, "Description"); config.header(flowSheet, flowRow, 3, "Category"); config.header(flowSheet, flowRow, 4, "Version"); config.header(flowSheet, flowRow, 5, "Last change"); config.header(flowSheet, flowRow, 6, "Type"); config.header(flowSheet, flowRow, 7, "CAS"); config.header(flowSheet, flowRow, 8, "Formula"); config.header(flowSheet, flowRow, 9, "Location"); config.header(flowSheet, flowRow, 10, "Reference flow property"); } private void write(Flow flow) { Excel.cell(flowSheet, flowRow, 0, flow.getRefId()); Excel.cell(flowSheet, flowRow, 1, flow.getName()); Excel.cell(flowSheet, flowRow, 2, flow.getDescription()); Excel.cell(flowSheet, flowRow, 3, CategoryPath.getFull(flow.getCategory())); Excel.cell(flowSheet, flowRow, 4, Version.asString(flow.getVersion()));, flowRow, 5, flow.getLastChange()); Excel.cell(flowSheet, flowRow, 6, getType(flow)); Excel.cell(flowSheet, flowRow, 7, flow.getCasNumber()); Excel.cell(flowSheet, flowRow, 8, flow.getFormula()); if (flow.getLocation() != null) Excel.cell(flowSheet, flowRow, 9, flow.getLocation().getName()); if (flow.getReferenceFlowProperty() != null) Excel.cell(flowSheet, flowRow, 10, flow.getReferenceFlowProperty().getName()); } private String getType(Flow flow) { if (flow.getFlowType() == null) return "Elementary flow"; switch (flow.getFlowType()) { case ELEMENTARY_FLOW: return "Elementary flow"; case PRODUCT_FLOW: return "Product flow"; case WASTE_FLOW: return "Waste flow"; default: return "Elementary flow"; } } private void writeFactorHeader() { config.header(factorSheet, factorRow, 0, "Flow"); config.header(factorSheet, factorRow, 1, "Category"); config.header(factorSheet, factorRow, 2, "Flow property"); config.header(factorSheet, factorRow, 3, "Conversion factor"); config.header(factorSheet, factorRow, 4, "Reference unit"); } private void writeFactor(Flow flow, FlowPropertyFactor factor) { Excel.cell(factorSheet, factorRow, 0, flow.getName()); Excel.cell(factorSheet, factorRow, 1, CategoryPath.getFull(flow.getCategory())); FlowProperty prop = factor.getFlowProperty(); if (prop != null) Excel.cell(factorSheet, factorRow, 2, prop.getName()); Excel.cell(factorSheet, factorRow, 3, factor.getConversionFactor()); if (prop == null || prop.getUnitGroup() == null) return; Unit refUnit = prop.getUnitGroup().getReferenceUnit(); if (refUnit != null) Excel.cell(factorSheet, factorRow, 4, refUnit.getName()); } }