package; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.openlca.core.database.FlowDao; import org.openlca.core.database.IDatabase; import org.openlca.core.database.LocationDao; import org.openlca.core.model.Category; import org.openlca.core.model.Flow; import org.openlca.core.model.FlowPropertyFactor; import org.openlca.core.model.FlowType; import org.openlca.core.model.Location; import org.openlca.core.model.ModelType; import; import; import; import; import; import org.openlca.simapro.csv.model.AbstractExchangeRow; import org.openlca.simapro.csv.model.enums.ElementaryFlowType; import org.openlca.simapro.csv.model.enums.ProductType; import org.openlca.simapro.csv.model.process.ElementaryExchangeRow; import org.openlca.simapro.csv.model.process.ProductExchangeRow; import org.openlca.simapro.csv.model.process.RefProductRow; import org.openlca.simapro.csv.model.refdata.ElementaryFlowRow; import org.openlca.util.KeyGen; import org.openlca.util.Strings; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; class FlowSync { private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private final SpRefDataIndex index; private final FlowDao dao; private final IDatabase database; private final UnitMapping unitMapping; private final ImportMap importMap; public FlowSync(SpRefDataIndex index, UnitMapping unitMapping, IDatabase database) { this.index = index; this.unitMapping = unitMapping; this.database = database; this.dao = new FlowDao(database); this.importMap = ImportMap.load(database); } public void run(RefData refData) { log.trace("synchronize flows with database"); try { for (AbstractExchangeRow row : index.getProducts()) syncProduct(row, refData); for (ElementaryFlowType type : ElementaryFlowType.values()) { for (ElementaryExchangeRow row : index.getElementaryFlows(type)) syncElemFlow(row, type, refData); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("failed to synchronize flows with database", e); } } private void syncElemFlow(ElementaryExchangeRow row, ElementaryFlowType type, RefData refData) { String key = KeyGen.get(row.getName(), type.getExchangeHeader(), row.getSubCompartment(), row.getUnit()); MapFactor<Flow> mappedFlow = getMappedFlow(key); if (mappedFlow != null) refData.putMappedFlow(key, mappedFlow); else { Flow elemFlow = getElementaryFlow(row, type, key); refData.putElemFlow(key, elemFlow); } } private MapFactor<Flow> getMappedFlow(String refId) { MapFactor<OlcaFlowMapEntry> mapEntry = importMap.getFlowEntry(refId); if (mapEntry == null || mapEntry.getEntity() == null) return null; try { Flow flow = mapEntry.getEntity().getMatchingFlow(database); if (flow == null) return null; else return new MapFactor<>(flow, mapEntry.getFactor()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("failed to load flow from database", e); return null; } } private void syncProduct(AbstractExchangeRow row, RefData refData) { if (row instanceof RefProductRow) { Flow flow = getProductFlow((RefProductRow) row); refData.putProduct(row.getName(), flow); } else if (row instanceof ProductExchangeRow) { ProductExchangeRow pRow = (ProductExchangeRow) row; ProductType type = index.getProductType(pRow); Flow flow = getProductFlow(pRow, type); refData.putProduct(row.getName(), flow); } } private Flow getProductFlow(RefProductRow row) { String refId = getProductRefId(row); if (refId == null) return null; Flow flow = dao.getForRefId(refId); if (flow != null) return flow; flow = createProductFlow(refId, row); flow.setCategory(getProductCategory(row)); dao.insert(flow); return flow; } private Flow getProductFlow(ProductExchangeRow row, ProductType type) { String refId = getProductRefId(row); if (refId == null) return null; Flow flow = dao.getForRefId(refId); if (flow != null) return flow; flow = createProductFlow(refId, row); flow.setCategory(getProductCategory(type)); dao.insert(flow); return flow; } /** * Returns null if no unit / property pair could be found. */ private String getProductRefId(AbstractExchangeRow row) { UnitMappingEntry unitEntry = unitMapping.getEntry(row.getUnit()); if (unitEntry == null) { log.error("could not find unit {} in database", row.getUnit()); return null; } // we take the olca-flow property, because the unit name may changes // in different data sets return KeyGen .get(row.getName(), unitEntry.flowProperty.getRefId()); } private Flow createProductFlow(String refId, AbstractExchangeRow row) { UnitMappingEntry unitEntry = unitMapping.getEntry(row.getUnit()); Flow flow; flow = new Flow(); flow.setRefId(refId); flow.setName(Strings.cut(row.getName(), 250)); flow.setDescription(getProductDescription(row)); flow.setFlowType(FlowType.PRODUCT_FLOW); flow.setLocation(getProductLocation(row)); setFlowProperty(unitEntry, flow); return flow; } private String getProductDescription(AbstractExchangeRow row) { if (row == null) return null; String description = "Imported from SimaPro"; if (row.getComment() != null) description += "\n" + row.getComment(); if (!(row instanceof RefProductRow)) return description; RefProductRow refRow = (RefProductRow) row; if (refRow.getWasteType() != null) description += "\nWaste type: " + refRow.getWasteType(); return description; } private Category getProductCategory(ProductType type) { if (type == null) return null; String[] path = new String[] { type.getHeader() }; return Categories.findOrAdd(database, ModelType.FLOW, path); } private Category getProductCategory(RefProductRow row) { if (row.getCategory() == null) return null; String[] path = row.getCategory().split("\\\\"); return Categories.findOrAdd(database, ModelType.FLOW, path); } private Location getProductLocation(AbstractExchangeRow row) { if (row.getName() == null) return null; // get a 2 letter or 3 letter location code from the product name String codePattern = "\\{(([A-Z]{2})|([A-Z]{3}))\\}"; Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(codePattern).matcher(row.getName()); if (!matcher.find()) return null; String code =; code = code.substring(1, code.length() - 1); String refId = KeyGen.get(code); LocationDao dao = new LocationDao(database); return dao.getForRefId(refId); } private Flow getElementaryFlow(ElementaryExchangeRow row, ElementaryFlowType type, String refId) { String unit = row.getUnit(); UnitMappingEntry unitEntry = unitMapping.getEntry(unit); if (unitEntry == null) { log.error("could not find unit {} in database", unit); return null; } Flow flow = dao.getForRefId(refId); if (flow != null) return flow; flow = new Flow(); flow.setRefId(refId); flow.setName(row.getName()); flow.setCategory(getElementaryFlowCategory(row, type)); flow.setFlowType(FlowType.ELEMENTARY_FLOW); setFlowProperty(unitEntry, flow); ElementaryFlowRow flowInfo = index.getFlowInfo(row.getName(), type); setFlowData(flow, flowInfo); dao.insert(flow); return flow; } private void setFlowData(Flow flow, ElementaryFlowRow flowRow) { if (flow == null || flowRow == null) return; flow.setCasNumber(flowRow.getCASNumber()); flow.setDescription(flowRow.getComment()); // TODO: we could parse the chemical formula, synonyms, and // location from the comment string } private Category getElementaryFlowCategory( ElementaryExchangeRow exchangeRow, ElementaryFlowType type) { if (exchangeRow == null || type == null) return null; String[] path; String subCompartment = exchangeRow.getSubCompartment(); if (subCompartment != null && !subCompartment.isEmpty()) path = new String[] { type.getExchangeHeader(), subCompartment }; else path = new String[] { type.getExchangeHeader(), "Unspecified" }; return Categories.findOrAdd(database, ModelType.FLOW, path); } private void setFlowProperty(UnitMappingEntry unitEntry, Flow flow) { flow.setReferenceFlowProperty(unitEntry.flowProperty); FlowPropertyFactor factor = new FlowPropertyFactor(); factor.setConversionFactor(1); factor.setFlowProperty(unitEntry.flowProperty); flow.getFlowPropertyFactors().add(factor); } }