package org.openlca.jsonld;
import java.util.List;
import org.openlca.core.model.ModelType;
public interface EntityStore extends Closeable {
* Put the given json object of the given type into the store.
void put(ModelType type, JsonObject object);
boolean contains(ModelType type, String refId);
List<String> getRefIds(ModelType type);
JsonObject get(ModelType type, String refId);
void putBin(ModelType type, String refId, String filename, byte[] data);
void put(String path, byte[] data);
byte[] get(String path);
void putContext();
JsonObject getContext();
* Returns a list of paths to external (binary) files for a model with the
* given type and ID. The returned paths should be directly resolvable so
* that a call get(path) on this entity store returns the binary data of
* this file. If there are no external files available an empty list should
* be returned.
List<String> getBinFiles(ModelType type, String refId);