package org.openlca.jsonld.input;
import org.openlca.core.model.ModelType;
import org.openlca.core.model.SocialIndicator;
class SocialIndicatorImport extends BaseImport<SocialIndicator> {
private SocialIndicatorImport(String refId, ImportConfig conf) {
super(ModelType.SOCIAL_INDICATOR, refId, conf);
static SocialIndicator run(String refId, ImportConfig conf) {
return new SocialIndicatorImport(refId, conf).run();
SocialIndicator map(JsonObject json, long id) {
if (json == null)
return null;
SocialIndicator i = new SocialIndicator();
In.mapAtts(json, i, id, conf);
i.activityVariable = In.getString(json, "activityVariable");
i.evaluationScheme = In.getString(json, "evaluationScheme");
i.unitOfMeasurement = In.getString(json, "unitOfMeasurement");
// import the quantity before setting the unit to assure that the
// unit is already in the database
String quanId = In.getRefId(json, "activityQuantity");
i.activityQuantity =, conf);
String unitId = In.getRefId(json, "activityUnit");
i.activityUnit = conf.db.getUnit(unitId);
return conf.db.put(i);