package; import org.openlca.core.database.IDatabase; import org.openlca.core.database.ProcessDao; import org.openlca.core.model.AllocationFactor; import org.openlca.core.model.AllocationMethod; import org.openlca.core.model.Category; import org.openlca.core.model.Exchange; import org.openlca.core.model.Flow; import org.openlca.core.model.FlowProperty; import org.openlca.core.model.FlowPropertyFactor; import org.openlca.core.model.FlowType; import org.openlca.core.model.ModelType; import org.openlca.core.model.Process; import org.openlca.core.model.ProcessDocumentation; import org.openlca.core.model.ProcessType; import org.openlca.core.model.Uncertainty; import org.openlca.core.model.UnitGroup; import; import; import; import org.openlca.simapro.csv.model.AbstractExchangeRow; import org.openlca.simapro.csv.model.annotations.BlockHandler; import org.openlca.simapro.csv.model.enums.ElementaryFlowType; import org.openlca.simapro.csv.model.enums.ProductType; import org.openlca.simapro.csv.model.process.ElementaryExchangeRow; import org.openlca.simapro.csv.model.process.ProcessBlock; import org.openlca.simapro.csv.model.process.ProductExchangeRow; import org.openlca.simapro.csv.model.process.ProductOutputRow; import org.openlca.simapro.csv.model.process.RefProductRow; import org.openlca.util.KeyGen; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; class ProcessHandler { private Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); private IDatabase database; private RefData refData; private ProcessDao dao; // currently mapped process and process block private Process process; private ProcessBlock block; private ProcessParameterMapper parameterMapper; public ProcessHandler(IDatabase database, RefData refData) { this.database = database; this.refData = refData; this.dao = new ProcessDao(database); } @BlockHandler public void handleProcess(ProcessBlock block) { String refId = KeyGen.get(block.getIdentifier()); Process process = dao.getForRefId(refId); if (process != null) { log.warn("a process with the identifier {} is already in the " + "database and was not imported", refId); } log.trace("import process {}", refId); process = new Process(); process.setRefId(refId); process.setDefaultAllocationMethod(AllocationMethod.PHYSICAL); process.setDocumentation(new ProcessDocumentation()); this.process = process; this.block = block; mapData(); try { dao.insert(process); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("failed to insert process " + refId, e); } this.process = null; } private void mapData() { mapName(); mapLocation(); mapCategory(); mapType(); new ProcessDocMapper(database, refData).map(block, process); parameterMapper = new ProcessParameterMapper(database); long scope =, process); mapProductOutputs(scope); mapProductInputs(scope); mapElementaryFlows(scope); mapAllocation(); } private void mapName() { if (block.getName() != null) { process.setName(block.getName()); return; } Flow refFlow = getRefFlow(); if (refFlow != null) { process.setName(refFlow.getName()); return; } process.setName(block.getIdentifier()); } private void mapLocation() { Flow refFlow = getRefFlow(); if (refFlow == null) return; process.setLocation(refFlow.getLocation()); } private void mapAllocation() { for (ProductOutputRow output : block.getProducts()) { double value = output.getAllocation() / 100d; long productId = refData.getProduct(output.getName()).getId(); addFactor(AllocationMethod.PHYSICAL, productId, value); addFactor(AllocationMethod.ECONOMIC, productId, value); for (Exchange e : process.getExchanges()) { if (!isOutputProduct(e)) { addCausalFactor(productId, e, value); } } } } private boolean isOutputProduct(Exchange e) { return e != null && e.getFlow() != null && !e.isInput() && !e.isAvoidedProduct() && e.getFlow().getFlowType() == FlowType.PRODUCT_FLOW; } private void addFactor(AllocationMethod method, long productId, double value) { AllocationFactor f = new AllocationFactor(); f.setAllocationType(method); f.setValue(value); f.setProductId(productId); process.getAllocationFactors().add(f); } private void addCausalFactor(long productId, Exchange e, double value) { AllocationFactor f = new AllocationFactor(); f.setAllocationType(AllocationMethod.CAUSAL); f.setValue(value); f.setProductId(productId); f.setExchange(e); process.getAllocationFactors().add(f); } private Flow getRefFlow() { if (!block.getProducts().isEmpty()) { ProductOutputRow refRow = block.getProducts().get(0); Flow flow = refData.getProduct(refRow.getName()); if (flow != null) return flow; } if (block.getWasteTreatment() != null) return refData.getProduct(block.getWasteTreatment().getName()); return null; } private void mapProductOutputs(long scope) { boolean first = true; for (ProductOutputRow row : block.getProducts()) { Exchange e = createProductOutput(row, scope); if (first && e != null) { process.setQuantitativeReference(e); first = false; } } if (block.getWasteTreatment() != null) { Exchange e = createProductOutput(block.getWasteTreatment(), scope); process.setQuantitativeReference(e); } } private Exchange createProductOutput(RefProductRow row, long scope) { Flow flow = refData.getProduct(row.getName()); Exchange e = initExchange(row, scope, flow); if (e == null) return null; e.setInput(false); setUnit(e, row.getUnit()); process.getExchanges().add(e); return e; } private void mapProductInputs(long scope) { for (ProductType type : ProductType.values()) { for (ProductExchangeRow row : block.getProductExchanges(type)) { Flow flow = refData.getProduct(row.getName()); Exchange e = initExchange(row, scope, flow); if (e == null) continue; e.setInput(true); e.setAvoidedProduct(type == ProductType.AVOIDED_PRODUCTS); setUnit(e, row.getUnit()); process.getExchanges().add(e); } } } private void mapElementaryFlows(long scope) { for (ElementaryFlowType type : ElementaryFlowType.values()) { boolean isInput = type == ElementaryFlowType.RESOURCES; for (ElementaryExchangeRow row : block .getElementaryExchangeRows(type)) { String key = KeyGen.get(row.getName(), type.getExchangeHeader(), row.getSubCompartment(), row.getUnit()); MapFactor<Flow> factor = refData.getMappedFlow(key); Exchange e; if (factor != null) { e = initMappedExchange(factor, row, scope); setRefUnit(e); } else { Flow flow = refData.getElemFlow(key); e = initExchange(row, scope, flow); setUnit(e, row.getUnit()); } if (e == null) continue; e.setInput(isInput); process.getExchanges().add(e); } } } private Exchange initMappedExchange(MapFactor<Flow> mappedFlow, ElementaryExchangeRow row, long scope) { Flow flow = mappedFlow.getEntity(); Exchange e = initExchange(row, scope, flow); if (e == null) return null; double f = mappedFlow.getFactor(); e.setAmountValue(f * e.getAmountValue()); if (e.getAmountFormula() != null) { String formula = f + " * ( " + e.getAmountFormula() + " )"; e.setAmountFormula(formula); } if (e.getUncertainty() != null) { e.getUncertainty().scale(f); } return e; } private Exchange initExchange(AbstractExchangeRow row, long scopeId, Flow flow) { if (flow == null) { log.error("could not create exchange as there was now flow found " + "for {}", row); return null; } Exchange e = new Exchange(); e.setFlow(flow); e.description = row.getComment(); setAmount(e, row.getAmount(), scopeId); Uncertainty uncertainty = Uncertainties.get(e.getAmountValue(), row.getUncertaintyDistribution()); e.setUncertainty(uncertainty); return e; } /** Sets the exchange unit and flow property for the given SimaPro unit. */ private void setUnit(Exchange e, String unit) { if (e == null || e.getFlow() == null) return; UnitMappingEntry entry = refData.getUnitMapping().getEntry(unit); if (entry == null) { log.error("unknown unit {}; could not set exchange unit", unit); return; } Flow flow = e.getFlow(); e.setUnit(entry.unit); FlowPropertyFactor factor = flow.getFactor(entry.flowProperty); e.setFlowPropertyFactor(factor); } /** * Sets the exchange unit and flow property from the flow reference data * (used for mapped reference flows). */ private void setRefUnit(Exchange e) { if (e == null || e.getFlow() == null) return; Flow f = e.getFlow(); FlowPropertyFactor fac = f.getReferenceFactor(); if (fac == null || fac.getFlowProperty() == null) return; e.setFlowPropertyFactor(fac); FlowProperty prop = fac.getFlowProperty(); UnitGroup group = prop.getUnitGroup(); if (group == null || group.getReferenceUnit() == null) return; e.setUnit(group.getReferenceUnit()); } private void setAmount(Exchange e, String amountText, long scope) { try { double val = Double.parseDouble(amountText); e.setAmountValue(val); } catch (Exception ex) { double val = parameterMapper.eval(amountText, scope); e.setAmountValue(val); e.setAmountFormula(amountText); } } private void mapCategory() { String categoryPath = null; if (!block.getProducts().isEmpty()) { ProductOutputRow row = block.getProducts().get(0); categoryPath = row.getCategory(); } else if (block.getWasteTreatment() != null) categoryPath = block.getWasteTreatment().getCategory(); if (categoryPath == null) return; String[] path = categoryPath.split("\\\\"); Category category = Categories.findOrAdd(database, ModelType.PROCESS, path); process.setCategory(category); } private void mapType() { org.openlca.simapro.csv.model.enums.ProcessType type = block .getProcessType(); if (type == org.openlca.simapro.csv.model.enums.ProcessType.SYSTEM) process.setProcessType(ProcessType.LCI_RESULT); else process.setProcessType(ProcessType.UNIT_PROCESS); } }