/** * License * THE WORK (AS DEFINED BELOW) IS PROVIDED UNDER THE TERMS OF THIS * CREATIVE COMMONS PUBLIC LICENSE ("CCPL" OR "LICENSE"). * THE WORK IS PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT AND/OR OTHER APPLICABLE LAW. * ANY USE OF THE WORK OTHER THAN AS AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS LICENSE OR * COPYRIGHT LAW IS PROHIBITED. * * BY EXERCISING ANY RIGHTS TO THE WORK PROVIDED HERE, YOU ACCEPT AND * AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE. TO THE EXTENT THIS LICENSE * MAY BE CONSIDERED TO BE A CONTRACT, THE LICENSOR GRANTS YOU THE RIGHTS CONTAINED * HERE IN CONSIDERATION OF YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF SUCH TERMS AND CONDITIONS. * */ package l1j.server.server.model; import static l1j.server.server.model.skill.L1SkillId.ABSOLUTE_BARRIER; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import l1j.server.L1DatabaseFactory; import l1j.server.server.datatables.InnTable; import l1j.server.server.model.Instance.L1ItemInstance; import l1j.server.server.model.Instance.L1PcInstance; import l1j.server.server.model.gametime.L1GameTimeClock; import l1j.server.server.templates.L1Inn; import l1j.server.server.utils.SQLUtil; import l1j.server.server.utils.collections.Maps; // Referenced classes of package l1j.server.server.model: // L1Teleport, L1PcInstance public class Dungeon { private static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(Dungeon.class.getName()); private static Dungeon _instance = null; private static Map<String, NewDungeon> _dungeonMap = Maps.newMap(); private enum DungeonType { NONE, SHIP_FOR_FI, SHIP_FOR_HEINE, SHIP_FOR_PI, SHIP_FOR_HIDDENDOCK, SHIP_FOR_GLUDIN, SHIP_FOR_TI, TALKING_ISLAND_HOTEL, GLUDIO_HOTEL, SILVER_KNIGHT_HOTEL, WINDAWOOD_HOTEL, HEINE_HOTEL, GIRAN_HOTEL, OREN_HOTEL } public static Dungeon getInstance() { if (_instance == null) { _instance = new Dungeon(); } return _instance; } private Dungeon() { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement pstm = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { con = L1DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); pstm = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM dungeon"); rs = pstm.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { int srcMapId = rs.getInt("src_mapid"); int srcX = rs.getInt("src_x"); int srcY = rs.getInt("src_y"); String key = new StringBuilder().append(srcMapId).append(srcX).append(srcY).toString(); int newX = rs.getInt("new_x"); int newY = rs.getInt("new_y"); int newMapId = rs.getInt("new_mapid"); int heading = rs.getInt("new_heading"); DungeonType dungeonType = DungeonType.NONE; if ((((srcX == 33423) || (srcX == 33424) || (srcX == 33425) || (srcX == 33426)) && (srcY == 33502) && (srcMapId == 4 // ハイネ船着場->FI行きの船 )) || (((srcX == 32733) || (srcX == 32734) || (srcX == 32735) || (srcX == 32736)) && (srcY == 32794) && (srcMapId == 83))) { // FI行きの船->ハイネ船着場 dungeonType = DungeonType.SHIP_FOR_FI; } else if ((((srcX == 32935) || (srcX == 32936) || (srcX == 32937)) && (srcY == 33058) && (srcMapId == 70 // FI船着場->ハイネ行きの船 )) || (((srcX == 32732) || (srcX == 32733) || (srcX == 32734) || (srcX == 32735)) && (srcY == 32796) && (srcMapId == 84))) { // ハイネ行きの船->FI船着場 dungeonType = DungeonType.SHIP_FOR_HEINE; } else if ((((srcX == 32750) || (srcX == 32751) || (srcX == 32752)) && (srcY == 32874) && (srcMapId == 445 // 隠された船着場->海賊島行きの船 )) || (((srcX == 32731) || (srcX == 32732) || (srcX == 32733)) && (srcY == 32796) && (srcMapId == 447))) { // 海賊島行きの船->隠された船着場 dungeonType = DungeonType.SHIP_FOR_PI; } else if ((((srcX == 32296) || (srcX == 32297) || (srcX == 32298)) && (srcY == 33087) && (srcMapId == 440 // 海賊島船着場->隠された船着場行きの船 )) || (((srcX == 32735) || (srcX == 32736) || (srcX == 32737)) && (srcY == 32794) && (srcMapId == 446))) { // 隠された船着場行きの船->海賊島船着場 dungeonType = DungeonType.SHIP_FOR_HIDDENDOCK; } else if ((((srcX == 32630) || (srcX == 32631) || (srcX == 32632)) && (srcY == 32983) && (srcMapId == 0 // TalkingIsland->TalkingIslandShiptoAdenMainland )) || (((srcX == 32733) || (srcX == 32734) || (srcX == 32735)) && (srcY == 32796) && (srcMapId == 5))) { // TalkingIslandShiptoAdenMainland->TalkingIsland dungeonType = DungeonType.SHIP_FOR_GLUDIN; } else if ((((srcX == 32540) || (srcX == 32542) || (srcX == 32543) || (srcX == 32544) || (srcX == 32545)) && (srcY == 32728) && (srcMapId == 4 // AdenMainland->AdenMainlandShiptoTalkingIsland )) || (((srcX == 32734) || (srcX == 32735) || (srcX == 32736) || (srcX == 32737)) && (srcY == 32794) && (srcMapId == 6))) { // AdenMainlandShiptoTalkingIsland->AdenMainland dungeonType = DungeonType.SHIP_FOR_TI; } else if ((srcX == 32600) && (srcY == 32931) && (srcMapId == 0)) { // 說話之島旅館 dungeonType = DungeonType.TALKING_ISLAND_HOTEL; } else if ((srcX == 32632) && (srcY == 32761) && (srcMapId == 4)) { // 古魯丁旅館 dungeonType = DungeonType.GLUDIO_HOTEL; } else if ((srcX == 33116) && (srcY == 33379) && (srcMapId == 4)) { // 銀騎士旅館 dungeonType = DungeonType.SILVER_KNIGHT_HOTEL; } else if ((srcX == 32628) && (srcY == 33167) && (srcMapId == 4)) { // 風木旅館 dungeonType = DungeonType.WINDAWOOD_HOTEL; } else if ((srcX == 33605) && (srcY == 33275) && (srcMapId == 4)) { // 海音旅館 dungeonType = DungeonType.HEINE_HOTEL; } else if ((srcX == 33437) && (srcY == 32789) && (srcMapId == 4)) { // 奇岩旅館 dungeonType = DungeonType.GIRAN_HOTEL; } else if ((srcX == 34068) && (srcY == 32254) && (srcMapId == 4)) { // 歐瑞旅館 dungeonType = DungeonType.OREN_HOTEL; } NewDungeon newDungeon = new NewDungeon(newX, newY, (short) newMapId, heading, dungeonType); if (_dungeonMap.containsKey(key)) { _log.log(Level.WARNING, "Navicat dungeon 傳送點重複。key=" + key); } _dungeonMap.put(key, newDungeon); } } catch (SQLException e) { _log.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } finally { SQLUtil.close(rs); SQLUtil.close(pstm); SQLUtil.close(con); } } private static class NewDungeon { int _newX; int _newY; short _newMapId; int _heading; DungeonType _dungeonType; private NewDungeon(int newX, int newY, short newMapId, int heading, DungeonType dungeonType) { _newX = newX; _newY = newY; _newMapId = newMapId; _heading = heading; _dungeonType = dungeonType; } } public boolean dg(int locX, int locY, int mapId, L1PcInstance pc) { int servertime = L1GameTimeClock.getInstance().currentTime().getSeconds(); int nowtime = servertime % 86400; String key = new StringBuilder().append(mapId).append(locX).append(locY).toString(); if (_dungeonMap.containsKey(key)) { NewDungeon newDungeon = _dungeonMap.get(key); short newMap = newDungeon._newMapId; int newX = newDungeon._newX; int newY = newDungeon._newY; int heading = newDungeon._heading; DungeonType dungeonType = newDungeon._dungeonType; boolean teleportable = false; if (dungeonType == DungeonType.NONE) { teleportable = true; } else { if (dungeonType == DungeonType.TALKING_ISLAND_HOTEL || dungeonType == DungeonType.GLUDIO_HOTEL || dungeonType == DungeonType.WINDAWOOD_HOTEL || dungeonType == DungeonType.SILVER_KNIGHT_HOTEL || dungeonType == DungeonType.HEINE_HOTEL || dungeonType == DungeonType.GIRAN_HOTEL || dungeonType == DungeonType.OREN_HOTEL) { int npcid = 0; int[] data = null; if (dungeonType == DungeonType.TALKING_ISLAND_HOTEL) { npcid = 70012; // 說話之島 - 瑟琳娜 data = new int[] {32745, 32803, 16384, 32743, 32808, 16896}; } else if (dungeonType == DungeonType.GLUDIO_HOTEL) { npcid = 70019; // 古魯丁 - 羅利雅 data = new int[] {32743, 32803, 17408, 32744, 32807, 17920}; } else if (dungeonType == DungeonType.GIRAN_HOTEL) { npcid = 70031; // 奇岩 - 瑪理 data = new int[] {32744, 32803, 18432, 32744, 32807, 18944}; } else if (dungeonType == DungeonType.OREN_HOTEL) { npcid = 70065; // 歐瑞 - 小安安 data = new int[] {32744, 32803, 19456, 32744, 32807, 19968}; } else if (dungeonType == DungeonType.WINDAWOOD_HOTEL) { npcid = 70070; // 風木 - 維萊莎 data = new int[] {32744, 32803, 20480, 32744, 32807, 20992}; } else if (dungeonType == DungeonType.SILVER_KNIGHT_HOTEL) { npcid = 70075; // 銀騎士 - 米蘭德 data = new int[] {32744, 32803, 21504, 32744, 32807, 22016}; } else if (dungeonType == DungeonType.HEINE_HOTEL) { npcid = 70084; // 海音 - 伊莉 data = new int[] {32744, 32803, 22528, 32744, 32807, 23040}; } int type = checkInnKey(pc, npcid); if (type == 1) { // 房間 newX = data[0]; newY = data[1]; newMap = (short) data[2]; heading = 6; teleportable = true; } else if (type == 2) { // 會議室 newX = data[3]; newY = data[4]; newMap = (short) data[5]; heading = 6; teleportable = true; } } else if (((nowtime >= 15 * 360) && (nowtime < 25 * 360 // 1.30~2.30 )) || ((nowtime >= 45 * 360) && (nowtime < 55 * 360 // 4.30~5.30 )) || ((nowtime >= 75 * 360) && (nowtime < 85 * 360 // 7.30~8.30 )) || ((nowtime >= 105 * 360) && (nowtime < 115 * 360 // 10.30~11.30 )) || ((nowtime >= 135 * 360) && (nowtime < 145 * 360)) || ((nowtime >= 165 * 360) && (nowtime < 175 * 360)) || ((nowtime >= 195 * 360) && (nowtime < 205 * 360)) || ((nowtime >= 225 * 360) && (nowtime < 235 * 360))) { if ((pc.getInventory().checkItem(40299, 1) && (dungeonType == DungeonType.SHIP_FOR_GLUDIN)) // TalkingIslandShiptoAdenMainland || (pc.getInventory().checkItem(40301, 1) && (dungeonType == DungeonType.SHIP_FOR_HEINE)) // AdenMainlandShiptoForgottenIsland || (pc.getInventory().checkItem(40302, 1) && (dungeonType == DungeonType.SHIP_FOR_PI))) { // ShipPirateislandtoHiddendock teleportable = true; } } else if (((nowtime >= 0) && (nowtime < 360)) || ((nowtime >= 30 * 360) && (nowtime < 40 * 360)) || ((nowtime >= 60 * 360) && (nowtime < 70 * 360)) || ((nowtime >= 90 * 360) && (nowtime < 100 * 360)) || ((nowtime >= 120 * 360) && (nowtime < 130 * 360)) || ((nowtime >= 150 * 360) && (nowtime < 160 * 360)) || ((nowtime >= 180 * 360) && (nowtime < 190 * 360)) || ((nowtime >= 210 * 360) && (nowtime < 220 * 360))) { if ((pc.getInventory().checkItem(40298, 1) && (dungeonType == DungeonType.SHIP_FOR_TI)) // AdenMainlandShiptoTalkingIsland || (pc.getInventory().checkItem(40300, 1) && (dungeonType == DungeonType.SHIP_FOR_FI)) // ForgottenIslandShiptoAdenMainland || (pc.getInventory().checkItem(40303, 1) && (dungeonType == DungeonType.SHIP_FOR_HIDDENDOCK))) { // ShipHiddendocktoPirateisland teleportable = true; } } } if (teleportable) { // 2秒無敵狀態。 pc.setSkillEffect(ABSOLUTE_BARRIER, 2000); pc.stopHpRegeneration(); pc.stopMpRegeneration(); pc.stopHpRegenerationByDoll(); pc.stopMpRegenerationByDoll(); L1Teleport.teleport(pc, newX, newY, newMap, heading, false); return true; } } return false; } // 檢查身上的鑰匙 private int checkInnKey(L1PcInstance pc, int npcid) { for (L1ItemInstance item : pc.getInventory().getItems()) { if (item.getInnNpcId() == npcid) { // 鑰匙與旅館NPC相符 for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { L1Inn inn = InnTable.getInstance().getTemplate(npcid, i); if (inn.getKeyId() == item.getKeyId()) { Timestamp dueTime = item.getDueTime(); if (dueTime != null) { // 時間不為空值 Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); if (((cal.getTimeInMillis() - dueTime.getTime()) / 1000) < 0) { // 租用時間未到 pc.setInnKeyId(item.getKeyId()); // 登入此鑰匙 return item.checkRoomOrHall()? 2 : 1; // 1:房間 2:會議室 } } } } } } return 0; } }