import com.joanzapata.iconify.Iconify;
import com.joanzapata.iconify.fonts.FontAwesomeModule;
* The {@link MainApplication} class is overridden for testing in
* order to only have the components enabled that are relevant to
* the tests, and setting a mock RoboGuice module.
* The following components are not enabled:
* - Application lifecycle callbacks.
* This was used to detect to force the application to start
* from the main screen when relaunched from the background,
* which is not present in the current tests.
* - RoboGuice injector initialization.
* - Crashlytics/Fabric crash reporting.
* - Facebook SDK intialization.
* - Parse notifications initialization and subscription.
* - Checking for application upgrades, and repairing download
* statuses and clearing the web view cookie cache.
public class TestApplication extends MainApplication {
public void onCreate() {
// Register Font Awesome module in android-iconify library
Iconify.with(new FontAwesomeModule());
application = this;