package org.edx.elementlocators;
* @author divakarpatil
public interface IMyCoursesLocators {
public String getFindCourseWebView();
public String getFindCourseHeaderName();
public String getMySettingsId();
public String getShowingOnlyVideosName();
public String getOkPopupId();
public String getAnnouncementsName();
public String getSettingsBtnId();
public String getWebLinkId();
public String getMyCoursesHeaderId();
public String getTxtMyCourseName();
public String getHeaderNameId();
public String getLstDownloadId();
public String getTxtMyVideosName();
public String getBtnViewId();
public String getLogoutId();
public String getViewOnWebId();
public String getHandoutsName();
public String getCourseInfoName();
public String getDownloadMessage();
public void gotoMyCoursesView() throws Throwable;
public String getSignInLocatorId();
public String getPasswordLocatorId();
public String getEmailLocatorId();
public String getMyCoursesName();
public String getVideoPlayerId();
public String getCCPopUpCancelId();
public String getSettingsPopUpId();
public String getCCPopUpId();
public String getVideoListId();
public String getSectionSubsectionListId();
public String getCourseListId();
public String getMyCourseId();
public String getHeaderId();
public String getDownloadScreenCancelBtnId();
public String getDownloadScreenId();
public String getSectionSubsectionDownloadId();
public String getLastAccessedBtnId();
public boolean isAndroid();
public String getPlayPauseId();
public String getLMSId();
public String getRewindId();
public String getFullScreenId();
public String getVideoPlayerSettings();
public String getFindACourseBtnId();
public String getLnkFindCourseName();
public String getTxtLookingForChallenge();
public String getCourseWareErrorText();
public String getCourseWareErrorId();
public String getCloseId();
public String getDontSeeOneOfCoursesId();
public String getSeekBarId();
public String getVideoHeaderId();
public String getVideoName();
public String getVideoSize();
public String getVideoLength();
public String getTxtFindACourseName();
public String getMyVideosId();
* Android Id's
// Login Id's
String tbEmailId = "org.edx.mobile:id/email_et";
String tbPasswordId = "org.edx.mobile:id/password_et";
String btnSigninId = "org.edx.mobile:id/login_button_layout";
String btnLogOutId = "org.edx.mobile:id/logout_button";
// Header Id's
String btnHeaderId = "android:id/up";
String btnHeaderNameId = "android:id/action_bar_title";
// Find A Course id's
String btnFindACourseId = "org.edx.mobile:id/course_btn";
String btnDontSeeCoursesId = "org.edx.mobile:id/course_not_listed_tv";
String btnCloseId = "org.edx.mobile:id/positiveButton";
String lnkFindACourseName = "https://www.edx.org/course-search?type=mobile";
String txtLookingForChallengeName = "Looking for a new challenge?";
// Navigation through the course to the video id's
String btnCourseId = "org.edx.mobile:id/course_row_layout";
String btnSectionSubsectionDownloadId = "org.edx.mobile:id/bulk_download_layout";
String btnSectionSubsectionId = "org.edx.mobile:id/chapter_row_layout";
String btnCourseWareName = "Courseware";
String btnCourseInfoName = "Course Info";
String btnAnnouncementsName="Announcements";
String btnHandOutsName = "View course handouts";
String hlnkViewOnWebId = "org.edx.mobile:id/open_in_browser_btn";
String btnVideoId = "org.edx.mobile:id/video_row_layout";
String btnVideoDownloadId = "org.edx.mobile:id/video_start_download";
// Download Screen, Download Message Id's
String btnDownloadScreenId = "org.edx.mobile:id/down_arrow";
String btnDownloadScreenCancelId = "org.edx.mobile:id/close_btn";
String dlgLargeDownloadsId = "org.edx.mobile:id/dialog_layout";
String lbVideoName = "org.edx.mobile:id/video_title";
String lbVideoSize = "org.edx.mobile:id/video_size";
String lbVideoLength = "org.edx.mobile:id/video_playing_time";
String btnViewId = "org.edx.mobile:id/button_view";
String lstDownloadVideosId = "org.edx.mobile:id/downloads_row_layout";
String msgDownloadId = "org.edx.mobile:id/flying_message";
String downloadProgressWheel = "org.edx.mobile:id/progress_wheel";
// Video player Id's
String vpVideoPlayerId = "org.edx.mobile:id/preview";
String lbVideoNameVideoPlayerId = "org.edx.mobile:id/video_title";
String btnLMS = "org.edx.mobile:id/lms_btn";
String btnPlayPause = "org.edx.mobile:id/pause";
String btnRewind = "org.edx.mobile:id/rew";
String btnSettings = "org.edx.mobile:id/settings";
String btnFullScreenId = "org.edx.mobile:id/fullscreen";
String popupCC = "org.edx.mobile:id/tv_closedcaption";
String popupLanguages = "org.edx.mobile:id/row_cc_lang";
String txtSubtitlesId = "org.edx.mobile:id/txtSubtitles_tv";
String popupLanguagesCancel = "org.edx.mobile:id/tv_cc_cancel";
// No CourseWare available id
String lbCourseWareId = "org.edx.mobile:id/no_chapter_tv";
String lbCourseWareName = "No courseware is currently available.";
// Last Accessed button Id
String btnLastAccessedId = "org.edx.mobile:id/last_viewed_tv";
// Left Navigation Panel id's
String txtMyCourseId = "org.edx.mobile:id/drawer_option_my_courses";
String txtMyVideosName = "My Videos";
String txtMySettingsId="org.edx.mobile:id/drawer_option_my_settings";
String txtCellularDownloadName="ALLOW CELLULAR DOWNLOAD";
String txtCellularDownload1Name="Allow your device to download videos over your cellular connection when"
+"Wi-Fi is not available. Data charges may apply.";
String btnOkPopupId = "org.edx.mobile:id/positiveButton";
String btnSettingsId = "org.edx.mobile:id/wifi_setting";
//Find Courses
String txtFindCourseName="Find Courses";
String findACoursewebView="org.edx.mobile:id/webview";
* IOS Locators id's
// Login Locator id
String tbEmailIdiOS = "tbUserName";
String tbPasswordIdiOS = "tbPassword";
String btnSigninIdiOS = "btnSignIn";
String btnLogOutIdiOS = "btnLogout";
// Header id
String btnHeaderIdiOS = "btnNavigation";
String btnHeaderNameIdiOS = "txtHeader";// Header id for all the screen
// except the My Courses screen
String headerMyCoursesIdiOS = "myCoursesHeader";
// Find A Course id's
String btnFindAMobileCourseiOS = "btnFindACourse";
String txtDontSeeACourseiOS = "btnDontSeeCourse";
String txtLookingForCourseiOS = "Looking for a new challenge?";
String btnCloseIdiOS = "btnClose";
// Navigation to the video through the course id's
String btnCourseIdiOS = "lbCourseTitle";
String btnSectionSubsectionIdiOS = "lbSectionSubsection";
String btnCourseWareNameiOS = "COURSEWARE";
String btnAnnouncementsNameiOS = "ANNOUNCEMENTS";
String btnHandOutsNameiOS = "HANDOUTS";
String btnViewOnWebIdiOS = "btnViewOnWeb";
String hlnkViewOnWebIdiOS = "VIEW ON WEB";
String btnVideoIdiOS = "lbVideoName";
String lbNoOfVideos = "lbVideoNumbers";
// Download Screen id's
String btnSectionSubsectionDownloadIdiOS = "btnVideosDownload";
String btnDownloadScreenIdiOS = "btnDownloadScreen";
String lbVideoNameiOS = "lbVideoName";
String lbVideoSizeiOS = "lbVideoSize";
String lbVideoLengthiOS = "lbVideoLength";
String btnDownloadScreenCancelIdiOS = "btnVideoDownloadCancel";
String btnViewIdiOS = "btnDownloadView";
String btnVideoDownloadIdiOS = "btnVideosDownload";
String dlgLargeDownloadsIdiOS = "";
String msgDownloadIdiOS = "floatingMessages";
// Video player Id's
String vpVideoPlayerIdiOS = "Video";
String btnLMSiOS = "btnLMS";
String btnPlayPauseiOS = "btnPlayPause";
String btnRewindiOS = "btnRewind";
String btnSettingsiOS = "btnSettings";
String btnFullScreenIdiOS = "btnFullScreen";
String popupCCiOS = "";
String popupLanguagesiOS = "";
String popupLanguagesCanceliOS = "";
// Last Accessed button id
String btnLastAccessedIdiOS = "btnLastAccessed";
// Left Navigation Panel Id
String txtMyVideosNameiOS = "My Videos";
String txtMyVideosIdiOS = "myVideosHeader";
String txtMyCourseIdiOS = "txtMyCoursesLNP";
String btnSwitchiOS = "btnSwitch";
String btnOkPopupIdiOS = "ALLOW";
String txtMySettingsIdiOS="";
/* Common Locators */
String txtMyCourseName = "My Courses";
String lbCourseWareIdiOS = "txtNoCourseWareAvailable";
String txtFindACourseName = "FIND A MOBILE-FRIENDLY COURSE";
String txtShowingOnlyVideos = "Showing only Videos";