package; import android.content.Context; import; import; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.TextView; import com.joanzapata.iconify.IconDrawable; import com.joanzapata.iconify.fonts.FontAwesomeIcons; import; public abstract class DiscussionUtils { /** * Sets the state, text and icon of the new item creation button on discussion screens * * @param isTopicClosed Boolean if the topic is closed or not * @param textView The TextView whose text has to be updated * @param positiveTextResId The text resource to be applied when topic IS NOT closed * @param negativeTextResId The text resource to be applied when topic IS closed * @param creationLayout The layout which should be enabled/disabled and applied listener to * @param listener The listener to apply to creationLayout */ public static void setStateOnTopicClosed(boolean isTopicClosed, TextView textView, @StringRes int positiveTextResId, @StringRes int negativeTextResId, ViewGroup creationLayout, View.OnClickListener listener) { Context context = textView.getContext(); if (isTopicClosed) { textView.setText(negativeTextResId); TextViewCompat.setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds(textView, new IconDrawable(context, FontAwesomeIcons.fa_lock) .sizeRes(context, R.dimen.small_icon_size) .colorRes(context, R.color.white), null, null, null ); creationLayout.setOnClickListener(null); } else { textView.setText(positiveTextResId); TextViewCompat.setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds(textView, new IconDrawable(context, FontAwesomeIcons.fa_plus_circle) .sizeRes(context, R.dimen.small_icon_size) .colorRes(context, R.color.white), null, null, null ); creationLayout.setOnClickListener(listener); } creationLayout.setEnabled(!isTopicClosed); } }