package org.edx.nativeapp; import io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver; import io.appium.java_client.NetworkConnectionSetting; import; import io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import; import org.edx.Config; import org.edx.basetest.UniqueTestId; import org.edx.utils.PropertyLoader; import org.openqa.selenium.Alert; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.Dimension; import org.openqa.selenium.ElementNotVisibleException; import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor; import org.openqa.selenium.OutputType; import org.openqa.selenium.TakesScreenshot; import org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver; import; import; import org.testng.Reporter; /** * @author divakarpatil * */ public class NativeAppDriver extends RemoteWebDriver { protected AppiumDriver appiumDriver; private final long maxWaitTime = Long.parseLong(PropertyLoader .loadProperty("max.wait.time").get()); private final long downloadWaitTime = Long.parseLong(PropertyLoader .loadProperty("download.wait.time").get()); private final String testPackageName = PropertyLoader.loadProperty( "").get(); private final String deviceOS = PropertyLoader.loadProperty("deviceOS") .get(); private final String appPath = PropertyLoader.loadProperty("appPath").get(); private final String deviceName = PropertyLoader.loadProperty("deviceName") .get(); private final String appPackage = PropertyLoader.loadProperty("appPackage") .get(); private final String sauceUserName = PropertyLoader.loadProperty( "sauceUserName").get(); private String sauceKey = PropertyLoader.loadProperty("sauceKey").get(); URL serverAddress; DesiredCapabilities desiredCapabilities = new DesiredCapabilities(); /** * Constructor which sets the required desired capabilities for the Appium * driver * * @throws Throwable */ public NativeAppDriver() throws Throwable { super(); if (sauceKey.isEmpty()) { serverAddress = new URL("");// appium: // 4723, // 4475 } else { serverAddress = new URL("http://" + sauceUserName + ":" + sauceKey + ""); } try { if (isiOS()) { desiredCapabilities = Config.iOS.getCapabilities(); appiumDriver = new IOSDriver(serverAddress, desiredCapabilities); } else if (isAndroid()) { desiredCapabilities = Config.Android.getCapabilities(); appiumDriver = new AndroidDriver(serverAddress, desiredCapabilities); } } catch (Throwable e) { System.out.println(">> Error while initiating Driver " + deviceOS); throw e; } } /** * Find element by the given locator after proper wait */ @Override public NativeAppElement findElement(final By locator) { WebElement appElement = null; try { appElement = (new WebDriverWait(appiumDriver, maxWaitTime)) .until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(locator)); } catch (Throwable te) { Reporter.log("Unable to find the element by locator: " + locator.toString() + " within " + maxWaitTime + " secs"); captureScreenshot(); throw new TimeoutException(te); } return new NativeAppElement(this, locator, appElement); } public boolean verifyElementText(By by, String text) { boolean result = false; String actualText = ""; int attempt = 0; NativeAppElement webElment = findElement(by); while (!result && attempt <= 5) { try { attempt++; WebDriverWait wait = (WebDriverWait) new WebDriverWait( appiumDriver, maxWaitTime / 5, 500); wait.until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(by)); wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(by)); // Adding support for textarea if (webElment.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase("input") || webElment.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase("textarea")) { actualText = webElment.getAttribute("value"); } else { actualText = webElment.readInnerText(); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("attempt " + attempt + "..."); if (attempt >= 5) { Reporter.log("Unable to get the text by locator " + by.toString()); captureScreenshot(); throw new WebDriverException(e); } } result = actualText.equals(text); } if (result) { return true; } else { Reporter.log("Expected: \"" + text + "\" but found: \"" + actualText + "\""); captureScreenshot(); throw new AssertionError("Expected: \"" + text + "\" but found: \"" + actualText + "\"" + "\n" + Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace().toString()); } } /** * To check the given text contains by the element located by the locator * * @param by * @param text * @return */ public boolean verifyElementTextContains(By by, String text) { boolean result = false; String actualText = ""; int attempt = 0; NativeAppElement webElment = findElement(by); while (!result && attempt <= 5) { try { attempt++; WebDriverWait wait = (WebDriverWait) new WebDriverWait( appiumDriver, maxWaitTime, 500); wait.until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(by)); wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(by)); if (webElment.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase("input") || webElment.getTagName().equalsIgnoreCase("textarea")) { actualText = webElment.getAttribute("value"); } else { actualText = webElment.readInnerText(); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("attempt " + attempt + "..."); if (attempt > 5) { Reporter.log("Unable to get the text by locator " + by.toString()); captureScreenshot(); throw new WebDriverException(e); } } result = actualText.contains(text); } if (result) { return true; } else { Reporter.log("\"" + text + "\" not found in \"" + actualText + "\""); captureScreenshot(); throw new AssertionError("\"" + text + "\" not found in \"" + actualText + "\"" + "\n" + Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace().toString()); } } /** * Captures the screenshot */ public void captureScreenshot() { String outputPath = PropertyLoader.loadProperty("output.path").get(); String screenShotPath = outputPath + "/ScreenShots/"; String fileName = generateFileName() + ".jpg"; // Take the screenshot File scrFile = ((TakesScreenshot) (this.appiumDriver)) .getScreenshotAs(OutputType.FILE); try { FileUtils.copyFile(scrFile, new File(screenShotPath + fileName)); Reporter.log("<br> Module name: " + getCurrentTestClassName() + "<br>"); Reporter.log(" Refer to <a href=\"ScreenShots/" + fileName + "\" target = \"_blank\"><img src=\"ScreenShots/" + fileName + "\" width=\"50\" height=\"50\"></a><br>"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Generates the filename for screenshot * * @return */ public String generateFileName() { return new UniqueTestId().id + "_" + getCurrentTestClassName() + "_" + getCurrentTestMethodName() + "_" + getCurrentTestMethodLineNumber(); } /** * This will return the current test method name it is executing * * @return String Test case name */ public String getCurrentTestMethodName() { int stackIndex = 0; while (stackIndex < Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace().length) { if (Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[stackIndex] .getMethodName().endsWith("Test") && Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[stackIndex] .getClassName().startsWith(testPackageName)) { break; } stackIndex++; } return Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[stackIndex] .getMethodName(); } /** * This will return the current test class name it is executing * * @return String test class name */ public String getCurrentTestClassName() { int stackIndex = 0; while (stackIndex < Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace().length) { if (Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[stackIndex] .getMethodName().endsWith("Test") && Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[stackIndex] .getClassName().startsWith(testPackageName)) { break; } stackIndex++; } return Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[stackIndex] .getClassName(); } /** * This will return the current test method line number it is executing * * @return int: Test method line number */ public int getCurrentTestMethodLineNumber() { int stackIndex = 0; while (stackIndex < Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace().length) { if (Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[stackIndex] .getMethodName().endsWith("Test") && Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[stackIndex] .getClassName().startsWith(testPackageName)) { break; } stackIndex++; } return Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[stackIndex] .getLineNumber(); } /** * AppiumDriver close */ @Override public void close() { appiumDriver.quit(); } /** * Find element by ID * * @param id * @return */ public NativeAppElement findElementById(String id) { return findElement(; } /** * Find element by Name * * @param name * @return */ public NativeAppElement findElementByName(String name) { return findElement(; } /** * Find element by Xpath * * @param xpath * @return */ public NativeAppElement findElementByXpath(String xpath) { return findElement(By.xpath(xpath)); } /** * Find element by Class name * * @param className * @return */ public NativeAppElement findElementByClassName(String className) { return findElement(By.className(className)); } public boolean verifyElementTextByName(String name, String text) { return this.verifyElementText(, text); } public boolean verifyElementTextById(String id, String text) { return this.verifyElementText(, text); } public boolean verifyElementNotPresntById(String id) { boolean found = false; try { appiumDriver.findElementById(id); found = true; Reporter.log("Element is present with id " + id); throw new AssertionError("Element is present with id " + id); } catch (Exception e) { } return found; } public boolean verifyElementNotPresntByName(String name) { boolean found = false; try { this.findElementByName(name); found = true; } catch (Exception e) { } return found; } /** * Overridden webDriver find Elements with proper wait. */ @Override public List<WebElement> findElements(By locator) { try { (new WebDriverWait(appiumDriver, maxWaitTime)) .until(ExpectedConditions .presenceOfAllElementsLocatedBy(locator)); } catch (ElementNotVisibleException e) { Reporter.log("Element not found: " + locator.toString()); captureScreenshot(); throw e; } return appiumDriver.findElements(locator); } @Override public List<WebElement> findElementsById(String using) { return findElements(; } public void clickElementWithIndexById(String id, int index) { // List<NativeAppElement> elements = findAllElements(; try { findElementsById(id).get(index).click(); // elements.get(index - 1).click(); } catch (Exception exp) { captureScreenshot(); Reporter.log("Unable to click element index: " + index + " with id: " + id); throw exp; } } public void clickElement(WebElement element) {; } public void clickElement(NativeAppElement element) { ((JavascriptExecutor) appiumDriver).executeScript( "arguments[0].scrollIntoView();", element.getWebElement()); element.getWebElement().click(); } public void clickElementById(String id) { findElementById(id).click(); } public void clickElementByXpath(String xpath) { findElementByXpath(xpath).click(); } public void clickElementByName(String name) { findElementByName(name).click(); } public void enterTextToElementById(String id, String text) { findElementById(id).sendKeys(text); } public void enterTextToElementByName(String name, String text) { findElementByName(name).sendKeys(text); } public void enterTextToElementByClassname(String className, String text) { findElementByClassName(className).sendKeys(text); } public void verifyElementPresentByName(String name) { findElementByName(name); } public void verifyElementPresentByXpath(String name) { findElementByXpath(name); } public void verifyElementPresentById(String id) { findElementById(id); } public void verifyElementPresentByClassName(String className) { findElementByClassName(className); } public void verifyPresenceOfTextLocatedById(String id, String text) { // findElementById(id); try { WebDriverWait wait = (WebDriverWait) new WebDriverWait( appiumDriver, maxWaitTime, 500); wait.until(ExpectedConditions.textToBePresentInElementLocated(, text)); } catch (Throwable t) { Reporter.log("text " + text + " not present in id " + id); captureScreenshot(); throw t; } } public void verifyPresenceOfTextLocatedByName(String name, String text) { // findElementByName(name); try { WebDriverWait wait = (WebDriverWait) new WebDriverWait( appiumDriver, maxWaitTime, 500); wait.until(ExpectedConditions.textToBePresentInElementLocated(, text)); } catch (Throwable t) { Reporter.log("text " + text + " not present in name " + name); captureScreenshot(); throw t; } } /** * Accept the alert */ public void acceptAlert() { WebDriverWait wait = (WebDriverWait) new WebDriverWait(appiumDriver, maxWaitTime, 500); wait.until(ExpectedConditions.alertIsPresent()); Alert alrt = appiumDriver.switchTo().alert(); alrt.accept(); } /** * Verify the element is visible * * @param element */ public void verifyVisibilityOfElement(WebElement element) { try { WebDriverWait wait = (WebDriverWait) new WebDriverWait( appiumDriver, maxWaitTime, 500); wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOf(element)); } catch (Throwable t) { captureScreenshot(); throw t; } } /** * Verifies element is visible * * @param id */ public void verifyVisibilityOfElementLocatedById(String id) { try { WebDriverWait wait = (WebDriverWait) new WebDriverWait( appiumDriver, maxWaitTime, 500); wait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(; } catch (Throwable t) { Reporter.log("Elment by Id " + id + " not visible"); captureScreenshot(); throw t; } } public void clearInputById(String id) { findElementById(id).clear(); } public void clearInputByName(String name) { findElementByName(name).clear(); } public void clearInputByClassname(String className) { findElementByClassName(className).clear(); } /** * Method returns the appium driver instance * * @return */ public WebDriver getDriver() { return appiumDriver; } /** * Switch between data and wifi(specific to android). * * @param wifi * @param data * @throws InterruptedException */ public void setNetworkConnection(boolean wifi, boolean data, boolean airplane) throws InterruptedException { if (deviceOS.equalsIgnoreCase("android")) { NetworkConnectionSetting connectionSetting = new NetworkConnectionSetting( 0); connectionSetting.setWifi(wifi); connectionSetting.setData(data); connectionSetting.setData(airplane); ((AndroidDriver) appiumDriver) .setNetworkConnection(connectionSetting); connectionSetting = ((AndroidDriver) appiumDriver) .getNetworkConnection(); } else { HashMap<String, Double> coords = new HashMap<String, Double>(); JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) appiumDriver; Dimension devicediam = appiumDriver.manage().window().getSize(); int height = devicediam.getHeight(); // int width = devicediam.getWidth(); if (deviceName.equals("iPhone 6")) { appiumDriver.swipe(100, height, 100, 100, 500); Thread.sleep(3 * 1000); coords.put("x", new Double("" + 120)); coords.put("y", new Double("" + 290)); coords.put("duration", 0.5); js.executeScript("mobile: tap", coords); Thread.sleep(3 * 1000); coords.put("x", new Double("" + 100)); coords.put("y", new Double("" + 100)); coords.put("duration", 0.5); js.executeScript("mobile: tap", coords); } else {// For iPhone 5 appiumDriver.swipe(100, height, 100, 100, 500); Thread.sleep(3 * 1000); coords.put("x", new Double("" + 100)); coords.put("y", new Double("" + 180)); coords.put("duration", 0.5); js.executeScript("mobile: tap", coords); Thread.sleep(3 * 1000); coords.put("x", new Double("" + 100)); coords.put("y", new Double("" + 100)); coords.put("duration", 0.5); js.executeScript("mobile: tap", coords); } } } /** * Navigating back */ public void back() { appiumDriver.navigate().back(); } /** * Launch the app */ public void launchApp() { appiumDriver.closeApp(); appiumDriver.launchApp(); } /** * Remove app(Uninstall) */ public void uninstallApp() { appiumDriver.removeApp(appPackage); } /** * Wait till the element is displayed and swipe till the particular time * slot * * @param id * - id of the element */ public void swipe(String id) { try { if (isAndroid()) { new WebDriverWait(appiumDriver, 20).until(ExpectedConditions .presenceOfElementLocated(; Dimension dimension = appiumDriver.manage().window().getSize(); int ht = dimension.height; int width = dimension.width; appiumDriver.swipe((width / 2), (ht / 4), (width / 2), (ht / 2), 1000); } else { new WebDriverWait(appiumDriver, 20).until(ExpectedConditions .presenceOfElementLocated(; if (deviceName.equalsIgnoreCase("iphone 5")) { appiumDriver.swipe((int) 0.1, 557, 211, 206, 500); } else if (deviceName.equalsIgnoreCase("iphone 6")) { appiumDriver.swipe((int) 0.1, 660, 50, 50, 500); } } } catch (Throwable e) { Reporter.log("Element by Id " + id + " not visible"); captureScreenshot(); throw e; } } /** * Hide Keyboard (specific for android) */ public void hideKeyboard() { // if (sauceKey.equals("")) { appiumDriver.hideKeyboard(); // } } /** * verifying that text is present or not * * @param id * - id of the element whose text is to be checked for. * @param text * - text use for comparison. * @return */ public boolean verifyElementText(String id, String text) { try { (new WebDriverWait(appiumDriver, 20)).until(ExpectedConditions .presenceOfElementLocated(; } catch (Exception e) { Reporter.log("Element not found: " + e.toString()); captureScreenshot(); throw e; } try { if (!(appiumDriver.findElementById(id).getText()).equals(text)) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (Exception e) { Reporter.log("Element not found: " + e.toString()); captureScreenshot(); throw e; } } /** * Inserting wait till the element to be found is present. * * @param id * : id of the element. */ public void insertWait(String id) { try { new WebDriverWait(appiumDriver, downloadWaitTime) .until(ExpectedConditions.invisibilityOfElementLocated(By .id(id))); } catch (Throwable e) { Reporter.log("Element found: " + e.toString()); captureScreenshot(); throw e; } } /** * Scroll the list till item found by name * * @param name * - name of the element till the scroll is to be performed * @throws Throwable */ public void scrollList(String name) throws Throwable { int i = 0; Dimension dimension = appiumDriver.manage().window().getSize(); int ht = dimension.height; int width = dimension.width; if (isAndroid()) { while (!verifyElementIsDisplayedById(name)) { appiumDriver.swipe((width / 2), (ht / 2), (width / 4), (ht / 4), 500); } } else { try { if (appPath.contains(".ipa")) { while (!(verifyElementIsDisplayedById(name))) { appiumDriver.swipe((width / 2), (ht / 2), (width / 4), (ht / 4), 500); i++; if (i > 20) { throw new Exception(); } } } } catch (Throwable e) { Reporter.log("Element not found by name:" + name); throw e; } } } public boolean verifyElementIsDisplayedById(String id) { boolean found = false; try { found = appiumDriver.findElementById(id).isDisplayed(); } catch (Exception e) { } return found; } /** * Tap on wifi(only for ios) */ public void tapOnWifi() { System.out.println("Size of iphone 6 is " + appiumDriver.manage().window().getSize()); if (deviceName.equalsIgnoreCase("iphone 5")) { appiumDriver.tap(85, 85, 175, 0); } else if (deviceName.equalsIgnoreCase("iphone 6")) { appiumDriver.tap(120, 120, 278, 0); } } /** * Verify that whether the text is present or not * * @param courseWareErrorText * @param text * @return */ public boolean textIsPresent(String courseWareErrorText, String text) { if (courseWareErrorText.equals(text)) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Verify that whether the element is present or not * * @param id * @return */ public boolean verifyElementId(String id) { boolean found = false; try { appiumDriver.findElementById(id); found = true; } catch (Exception e) { } return found; } private boolean isAndroid() { return deviceOS.equalsIgnoreCase(Config.Android.OS_NAME); } private boolean isiOS() { return deviceOS.equalsIgnoreCase(Config.iOS.OS_NAME); } }