package; import android.util.LruCache; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * A central place for course data model transformation */ @Singleton public class CourseManager { protected final Logger logger = new Logger(getClass().getName()); private LruCache<String, CourseComponent> cachedComponent; @Inject ServiceManager serviceManager; public CourseManager(){ cachedComponent = new LruCache<>(1); } public CourseComponent getCourseByCourseId(String courseId){ CourseComponent component = cachedComponent.get(courseId); if ( component != null ) return component; try { component = serviceManager.getCourseStructureFromCache(courseId); cachedComponent.put(courseId,component); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e); } return component; } public CourseComponent getComponentById(String courseId, final String componentId){ CourseComponent courseComponent = getCourseByCourseId(courseId); if ( courseComponent == null ) return null; return courseComponent.find(new Filter<CourseComponent>() { @Override public boolean apply(CourseComponent courseComponent) { return componentId.equals(courseComponent.getId()); } }); } /** * Mapping from raw data structure from getCourseStructure() API * @param courseStructureV1Model * @return */ public static IBlock normalizeCourseStructure(CourseStructureV1Model courseStructureV1Model, String courseId){ BlockModel topBlock = courseStructureV1Model.getBlockById(courseStructureV1Model.root); CourseComponent course = new CourseComponent(topBlock, null); course.setCourseId(courseId); for (BlockModel m : courseStructureV1Model.getDescendants(topBlock)) { normalizeCourseStructure(courseStructureV1Model,m,course); } return course; } private static void normalizeCourseStructure(CourseStructureV1Model courseStructureV1Model, BlockModel block, CourseComponent parent) { if (block.isContainer()) { CourseComponent child = new CourseComponent(block, parent); for (BlockModel m : courseStructureV1Model.getDescendants(block)) { normalizeCourseStructure(courseStructureV1Model, m, child); } } else { if (BlockType.VIDEO == block.type && instanceof VideoData) { new VideoBlockModel(block, parent); } else if (BlockType.DISCUSSION == block.type && instanceof DiscussionData) { new DiscussionBlockModel(block, parent); } else { //everything else.. we fallback to html component new HtmlBlockModel(block, parent); } } } /** * we map the new course outline data to old data model. * TODO : Ideally we should update all the code to match the new data model. * @param courseComponent * @return */ public static List<SectionItemInterface> mappingAllVideoResponseModelFrom(CourseComponent courseComponent, Filter<VideoResponseModel> filter){ List<SectionItemInterface> items = new ArrayList<>(); for(HasDownloadEntry item : courseComponent.getVideos()){ VideoResponseModel model = mappingVideoResponseModelFrom((VideoBlockModel)item); if ( filter == null ) items.add( model ); else { if (filter.apply(model)){ items.add( model ); } } } return items; } /** * from new VideoBlockModel to legacy VideoRsponseModel * @param videoBlockModel * @return */ public static VideoResponseModel mappingVideoResponseModelFrom(VideoBlockModel videoBlockModel){ VideoResponseModel model = new VideoResponseModel(); model.setCourseId(videoBlockModel.getCourseId()); SummaryModel summaryModel = mappingSummaryModelFrom(videoBlockModel); model.setSummary(summaryModel); model.videoBlockModel = videoBlockModel; model.setSectionUrl(videoBlockModel.getParent().getBlockUrl()); model.setUnitUrl(videoBlockModel.getBlockUrl()); return model; } private static SummaryModel mappingSummaryModelFrom(VideoBlockModel videoBlockModel){ SummaryModel model = new SummaryModel(); model.setType(videoBlockModel.getType()); model.setDisplayName(videoBlockModel.getDisplayName()); model.setDuration((int)videoBlockModel.getData().duration); model.setOnlyOnWeb(videoBlockModel.getData().onlyOnWeb); model.setId(videoBlockModel.getId()); final VideoInfo videoInfo = videoBlockModel.getData().encodedVideos.getPreferredVideoInfo(); if (null != videoInfo) { model.setVideoUrl(videoInfo.url); model.setSize(videoInfo.fileSize); } model.setTranscripts(videoBlockModel.getData().transcripts); //FIXME = is this field missing? // private EncodingsModel encodings; return model; } /** * from new CourseComponent to legacy data structure. * @param courseComponent * @return */ public static Map<String, SectionEntry> mappingCourseHierarchyFrom(CourseComponent courseComponent){ Map<String, SectionEntry> map = new HashMap<>(); for(IBlock block : courseComponent.getChildren()){ CourseComponent chapter = (CourseComponent)block; SectionEntry entry = new SectionEntry(); entry.chapter = chapter.getDisplayName(); entry.isChapter = true; entry.section_url = chapter.getBlockUrl(); map.put(entry.chapter, entry); for( IBlock subBlock : chapter.getChildren() ){ CourseComponent section = (CourseComponent)subBlock; entry.sections.put(section.getDisplayName(), (ArrayList)CourseManager.mappingAllVideoResponseModelFrom(section, null)); } } return map; } /** * we handle both name and id for backward compatibility. legacy code use name, it is not a good idea as name is not * grantee to be unique. */ public static LectureModel getLecture(CourseComponent courseComponent, String chapterName, String chapterId, String lectureName, String lectureId) throws Exception { //TODO - we may use a generic filter to fetch the data? for(IBlock chapter : courseComponent.getChildren()){ if ( chapter.getId().equals(chapterId) ){ for(IBlock lecture : chapter.getChildren() ){ //TODO - check to see if need to compare id or not if ( lecture.getId().equals(lectureId) ){ LectureModel lm = new LectureModel(); = lecture.getDisplayName(); lm.videos = (ArrayList) mappingAllVideoResponseModelFrom((CourseComponent)lecture, null ); return lm; } } } } //if we can not find object by id, try to get by name. for(IBlock chapter : courseComponent.getChildren()){ if ( chapter.getDisplayName().equals(chapterName) ){ for(IBlock lecture : chapter.getChildren() ){ //TODO - check to see if need to compare id or not if ( lecture.getDisplayName().equals(lectureName) ){ LectureModel lm = new LectureModel(); = lecture.getDisplayName(); lm.videos = (ArrayList) mappingAllVideoResponseModelFrom((CourseComponent)lecture, null ); return lm; } } } } return null; } public static VideoResponseModel getVideoById(CourseComponent courseComponent, String videoId) throws Exception { for(HasDownloadEntry item : courseComponent.getVideos()) { VideoBlockModel model = (VideoBlockModel)item; if (model.getId().equals(videoId)) return mappingVideoResponseModelFrom((VideoBlockModel) item); } return null; } /** * * @param courseComponent * @param subsectionId * @return */ public static VideoResponseModel getSubsectionById(CourseComponent courseComponent, String subsectionId){ ////TODO - we may use a generic filter to fetch the data? Map<String, SectionEntry> map = mappingCourseHierarchyFrom(courseComponent); for (Map.Entry<String, SectionEntry> chapterentry : map.entrySet()) { // iterate lectures for (Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<VideoResponseModel>> entry : chapterentry.getValue().sections.entrySet()) { // iterate videos for (VideoResponseModel v : entry.getValue()) { // identify the subsection (module) if id matches IPathNode node = v.getSection(); if (node != null && subsectionId.equals(node.getId())) { return v; } } } } return null; } }