package; import; import android.content.Context; import; import java.util.List; public interface SocialProvider { /** * Callback interface for all social network calls */ interface Callback<T> { void onSuccess(T response); void onError(SocialError err); } class SocialError { public final Exception ex; public SocialError(Exception ex) { this.ex = ex; } } /** * determines if the user is logged in */ boolean isLoggedIn(); /** * Begins the login flow for the user. This call is asynchronous */ void login(Context context, Callback<Void> callback); /** * Gets the user object for the current logged in user */ void getUser(Callback<SocialMember> callback); /** * Gets the user object for the current logged in user */ void getUserInfo(Context context, SocialFactory.SOCIAL_SOURCE_TYPE socialType, String accessToken, SocialLoginDelegate.SocialUserInfoCallback userInfoCallback); }