package; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor; import; /** * This is a Utility for reading and writing to shared preferences. * This class also contains the constants for the preference names and the keys. * These constants are defined in inner classes <code>Pref</code> and <code>Key</code>. */ public class PrefManager { private Context context; private String prefName; //FIXME - we should use MAApplication's context to clean up //the code. public PrefManager(Context context, String prefName) { if (MainApplication.instance() != null) this.context = MainApplication.instance().getApplicationContext(); else this.context = context; this.prefName = prefName; } /** * Puts given key-value pair to the Shared Preferences. * * @param key * @param value - String */ public void put(String key, String value) { Editor edit = context.getSharedPreferences(prefName, Context.MODE_PRIVATE).edit(); edit.putString(key, value).commit(); } /** * Puts given key-value pair to the Shared Preferences. * * @param key * @param value - boolean */ public void put(String key, boolean value) { Editor edit = context.getSharedPreferences(prefName, Context.MODE_PRIVATE).edit(); edit.putBoolean(key, value).commit(); } /** * Puts given key-value pair to the Shared Preferences. * * @param key * @param value - long */ public void put(String key, long value) { Editor edit = context.getSharedPreferences(prefName, Context.MODE_PRIVATE).edit(); edit.putLong(key, value).commit(); } /** * Puts given key-value pair to the Shared Preferences. * * @param key * @param value - float */ public void put(String key, float value) { Editor edit = context.getSharedPreferences(prefName, Context.MODE_PRIVATE).edit(); edit.putFloat(key, value).commit(); } /** * Returns String value for the given key, null if no value is found. * * @param key * @return String */ public String getString(String key) { if (context != null) { return context.getSharedPreferences(prefName, Context.MODE_PRIVATE) .getString(key, null); } return null; } /** * Returns boolean value for the given key, can set default value as well. * * @param key,default value * @return boolean */ public boolean getBoolean(String key, boolean defaultValue) { if (context != null) { return context.getSharedPreferences(prefName, Context.MODE_PRIVATE) .getBoolean(key, defaultValue); } return defaultValue; } /** * Returns long value for the given key, -1 if no value is found. * * @param key * @return long */ public long getLong(String key) { if (context != null) { return context.getSharedPreferences(prefName, Context.MODE_PRIVATE) .getLong(key, -1); } return -1; } /** * Returns float value for the given key, -1 if no value is found. * * @param key * @return float */ public float getFloat(String key) { return context.getSharedPreferences(prefName, Context.MODE_PRIVATE) .getFloat(key, -1); } /** * Returns float value for the given key, defaultValue if no value is found. * * @param key * @param defaultValue * @return float */ public float getFloat(String key, float defaultValue) { if (context != null) { return context.getSharedPreferences(prefName, Context.MODE_PRIVATE) .getFloat(key, defaultValue); } return defaultValue; } public static class AppInfoPrefManager extends PrefManager { public AppInfoPrefManager(Context context) { super(context, PrefManager.Pref.APP_INFO); } public long getAppVersionCode() { return getLong(Key.APP_VERSION_CODE); } public void setAppVersionCode(long code) { super.put(Key.APP_VERSION_CODE, code); } public String getAppVersionName() { return getString(Key.APP_VERSION_NAME); } public void setAppVersionName(String code) { super.put(Key.APP_VERSION_NAME, code); } public boolean isNotificationEnabled() { return getBoolean(Key.NOTIFICATION, false); } public void setNotificationEnabled(boolean enabled) { super.put(Key.NOTIFICATION, enabled); } public boolean isAppUpgradeNeedSyncWithParse() { return getBoolean(Key.AppUpgradeNeedSyncWithParse, false); } public void setAppUpgradeNeedSyncWithParse(boolean enabled) { super.put(Key.AppUpgradeNeedSyncWithParse, enabled); } public boolean isAppSettingNeedSyncWithParse() { return getBoolean(Key.AppSettingNeedSyncWithParse, false); } public void setAppSettingNeedSyncWithParse(boolean enabled) { super.put(Key.AppSettingNeedSyncWithParse, enabled); } public String getPrevNotificationHashKey() { return getString(Key.AppNotificationPushHash); } public void setPrevNotificationHashKey(String code) { super.put(Key.AppNotificationPushHash, code); } } public static class UserPrefManager extends PrefManager { public UserPrefManager(Context context) { super(context, Pref.USER_PREF); } public long getLastCourseStructureFetch(String courseId) { return getLong(Key.LAST_COURSE_STRUCTURE_FETCH + "_" + courseId); } public void setLastCourseStructureFetch(String courseId, long timestamp) { super.put(Key.LAST_COURSE_STRUCTURE_FETCH + "_" + courseId, timestamp); } public boolean isVideosCacheRestored() { return getBoolean(Key.VIDEOS_CACHE_RESTORED, false); } public void setIsVideosCacheRestored(boolean restored) { super.put(Key.VIDEOS_CACHE_RESTORED, restored); } } /** * Contains preference name constants. These must be unique. */ public static final class Pref { public static final String LOGIN = "pref_login"; public static final String WIFI = "pref_wifi"; public static final String VIDEOS = "pref_videos"; public static final String FEATURES = "features"; public static final String APP_INFO = "pref_app_info"; public static final String USER_PREF = "pref_user"; public static String[] getAll() { return new String[]{LOGIN, WIFI, VIDEOS, FEATURES, APP_INFO, USER_PREF}; } } /** * Contains preference key constants. */ public static final class Key { public static final String PROFILE_JSON = "profile_json"; public static final String AUTH_JSON = "auth_json"; public static final String AUTH_EMAIL = "email"; public static final String PROFILE_IMAGE = "profile_image"; //TODO- need to rename these constants. causing confusion public static final String AUTH_TOKEN_SOCIAL = "facebook_token"; public static final String AUTH_TOKEN_BACKEND = "google_token"; public static final String AUTH_TOKEN_SOCIAL_COOKIE = "social_auth_cookie"; public static final String DOWNLOAD_ONLY_ON_WIFI = "download_only_on_wifi"; public static final String DOWNLOAD_OFF_WIFI_SHOW_DIALOG_FLAG = "download_off_wifi_dialog_flag"; public static final String TRANSCRIPT_LANGUAGE = "transcript_language"; public static final String SEGMENT_KEY_BACKEND = "segment_backend"; public static final String SPEED_TEST_KBPS = "speed_test_kbps"; public static final String APP_VERSION_NAME = "app_version_name"; public static final String APP_VERSION_CODE = "app_version_code"; public static final String NOTIFICATION_PROFILE_JSON = "notification_profile_json"; private static final String NOTIFICATION = "notification"; public static final String AppNotificationPushHash = "AppNotificationPushHash"; public static final String AppUpgradeNeedSyncWithParse = "AppUpgradeNeedSyncWithParse"; public static final String AppSettingNeedSyncWithParse = "AppSettingNeedSyncWithParse"; public static final String LAST_COURSE_STRUCTURE_FETCH = "LastCourseStructureFetch"; /** * For downloaded videos to appear in order on the My Videos screen, we need * to have the videos' courses data cached. This is the key to a persistent * flag which marks whether the cache has been restored */ public static final String VIDEOS_CACHE_RESTORED = "VideosCacheRestored"; } public static final class Value { /* * These values are used in API endpoint */ public static final String BACKEND_FACEBOOK = "facebook"; public static final String BACKEND_GOOGLE = "google-oauth2"; } /** * Clears all the shared preferences that are used in the app. */ public static void nukeSharedPreferences() { for (String prefName : Pref.getAll()) { MainApplication.application.getSharedPreferences( prefName, Context.MODE_PRIVATE).edit().clear().apply(); } } }