package; import android.content.Context; import android.database.Cursor; import android.text.TextUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class DownloadEntry implements SectionItemInterface, VideoModel { public static enum WatchedState { UNWATCHED, PARTIALLY_WATCHED, WATCHED} public static enum DownloadedState { DOWNLOADING, DOWNLOADED, ONLINE } public int id; public String username; public String title; public String filepath; public long size; public long duration; // default unwatched public WatchedState watched = WatchedState.UNWATCHED; // default not_downloaded public DownloadedState downloaded = DownloadedState.ONLINE; public String videoId; public String url; public String url_high_quality; public String url_low_quality; public String url_youtube; public long dmId = -1; // enrollment id public String eid; public String chapter; public String section; public long downloadedOn; public int lastPlayedOffset; public int isCourseActive = 1; // default is TRUE public boolean isVideoForWebOnly; //default is FALSE public String lmsUrl; public TranscriptModel transcript; @Inject IEdxEnvironment environment; /** * Returns duration in the format hh:mm:ss * @return */ public String getDurationReadable() { return JavaUtil.getDurationString(duration); } @Override public boolean isChapter() { // video model is never a chapter return false; } @Override public boolean isSection() { // video model is never a section return false; } @Override public boolean isCourse() { return false; } @Override public boolean isVideo() { return false; } @Override public boolean isDownload() { return true; } /** * Returns true if this video is downloaded successfully, false otherwise. * @return */ public boolean isDownloaded() { return (downloaded == DownloadedState.DOWNLOADED); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("dmid=%d, title=%s, path=%s, url=%s, size=%d, duration=%d", dmId, title, filepath, url, size, duration); } @Override public String getUsername() { return username; } @Override public String getTitle() { if (title == null || title.trim().length() == 0) { return "(Untitled)"; } return title; } @Override public String getVideoId() { return videoId; } @Override public long getSize() { return size; } @Override public String getFilePath() { return filepath; } @Override public String getVideoUrl() { return url; } @Override public String getHighQualityVideoUrl() { return url_high_quality; } @Override public String getLowQualityVideoUrl() { return url_low_quality; } @Override public String getYoutubeVideoUrl() { return url_youtube; } @Override public int getWatchedStateOrdinal() { return watched.ordinal(); } @Override public int getDownloadedStateOrdinal() { return downloaded.ordinal(); } @Override public long getDmId() { return dmId; } @Override public String getEnrollmentId() { return eid; } @Override public String getChapterName() { return chapter; } @Override public String getSectionName() { return section; } @Override public int getLastPlayedOffset() { return lastPlayedOffset; } @Override public String getLmsUrl() { return lmsUrl; } @Override public boolean isCourseActive() { return (isCourseActive == 1); } @Override public boolean isVideoForWebOnly() { return isVideoForWebOnly; } @Override public long getDuration() { return duration; } @Override public long getDownloadedOn() { return downloadedOn; } @Override public TranscriptModel getTranscripts() { return transcript; } @Override public void setDownloadInfo(NativeDownloadModel download) { dmId = download.dmid; downloaded = DownloadedState.DOWNLOADING; filepath = download.filepath; size = download.size; // duration can't be updated here } @Override public void setDownloadingInfo(NativeDownloadModel download) { dmId = download.dmid; downloaded = DownloadedState.DOWNLOADING; // duration can't be updated here } @Override public void setDownloadInfo(VideoModel video) { dmId = video.getDmId(); downloaded = DownloadedState.values()[video.getDownloadedStateOrdinal()]; filepath = video.getFilePath(); size = video.getSize(); duration = video.getDuration(); } public String getBestEncodingUrl(Context context){ PrefManager prefs = new PrefManager(context, PrefManager.Pref.WIFI); float kbs = prefs.getFloat(PrefManager.Key.SPEED_TEST_KBPS, 0.0f); float thresholdKps = (float)context.getResources().getInteger(R.integer.threshold_kbps_for_video); EncodingsModel.EncodingLevel level = kbs > thresholdKps ? EncodingsModel.EncodingLevel.HIGH : EncodingsModel.EncodingLevel.LOW; switch (level) { case HIGH: if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(url_high_quality)){ return url_high_quality; } break; case LOW: if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(url_low_quality)){ return url_low_quality; } break; } return getVideoUrl(); } }