package; import me.hao0.antares.common.model.enums.JobInstanceShardStatus; /** * Author: haolin * Email: */ public final class RedisKeys { public static final String REDIS_NAMESPACE_PROP = "antares.redis.namespace"; public static final String REDIS_NAMESPACE = System.getProperty(REDIS_NAMESPACE_PROP, "ats"); public static final String KEY_DELIMITER = ":"; /** * Class id list key */ public static final String IDS = "ids"; /** * Class id generator prefix */ public static final String ID_GENERATOR = "idg"; /** * App name mapping */ public static final String APP_INDEX_NAMES = format("apps", "names"); /** * Job & JobConfig mapping */ public static final String JOB_CONFIG_MAPPINGS = format("jobs", "cfg_maps"); /** * Job server relation mapping */ public static final String JOB_SERVER_MAPPINGS = format("jobs", "server_maps"); /** * Alarm event queue */ public static final String ALARM_EVENT_QUEUE = format("alarm", "eq"); /** * The key of id generator * @param objectPrefix the object prefix * @return the key of id generator */ public static String keyOfIdGenerator(String objectPrefix) { return format(objectPrefix, ID_GENERATOR); } /** * The key of id generator * @param objectPrefix the object prefix * @return the key of id generator */ public static String keyOfIds(String objectPrefix) { return format(objectPrefix, IDS); } /** * Format impl key * @param parts string parts * @return db:part1:part2 */ public static String format(Object... parts){ StringBuilder key = new StringBuilder(REDIS_NAMESPACE); for (Object part : parts){ key.append(KEY_DELIMITER).append(part); } return key.toString(); } /** * The key of the app's job names * @param appId the app id * @return apps:${appId}:job_names */ public static String keyOfAppJobNames(Long appId) { return format("apps", appId, "job_names"); } /** * The key of the app's jobs * @param appId the app id * @return apps:${appId}:jobs */ public static String keyOfAppJobs(Long appId) { return format("apps", appId, "jobs"); } /** * The key of the job's instances * @param jobId the job id * @return jobs:${jobId}:inss */ public static String keyOfJobInstances(Long jobId) { return format("jobs", jobId, "inss"); } /** * The key of the app's job class hash mapping * @param appId the app id * @return apps:${appId}:job_classes */ public static String keyOfAppJobClasses(Long appId) { return format("apps", appId, "job_classes"); } /** * The key of the server's jobs * @param server the server * @return servers:${server}:jobs */ public static String keyOfServerJobs(String server) { return format("servers", server, "jobs"); } /** * The key of the job instance's shards * @param jobInstanceId the job instance id * @return job_inss:${jobInstanceId}:sds */ public static String keyOfJobInstanceShards(Long jobInstanceId) { return format("job_inss", jobInstanceId, "sds"); } /** * The key of the job instance's shards set * @param jobInstanceId the job instance id * @return job_inss:${jobInstanceId}:sds_set */ public static String keyOfJobInstanceShardsSet(Long jobInstanceId) { return format("job_inss", jobInstanceId, "sds_set"); } /** * The key of the job instance's finish shards set * @param jobInstanceId the job instance id * @return job_inss:${jobInstanceId}:sds_fset */ public static String keyOfJobInstanceFinishShardsSet(Long jobInstanceId) { return format("job_inss", jobInstanceId, "sds_fset"); } /** * The key of the job instance's different status's shards set * @param jobInstanceId the job instance id * @param status the shard status * @return job_inss:${jobInstanceId}:sds:${status.value} */ public static String keyOfJobInstanceStatusShards(Long jobInstanceId, JobInstanceShardStatus status) { return format("job_inss", jobInstanceId, "sds", status.value()); } /** * The key of the client's running shard id list * @param client the client, host:pid * @return job_ins_sds/${client} */ public static String keyOfClientRunningShards(String client) { return format("clients", client, "sds"); } /** * The key of the job's next job id set key * @param jobId the job id * @return jobs:${jobId}:next */ public static String keyOfJobNextJobs(Long jobId) { return format("jobs", jobId, "next"); } }